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      • KCI등재

        대학생들의 심폐소생술 수행 의지에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석

        이남종,김진우 국제문화기술진흥원 2024 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.10 No.2

        우리는 대학생들의 심폐소생술 수행 의지에 미치는 요인에 대해 파악하고자 진행되었다. 연구 대상자는 J시, D시의 대학생 229명을 대상으로 하였으며, 연구에 동의한 대상자에게 URL을 배포하여 설문지 폼을 이용한 비대면 설문조사로 시행하였으며, 연구 결과는 SPSS/WIN 23.0을 사용하여 분석하였다. 심정지 환자를 발견한다면 심폐소생술을 시행하겠다는 응답은 전체 229명 중 155명(67.7%)이 시행하겠다고 응답하였다. 심폐소생술 수행 그룹과 미시행 그룹간의 차이를 보이는 요인으로는 성별, 학년, 실습 경험, 심폐소생술 교육받은 횟수, 마지막 심폐소생술 교육을 받은 기간, 심폐소생술 관련 자격증 취득 여부, 심폐소생술에 대한 지식 및 자신감이 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다(p<0.05). 심폐소생술 수행 의지에 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 실제 심폐소생술 경험이 있고 심폐소생술 관련 자격증 취득자, 심폐소생술에 대한 자신감이 높을수록 심폐소생술 수행 의지가 높은 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이에 심폐소생술 자신감을 높이기 위하여 실제와 같은 수행 경험의 중요성을 강조하고 충분한 시뮬레이션 학습 등을 통해 시행률올 높이기 위한 다양한 교육방법의 개발 및 적용을 시행할 것을 제안한다. We conducted this study to identify factors that influence college students' willingness to perform CPR. The subjects of the study were 229 college students from J City and D City. A URL was distributed to those who agreed to the study and a non-face-to-face survey was conducted using a questionnaire form. The research results were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 23.0. 155 out of 229 people (67.7%) responded that they would perform CPR if they found a patient suffering from cardiac arrest. Factors that differences between the CPR performing group and the non-performing group include gender, grade, experience of practice, number of CPR training, period of last CPR training, Have a CPR certification, and knowledge of CPR, Confidence of CPR. There was a statistically significant difference(p<0.05). Factors affecting the willingness to perform CPR include those who have actual experience of CPR, those who have CPR certification, and the higher their confidence in CPR, the higher the willingness to perform CPR. Accordingly, in order to increase confidence in CPR, we emphasize the importance of realistic performance experience and propose the development and application of various educational methods to increase the implementation rate through sufficient simulation learning.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        王禹稱의 생애와 詩

        李南鍾 韓國中國語文學會 2003 中國文學 Vol.40 No.-

        王禹稱(954-1001)是北宋詩文改黃的先驅人物. 他出身寒家, 而聽明過人. 爲人耿介, 出仕後, 遇事難緘默, 敢于議論. 所以八年仕宦中, 三見貶逐. 然而他的剛正不阿節操終不?. 可是他的心裏不能避免有深刻的失意之感. 包括詩歌在內的他全體文學, 就是在這些政治方面感覺到的失意之感所釀成來的. 這篇論文是採取評傳式敍述方式的. 筆者首先把他的生灌分爲靑少年時期 · 地方官時期· 第一次中央官僚時期·商州時期· 第二次中央官僚時期·?州時期· 黃州時期等七個時期, 在敍述他各時期的事跡內容當中, 刻意探討他的詩歌所展現的思想內容以及審美意境方面的種種問題. 在文尾, 通過參考前人之所圍續王禹稱文學進行的批評文字, 而導出了對王禹稱詩歌的練合性評價.

      • KCI등재

        장녕(張寧) ≪봉사록(奉使錄)≫ 시문연구(詩文硏究)

        이남종 한국중국학회 2015 중국학보 Vol.73 No.-

        In 1460, Jiang-Ning(張寧, 1426~1496) first came to Joseon Dynasty as a diplomatic delegate in order to resolve political strain between Joseon Dynasty and Ming dynasty (明) caused by YeoJin (女眞). He had successfully done his duty and resolved diplomatic conflict between two countries by delivering a message from Ming Dynasty and listening to Joseon Dynasty’s position. Besides his original mission, he had well served as a cultural bridge between two countries. Jiang-Ning left numerous literary works during his round-trip from Beijing to Hanyang, Joseon. Among his works, some poetry and proses that were made in Joseon were published as ≪Huang Hua Ji (皇華集)≫. Then he collected other works and published them into the first volume of ≪The Record of A Mission and Journey to Chosun (奉使錄)≫ back in his country, and he also published second part of ≪奉使錄≫ using ≪Hwanghajib≫ of Joseon Dynasty. Some poetry of ≪Bongsa-rock≫ that were exchanged between him and Joseon Dynasty’s great writers, government officials such as Park, Won Hyung(朴元亨, 1411∼1469) have been a central interest of literary researches. His major works include 60-rhyme(韻) Poem on Taiping Guan Tower(<登太平館樓>) and Poem on Han river Tower(<題漢江樓詩>), which are long pieces of poet that requires deep and agile capabilities. Jangnyeong‘s poem on Gueon-Geun(權近)’s ≪ Poetry Written Upon The Emperor``s Order (應制集)≫ confirms the idea that diplomatic relationship of Joseon Dynasty and Ming dynasty was being formed and developed through the cultural frame which depended on poetry and prose. Jiang-Ning wrote poetry and prose whenever he met historical places or scenic viewpoints during his vist to Hanyang. He was often asked to write or sometimes he voluntarily painted the picture and wrote a poem on it. In the meantime, he did show his intention to give up his position as a high-ranking government official and hide during his tight trip as an envoy. Some major works reflecting this feature are <Taoyuantu桃源圖爲 遼東李都□端題>, <Mozhu墨竹>, and <Travel notes on Fenghuang-Mauntain (遊鳳凰山記)>. In the history of Chinese literature, Jiang-Ning is considered a special figure in period of transition from Taige Style(臺閣體) to Chaling school(茶陵詩派). After he successfully served his job as a delegate, he actually gave up his position and returned to his homeland to devote himself to artistic life with calligraphy and paintings. His nonaxiomatic feature which pursued a pure literature was already revealed in his travel to Joseon as a delegate. Jiang-Ning``s ≪奉使錄≫ includes plenty of information other than literature. In addition to evaluation of diplomatic relations between Joseon, Ming, and Yeojin, there are also articles that reveal Joseon``s publishing and printing capabilities. According to ≪Jibongryuseol (芝峰類說)≫, it is insisted that <A review of Yu-Rang (豫讓論)> of Jiang-Ning contains support to the movement of DanJong(端宗)``s restoration of Sayuksin(死六臣). There are some references in ≪奉使錄≫ to check if this opinion is well evidenced enough.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        소유역(小流域)에서 토양(土壤) 유실(流失) 및 물 유출양상(流出樣相)

        이남종,오세진,정필균,Lee, Nan-Jong,Oh, Se-Jin,Jung, Pil-Kyun 한국토양비료학회 1998 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        Soil loss and runoff were investigated in a small watershed located in Sangeo-ri, Yeoju-eup, Yeoju-gun, Kyonggi-do. The watershed with the area of 35 ha consists of forest, grassland, uplands and mulberry. V-notch type water tank. flow-meter, automatic water sampler and rain gauge were installed at the main outlet stream. Out of $1.037.9Mg\;35ha^{-1}$ of total annual rainfall. 17.9% was lost via run-off. The total amount of soil eroded was $152.2Mg\;35ha^{-1}$, of which $78.6Mg\;35ha^{-1}$ was suspended load and $73.6Mg\;35ha^{-1}$ ha was sediment load. The soil losses under different land uses were $16.02Mg\;ha^{-1}$ for upland annual Crops. $2.69Mg\;ha^{-1}$ for mulberry field, $0.58Mg\;ha^{-1}$ for grassland and $0.55Mg\;ha^{-1}$ for forest. The predicted soil loss by Universal Soil Loss Equation was approximately 20% underestimated in forest, grassland and uplands, and 32% underestimated in mulberry field. 여주군 여주읍 상거리 내의 임지, 초지, 밭으로 구성되어 있는 소규모 농업유역에서 (35ha) 유출 및 퇴사 탱크를 시설하고 $90^{\circ}V$노치를 설치하여 토양 유실 및 물 수지(收支)를 측정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 유역내 토양 유실량은 $152.2Mg\;35ha^{-1}$으로 유사량은 $78.6Mg\;35ha^{-1}$, 퇴사량 $73.6Mg\;35ha^{-1}$이였다. 유역내 물 유출량은 $65,018Mg\;35ha^{-1}$로 강우량 1,037.9 mm의 17.9 %가 유출되었다 토지 이용별 토양 유실량은 밭 $16.02Mg\;ha^{-1}$, 상전 $2.69Mg\;ha^{-1}$, 초지 $0.58Mg\;ha^{-1}$, 임지 $0.55Mg\;ha^{-1}$ 유실되었다. 토양유실 예측공식에 의한 토양 유실량의 예측치는 실측치보다 임지, 초지 및 밭은 약 20 %정도 과소 추정, 상전은 32% 정도 과소 추정되었다.

      • KCI등재

        송대(宋代) 제화시(題畵詩)의 유형(類型)과 의경(意境)에 관한 고찰(考察) - 《성화집(聲畵集)》의 미인제화시(美人題畵詩)를 중심으로 -

        이남종 한국중국어문학회 2001 中國文學 Vol.35 No.-

        本文是關於宋代題畵詩類型與意境之探討.宋代題畵詩衆多而筆者見識不廣,因而本硏究不得不縮爲部分考察.於是筆者以分析美人題畵詩爲起步. 自古以來,美人爲最難決之題.何則,美人旣爲至美所鍾之處,又爲人欲所注之處.縱欲而行,則其害不止一身之敗,而甚至家國之傾覆.故古人稱美人曰尤物也.然而人不可无如此好色之心.聖人亦言,飮食男女,大欲存焉.雖然,此大欲實爲産生人類文明之來源.苟无欲心,因无多姿多彩之藝術,必矣.欲心屬於鄙賤之人境而胞胎藝術,藝術出於鄙賤之人境,而超乎人境,游於天上境界.出入无時,莫知其鄕者,人心也.使之有定,入於天上世界者,藝術之心也.宋人重理智,兼顧情感.因而能將人欲所鍾之美人進乎藝術之天上境界.平穩默想與无累於物,可以謂在進行藝術構想之中所采用的生活與思惟上之兩種具體方法.樂而不淫,可以謂在進行藝術創作之後所到達的藝術審美的實踐境界. 在中國,以詩規風,以畵勸戒,實爲源遠流長.宋人美人題畵,不出乎此.其中亦有異於文藝之?諫本色名爲?諫,實爲一時消遣之作.此外,又有詩?惜美人之不幸.詩人怜憫美人之浮薄運命者,可謂悲?自身所困之處境. 嗟乎,畵中美人,可觀而不可觸,可近而不可晤言.似有而非有,若有若无,虛无?渺,實爲无有.若其本无,不可以言傳,明矣.縱然如此,向往美人,追求美人之形象,寧有終極乎.古人對美人畵而題詩,今人對其詩而說夢,豈可同日而論,想來,其揆一與.

      • KCI등재

        宋代 題畵詩의 類型과 意境에 관한 考察 : -<聲畵集>의 美人題畵詩를 중심으로-

        李南鍾 한국중국어문학회 2001 中國文學 Vol.35 No.-

        本文是美於宋代題麗淸業型意境之探. 宋代題麗濬食多而業者見浿不, 因而本硏究不得不猜冷部鈴考察. 於是禁者以分析美人題蘭濤冷起. 自古以來, 美人衆最淮決之題. 河則, 美人騷衆至美所灌之畿, 又冷人欲所注之畿. 刻欲而行, 則其害不止一身之酸, 而舊至家園之傾覆. 鼓古人枾美人團尤物也. 然而人不可无如此好吏之心. 墨人 亦言, 淡凌勇女, 太默存焉. 墨然, 狀太款美流生人美文明之來源. 苟无款心, 因无多姿奈彩之亐本, 必矣. 欲心屬於鄙雌之人境而胞胎亐本, 訖本出於鄙雌之人境, 而超乎人境, 游於天上境界. 出入无財, 莫知其多春, 人心也. 使之有定, 人於乖上世界耉, 亐來之心也. 宋人重理智, 兼順情感. 因而能待人欲所灌之美人送乎芝朮之天上境界. 平德默想无累於洶, 可以渭在送行芝本梅想之申所柔用的生活思催上之丙神具俸方法. 乖而不灌, 可以涓在淺行姜本制作之後所刻造的亐本家美的案踐境界. 在中園, 以淸颯夙, 狀麗潾戒, 案冷源遠流候. 宋人美人題蘭, 不出乎此. 其中亦有昇於文苾之堺凍本色. 名衆濕凍, 案洵-財消遣之作 蛇外, 又有淸憐惜美人之不幸. 崙人倫懶美人之浮薄這命者,可渭悲制自身所困之鈗境. 嗟乎, 福中美人, 可視而不可鉞, 可近而不可晤言. 似耉而非街, 若有若无, 虛无螺點, 案冷无有.音其本无, 不可以言情, 明矣. 씬然如沈, 向往美人, 追求美人之形 字有勞根孝. 古人쳐美人讀而題濬, 今人카其淸而淡麥, 딘可同日而壇, 想來, 其揆一.

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