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      • KCI등재

        니콜라이 로스키의 철학 사상 개관

        이명현 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 러시아연구소 2018 슬라브연구 Vol.34 No.4

        The theories of Nikolay Lossky, who named his philosophical system as intuitionism or ideal realism, include the wide range of issues of ontology, epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, psychology, and aesthetics. Intuitionism refers to the fundamental concept or point of view that penetrates all theories. As Russian thinkers in the early 20th century considered it a philosophical alternative as a way of understanding or one that allows new insight into existence, studying the philosophy of Lossky, the leading philosopher of the period, is effective and imperative work in understanding the philosophical thoughts in Russia during the early 20th century period. This paper provides an overview of the doctrine of philosophical anthropology and epistemology that forms the basis of Lossky’s philosophy based on what he states about himself in his book History of Russian Philosophy, and determines that Lossky’s thinking tears down the boundary between ontology and epistemology. When discussing Lossky’s philosophy, one cannot but mention the French philosopher Henri Bergson, who lived during the same period as Lossky and defined the original philosophy of intuitionism, opening a new chapter in the history of Western philosophy and influencing many Russian thinkers. At the conclusion of this paper, we will briefly review the position of Bergson among Lossky and his contemporary Russian philosophers, based on the works of Fink, recently published Russian papers, and the self-assessment in Lossky’s History of Russian Philosophy.이명현 ― 3wall@korea.ac.kr/ 관심분야: 러시아 문학, 러시아 사상, 러시아 정교 문화 20세기 전반기 러시아 철학의 발전에 주된 역할을 한 니콜라이 로스키의 이론적 작업은 존재론, 인식론, 형이상학, 윤리학, 심리학, 미학의 문제들을 두루 포괄한다. 그 모든 분야를 관통하는 근본적 개념 혹은 관점은 직관주의이다. 그것은 20세기 초 러시아 사상가들에게 인식의 방법뿐만 아니라 존재에 대한 새로운 통찰을 가능케 하는 하나의 철학적 대안으로 간주됐다. 따라서 그 대표적인 논자인 로스키의 견해를 살펴보는 것은 20세기 초 러시아 철학의 지형과 동향을 파악하는 데 효과적이고 긴요한 작업이라고 본다. 본 논문에서는 로스키의 저작 <러시아 철학사 (История русской философии)> 중에서 저자 자신에 대해 기술한 부분에 주로 근거하여, 그의 철학 체계의 근간을 이루는 인간학 및 인식론의 교의를 개관하고, 그의 사유가 존재론과 인식론의 경계를 허무는 방향으로 나아가고 있음을 밝히고 있다. 로스키의 사상을 논할 때 그와 동시대인으로서 직관주의에 기반한 독창적인 형이상학을 정립하여 서구 철학사에 새로운 지평을 열었으며, 당대 러시아 지식인들에게도 상당한 영향을 끼쳤던 앙리 베르그손을 언급하지 않을 수 없다. 1900년대부터 1920년대 초반까지 베르그손이 러시아의 문인들, 예술가들, 사상가들에게 일으킨 반향에 관해서는 핀크(H. L. Fink)를 비롯한 서구 학자들이 선구적으로 연구 성과를 발표한 바 있으며 근래 들어 러시아 학자들 또한 관련된 주제들을 조명하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 본 논문의 말미에서는 핀크의 저술과 최근 발표된 러시아 논문의 논의들, 로스키의 <러시아 철학사>에 기술된 자기평가를 참조하여 로스키와 그의 동시대 철학자들 사이에서 베르그송이 점하는 자리를 가늠해보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        안나 아흐마토바의 서사시 『레퀴엠』 연구

        이명현 한국슬라브․유라시아학회 2024 슬라브학보 Vol.39 No.1

        This paper examines the epic poem Requiem (1935-1961) by Soviet poet Anna Akhmatova in terms of genre, composition, and subtext. Requiem is a lyric-epic poem that depicts the tragedy of state terrorism that swept an era, based on Akhmatova's experiences as a citizen of the Soviet Union and the mother of a son. In all of Akhmatova's creative work, there is probably no example in which historical themes are brought to the fore and treated on such a grand scale as in Requiem. This work can be seen to meet the basic requirements as a narrative genre in that it embodies an extraordinary phase of the life of the entire people within a vast historical and cultural context. The frame texts of Requiem require attention because they serve as an important basis for defining the genre of narrative poem(poema). These texts not only present the space-time coordinates of reality in the work, but also announce the origin and purpose of the work and the poet's attitude toward history and culture. In doing so, Akhmatova makes it clear that this narrative poem is her testimony, mourning, and utterance of memory for the entire generation to which she belongs. This work by Akhmatova borrows various genres and speech forms such as requiem, dirge, and elegy to artistically realize the ultimate purpose of ‘mourning’ and ‘memory.’ Also the Gospel and sacred music ‘Stabat Mater’, as well as poems of Pushkin, Mandel’shtam and Blok are quoted or implied as the prototext or subtext. Considering the purpose, composition, and poetic characteristics of this work, Requiem can be said to be a work that corresponds to a turning point from the early to the later period of Akhmatova’s life of literary creativity and a masterpiece that typically embodies intertextuality, the most outstanding feature of the later creation.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        루시의 소피아 숭배 - 이콘을 중심으로

        이명현 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2013 외국학연구 Vol.- No.26

        In Rus’, Sophia-Holy Wisdom started to be worshiped with the introduction of Oriental Orthodoxy. Even though there was some difference in times, Sophia was a dominant factor in the Rus’ culture from the 10th to 17th centuries. For the Rus’ people, Sophia had more significance in arts and aesthetics than in Orthodox doctrines and theology. In addition, the Rus’ people regarded Sophia as Holy Wisdom with personality and femininity. Churches and icons represent the cultural heritage of the Rus’ people's worship of Sophia. In particular, icons deserve special attention, as they show unique styles and a view of the world in relation to the Rus’ people’s worship of Sophia. In the early 20th century, Russian orthodox philosophers advocated Sophiology based mainly on the Sophia icons of Rus’. This paper examines unique aspects of the worship of Sophia, which lasted from the 15th to 17th century in Rus’ after Oriental Orthodoxy had been introduced, focusing on Sophia icons produced and widely used by the Rus’ people. This paper has three important themes. First, the origin and meaning of the term “Sophia” is examined. Second, characteristics of Sophia icons in Byzantium are briefly introduced. Lastly, examples of icons in Rus’, their structural features, and the Rus’ people’s view of the world are analyzed.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국과 러시아 근대시에 나타난 윤리적 실존의 두 양상 - 알렉산드르 블로크와 윤동주

        이명현 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2011 외국학연구 Vol.- No.18

        В данной статье проводится сравнительное рассмотрение лилики Александра Блока и Юн Донг Чжу как два аспекта этической экзистенции поэзии модерна. В лирических стихотворениях обоих поэтов мы видим образ единого и единнственного "я", который стоит один перед Богом в смысле Киеркегора. Этот образ, который взглядывает на себя как воторое "я", находящееся внутри себя глубоко, воплощает не общего человеческого существа, а экзистенициального индивитдульного сущего, который живут в конкретных жизненных ситуадциях, сам собой судя и выбирая свой собственный жизненный путь. Такой образ лирического "я" в стихах Блока и Юн Донг Чжу постоянно развивает и завершает самого себя - свое собственное "ego". И данная работа посвящается преследованию цроцесса совершенствования "ego лирического "я" в стихах обоих поэтов с точки зрения "саморазвития эстического экзисцении". Стихи анализируются, во-первых, в плане антизеза "я" и "другой", во-вторых, в свете "двойничества". При этом большое внимание уделяется отношению лирического "я" к "другому", и вутреннему раздвоениею лирического "я" как явление, вызванное этическими мотивами. В блоковских стихах особое место занимает женский образ, который фигурируют в протяжениии всех трех лиричесих томов. А этот женский образ - самый важный "другой" для блоковского "я". Она же воплощение высокой идеи, такие как святая красота, гармония, всеединство. Она таже оказывается двойническим архетипом блоковского лирического "я", на который лирическое "я" проектирует свое "ego". Для лирического "я" Юн Донг Чжу самым главным "другимя" в этическом плане является соотечественники - крейский народ. У Юн Донг Чжу - существо этого "другого" производит отчуждение лирического "я" и его раздвоение. С другой стороны, из-за этого лирическое "я" у Юн Донг Чжу продолжает саморефлексию и саморазвитие. Потом речь идет о эсхатологическом видении мира, которое с темой "зеных трудов" воплошается в лирике обоих поэтов. В последней главе освящаются аналогические аспекты стихотворний Блока и Юн Донг Чжу, в которых фигурируют образ-сивол "креста" на фоне вида "родиной земии" обоих поэтов.

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