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      • KCI등재

        광주지방의 리기다소나무 및 리기테다소나무조림지의 (造林地) 물질생산량에 관한 연구

        이경재,김갑덕,김재생,박인협 ( Kyong Jae Lee,Kap Duk Kim,Jae Saeng Kim,In Hyeop Park ) 한국산림과학회 1985 한국산림과학회지 Vol.69 No.1

        To estimate the aboveground biomass of Pinus rigida and Pinus rigida × taeda 22-year-old plantations, the experimental plots of 200㎡ in size located in Kwangju of Jeonlanam-do were selected. Nine sample trees selected at each plot taking account of DBH distribution were felled and the diagram of oven-dry weight distribution of stem, branch, and needle for each 1m segment was constructed. The logarithmic regression equations between dry weight of each component (stems, branches, and needles) and the variable of (DBH)²-H were obtained.. The aboveground standing crops was estimated to be as much as 71 .61 and 142.32 tons of dry matter per hectare in P. rigida and P. rigida × taeda stand respectively. The net production was estimated as 10.81 and 10.46 t/㏊/yr and the net assimilation rate 1.32 and 1.00 ㎏/㎏/yr in P, rigida and P. rigida × taeda stand respectively. And the efficiency of needles to produce stem was 0.97 and 0.81 ㎏/㎏/yr in same order.

      • KCI등재

        솔잎혹파리 피해적송림(被害赤松林)의 생태학적(生態學的) 연구(硏究)(III) -청원군(淸原郡) 소나무군집(群集)의 7년간(年間)의 식생변화분석(植生變化分析)-

        이경재,오구균,임경빈,Lee, Kyong Jae,Oh, Koo Kyoon,Yim, Kyong Bin 한국산림과학회 1988 한국산림과학회지 Vol.77 No.3

        충남(忠南) 청원군(淸原郡)의 적송림(赤松林)을 대상으로 솔잎혹파리무피해시기(無被害時期) 및 극심상태시기(極甚狀態時期)의 삼림군집구조(森林群集構造)의 변화내용(變化內容)을 분석하였다. 무피해시기(無被害時期)인 1980년에 4개의 조사구(調査區)를 선정하고 각(各) 조사구(調査區)에 5개씩의 소조사구(小調査區)를 설치한 후 식갱조사(植生調査)를 하였으며, 극심피해시기(極甚被害時期)인 1987년에 동일장소(同一場所)에서 재조사(再調査)를 실시하였다. 1980년의 출현수종수(出現樹種數)는 32종(種)이던 것이 1987년에는 53종(種)이었다. 솔잎혹파리피해(被害)가 심하여짐에 따라 대상수종(代償樹種)으로 참나무류가 발달하였으며, 졸참나무와 갈참나무의 상대우점치(相對優占値)의 증가(增加)가 유의적(有意的)이었다. 또한 피해가 심하여지자 삼림군집(森林群集)의 종구성상태(種構成狀態)가 다양(多樣)하여져 종다양도(種多樣度), 균재도(均在度) 등(等)이 증가하였다. 1980년(年)과 1987년(年)의 조사군집간(調査群集間)의 유사도지수(類似度指數)는 전체적으로 71.2%이었으나, 교목상(喬木上) 하층(下層) 및 관목층(灌木層)에서 각각 87.6%, 52.9%, 49.7%로서 교목하층(喬木下層)과 관목층(灌木層)에서 종구성상태(種構成狀態)가 매우 이질화(異質化)하였다. To investigate and analyze the change in the forest community structure between non-attacked time(in 1980) and severly damaged time(in 1987) by pine gall midge, Thecodoplosis japonensis, four plots with five subplots were sampled at Cheongwon-gun of Chungcheungbuk-do. The total number of woody species per 0.2ha changed 32 in 1980 to 53 in 1987. According to the damage increasing, the importance value of the genus Quercus as a substituting species has sprung up. Especially the importance value of Quercus serrata and Q. aliena singnificantly increased in the heavily insect infested forest. As to changes of forest community structure during 7 years, diversity of investigation structure has increased. The similarity indices between 1980 and 1987 were 52.9% and 49.7% in the understory and shrub stratum, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        도시 공원녹지의 총량 산정을 위한 지표 비교 및 적용 - 서울시 구로구를 사례로 -

        이경재,최진우,한봉호,Lee, Kyong-Jae,Choi, Jin-Woo,Han, Bong-Ho 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.36 No.4

        본 연구에서는 서울시 구로구를 대상으로 공원녹지 총량 산정을 위한 지표를 비교하였다. 지표는 도시계획상, 평면적, 입체적 공원녹지 총량으로 구분하였다. 도시계획상 공원녹지 총량의 지표로써 구로구의 1인당 공원면적은 $2.34m^2$로 공원녹지의 부족을 선명하게 표현할 수 있었다. 그러나 1인당 공원면적 지표는 도시관리계획에 의해 지정된 공원면적만을 대상으로 하여 실제 녹지인 미지정된 산림, 하천 등과 시가화지역 내 녹지가 포함되지 못하는 단점을 지니고 있었다. 평면적 공원녹지 총량의 지표로써 구로구의 1인당 녹피면적은 $18.85m^2$로 실제 녹지를 최대한 반영하였다. 1인당 녹피면적은 시가화지역 내 녹지면적 확대에 초점을 맞추는 지표로써 실질적인 도시녹화의 지표로써 활용이 용이하였다. 그러나 공원녹지 총량개념이 아직까지 면적단위로만 파악되는 한계를 지니고 있었다. 입체적 공원녹지 총량의 지표로써 구로구의 1인당 생육수목주수는 4.1주이었고, 1인당 녹지용적은 $35.8m^2$었다. 이 지표는 고밀도로 개발된 도시환경 개선을 위해 수목량 증진 등의 질적인 향상계획에 반영할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study was to compare and apply quantitative indices for analyzing the total green space in an urban area, targeting Guro-Gu, Seoul. The indices were classified in terms of plane, solid and urban planning. The park area per person as an index of the park green's total volume was $2.34m^2$. This clearly shows the deficiency of park area. However, it did not reflect actual green space, since undesignated forests, rivers and green spaces in the city were excluded. Green coverage area per person in terms of plane was $18.85m^2$ and was useful as an index of actual urban planting, focusing on expansion of the green space. However, the conception of total volume of park green had limitation to be recognized as a unit of area. The number of trees and green area volume per person in terms of solid was 4.1 trees and $35.8m^2$, respectively. This enabled reflection on qualitative improvement plans such as increasing the volume of trees for the high density of developed areas.

      • KCI우수등재

        개포 시민의 숲의 배식에 관한 연구(I) -수목배식 사후평가-

        이경재,오충현,류창희,오구균,Lee, Kyong-Jae,Oh, Choong-Hyeon,Ryu, Chang-Hee,Oh, Koo-Kyoon 한국조경학회 1990 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.18 No.3

        This study was executed to investigate matters connected with planting of Gapho Citizen's Woods(Park), and to offer the data about countermeasure. The study was executed in 1988 and 1989. The contents of the study were the condition of plants, the environmental factors, the states of tree planting and the user's behavior. The result of this study can be summarized as follows. 1. Because of incongruity of soil and regardless of physiological properties of trees, the plants were damaged by their environment. In particular, the stress of soil moisture was serious. 2. The unsuitable planting forms for the park were found out through the park, which was the result of imprudent, additional planting. And so in planting trees additionally, the participation of landscape architect is needed. 3. There is a serious noisy problem from express way. Because when they planted trees, they did not consider about noise. It affected the quality and utilization of the park.

      • KCI등재

        도심 실내조경 식물의 적절한 생육에 필요한 광조건 - 서울시 광화문 교보생명빌딩 그린하우스를 대상으로 -

        이경재,최진우,배호봉,강현경,Lee, Kyong-Jae,Choi, Jin-Woo,Pae, Ho-Bong,Kang, Hyun-Kyoung 한국조경학회 2009 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.37 No.3

        본 연구는 교보생명빌딩 그린하우스를 대상으로 광조건에 따른 수목피해 및 생육상태 영향을 조사 분석하여 실내식물의 적절한 생육환경을 유지할 수 있는 적정 조도기준 도출을 목적으로 하였다. 광조건에 따른 조도현황과 고사목 교체주수, 수목피해율을 분석하여 생육조건에 따른 문제점을 파악하고 적정 조도기준을 도출하였다. 조도조사 결과 남측 음지와 양지에서 각각 531lux, 602lux로 가장 낮은 차이를 보인 반면에, 중앙 음지와 양지에서 210lux, 782lux로 약 500lux의 가장 높은 차이가 발생하였다. $1990{\sim}2004$년간 수목고사 조사결과 식재된 수목 중 아왜나무가 161주로 교체율이 가장 높았으며, 대나무 69주, 동백나무 40주, 후피향나무 40주 등의 순으로 조사되었다. 수목피해도 결과는 수종에 관계없이 채광이 양호한 양지구역에서는 평균 수목피해율이 $4.4{\sim}6.4%$로 경미하였으며, 음지구역에서는 수목피해율이 $21.9{\sim}48.8%$로 심각한 피해현상이 나타났다. 조도를 독립변수로, 수목피해도를 종속변수로 상관분석과 회귀분석을 각각 실시한 결과, 조도가 낮아질수록 수목피해율은 증가하였다. 조도가 $500{\sim}600lux$ 사이에서 피해율이 급격히 감소하였으며, 700lux 수준에서 피해율이 최소화되었다. 따라서 실내식물의 광조건에 의한 피해율을 줄이기 위해서는 최소 700lux이상의 조도가 필요한 것으로 판단되었다. This study has attempted to calculate the intensity of illumination for the optimal growth environment of indoor plants after analyzing both damage to plant species and growth conditions as impacted by light conditions for the Kyobo Life Insurance greenhouse. The optical intensity of illumination has been estimated after investigating the problems of growth conditions based on an analysis of illumination by light condition, dead tree replacement cycle(weeks) and rate of damage of plant species. According to the investigation of illumination, the lowest difference was observed between the shaded spot in the south(531lux) and the sunny spot(602lux) while the largest difference(nearly 500lux) was detected between the shaded spot in the central area(210lux) and the sunny spot(782lux). According to an analysis of dead trees from 1990 to 2004, in terms of dead tree replacement cycle, Viburnum awabuki was the highest(161weeks), followed by Phyllostachys spp.(84weeks), Camellia japonica and Ternstroemia japonica(40weeks). Regardless of plant species, damage rate of plant were lower in the shaded spot and higher in the sunny spot. According to correlation and regression analyses with the intensity of illumination as an independent variable and the damage rate of plant species as a dependent variable, the damage rate of plant species increased as the intensity of illumination decreased. A dramatic decline in the rate of damage was observed at $500{\sim}600lux$. At 700lux, it reached the lowest level.

      • KCI등재

        서울 남산도시자연공원의 비오톱 구조 및 생태적 관리방안

        이경재,한봉호,이수동,Lee Kyong-Jae,Han Bong-Ho,Lee Soo-Dong 한국조경학회 2004 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.32 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to propose an ecological management plan by the comprehensive analysis of biotope structures on Namsan Urban Natural Park in Seoul. Classified by actual vegetation, structure of layer and vegetation damage, biotope structures were composed of forest area, compact management area, herb area, cultivated area and non-ecology(urban) area. Succession had seened to stop in the Native forest. Artifical forest was divided into two types. The first, upper layer, was too dense to accommodate lower layer plants, the other case was the appearance of Quercus spp. and the first stage plants of succession following the declination of the upper layer plants. The soil pH of Nam-san Urban Park was 4.21∼4.51, which meant the soil was becoming acid. As the result of acidity, leaching of available nutrition(K/sup +/, NH₄/sup +/, Ca/sup ++/ etc.) was immediately influenced by the natural ecosystem, influence of acid rain was disturbed to becoming organic matter which was use to plants. In the case of a biotope structure management plan, the urban area was prohibited to spread outside. Cultivated and herb area was regenerated to natural forest. In the forest area, the compact management area was maintained with its present condition, and then it is desirable to make a preservation area and to plant shrubs. Planted Pinus densiflora Community was needed to eliminate competitive species of canopy layer, and plant shrubs. Management of deciduous broad-leaved Comm. was maintained in its present conditionand it is desirable to raise the diversity of the understory and shrub layer. The management of the artifical forest seems to be suitable for Q. spp. community. The care of naturalized plants prevents the expansion and restores the structure of wild plants. The soil management was a marked restoration soil ecosystem in order to prevent soil acid and drying.

      • KCI우수등재

        도시내 개발대상지의 생태적 경관조성계획에 관한 연구 -대덕연구 단지 조성지를 대상으로-

        이경재,조우,최송현,Lee, Kyong-Jae,Cho, Woo,Choi, Song-Hyun 한국조경학회 1992 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.20 No.1

        In order to make plan for landscape construction by ecological methods in Yukong R & D Complex site, environmental factors and structure of plant community were investigated and analyzed around Yukong R & D Complex site of Daeduk. The result of this study were as follows: 1. In the result by the classification of TWINSPAN and ordination (DCA) techniques for analysing of plant community structure, thirty plant community structure, thirty plots were divided into four groups according to soil moisture and succession trends were seem to be from the development of subsidiary vegetation through Pinus densiflora, Quercus spp., Robinia psudoacasia community to Q. acutissima community. So this result was proposed to validity of vegetation introduction for planning of ecological landscape construction in studied site. 2. On the analysis of environmental factors by ordination techeniques, the plant community were divided by soil moisture. Soilcondition will be fertilized by introduction of broad-leaved tree and the development of succession trends from the present state of plant community to Q. acutissima community. 3. The problems of horiticultural places happened to studied site, so horiticultural places for ecological landscape construction was proposed planting techniques that were considered to soil suitability, economical efficiency, native species and wildlife. 4. If we attempt to ecological landscape designs on natural systems and use natural processes to achieve desired end-points, we are more likely to produce self-sustaining solutions.

      • KCI등재

        시가화지역 토지이용유형별 피복현황 분석을 통한 생태면적률 적용 방안 연구

        이경재,홍석환,최인태,한봉호,Lee, Kyong-Jae,Hong, Suk-Hwan,Choi, In-Tae,Han, Bong-Ho 한국조경학회 2007 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.35 No.4

        The objective of this study is to analyze the propriety of the Biotope Area Factor's(BAF) application and propose an improvement plan. The BAP system, initially started by Seoul metropolitan city, is being settled in Korea. The BAF originated from the Biotop $Fl{\ddot{a}}chen$ Faktor(BFF) system of Berlin Germany. It was established as part of the Landscape Plan for the ecological function recovery in the high density built-up area with a sense of environmentally friendly urban management. The study compared the BAF's present condition of Ganddong-Gu, Seoul with Seoul's BAF system. Some problems appeared from the system application. Firstly, it may cause ecological damage if the site ranges are more than current BAF system limits. Secondly, the application of the current BAF system has the possibility of general redevelopment, but the partial improvement considering current standards of the high density built-up area's paving section is impossible. Lastly, division of the application object and application type are not divided well. In addition, the Seoul BAF which is currently applied across the board is based on the destruction of the natural area and low density built-up area. Accordingly, to improve these problems requires a complementary system protecting the ecological function prior to the application of the BAF and with restricted application to high density of BAF system built-up area.

      • KCI등재

        남산자연공원의 식물군집구조 (植物群集構造) 및 8년간 식생변화분석

        이경재,박인협,오구균 ( Kyong Jae Lee,In Hyeop Park,Koo Kyoon Oh ) 한국산림과학회 1987 한국산림과학회지 Vol.76 No.3

        To investigate and analyze the vegetational structure, thirty sites were sampled with clumped sampling method and seventeen belt transects were sampled to analyze the vegetational change during 8 years(from 1978 to 1986)at the Namsan Nature Park in Seoul. Robinia pseudoacacia community of actual vegetation covered 29.39% Quercus mongolica community 21.25% and Pinus densiflora community 17.58% of the Mt. Namsan forest. The degree of human disturbance of vegetation of 8, 7 and 6 area covered 43.2%, 7.8% and 30.8% respectively. The Quercus mongolica community at the northern slope and R. pseudoacacia communitu at the edge zone will keep their present structure. And P. densiflora community at the eastern and southern slope shall be succeeded to deciduous trees such as Q. mongolica. As to changes of plant community structure during 8 years, density of understory species, species diversity and Raunkiaer`s frequency class A and E showed an increase and vegetation structure was developed to unification.

      • KCI등재

        내장산국립공원의 식물군집 및 이용행태에 관한 연구 (Ⅱ) - 이용객 영향 및 행태 -

        이경재,오구균,조재창 ( Kyong Jae Lee,Koo Kyoon Oh,Jae Chang Jo ) 한국산림과학회 1988 한국산림과학회지 Vol.77 No.4

        To investigate the users` activity, impact and psychology in Naejang Temple district at Mt. Naejang National Park in Korea, users` density and questionnaire survey at three major picnic areas and passenger counting at major pass were executed and environmental impacton on the site was surveyed, The total number of visitors showed stability at the level of one million persons every year after 1984. Users` impact was much severe along the main trail, the upper cablecar station and the slope from the observatory to Keumsun Valley, The maximum momentary number of users was estimated as 53,000 persons in autumn. Approximately 20% of the total number of visitor used Keumsun Valley and Weonjeok Valley area and 80% of visitors left after using only grassland and cablecar. The visitors` characteristics was similiar to the type of long-distanced national park and the main visiting purpose was to see autumn leaves. The psychological satisfaction did not very significantly as to increasing user`s speace. As a result of varimax rotated factor analysis, the 1st factor, most affecting users` psychological satisfaction, was related to ladnscape and consisted of nature disturbance, crowdedness, .noisiness, cleanness, in order of importance. The 2nd factor was related to facilities and consisted of number of toilet, number of waste-baskets, amount of drinking water, safety, in order of importance.

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