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        웨버의 법칙을 고려한 DCT 영상 부호화에 관한 연구

        이은국,김장복 한국통신학회 1993 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.18 No.5

        본 논문에서 인간의 시각특성을 고려한 적응적 DCT 영상 부호화 방법이 제안되었다. 인간의 시각은 어두운 부분에서 잡음에 상대적으로 덜 민감하다. 이러한 특성은 Weber의 법칙으로 설명된다. 즉, Weber의 법칙은 인간의 감지가능차(j.n.d)가 영상의 밝기에 비례함을 말한다. 그러므로 이러한 특성이 영상처리에 응용될 때 밝은 영역에서 잡음을 줄이는 것 보다는 어두운 영역의 잡음을 줄이는 것이 중요하다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 DCT 계수의 AC 계수를 그 블럭의 평균적 밝기를 의미하는 DC 계수로 정규화함으로써 상대적 어두운 부분의 AC 계수를 세밀하게, 밝은 부분의 AC 계수를 거칠게 양자화하였다. 주관적 평가 결과 낮은 비트율에서, 제안된 부호화 방법이 Weber의 법칙을 고려하지 않은 방법보다 향상됨을 알 수 있었다. In this paper, a DCT image coding algorithm using the human visual property is proposed. Human visual is relatively sensitive to noise in the darker region, insensitive to noise in the brighter region. This property was proved by Weber's law through psycovisual experiment. Weber's law states that the just noticeable difference (j.n.d.) is proportional to intensity. Therefore, the implication of this observation for image processing is that reducing noise in the darker region is more important than reducing noise in the brighter region. In this proposed coding scheme AC coefficients in the darker region are more finely quantized than those in the brighter region. Results showed that, at low bit rate, the subjective quality of reconstructed images by proposed coding scheme is improved than that of coding scheme without considering human visual property.

      • KCI등재

        의원내각제국가에서의 정치적 경기순환주기 : 일본의 사례

        이은국 한국정책학회 2000 韓國政策學會報 Vol.9 No.3

        정치적 경기순환주기(PBC) 가설은 그 동안 경제학자들이 고려하지 못했던 정치적 변수(선거)가 경기변동의 한 원인이 될 수 있다는 새로운 명제를 제시하였다는 점에서 그 공헌이 인정될 수 있다. 그러나 Nordhaus를 선두로 한 PBC가설은 고정된 선거주기와 안정된 양당제를 기반으로 한 미국대통령제도를 전제로 형성된 산출물이며 국지적(parochial) 성격을 탈피할 수 없다. PBC 가설을 선거주기나 정당체제가 상이한 의회민주주의제도에 수정 없이 단순히 적용하는 것은 문제의 소지가 많다는 논란이 학자들간에 재기되어 왔다. 따라서 본 연구는 Norhaus이론에 근거한 조작적 내각가설을 의원내각제국가의 전형인 일본에 적용·검정하였다. 일본은 비교적 정당이 안정된 나라로 다수당이나 준 다수당이 존재하며, 선거주기도 비교적 다른 의원내각제 국가에 비해 규칙적이라 평가할 수 있다. 스펙트럼 분석방법에 의한 실증분석 결과 실업률변수와 물가상승률변수 모두 선거와 유관함이 밝혀졌고, 3.2년의 정치적 정기순환주기가 존재하며 또한 경제변수의 변동폭이 미국의 그것보다는 작다는 것을 알았다. 따라서 본 연구결과는 대통령중심제의 양당제도를 전제한 정치적 경기순화가설이 일본과 같이 일당우위의 다수당이 존재하는 의원내각제국가로의 확장적용이 가능하다는 것을 보여주었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국의 선거와 경제 : 정치적 경기순환주기 가설의 검정 An Empirical Test of Political Business Cycle

        이은국 한국정책학회 1999 韓國政策學會報 Vol.8 No.3

        한국에서는 선거와 경기변동의 인과관계를 규명하는 연구가 근자에 와서야 시작되었으며, 아직도 미진한 상태이다. 이는 한국정치발전과정을 보면 쉽게 알 수 있다. 그 동안 한국은 민주주의가 제대로 정착되지 못하였으며, 정권교체도 평화적으로 이루어지지 않은 권위주의체제가 계속되었었다. 따라서 정치적 민주주의가 고도화되고 유권자가 경제적 요인에 보다 영향을 받아 의사결정을 하는 선진민주주의 국가를 대상으로 생성된 정치적 경기순환주기 가설을 적용한 연구가 거의 전무하였음은 당연하다. 그러나 1987년 6.29 선언 이후 민주화가 급격히 진전되면서 한국에서도 선거가 경제에 미치는 악영향에 대한 우려의 목소리가 늘어나게 되었다. 이에 따라 선거와 경제의 상관관계에 대한 분석이 활성화되기 시작하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 제 14대 대선과 15대 대선 기간을 대상으로 수정된 MacCallum모형을 적용하여 정치적 순환주기가설을 검정하였다. 그 결과 정치적 순환주기는 존재하지 않는다는 결론에 도달하였다.

      • KCI등재

        남·북한 군비경쟁행태의 공적분 분석

        이은국 연세대학교 통일연구원 2004 통일연구 Vol.8 No.1

        Starting with the pioneering work of Richardson(1960), we have witnessed an outpouring of empirical studies about the arms race. The assumption of reciprocity has played a central role in these empirical studies. On the verification of reciprocity, previous studies have produced contradictory results which lead us to a so-called "puzzle"(Zinnes, 1980). While several of these studies have reported empirically anomalous results that appear to contradict the conventional wisdom that reciprocity exists in arms race processes, other studies have found the existence of interaction. There remains a puzzle that different studies of the same relationship often report results that are inconsistent with each other. In order to systematically investigate this puzzle, several empirical studies have recently been undertaken by employing statistical tests: the Haugh and Pierce approach, which is essentially a test of independence rather than a test for causal direction; a one-sided distributed lag approach implied by Granger and formalized by Sargent; and a two sided-distributed lag method proposed by Sims. The empirical verification of this causal connection, however, has proved troublesome. Some studies have reported findings of no causal relationship between the arms expenditures of the South and the North Korea, whereas another study has uncovered a causal relationship between the arms expenditures of both dyads. These apparently inconsistent findings suggest that substantive results may not be robust with respect to the different tests employed. The purpose of this paper is to examine an alternative test for the presence and direction of causality. This will be done by applying cointegration test to the four different data set. The results of the cointegration test lead us to doubt the argument of the previous studies denying the presence of interaction in the South and the North Korea's arms race. We cannot, however, verify the presence of a strong bi-directional relationship based on the test results. This may be due to the fact that the arms expenditures data of North Korea are plagued by a number of measurement errors. The evidence presented in the paper suggests that it is necessary to generate more accurate and lengthier arms expenditures data for North Korea. Failure to do so could lead us to unwarranted conclusions.

      • KCI등재

        도서와 출판저작권 수출 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        이은국,한주리 한국출판학회 2003 한국출판학연구 Vol.0 No.45

        The main purpose of this study was to examine the current state of exporting of books and publishing copyright of Korea and to compare it with that of United States, France, England and Japan, through an analysis of various related materials by publishing industry organizations. In addition, we also wanted to present effective strategies and plans for enhancing the exporting of books and publishing copyright by Korea. For this study, we established three research questions. The first research question, 'What about the publishing industry's environment in this rapidly changing high-tech information society?', examined current movement among publishing industry. The analysis showed that advent of superhighway and expansion of internet affected a lot in the publishing industry, especially in electronic books and overall publishing environment. The second research question, 'What is the current state of book and copyright exporting by Korea?', required an examination and analysis of the various related materials by lots of publishers and related organizations. Typically, the results revealed that only a few publishers and just a little organizations had worked on this exporting area. As for the countries where we exported, it was also limited only to the China, and Japan. So, we found that Korean publishing industries need more active exporting activities further. The third research question, 'What is the current state of book and copyright exporting by other countries?', required an examination and analysis of related statistics by United States, France, England, and Japan. The result showed that the portion of exporting books and copyrights by United States and England are larger than other countries. It meant that the English version of books are much easier to sell the books as well as foreign translation copyrights to other countries. As for Japan, they have been strongly interested in the exporting of books since 1970s and have firmly established effective distribution networks both at home and abroad. Moreover, the Japanese publishing industry has also created an association for systematically managing and promoting book exports. The fourth research question, 'How can plans for the exporting of books and copyrights by Korea be developed and improved?', examined plans for enhancing the exporting of books and copyrights by Korea, and offers the following ideas. Firstly, Korean publishing industry have to know how important the exporting of books and copyright is. In this 21st century, contents based goods are very effective in reducing the costs when we sell the copyright to other countries. Through selling the copyright, we can get profit from the secondary copyright without any other use of extra cost. Secondly, we need to foster the professional translators. It means that qualified translators are required to us. Thirdly, the typical institute or organization for exporting books and copyrights is essential in fostering this field such as PACE in Japan as well as Edition in France. Fourthly, informative English version pamphlets on the Korean publishing industry is recommended. Fifthly, the Korean publishing industry needs to maximize opportunities for growth and development through full participation in international book fairs. Sixthly, the publishing industry must establish international networks for the marketing and promoting of books like CELF in France. Seventhly, the correct statistics on the publishing industry is required. Eighthly, copyright agencies in Korea need to focus more on exporting the copyright of Korean books to the world. And finally, we hope that the results of this study will serve as the basis of discussion on exporting books and copyright of Korean books to the world by others in the future.

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