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      • KCI등재

        드라마를 활용한 한국어 교재의 개발과 대학 정규 수업에서의 적용 -『인기 드라마로 배우는 한국어』를 중심으로

        이미옥 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.2

        This study examines Korean Language Learned through Popular Dramas 1 and application to university regular courses. In order to check the learning effects of textbooks developed under four principles in the actual field of education, this researcher conducted a survey on 81 learners over a year and derived results as follows. First, it is effective in enhancing motivation and interest, second, understanding of drama texts is found to be greater compared to difficulty, and third, overall understanding of culture is improved. However, following limitations are also present. First, it is difficult to provide accurate pronunciation, second, it is hard to avoid the appearance of slangs, dialects, or technical terms, third, it is difficult to adjust the level step by step, and fourth, it is hard to meet the students’ different needs properly.

      • KCI등재

        김수영과 베이다오 산문에 나타난 참여의식 비교연구

        이미옥 동북아시아문화학회 2019 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.61

        This study aims to make a traced comparison following the trend of social change for the participation awareness as the common characteristics displayed in the essays of Kim Su-young who is known as the representative poem of participatory poem during 1960s in Korea and Bei Dao who is known as the representative poem of misty poetry in 1980s in China. These two poets were the representative runners of the participatory poems with clear foot print in the literature history, and their essays also have undertaken an important role in displaying their activities and ideologies as the participatory poets. Through the essay collection of Bei Dao, it displayed the activities and life style of Bei Dao after his defection as well as tracing down on what influence would the people he met in his exile and incidents he experienced on the participation awareness of Bei Dao. If there is a difference, Kim Su-young structured the theory on his participatory poetry mainly through the essays but Bei Dao expanded the participation awareness through his life on exile and record on people of exile while displaying the activities of participation as an activist poet. Under this article, their participation awareness as appeared on their essays is compared in three aspects. First, it is the part that the discourse was undertaken (Kim Su-young) on participation literature through essays and records his activities as a participation poet after the revolution in essays. Kim Su-young strenuously asserted his opinion on participatory poems on his essay in 1968 and further dissipated his theory on participatory poetry as well. Bei Dao did not personally mentioned, but through visiting the conflict areas, he occasionally implied the possibility of participation through verbal expression. Second, (it also forms an axis in poetry) it would be the criticism on daily lives where the capitalism has penetrated and this is also deemed as a way of participation.

      • 코다이 접근의 음악치료가 건청 아동과인공와우착용 아동의 음고 재생에 미치는 영향

        이미옥,이드보라 한국청각언어장애교육학회 2011 한국청각·언어장애교육연구 Vol.2 No.1

        This study aims at examining the effects of Kodály approach music therapy on the pitch regeneration of normally hearing children and children with a cochlear implant. In addition, the study tries to figure out the differences on the pitch regeneration of normally hearing children and children with a cochlear implant comparatively through a comparative analysis. For this study, 5 normally hearing students and 5 students with a cochlear implant are selected as a study subject. We analyze collected data to figure out the change of pitch regeneration by using Split-Plot Factorial Design and Repeated Measures ANOVA. In conclusion, it is proved that Kodály approach music therapy is effective on the pitch regeneration of normally hearing children and children with a cochlear implant. 본 연구는 코다이 접근의 음악치료를 통한 건청 아동과 인공와우착용 아동의 음고 재생에 미치는 영향을 연구하고 두 집단 간의 음고 재생을 비교분석하여 두 집단 간의 차이를 알아보고자 한다. 연구대상은 건청 아동 5명과 인공와우착용 아동 5명으로 선정하였으며 12회기 코다이 접근의 음악치료를 실시, 반복측정 분산분석(Repeated measures ANOVA)과 분할구획 요인설계(split fatorial design)로 분석하였으며 연구결과는 코다이 접근의 음악치료는 건청 아동과 인공와우착용 아동에게 음고 재생에 있어서 효과적인 치료활동임이 입증되었다.

      • KCI등재

        Flooding Stress-Induced Glycine-Rich RNA-Binding Protein from Nicotiana tabacum

        이미옥,Keun Pill Kim,Byung-gee Kim,Ji-Sook Hahn,Choo Bong Hong 한국분자세포생물학회 2009 Molecules and cells Vol.27 No.1

        A cDNA clone for a transcript preferentially expressed during an early phase of flooding was isolated from Nicotiana tabacum. Nucleotide sequencing of the cDNA clone identified an open reading frame that has high homology to the previously reported glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins. The open reading frame consists of 157 amino acids with an N-terminal RNA-recognition motif and a C-terminal glycine-rich domain, and thus the cDNA clone was designated as Nicotiana tabaccum glycine-rich RNA-binding protein-1 (NtGRP1). Expression of NtGRP1 was upregulated under flooding stress and also increased, but at much lower levels, under conditions of cold, drought, heat, high salt content, and abscisic acid treatment. RNA homopolymer-binding assay showed that NtGRP1 binds to all the RNA homopolymers tested with a higher affinity to poly r(G) and poly r(A) than to poly r(U) and poly r(C). Nucleic acid-binding assays showed that NtGRP1 binds to ssDNA, dsDNA, and mRNA. NtGRP1 suppressed expression of the fire luciferase gene in vitro, and the suppression of luciferase gene expression could be rescued by addition of oligonucleotides. Collectively, the data suggest NtGRP1 as a negative modulator of gene expression by binding to DNA or RNA in bulk that could be advantageous for plants in a stress condition like flooding.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 현지인들의 한식에 대한 인지도, 이미지, 선호도, 선택속성, 만족도 및 재이용 의도

        이미옥 한국식생활문화학회 2017 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.32 No.6

        This study surveyed the recognition, image, preference, attributes, satisfaction and revisit intention for Korean food of local Vietnamese to facilitate the globalization of Korean food. Most participants had recognized Korean food. and, they were especially aware of kimchi (김치), bulgogi (불고기) and bibimbab (비빔밥), Additionally, most repondents thought these foods represent Korean traditions and culture very well. The image of local Vietnamese for Korean food was good. Which was reflected in Korean food having “a good reputation” and a high possibility for “globalization” were high. This study also investigated 16 kinds of Korean food and found the highest preferences to be for bulgogi (불고기), followed by galbitang (갈비탕), whereas that for doenjangchigae (된장찌개) was lowest. Some of the top choice attributes of Vietnamese for Korean food were found to be in “because it is ‘colorful’, ‘prepared sincerely’, ‘plated neatly’, ‘fresh’ and ‘comes with a variety of banchans (side dishes). This is a very meaningful result, making this an important reference for the globalization of Korean food. The local Vietnamese had high satisfaction and reuse intention degree for Korean food, and especially high satisfaction with the colorfulness of Korean food. In addition, the local Vietnamese showed a very high revisit intention for Korean food.

      • KCI등재

        바진 소설에 나타난 ‘감염병’으로서의 폐결핵과 낭만적 은유의 변모양상 : 『멸망(滅亡)』과 『차가운 밤(寒夜)』의 비교를 중심으로

        이미옥 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 2022 인문과학연구논총 Vol.43 No.4

        본고에서는 『멸망(滅亡)』과 『차가운 밤(寒夜)』을 대상으로 바진 소설에 나타난 감염병으로서의 폐결핵과 낭만적 은유의 변모양상을 고찰해 보고자 한다. 바진은 전 시기에 걸쳐 다양한 감염병을 소재로 사용하였는데 그 가운데서 폐결핵이 가장 빈번하게 등장하여 소설 전체를 이끄는 중요한 서사 전략으로 작용한다. 그러나 눈에 띄는 것은 같은 폐결핵 서사라 할지라도 전개 방식에 있어(폐결핵의 발병원인과 치료과정 및 감염병에 대한 인식, 죽음의 반향 등) 커다란 차이가 존재한다는 점이다. 이는 의학의 발전으로 폐결핵에 대한 인식이 점차 바뀐 것도 있지만, 낭만주의 세계관에서 점차 현실주의로 변주해가는 바진의 사상적 변화와도 무관하지 않다. 따라서 본고에서는 바진의 첫 소설과 마지막소설을 대상으로 삼아 감염병으로서의 폐결핵 은유가 소설 속에서 어떤 변모양상을 거치는지를 살펴보고, 이를 통해 궁극적으로 감염문학 안에서 변주해 온바진 소설의 낭만성과 현실성의 역학관계를 해명하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        안내사인에 있어서 사인 시스템에 관한 연구

        이미옥 한국일러스트레이션학회 2006 일러스트레이션 포럼 Vol.12 No.-

        최근 우리나라에서 공공환경 디자인에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 이것은 지역의 공공환경이나 아름다움에 관한 여러 가지 시설들이 지역의 이미지를 만들어내는데 중요한 요소로써 인식되기 시작하였음을 의미한다. 산업의 고도성장에서 안정 성장으로, 대도시 중심에서 지방도시 시대로, 양의 확보에서 질의 충실로 변해가면서, 이러한 경제, 사회, 생활의 변화가 지역 이미지 만들기의 기본테마를 변화시켜 쾌적성이나 문화성을 우선시함으로써 도시 이미지의 세련화나 개성화가 중요한 과제로 등장하게 된 것이다. 우리가 생활하는 공간은 사람에 의해서 형성되어지며, 물건은 공간 형성의 매체로서 존재한다. 공공환경 디자인의 기점은 여기에 있다. 공공환경 디자인은 보통의 디자인 분야와는 다른 커다란 특징을 갖고 있다. 디자인은 일반적으로 사업과 연결되어 진행되지만 공공환경 디자인은 생산성이나 경제성과는 대립되더라도 시민을 위한 ‘쾌적한 생활’을 우선적으로 추구하는 특수한 분야이다. 일반적으로 안내사인의 경우는 지도나 배치안내와 같은 공간의 구조나 시설의 구성을 안내하는 면적인 정보를 전하는 것을 가리키는 것으로, 불특정 다수의 사람들이 이용할 경우, 공간의 구조 또는 구성을 순조롭게 파악하도록 디자인되어야 하며, 이용자가 불안을 느끼지 않도록 간단하고 명확하게 안내하는 것이 중요하다. 또한 안내사인은 이용자가 선택적으로 정보를 추출하여 활용하기 때문에 다양한 목적에 부응할 수 있어야 한다. 그렇기 때문에 이용자의 행동 범위나 기억할 수 있는 범위 등을 생각하여 정보를 질서화 시키고 아름다우며 친숙해지기 쉬운 표현을 한다. 경우에 따라서는 도시공간내의 시각적 요소가운데는 정보전달의 매개체역할과 아울러 도시내의활력을 주는 중요한 요소이기도 하다. 그러나 이러한 시각적 환경요소들을 보다 구체적으로Design적인 측면에서 살펴 볼 때 대부분의 요소들이 어떤 구체적이며 장기적인program없이 일시적이며 즉흥적인 방법으로 제작, 보급되어 도시시각 환경의 커다란 문제점으로 대두되고 있다. 안내사인은 도시 환경 내에서 정보전달이라는 物理的 機能과 美的側面인 시각적 기능이 함께 고려되어져야 할 것이다. Usally, sign system of a city plays a role to give people comfort, conveniecce, safety, communication, circulation of information, guidance, restriction, control, protection, and the likes. But trationallly, the selection and the allocation of sign system was not integrated by engineers and administration authorities but installed with individual purposes. The purposes of the study is to review the effects and applicability of design coordination of sign system by presenting the principle,and specipic methods for the design coordination to apply to the actual target location.The procedure of the syudy for this was as following, review the existing theories and concept, function, and role of general sign system, establish coccept, significance, and the direction of design coordination, apply to the actual target location based on these criteria and methods and evaluate it. through this procedure, we verified that the differentiation of design and image integration can the constant image of street and improve it, secure the homogeneity of a city by enhancing the discrimination and the cognizance over other cities or other streets, and inspire citizens' pride and confidence.

      • 가족 하위체계 진단 척도로서의 동적가족화(KFD) 타당성 연구

        이미옥,최외선 한국미술치료학회 2002 美術治療硏究 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to explore the validity of the KFD as a measure of Family Subsystem. The Kinetic Family Drawing(KFD) and Family System Diagnosis Scale(FSDS) were administered to adolescent 128 families. Data were analyzed by regression analysis and discriminant analysis.The results were as follows;First, There is a significant difference in the relationship between the KFD family subsystem variables mother's KFD and the spouse conflict resolvedunresolved variable of FSDS. That is; according to mother's self drawings, the less cooperative, the more spouse conflict unresolved.Second, There is a significant difference in the relationship between the KFD family subsystem variables of daughter's KFD and mother-child cohesionestrangement variable of FSDS. The result of this case as showed in the family drawing indicated that the greater the distance between father figure and child figure, the greater mother-child estrangement. Third, There is a significant difference in the relationship between the KFD family subsystem variables of daughter's KFD and father-child cohesionestrangement variable of FSDS. The result indicated that the greater the distance between father figure and mother figure, the greater father-child cohesion.

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