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      • 동물병원 노무관리

        이동현,Lee, Dong-Hyeon 대한수의사회 2012 대한수의사회지 Vol.48 No.2

        저는 "동물병원 노무관리"라는 제목으로 강의를 할 노무법인 대명 소속의 이동현 노무사입니다. 본 강의는 노동법의 범위가 광대하므로 주요 노동법 규정을 알아봄으로써 동물병원 현장의 인사노무관리에 적극 활용할 수 있고 이를 통해 합법적이고 효율적인 인사노무관리를 함으로써 상생, 협력하는 노사 관계를 구축하고 기업경쟁력을 강화하는데 보탬을 됨을 목적으로 합니다. 설명의 순서는 5인 미만 즉 4인 이하 사업장에서 꼭 지켜야 할 주요 노동법규정 과 5인 이상 사업장에서 꼭 지켜야 할 주요노동법규정을 나누어 설명하도록 하겠습니다.

      • KCI등재
      • 2015 미국의 지속가능한 도시관리정책 연구

        이동현,안용한 부산연구원 2015 연구보고서 기본연구 Vol.2015 No.0

        The purpose of this study is to benchmark the policy of sustainable urban management in the USA focusing the Leadership in Environmental & Energy Design (LEED) rating systems so that sustainable urban management practices can be applied to Busan in the Korea managed Green Building Certification Criteria (GBCC) at the initial stage. The USA has driven Smart Growth Management, Sustainable Development, New Urbanism, the Leadership in Environmental & Energy Design (LEED) programs and others like them for sustainable urban management. Especially developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (UGBC), LEED is a framework for identifying, implementing, and measuring green building and neighborhood design, construction, operations, and maintenance. The impetus behind the development of LEED rating systems was recognition of environmental problems, coupled with awareness that the design and construction industry already had the expertise, tools, and technology to transform buildings and to make significant advances toward a sustainable planet, LEED projects throughout the world have demonstrated the benefits of taking a green design approach that reduces the environmental harms of buildings and restores the balance of natural systems. LEED seeks to optimize the use of natural resources, promote regenerative and restorative strategies, maximize the positive and minimize the negative environmental and human health consequences of the construction industry, and provide high-quality indoor environments for building occupants. The main points of this benchmarking study arc below. First, it is necessary to recognize for the persons concerned the following benefits: Lower operating costs and increased asset value, Reduced waste sent to landfills, Energy and water conservation, More healthful and productive environments for occupants, and Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, etc. Then it is necessay to offer incentives like qualification far tax rebates and to give building owners and operators the tools they need immediately to improve both building performance and the bottom line while providing healthful indoor spaces for a buildings occupants, GBCC of Korea must emphasizes integrative design, integration of existing technology, and state-of-the-art strategies to advance expertise in green building and transform professional practice. Second, GBCC of Korea must prepare updates for example, introducing a rating system about neighborhood developments. LEED was developed in 1998 and has since been updated several times. Over the years, other rating systems have been developed to meet the needs of different market sectors. Since its launch, LEED has evolved to address new markets and building types, advances in practice and technology, and grater understanding of the environmental and human health effects of the built environment. These ongoing improvements, developed by USGBC member-based volunteer committees, subcommittees, and working groups in conjunction with USGBC staff, have been reviewed by the LEED Steering Committee and the USGBC Board of Directors before being submitted to USGBC members for a vote. The process is based on principles of transparency, openness, and inclusiveness. Third, by participating in GBCC, owners, operators, designers, and builders have to make a meaningful contribution to the green building industry. By documenting and tracking buildings’ resource use, the participants contribute to a growing body of knowledge that will advance research in this rapidly evolving field, This will allow future projects to build on the successes of today’s designs and bring innovations to the market. For sustainable GBCC management, GBCC must be a market driven, consensus-based tool that serves as a guideline and assessment mechanism.

      • 근대건조물의 창조적 활용

        이동현 부산연구원 2012 BDI 정책포커스 Vol.- No.164

        부산시는 최근 백제병원 등 6개 건축물을 최초의 ‘부산시 근대건조물’로 지정했다. 시는 근대건조물을 앞으로 추가 지정해 관리·보호할 계획이다. 선진국들은 근대건조물에 대한 단순 보호를 넘어 지역재생의 자원으로 적극 활용하고 있다. 미국 보스턴 ‘Main Streets’, 일본 요코하마 ‘Creative City’ 프로그램이 대표적이다. 부산의 근대건조물에 대해서도 이러한 관점에서의 접근이 필요하다. 특히 원도심 백제병원은 1920년께 건립된 부산 최초 근대식 민간병원이다. 이 건물은 그동안 중국기생집, 일본군 장교숙소, 치안대사무소, 예식장, 다목적 상가 등으로 부침해왔다. 지역의 근대사를 함께 겪어 온 상징적 근대건조물인 것이다. 시는 이 건물에 대한 소극적인 관리나 보존에서 나아가 원도심 재생의 기폭제로 활용할 필요가 있다. ‘예술병원 2020’ 시범사업을 통해 원도심의 명물로 만들어 문화전시·창작공연 공간으로 재생하는 것이 좋겠다. 북항재개발과 차이나타운과 연계해 각각 ‘부산항 개항기념관’이나 ‘화교기념관’ 등으로도 활용할 수 있다. 이를 위해 소유자에게 적절한 대우를 하고 건물을 매입하려는 부산시의 적극적인 의지가 중요하다.

      • 부산광역시 주거환경관리사업의 유형화와 관리방안

        이동현,김형균,황영우 부산연구원 2017 연구보고서 정책연구 Vol.2017 No.0

        The purpose of this study is to divide Busan City's residential environment management projects into different types, which are operated in only six districts in Busan, and a method to manage them based on case studies, research on actual conditions, and survey analyses. According to the results of a survey conducted with 400 residents living in the district where the residential environment management project was cancelled, 75.5% of respondents wanted their residence to be designated as a candidate for the residential environment management project. The 24 districts where redevelopment projects had been cancelled were divided into four types: Type A (seven districts: The road has an ascent of less than 5, with less than 80% of a low-quality housing rate), Type B (four districts: The road has an ascent of 5 or higher, with less than 80% of a low-quality housing rate), Type C (six districts: The road has an ascent of less than 5, with 80% or higher of a low-quality housing rate), and Type D (seven districts: The road has an ascent of 5 or higher, with 80% or higher low-quality housing rate). Considering the results above, five policy proposals are suggested in this paper as follows: First, Type C and Type D are subject to housing maintenance aiming at housing rearrangements. Type A and Type B, which have relatively fewer low-quality structures, are supposed to be classified as a cultural complex type, which focuses on the installation of commonly used facilities. Next, it is important to utilize the building agreement, block-unit housing rearrangement project, and the autonomous housing rearrangement project, all of which aim for small-scale housing rearrangements. To promote small-scale housing rearrangement projects requires the Busan Metropolitan Corporation to strengthen its role. Third, the Busan Metropolitan Government ordinances on rearrangement plans shall be amended to incorporate measures as part of residential environment management for community revitalization and to reflect matters concerning resident councils and resident-led community councils. Fourth, the criteria for selecting districts to expand project areas shall be eased, and the evaluation committee shall widen its considerations on policies, regions, and times. Lastly, more efforts shall be made to emphasize Busan City's regional features and potential so as to become a candidate for the KRW New Deal program for urban regeneration supported by the new Government, which is worth KRW 10 trillion. Furthermore, the Local Taxes Act shall be amended in a manner that allows the Urban and Residential Environment Improvement Fund to be utilized for the rearrangement projects.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 철강 산업에서 후발 기업의 전략에 관한 연구

        이동현 국제지역학회 2005 국제지역연구 Vol.9 No.2

        본 논문은 글로벌 철강 산업을 대상으로 후발 기업의 전략 모델을 도출하였다. 기존 연구 정리를 통해 후발 기업의 전략 모델로 재정위화(repositioning), 추격(catch-up), 혁신(innovation) 전략 등 세 가지 모델을 도출하였다. 또한 철강 산업의 브리티시 스틸, 포스코, 누코 등의 사례 연구를 통해 이들 세 가지 모델들의 특징을 도출하였다. 브리티시 스틸의 재정위화(repositioning) 전략에서는 외부 환경의 변화에서 유발되는 기회 요인을 최대한 활용해서 자신의 경쟁 우위를 확고히 하는 것이 가장 중요했다. 반면에 포스코의 추격(catch-up) 전략에서는 얼마나 빠른 시간 내에 선발 기업과의 기술 격차를 좁힐 수 있는가가 가장 중요했다. 끝으로 누코의 혁신(innovation) 전략에서는 새로운 기술이나 전략을 실제 사업에 구현함으로써 기존의 사업 방식과 전혀 다른 새로운 게임의 룰을 도입해서 선발 기업을 무력화시키는 것이 핵심이었다. Past research efforts have been concentrated mostly on the first mover advantage. To contribute to developing a theory of latecomer strategy, this paper reviews previous studies on latecomer strategy and investigates how latecomer compete successfully, or even leapfrog first movers in global steel industry. This paper groups latecomer strategies into three models: repositioning model, catch-up model, and innovation model. On the basis of in-depth case analysis of three steel companies: British Steel, POSCO, Nucor, this paper identifies and categorizes successful latecomer strategies into three types: strategies for changing strategic position, strategies for accumulating knowledge or technology, and strategies for innovating business model. In repositioning model, latecomer has to utilize the strategic opportunity by external environment change. Cost reduction, downsizing, and M&A are the core strategies for changing competitive position. Technology absorption, knowledge combination, and fast learning are the essence of catch-up strategy model, whereas technology innovation or value innovation forms the essence of strategies for changing game rule.

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