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      • 제주도 북방 탑동연안해역 식물플랑크톤 군집의 종조성과 동태

        이준백 제주대학교 해양연구소 1989 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.13 No.-

        The structures and dynamics of phytoplankton community have been investigated at Tap-dong costal area in the northern part of Cheju Island during the period from November, 1987 to April, 1989. During the study period. a total of 123 taxa were identified, comprising 40 genera. 86 spp. of diatoms and 13 genera, 37 spp. of dinoflagellates. Among them, 8 taxa are new to Korean Waters. Kuroshio indicator species occurred mainly from November to February. and more oceanic species are comprised than in the other Korean Waters. It is suggested from the view point of the species composition of phytoplankton community that Kuroshio waters affect the Cheju Island in winter season and the other oceanic waters also flow in the study area. The standing crops varied from 1,892 to 535. 247 cells/ℓ : increasing in spring and fall. and decreasing in summer and winter. Total standing crops fluctuated by diatom's variation. not by dinoflagellate's. Seven dominant species of diatom were selected, and successively predominant as follows ; Rhizosolenia alata. Thalassiosira eccentrica. Chaetoeeros debilis, Dilylum brightweilii. Thalassiosira hyalina, Guinardia flaccida, Chaeloceros socialis. Species diversity index are the highest of 4.6266 in November, 1988, and low in August, 1988 and April, 1989. ranging 1.0491~1.2938. It reveals that the phytoplankton community showed the most stability in fall and the unstability in spring and summer. The correlation between total standing crops and environmental parameters means that water temperature and salinity affected the phytoplankton dynamics for 46.l%(R^(2)=0.461), but the other parameters, such as nutrients, didn't affect it.

      • Dynamics and Seasonal Succession of Dinoflagellate Community in Masan Bay, Korea

        이준백,유광일,LEE, JOON-BAEK,YOO, KWANG-IL The Korean Society of Oceanography 1990 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.25 No.2

        The dynamics and seasonal succession of dinoflagellate community, and their correlations with environmental parameters were investigated during the period from April, 1986 to March, 1987 at 6 selected stations in Masan Bay, Korea. The dinoflagellate standing crops varied extensively with months and stations: ranging from 44 to 2,789,900 cella/ l at surface layer and from 52 to 165,714 cells/ l at bottom layer, respectively. The distribution of standing crops by size class of dinoflagellate species showed that a group of 20-um size class was predominant throughout the present survey, since the most of dominant species have belonged to the size category. Among dominant species, Gyrodinium fissum was most dominant throughout the year in all sampling stations, particulary in June. Scripsiella trochoidea was predominant in May, Protoperidinium bipes and Prorocentrum minimum from June to September, Prorocentrum triestinum, P micans and Ceratium fusus from September to December, and Heterocapsa triquetra from December to April. The stepwise multiple regression analysis between dinoflagellate and environmental parameters revealed that salinity, nitrate-N, pH, and transparency were correlated with the variations of standing crops of dinoflagellate.

      • 제주도 해안선 주변 부착규조류의 종조성 및 분포

        이준백,좌종헌,김일수 제주대학교 해양연구소 1991 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.15 No.-

        The distribution and species composition of periphytic diatoms around the coast line of Cheju Island have been investigated at four costal stations from April 1991 to June 1991. During the study period, 71 taxa periphytic diatoms are collected, of which are composed of 11 families, 32 genera, 59 species. 12 unidentified species. More than 20% of periphytic diatoms are occupied by the 12 abundant species. Cucconeis scutellum, Cylindrotheca closterium, Licmophora abbreviata are observed in all the coasts and all the attached substratum, and predominated more than 50% so that these species are the most typical dominant species troughout the study period.

      • 제주도 북방 탑동연안해역 식물플랑크톤 군집의 종조성과 동태

        이준백 濟州大學校 海洋硏究所 1989 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        제주도 북방 탑동해역 식물플랑크톤 군집의 구조 및 동태를 파악하기 위해 1987년 11월부터 1989년 4월까지 계절별 조사를 실시하였다. 조사기간 중 출현한 식물플랑크톤은 총 123종으로 규조류가 40속 86종, 와편모조류가 13속 37종이었으며 8종은 한국산 미기록종이었다. 출현종 중 혹조지표종이 11월과 2월에 가장 많이 출현하고 있고 외양종과 연안-외양종의 비율이 타해역에 비해 높은 분포를 보이고 있어 조사해역은 Kuroshio 해수 등 외양수의 영향을 많이 받고 있음을 나타내었다. 현존량의 변화는 1,892~535,247 cells/ℓ의 범위를 보이고 있으며 봄부터 증가하여 여름에 감소하고 다시 가을에 증가하다 겨울에 감소하는 경향을 보이고 있으며 전체 현존량의 변화는 규조류에 의해 좌우되며 와편모조류에 의해 영향을 받지 않았다. 우점종은 모두 7종으로 규조류에 속하며 Rhizosolenia alata, Thalassiosira eccentrica, Chaetoceros debilis, Ditylum brightwellii, Thalassiosira hyalina, Guinardia flaccida, Chaetoceros socialis의 천이계열을 보이고 있었다. 종다양성지수의 변화는 '88년 8월과 '89년 4월에 평균값이 1.0491~1.2938로 가장 낮고 '88년 11월에 4.6266으로 가장 높아 추계와 안정된 군집을 이루고 있으며 춘계와 하계에는 군집의 안정도가 떨어지고 있었다. 환경요인에 의한 영향을 중회귀분석한 결과 수온과 염분이 46.1%(R²=0.461)의 영향을 미치고 있었으며 영양염류 등 다른 요인에 의해서는 별로 영향을 받고 있지 않았다.. The structures and dynamics of phytoplankton community have been investigated at Tap-dong costal area in the northern part of Cheju Island during the period from November. 1987 to April. 1989. During the study period, a total of 123 taxa were identified, comprising 40 genera, 86 spp, of diatoms and 13 genera, 37 spp, of dinoflagellates. Among them, 8 taxa are new to Korean Waters. Kuroshio indicator species occurred mainly from November to February, and more oceanic of the species are comprised than in the other Korean Waters. It is suggested from the view point of the species composition of phytoplankton community that Kuroshio waters affect the Cheju Island in winter season and the other oceanic waters also flow in the study area. The standing crops varied from 1,892 to 535.247 cells/ℓ ; increasing in spring and fall, and decreasing in summer and winter. Total standing crops fluctuated by diatom's variation, not by dinoflagellate's. Seven dominant species of diatom were selected, and successively predominant as follows ; Rhizosolenia alata, Thalassiosira eccentrica, Chaetoceros debilis, Dilyum brightwellii, Thalassiosira hyalina, Guinardia flaccida, Chaetoceros socialis. Species diversity index are the highest of 4,6266 in November, 1988, and low in August. 1988 and April. 1989, ranging 1.0491~1.2938. It reveals that the phytoplankton community showed the most stability in fall and the unstability in spring and summer. The correlation between total standing crops and environmental parameters means that water temperature and salinity affected the phytoplankton dynamics for 46.1%(R²=0.461), but the other parameters, such as nutrients, didn't affect it.

      • KCI등재후보

        New Records of Dinoflagellates in Five Genera of Peridiniales (Dinophyceae) from Korean Waters

        이준백,강수민 한국환경생물학회 2017 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.35 No.3

        A study searching for unrecorded and taxonomically undescribed indigenous species has been conducted since 2006. Samples were collected from many sites in coastal waters and offshore in Korea as well as around Jeju Island. Since 2008 we have found 13 unrecorded species belonging to family Diplopsaliaceae, Heterocapsaceae, Kolkwitziellaceae, Protoperidiniaceae and Thoracosphaeraceae. The species are as follows, Preperidinium meunieri (2014), Heterocapsa ovata (2015), H. pseudotriquetra (2015), Diplopsalis lenticula (2008), Protoperidinium abei (2009), P. diabolus var. longipes (2010), P. depressum (synonym: P. parallelum (2008)), P. latispinum (2016), P. punctulatum (2010), P. solidicorne (synonym: P. spinosum (2010)), P. subpyriforme (2010), P. pacificum (2013), Scrippsiella hexapraecingula (2009) (note; The numbers in parenthesis refer to the year that the species was reported as unrecorded indigenous species by National Institute of Biological Resources, NIBR hereafter). Among these, 5 species were described as newly recorded species in Korean waters, and 8 were re-described in this study.

      • 제주도 문섬 산호서식지 주변의 생물생태학적 특성 Ⅱ. 식물플랑크톤의 군집동태와 1차생산력

        이준백,좌종헌,강동우,고유봉,오봉철 제주대학교 방사능이용연구소 2000 연구보고 Vol.14 No.-

        Community dynamics of phytoplankton and primary productivity have been investigated bimonthly from February 1997 to December 1997 in the coastal area around Moonsom of the southern Cheju Island, which is well-known for soft coral habitats in Korea. Average water temperature was 18.5℃ , being stratified from May to September by the seasonal thermocline, while vertically homogeneous in the winter. Euphotic depths ranged from 18.9 m to 45.9 m (average 33.7 m). Chlorophyll α concentrations varied from 0.02 to 0.92 ㎍ · ℓ-1 Standing crops of phytoplankton ranged from 2×103 to 3.9×105 cells · ℓ-1, showing a peak only in the spring. Diatoms occupied 67.5% of the total standing crops, while phytoflagellates, dinoflagellates and others 24.3%, 7.1% and 1%, respectively. However phytoflagellates and dinoflagellates were predominated with 36.6% and 38.7% in June, respectively. There was four dominant species in the study area. Chaetoceros sociales Lauder was dominant species from December to April, Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg in June. In August, Chaetoceros socialis Lauder dominated in inshore but Paralia sulcata (Ehrenberg) Cleve in offshore. In October, Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Gran dominated the whole area. Daily primary productivity varied from 32.3 to 364.9 mg C · m-2 . day-1 (average 180.7 mgC · m-2 . day-1). Contribution of nanoplankton (<20 ㎛) to daily primary productivity was very high, accounting for 28.0-82.8%. Annual primary productivity is estimated 65.97 gC · m-2 ·yr-1, which is lower than those of the coast of Yellow Sea and the southern waters. Nanoplankton seemed to adopt higher irradiances with Ik values of 190-1,000 □· m-2·s-1 (mean 526.7 □ · m-2·s-1) than total phytoplankton with 140-850 □ ·m-2·s-1 (mean 466.7 □· m-2·s-1).

      • 생쥐 대식세포의 감염균 치사활성과 종양 치사활성에 미치는 Polyamine 생합성 억제의 영향

        이준백,정노팔 한국통합생물학회 1991 동물학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        The objective of this experiment was to examine the effect of polyamine depletion by polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors on microbicidal activity and tumoricidal activity in mouse mac-rophages. $\alpha$ -Difluoromethylomithine (DFMO), inhibitor of putrescine and spernidine biosynthesis, treatment in vivo for 6-8 days reduced chemiluminescence levels in thioglycollate-, lipo-polysaccharide (LPS), and BCG-treated mouse macrophages. An DFMO treatment in vitro inhibited production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), in dose-dependent manner, and tumoricidal activity by macrophages. The effect of polyamine depletion by MO on ThF production and tumoricidal activity could be reversed by the addition of exogenous putrescine. These result indicated that the obserbed effect of DFMO on macrophage activities were mediated through inhibition of polyamines are, must be, required for optimal activities of macrophages. 생쥐 대식세포의 감염균 치사활성과 종양 치사활성에 미치는 Polyamine 생합성 억제의 영향을 알아보기 위하여 ornithine의 억제제인 $\alpha$ -Difluoromethylomithine (DFMO)과 S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase의 억제제인 methylhlyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone)(MGBG)을 in vitro 또는 in vivo에서 처리하였다. 대시세포의 감염균 치사활성의 지표로서 화학발광(chemiluminescence)과 nitroblue tetrazolium(NBT)의 환원정도를 측정한 결과, 염증유발물질인 thioglycollate(TG)와 세균이 세포내 독소인 liopopolysac- charide(LPS)를 주사하였거나 BCG를 감염시킨 후 측정된 화학 발광의 수준은 TG, LPS, BCG의 순으로 증가하였다. 그러나 이런 화학발생의 수준은 DFMO를 경구투여 하였을 때 전체적으로 감소하였고, 이 세포에 의한 NBT 환원정도 또한 DFMO와 MGBG의 in vitro 처리에 의하여 감소되었다. 한편 BDG로 활성화시킨 대식세포의 종양 괴사인자분비에 의한 종양치사 및 종양세포와의 부착에 의한 직접적 치사정도를 측정한 결과, polyamine생합성억제제의 처리농도를 증가시킴에 따라 그 정도는 감소하였지만, 외부에서 polyamine인 putrescene을 처리 하였을 때 회복되었다. 위의 결과로부터 대식세포내의 polyamine 생합성은 이 세포의 최적 활성화와 과정에 필요한 것으로 생각된다.

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