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      • KCI등재

        공동주택의 실간차음성능 특성에 관한 연구

        이상우,정대업,김흥식,김하근,Lee, Sang-Woo,Jeong, Dae-Up,Kim, Heung-Sik,Kim, Ha-Geun 한국음향학회 1992 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.11 No.2

        국내 공동주택에 있어서 실내주거환경의 질을 향상시키기 위해서는 우리시정에 적합한 차음성능 평가방법과 기준의 설정이 필요하며, 이에 따른 차음성능 개선방안의 수립이 절실하게 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 실간차음성능의 기준설정을 위한 기초단계로서 국내공동주택의 단위 세대내 내부소음원의 특성을 조사분석하고 간막이벽을 중심으로한 실간차음성능 실태를 파악하였다. 또한 실태조사결과에 의한 자료를 토대로 평면유형별 차음지수의 차이와 그 원인을 조사${\cdot}$분석하였으며, 현행 간막이벽 구조의 차음성능 개선방안을 모색하기 위하여 차음성능 영향요인 및 결정요인을 분석평가하였다. To improve the quality of dwelling environment of domestic apartment house, it is required to establish the sound insulation standard and the performance evaluation method which is suitable to the domestic residential conditions. In this study, the properties of internal noisy sources of a single unit in apartment houses and the sound insulation performance of party walls are investigated and analyzed, as a primary step to the establishment of sound insulation standard. Based on these data, the differences in sound insulation index of each plane type are investigated along with their causes. Also, the factor which affect and decide the insulation performance are analyzed in an effort to improve the performance of party wall structures.

      • KCI등재

        2조형(條型) Combine의 이용(利用)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        이상우,김성래,Lee, Sang Woo,Kim, Soung Rai 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1976 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.3 No.1

        도입(導入)된 2조용(條用) Combine으로 통일(統一) 및 밀양(密陽) 15호(號) 수도품종(水稻品種)에 대(對)한 포장수확작업(圃場收穫作業)을 실시(實施)하여 Combine의 작업정도(作業精度) 작업성능(作業性能) 기계적(機械的)인 적응성(適應性)을 파악(把握)하고 한국(韓國)에서의 보급전망(普及展望)을 분석검토(分析檢討)한바 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 장간종(長稈種)인 밀양(密陽)15호(號)에 대(對)한 Combine 수확작업(收穫作業)은 수확적기(收穫適期)로 부터 13일(日) 경과후(經過後)까지 5회(回)에 걸쳐 시기별(時期別)로 수확작업(收穫作業)을 실시(實施)한바 완숙도(完熟度)에 관계(關係)없이 수확작업(收穫作業) 양호(良好)하였으며 포장손실율(圃場損失率) 1% 미탈곡율(未脫穀率) 1%로 양호(良好)한 편(便)이었다. 2. 단간종(短稈種)인 통일(統一)에 대(對)한 Combine 수확작업(收穫作業)은 완숙기(完熟期)로 부터 수확시기(收穫時期)가 경과(經過)될 수록 포장손실(圃場損失)이 Fig 1과 같은 경향으로 5.13%에서 10.34%로 증가(增加) 하였으며 통일(統一)벼 수확(收穫)을 위(爲)하여는 기계적(機械的)인 개선(改善)이 많이 요망(要望)되었다. 3. 공시(供試)된 Combine은 장간종용(長稈種用)의 기종(機種)이어서 벼 이삭의 높이가 균일(均一)치 못한 단간종(短稈種) 통일(統一)벼는 탈곡부(脫穀部)의 공급(供給) Chain과 급실(扱室)과의 거리가 커서 급동(扱胴)의 급치(扱齒)에 못미치는 부분(部分)이 있어 미탈곡립율(未脫穀粒率)이 평균(平均) 1.6%이었다. 4. Combine 탈곡부(脫穀部) 급동(扱胴)의 회전수(回轉數)(240~350R.P.M)와 동할미(胴割米)의 관계(關係)는 통일(統一) 및 밀양(密陽)15호(號) 양품종(兩品種) 모두 동할율(胴割率)이 1% 미만(未滿)으로 유의차(有意差)가 없었다. 5. 통일(統一)벼는 벼 이삭이 잎속에 들어 있어 탈곡시(脫穀時) 검불의 양(量)이 많으며 특(特)히 생탈곡시(生脫穀時)는 검불량이 더 많이 생기므로 양곡부(揚穀部) 및 배진구(排塵口)에서 폐쇄현상(閉鎖現像)이 자주 일어남으로 선별(選別) 및 배진장치(排塵裝置)의 개선(改善)이 요망(要望)된다. 6. Combine의 접지압(接地壓)은 $0.19kg/cm^2$로 Fig3과 같은 약(弱)한 지내력(地耐力)의 토양(土壤)에서 Combine의 Track이 25cm 침하(沈下)하여도 Combine의 주행(走行)은 가능(可能)하였다. 그러나 지내력(地耐力)은 지점(地点)에 따라 균일(均一)치 않아 침하(沈下)의 깊이가 균일(均一)치 못함으로 침하(沈下) 5cm정도(程度)에서는 예취(刈取) 높이의 조정(調整)없이 수확작업(收穫作業)이 가능(可能)할 것으로 인정(認定)된다. 7. 관행수확작업(慣行收穫作業)과 Combine 수확작업(收穫作業)의 경제성(經濟性)을 검토(檢討)한바 수도맥작(水稻麥作)의 연간(年間) 사용일수(使用日數)를 40일(日)로 하고 작업일수율(作業日數率) 60% 포장작업효율(圃場作業效率) 56%로 할 때 작업속도(作業速度)를 0.273m/sec로 하여 분석(分析)한바 1일작업시간(日作業時間)을 8시간(時間)으로 할 때 연간부담면적(年間負擔面積)이 4.7ha로 ha당(當) 수확작업비용(收穫作業費用)이 관행수확작업비용(慣行收穫作業費用)과 일치(一致)함으로 통일(統一)벼 수확작업(收穫作業)에 이용(利用)될 수 있도록 Combine의 기계적(機械的)인 보완개량(補完改良)이 뒤따르면 Combine의 흡착(吸着)은 경제적(經濟的)으로 타당(妥當)하다고 인정(認定)된다. 8. 장간종(長稈種)의 현(現) Combine을 통일품종수확(統一品種收穫) 작업(作 This study was conducted to test the harvesting operation of two kinds of rice varieties such as Milyang #15 and Tong-il with a imported two furrow Japanese combine and was performed to find out the operational accuracy of it, the adaptability of this machine, and the feasibility of supplying this machine to rural area in Korea. The results obtained in this study are summarized as follows; 1. The harvesting test of the Milyang #15 was carried out 5 times from the optimum harvesting operation was good regardless of its maturity. The field grain loss ratio and the rate of unthreshed paddy were all about 1 percent. 2. The field grain loss of Tong-il harvested was increased from 5.13% to 10.34% along its maturity as shown in Fig 1. In considering this, it was needed that the combine mechanism should be improved mechanically for harvesting of Tong-il rice variety. 3. The rate of unthreshed paddy of Tong-il rice variety of which stem was short was average 1.6 percent, because the sample combine used in this study was developed on basisof the long stem variety in Japan, therefore some ears owing to the uneven stem of Tong-il rice could nat reach the teeth of the threshing drum. 4. The cracking rates of brown rice depending mostly upon the revolution speed of the threshing drum(240-350 rpm) in harvesting of Tong-il and Milyang #15 were all below 1 percent, and there was no significance between two varieties. 5. Since the ears of Tong-il rice variety covered with its leaves, a lots of trashes was produced, especially when threshed in raw materials, and the cleaning and the trashout mechanisms were clogged with those trashes very often, and so these two mechanisms were needed for being improved. 6. The sample combine of which track pressure was $0.19kg/cm^2$ could drive on the soft ground of which sinking was even 25cm as shown in Fig 3. But in considering the reaping height adjustment, 5cm sinking may be afford to drive the combine on the irregular sinking level ground without any readjustment of the resaping height. 7. The harvesting expenses per ha. by the sample combine of which annual coverage area is 4.7 ha. under conditions that the yearly workable days is 40, percentage of days being good for harvesting operation is 60%, field efficiency is 56%, working speed is 0.273m/sec, and daily workable hours is 8 hrs is reasonable to spread this combine to rural area in Korea, comparing to the expenses by the conventional harvesting expenses, if mechanical improvement is supplemented so as to harvest Tong-il rice. 8. In order to harvest Tong-il rice, the two furrow combine should be needed some mechanical improvements that divider can control not to touch ears of paddy, the space between the feeding chain and the thrshing drum is reduced, trash treatment apparatus must be improved, fore and rear adjust-interval is enlarged, and width of track must be enlarged so as to drive on the soft ground.

      • KCI등재

        공간성, 호소유형 및 형태복잡도 지수를 이용한 토지이용과 호소수질의 관계 연구

        이상우,황순진,Lee, Sang-Woo,Hwang, Soon-Jin 한국조경학회 2007 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.34 No.6

        Land use types within a watershed closely are related with the water quality characteristics of receiving water bodies. Despite of a numerous studies suggesting a strong relationship between water quality and land use, there have been increasing concerns about the geographical variation and a lack of spatial integration in that relationship, which are essential to implementing these findings into land use planning and management. In the meantime, edges mediate the material flux between adjacent systems. This mediating effect of edges is strongly related to the complexity of their shapes. Land use activities within a watershed have a direct impact on the water quality of adjacent aquatic systems, and hydrological processes carry residuals from watershed into adjacent aquatic ecosystems through the edges. Therefore, the geometry of reservoirs theoretically affects the relationship between land uses in the watershed and the quality of receiving bodies of water. In this light, this study integrates the geo-spatial dimensions of land uses in the watershed using GIS and landscape indices in order to explore the relationship between land uses and water quality. Water quality characteristics, land uses and geometry of 133 randomly sampled reservoirs were correlated, based on buffer zones and types of reservoirs. The findings showed that land uses, particularly urban land uses, significantly affect water quality characteristics including BOD, COD, TN and TP, and geometry of reservoirs reduces the concentration of pollutant and nutrients in reservoirs. One of results indicates that the relationship between land use and water quality and effects of spatial dimension may vary with types of reservoirs and pollutants. These results suggest that lakeshore areas are important, particularly for TN reduction and call for a caution to land use activities nearby shoreline areas for sustaining better water quality.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        랫드에서 TSH와 갑상선 호르몬에 미치는 dopamine계의 영향

        이상우,김진상,한정희,Lee, Sang-woo,Kim, Jin-sang,Han, Jeong-hee 대한수의학회 1992 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.32 No.2

        The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of dopaminergic drugs and the role of specific dopamine(DA) receptors on the release of TSH, $T_4$ and $T_3$. Serum TSH levels (cold-induced, $4{^{\circ}C}$) were determined using RIA(radioimmunoassay) at 30 min after administration of dopamine agonists and antagonists. Serum $T_4$ and $T_3$ levels were detected after these dopaminergic drugs were administered subcutaneously twice a day for a week. The results of the study are summarized as follows : Apomorphine, a nonspecific DA receptor agonist, produced a dose-depedent decrease in serum TSH, $T_4$ and $T_3$ levels. However, only low doses (0.3, 1.0mg/kg) of SKF38393, a specific $D_1$-receptor agonist, produced a decrease in serum lelvels of TSH. I,Y171555, a specific $D_2$-receptor agonist, produced a dose dependent decrease in serum TSH, $T_4$ and $T_3$ levels. However, SCH23390, a specific $D_1$-receptor antagonist, produced a decrease except in serum T levels which were increased dose dependently. High doses (1.0, 3.0mg/kg) of sulpiride, a specific $D_2$-receptor antagonist, made a increase in the serum levels of TSH and $T_3$. The effects of dopaminergic drugs in serum TSH and $T_4$ levels was potentiated by the pretreatment of apomorphine. The overall results of this study suggest that the regulation of TSH, $T_4$ and $T_3$ secretion were mediated via specific $D_1$ and $D_2$ receptor.

      • KCI등재

        XLPE 절연체의 트리 채널내 보이드방전에 의한 AE신호로 절연열화 검출 기법 연구

        이상우,Lee, Sang-Woo 한국조명전기설비학회 2006 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.20 No.2

        본 논문은 전력 케이블의 절연체인 XLPE 시료에 상용주파수 교류전압을 인가하였을 때, 절연열화에 의한 보이드방전 펄스신호와 AE신호 및 트리진전 특성을 검출하고 관찰하였다. 또한 XLPE 절연체의 트리 채널내 인가전압에 따라 보이드방전 펄스신호와 AE신호를 각각 관측하였다. 실험 결과 전력 케이블의 절연체인 XLPE 시료의 보이드 존재 유 무에 따른 트리진전 형상은 보이드 존재시에는 수지형으로 성장하였으나, 무보이드시에는 수초형으로 성장하였다. XLPE 절연체내의 트리진전 특성은 보이드 존재시에는 열화시간이 경과함에 따라 급격히 증가하였으나, 무보이드시에는 열화 시간이 경과함에 따라 트리의 성장 형상은 감소되는 것으로 나타났다. 전력 케이블 절연체인 XLPE의 트리 채널내 보이드방전에 의한 AE신호의 주파수 스펙트럼으로 분석한 결과, AE신호의 크기에 따라 변화되었으며 그 주파수 영역은 대략 1.0[MHz] 이하의 분포인 것으로 관측되었다. In this paper, to detect and observation the void discharges pulse signal, AE signals and tree growth characteristics in case the high voltage is applied to a XLPE sample for a power cable. We also examined the partial discharge current pulse and AE signals with the increase of the applied voltage in XLPE insulation. The experimental results show that a branch-type tree grows in the presence of the voids, and a bush-type tree grows in the absence of the voids in both samples. A rate of tree growth increases abruptly in proportional to the deterioration time in the presence of the of the voids, but in the absence of the voids, a rate of tree growth decreases as time goes by and finally a breakdown occurs. The frequency band of AE signals that are generated from the partial discharges in a XLPE sample, one of solid dielectric materials, is about 1.0[MHz].

      • KCI등재

        남북한 분단체제와 신상옥의 영화

        이상우(Lee Sang-Woo) 한국어문학회 2010 語文學 Vol.0 No.110

        This article examine the relation between Korea’s division system and the films of Shin Sang-ok, who was one of very famous Korean film directors in the golden age of Korean cinemas. Shin Sang-ok has been maybe the only Korean director, who produced his films in two Koreas. Before he was kidnapped by North Korean kidnap gangs, he was an outstanding film director in South Korea, who produced several popular films, as like 〈A Romance Papa〉, 〈King Yeonsan〉, 〈the evergreen tree〉, 〈a guest and mother)〉, 〈the Red muffler〉, and so on. Also, He managed the biggest film company ‘Shin Film’ and the biggest film studio ‘Anyang Film Studio’ in South Korea in 1960s, he maintained to good relation with the president Park Chung-hee’s government at that time. However, as Shin criticized the film policy of Park Chung-hee’s government, especially the problem of film censorship, the conflicts between them went to worse way in 1970’s. And then Shin was kidnapped with his ex-wife a famous Korean film actress Choi Eun-hee to North Korea. Shin abd Choi stayed in there during the 8 years and produced 7 films in North Korea’s Monolithic Ideal Logical System by Kim Jung-il’s enforcement and immense supports. At that time, Shin produced several remarkable films in North Korea, as like 〈not returned the emissary〉, 〈the salt〉, 〈a story of the escape〉. Finally, Shin and Choi escaped from North Korea for obtaining the freedom to the Western world. Two Koreas’s division system brought the restriction of creative film making to a film director Shin Sang-ok.

      • KCI등재

        블록화 현상의 측정을 통한 영상의 화질평가

        이상우,박상주,Lee, Sang-Woo,Park, Sang-Ju 한국정보처리학회 2008 정보처리학회논문지B Vol.15 No.5

        Block based transform coding is most popular approach for image and video compression. However it suffers from severe quality degradation especially from blocking artifacts. The subjective quality degradation caused by such blocking artifacts in general does not agree well with an objecive quality measurement such as PSNR. Hence new quality evaluation technique is necessary. We propose a new image quality assessment method by measuring blocking artifacts for block based transform coded images. In order to characterize blocking artifacts, proposed method utilizes the facts that, blocking artifacts, when occur, have different pixel values along the block boundaries and such differences usually continuously span along the whole boundaries. This method does not require the original uncompressed image. It operates on single block boundary and quantifies the amount of blocking artifacts on it. Experiments on various compressed images various bitrates show that proposed quantitative measure of blocking artifacts matches well with the subjective quality of them judged by human visual system. 블록 기반의 변환 부호화 방식은 영상 압축 표준에 널리 사용되고 있다. 이러한 방식에서 발생하는 여러 종류의 화질 열화 현상 중 블록의 경계에서 나타나는 블록화 현상은 화질을 떨어뜨리는 대표적인 요인이다. 블록화 현상에 의한 화질 열화는 기존의 PSNR 같은 화질 측정값과 부합하지 않아 새로운 평가 기법의 개발이 필요하다. 본 논문은 블록 기반 변환 부호화 방식으로 압축된 영상에서 블록화 현상이 발생한 정도를 측정하여 화질을 평가하는 새로운 기법을 제안한다. 본 논문에서 제안하는 기법은, 블록화 현상이 블록 경계에서 발생하면 경계면에서 양쪽 화소의 밝기값의 차이가 나며, 대개 그 길이가 블록의 경계 길이 만큼 이어지는 특징을 이용하여 블록화 현상을 찾아낸다. 본 논문에서 제안하는 방법은 원본 영상이 필요치 않고, 블록 경계에서 동작하며, 블록화 현상의 발생 정도를 수치화 한다. 다양한 압축 영상에 본 기법을 적용한 결과, 제안하는 블록화 현상 평가 수치는 인간의 시각 특성에 기반한 주관적 화질 평가와 부합하는 것을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        RF 스퍼터링법을 이용한 $LiNbO_3/Si$구조의 전기적 및 구조적 특성

        이상우,김광호,이원종,Lee, Sang-Woo,Kim, Kwang-Ho,Lee, Won-Jong 한국전기전자재료학회 1998 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.11 No.2

        The $LiNbO_3$ thin films were prepared directly on Si(100) substrates by conventional RF magnetron spurttering system for nonvolatile memory applications. RTA(Rapid Thermal Annealing) treatment was performed for as-deposited films in an oxygen atmosphere at 600 $^{\circ}C$ for 60 s. The rapid thermal annealed films were changed to poly-crystalline ferroelectric nature from amorphous of as-deposition. The resistivity of the ferroelectric $LiNbO_3$ film was increased from a typical value of $1{\sim}2{\times}10^8{\Omega}{\cdot}cm$ before the annealing to about $1{\times}10^{13}{\Omega}{\cdot}cm$ at 500 kV/cm and reduced the interface state density of the $LiNbO_3/Si$ (100) interface to about $1{\times}10^{11}/cm^2{\cdot}eV$. Ferroelectric hysteresis measurements using a Sawyer-Tower circuit yielded remanent polarization ($P_r$) and coercive field ($E_c$) values of about 1.2 ${\mu}C/cm^2$ and 120 kV/cm, respectively.

      • 공간통계기법을 이용한 도로교통기반의 온실가스 관한 연구 -대구광역시를 대상으로-

        이상우,이승욱,이승엽,홍원화,Lee, Sang Woo,Lee, Seung Wook,Lee, Seung Yeob,Hong, Won Hwa 한국공간정보학회 2014 한국공간정보학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 대구광역시의 주요도로를 대상으로 공간통계기법을 이용하여 도로교통 온실가스 배출량을 신뢰성있게 예측하여 추정된 배출량으로 행정구별에 따라 도로교통에서 발생한 온실가스 배출량을 산정하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 첫째, 주요도로의 교통량 관측지점에서 실시간으로 조사한 교통량을 이용하여 관측지점에서 발생한 온실가스 배출량을 산정하였다. 둘째, 일반 크리깅(Universal Kriging)기법을 이용하여 공간적 상관성에 의해 미 관측지점의 온실가스 배출량을 신뢰성 있게 추정하기 위해 적합한 베리오그램 모델링을 설정하였다. 이에 교차검증을 통하여 적합한 베리오그램 모델과 크리깅 기법의 타당성을 검증하였다. 셋째, 검증된 크리깅 기법으로 미 관측지점의 도로교통에서 발생한 온실가스 배출량을 예측하여 행정구별로 도로교통 온실가스 배출량을 추정하여 산정하였다. 그 결과, 도로교통 온실가스 배출량을 행정구별로 보면 북구가 약 $291,878,020kgCO_2eq/yr$로 가장 많은 온실가스를 배출하는 것으로 나타났다. This study was intended to reliably predict the traffic green house gas emission in Daegu with the use of spatial statistical technique and calculate the traffic green house gas emission of each administrative district on the basis of the accurately predicted emission. First, with the use of the traffic actually surveyed at a traffic observation point, and traffic green house gas emission was calculated. Secondly, on the basis of the calculation, and with the use of Universal Kriging technique, this researcher set a suitable variogram modeling to accurately and reliably predict the green house gas emission at non-observation point suitable through spatial correlation, and then performed cross validation to prove the validity of the proper variogram modeling and Kriging technique. Thirdly, with the use of the validated kriging technique, traffic green gas emission was visualized, and its distribution features were analyzed to predict and calculate the traffic green house gas emission of each administrative district. As a result, regarding the traffic green house gas emission of each administration, it was found that Bukgu had the highest green house gas emission of $291,878,020kgCO_2eq/yr$.

      • KCI등재

        수확기(收穫機)의 성능향상(性能向上)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(I) - 수도(水稻)의 탈립저항력(脫粒抵抗力)에 관(關)하여

        이상우,허윤근,Lee, Sang Woo,Hur, Yun Kun 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1981 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.8 No.2

        충남농촌진흥원(忠南農村振興院) 포장(圃場)에서 표준시비법(標準施肥法)으로 재배(栽培)한 Japonica형(型) 품종(品種) 이이(裡里)348호(號), 이이(裡里)345호(號) 및 밀양(密陽)15호(號) 3개斗(個)와 Indica ${\times}$ Japonica hybrid형(型) 품종(品種) 밀양(密陽)23호(號), 이이(裡里)342호(號), 수원(水原)294호(號)의 4개(個), 계(計) 7 개(個) 품종(品種)에 대해 적정수확기간(適定收穫期間)을 중심(中心)으로 9월(月)28일(日)부터 10월(月)20일(日)까지 2일간격(日間隔)으로 3축방향(軸方向)에 대(對)하여 탈립저항력(脫粒低抗力)을 측정(測定)하였다. 10월(月)1일(日) 채취(採取)된 시료(試料)를 실험실(實驗室)에서 자연건조(自然乾燥)시키면서 함수율별(含水率別) 탈립증항력(脫粒拯抗力)을 측정(測定)하였다. 본(本) 연구(硏究)의 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 외력(外力)이 지경(枝梗)과 평행방향(平行方向)으로 작용(作用)될 경우 Japonica형(型) 품종(品種)의 탈립저항력(脫粒低航力) 평균(平均) 113grdljTEk. 2. 외력(外力)이 지경(枝梗)과 $90^{\circ}$ 측방향(側方向)으로 작용(作用)될 경우의 탈립증항력(脫粒拯抗力)은 평행방향(平行方向)과 비교(比較)하여 Japonica형(型) 품종(品種)은 33~50%인 59.8~115.0gr이었고, Indica ${\times}$ Japonica hybrid형(型) 품종(品種)은 7~21%인 9.8~28.2gr으로 현저(顯著)히 작았다. 3. 기온(氣溫)이 영하(零下)로 강하(降下)하지 않은 본실험기간중(本實驗期間中) 예취일(刈取日)에 따른 탈립심지항력(脫粒甚至抗力)의 변화(變化)는 크게 없었다. 4. 예취후(刈取後) 자연건조(自然乾燥)에 따른 탈립심지항력(脫粒甚至抗力)은 함수율(含水率)의 감소(減少)와 함께 감소(減少)하였다. 5. 이삭 부위별(部位別) 탈립서항력(脫粒鼠抗力)은 상부측(上部側)에 비(比)해 하부측(下部側)에서 약간 큰값을 나타냈다. Threshing forces of seven varieties, that is, three Japonica type varieties-Irri 348, Irri 345, and Milyang 15, and four Indica type varieties-Milyang 23, Irri 342, Suweon 294 and Suweon 287-, which have been cultivated in the standard fertilization field being at Chungnam Provincial Office of Rural Development, Youseong, Chungnam-do, they were measured every other day in the period from September 28 to October 20 which were included the proper harves ting time. Also the threshing forces were checked in three-dimensional directions. Relationships between threshing forces and moisture contents of the unthreshed rice were examined in the laboratory as dried in the natural condition. The results of this study were as follows; 1. The mean threshing force of Japonica type varieties was about 1969r. and that of Indica type varieties was about 113gr. when external force was loaded in the direction parallel to the grain. 2. The threshing force bent to the grain was about 9.8through 28.2gr. equal to 7 through 21 percent to the threshing force parallel to the grain in Indica type varieties meanwhile about 59.8 through 115.0gr equal to 33 through 50 percent in Japonica type varieties. 3. Under the warmer temperature than $0^{\circ}C$, the change of threshing forces was not great in this experimental period on the harvesting dates. 4. The threshing force decreased s lightly as moisture content decreased in natural drying under the shade after cutting. 5. The threshing force of the lower portion was a little biger than that of the upper portion in an ear.

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