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      • KCI등재

        Development and Comparison of Warfarin Dosing Algorithms in Stroke Patients

        이경아,조선미,이경,최종락 연세대학교의과대학 2016 Yonsei medical journal Vol.57 No.3

        Purpose: The genes for cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) have been identified as important genetic determinants of warfarin dosing and have been studied. We developed warfarin algorithm for Korean patients with stroke and compared the accuracy of warfarin dose prediction algorithms based on the pharmacogenetics. Materials and Methods: A total of 101 patients on stable maintenance dose of warfarin were enrolled. Warfarin dosing algorithm was developed using multiple linear regression analysis. The performance of all the algorithms was characterized with coefficient of determination, determined by linear regression, and the mean of percent deviation was used to predict doses from the actual dose. In addition, we compared the performance of the algorithms using percentage of predicted dose falling within ±20% of clinicallyobserved doses and dividing the patients into a low-dose group (≤3 mg/day), an intermediate-dose group (3–7 mg/day), and high-dose group (≥7 mg/day). Results: A new developed algorithms including the variables of age, body weight, and CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotype. Our algorithmaccounted for 51% of variation in the warfarin stable dose, and performed best in predicting dose within 20% of actual dose and intermediate-dose group. Conclusion: Our warfarin dosing algorithm may be useful for Korean patients with stroke. Further studies to elucidate clinical utilityof genotype-guided dosing and find the additional genetic association are necessary.

      • KCI등재

        디자인 교육 특성화를 위한 융·복합형 디자인 교육 개념 모델 개발에 관한 연구 : 한국교통대학교 커뮤니케이션디자인학과 사례를 중심으로

        이경아,송연호,장효민,이경아 한국디지털디자인학회 2012 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.12 No.3

        오늘날 사회가 요구하는 디자이너 상은 정치·경제, 역사·문화적 차원에서 급변하는 주변 정세에 즉각 대처할 수 있는 능동적인 디자인 인재가 요구된다. 과거 산업화 시대에는 기술과 지식 전수를 통한 '기능 중심의 디자이너'가 요구 되었다. 하지만 복잡한 사회 구조를 가진 오늘날에는 뛰어난 창의성을 기반으로 다양한 능력을 겸비한 '창조적인 디자이너'가 요구된다. 즉, 오늘날의 디자이너는 '디자인'이라는 영역 내에서의 이론적, 실무적 교류 및 융합 능력을 바탕으로 타 분야들과 원활히 소통할 수 있어야 한다. 또한 대학의 디자인 교육에 있어서도 미래지향적 디자인을 실현하기 위해서는 타학문과의 교류 및 융합뿐만 아니라 디자인 영역 간의 상호작용 즉 커뮤니케이션(Communication)이 필요하다. 이러한 변화의 흐름에 대처하기 위해서는 미래지향적이고 지속가능한 디자인 교육 시스템에 대한 연구가 무엇보다 시급한 실정이다. 이러한 배경에 따라 본 연구의 주요 논점은 디자인의 의미의 변화에 따른 디자인의 개념을 재 정의하였다. 또한 재 정의한 디자인 개념에 따라 융·복합형 디자인 교육의 개념모델로서 커뮤니케이션디자인학을 제안하였다. 이를 위해 커뮤니케이션(Communication)의 의미 및 개념을 다각도적인 측면에서 분석해 디자인 교육 개념 모델에 적용하였다. 본 논문은 급변하는 사회 정세에 능동적으로 대처해 준비된 디자이너 양성을 위한 '융·복합형 디자인 교육 개념모델(CDECM, Convergence Design Educating Concept Model)' 을 제안하는데 목적이 있다. 또한 본 논문은 소속대학의 융합교육 계획에 따라 디자인 교육특성화를 위한 기초 연구로서 후속 과제인 '미래지향적인 통합 디자인 교육 모델 연구'를 위한 기초 연구로 사용하고자 한다. A major viewpoint of this study lies on the fact that design concept is accordingly re-defined to the change of design meaning. Moreover, according to the re-defined design concept this study proposes a communication design as a conceptual model for convergence design education. For these, this study analyzed the meaning and concept of communication in the aspects of various dimensions and applied it to a conceptual model of design education. The purpose of this study is to propose a Convergence Design Educating Concept Model (CDECM), for raising prepared designers to actively cope with the social conditions that change suddenly. Also, this study is a basic research used for 'a study of future-oriented integrated design educating model,' and also, a succeeding project as a basic research for specialized design education according to convergence education plans of the affiliated university.

      • KCI등재

        Heterozygosities of 735 microsatellite markers and backgroundlinkage disequilibrium in the Korean population

        이경아,김종원 생화학분자생물학회 2006 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.38 No.6

        Suitability of a specific population for linkage dis-equilibrium maping studies of complex traits may be assessed by investigating the background link-age disequilibrium (BLD). We are unaware of stud-ies for quantifying the degree of BLD in the Korean population, although the population may be a good candidate for mapping of complex trait genes through whole-genome association studies. It is useful to investigate the properties of genetic iso-lates in East Asia and to compare them to genetic isolates in Europe. We analyzed the extent of BLD in the Korean population using 735 microsatellite markers and compared the results with the Iceland-er population, which is one of the European ex-panded genetic isolates. The Korean population ex-hibited a level of BLD comparable with the Icelander population. The inference of population structure using the model with admixture showed that each individual has allele copies originating from K pop-ulations in equal proportions. Therefore, we believe that factors other than genetic distance, such as re-cent admixture, have not contributed to the level of BLD. Our results showed that the Korean pop-ulation, which is an expanded population with no evidence of admixture, has a BLD level comparable with the Icelander population. Therefore, the Korean population can be used for fine mapping of either complex traits or monogenic diseases.

      • 데이터웨어하우스 시스템 설계 및 구현

        이경아,안기홍 한밭대학교 2008 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.6 No.1

        성형외과 HIS 에서의 데이터웨어하우스 구축은 병원의 업무처리과정에 발생한 각종 데이터와 단 순 보관 및 증빙목적의 과거 데이터를 진료와 진료지원 및 경영 둥의 주제영역별로 다차원 구축 기법을 이용해서 체계적으로 통합된 데이터로 재구성하여 각종 진료 연구나 경영분석의 활용 데이터로 사용하는 병원 의료정보 시스템의 인프라를 확장 발전시키고자 함이다. 본 논문에서는 데이터웨어하우스를 통하여 정확한 환자 정보 관리와 보다 나은 환자 서비스를 손쉽게 할 수 있는 방법을 추출함으로써 디지털 운영을 통한 성형외과 의료서비스의 수준을 개선코자 기본 인프라 시스템을 구축하였다. Date Warehouse construction in plastic surgery HIS extends infra of hospital medical intelligence system that use to practical use data of various medical examination and treatment studies or business analysis because reconsσuct from past data of various dates and simplicity storage and proof purpose that happen in business process of hospital to data that is integrated systematically taking advantage of multidimensional construction technique by subject area of medical examination and treatment and medical examination and treatment supportmanagement etc. and it is wishes to develop.

      • KCI등재

        중도‧중복장애 학생 교육에 대한 구성주의적 접근과 대안적 패러다임의 모색 - 초등 특수학급 수업을 중심으로 -

        이경아,이숙정 한국지체.중복.건강장애교육학회 2010 지체.중복.건강장애연구 Vol.53 No.1

        This study examined the special educational application of epistemology of constructivism with reconsideration about special class situation in elementary school, and suggested alternative paradigm for severe disabilities students' instruction-learning. The constructive epistemology in class situation and the application of teaching-learning principle were as follows: the teacher with a constructive epistemology knows that the world is constructed differently by learners based on their interpretations of experiences in the world, and helps the learners with a process of constructing the world. A teacher with a constructive epistemology considers texts as instruments for realizing educational intrinsic value and tries to relates learners with helper and colleague of learning. In the episode related with learning of a learner with severe disabilities, teacher made one participate in the class for a moment. But teacher with constructive epistemology can grasp a conversation and the cognitive response of learners, so he/she cannot give a meaning to educational condition. In order to understand and extend learning of learners with severe disabilities , it is required that the concept of communications can extend to unverbal communication with recognizing possibilities of learners with severe disabilities' learning. Masschelein's communicational inter-subjectivity introduced as alternative paradigm will be a base which can secure the learner's autonomy and seize the phenomena of education through the concept of "being-together-ness" by scrutinizing the communication between the teacher and the learner in the field amidst. 이 연구는 초등 특수학급 수업 현상에 대한 해석을 통해 구성주의 인식 기반에 편향된 교육행위를 반성하고 중도‧중복장애 학생 교수-학습을 위한 대안적 패러다임을 모색하고자 시도한 연구이다. 중도‧중복장애 학생의 학습과 관련된 한 범례에서 구성주의 인식에 편향한 교사의 교육활동은 중도중복장애 학생과의 수업에서 대화와 인지적 방식의 반응만을 포착하고자 했으며, 그로 인해 중도‧중복장애 학생과의 교육 현상에 주관적 전반성적 의미를 부여하기 어려웠다. 중도‧중복장애 학생의 학습에 대한 인식 지평을 확대하기 위해서는 그들의 학습 가능성을 새롭게 바라보는 시각과 함께 의사소통의 개념을 비언어적 의사소통까지 확장하는 일이 요구된다. 대안적 패러다임으로 소개한 마스켈라인의 의사소통적 상호주관성은 ‘사이’의 공간에서 교사-학습자간의 의사소통에 천착함으로써“함께 있음”의 개념을 통하여 중도‧중복장애 학생의 학습자 주체성을 담보하고 교육현상을 포착할 수 있는 근거가 된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 이농여성의 사회경제적 특징과 도시정착 가능성

        이경아 한국중국문화학회 2007 中國學論叢 Vol.23 No.-

        This article first discusses about the Chinese rural-to-urban migrant women's socio-economic condition, then it examines recently changing Hukou(household registration) system. The Hukou system has restrained the migration since the planned economy Era and is responsible for the rural-urban inequality in contemporary China. It also tries to deduce the possibility of settlement that the rural-to-urban migrant women who hope to settle down in Chinese city have.In spite, many Chinese rural-to-urban migrant women are willing to settle down in the city nowadays, their settlement look very difficult. Because of their lower education level, they only get the 3D jobs that pay low wage. Moreover, having no citizenship, they are being exploited and treated discriminatingly in the city. According to the current Hukou system, the municipal government grants the citizenship restrictively only for people of high education level, profession, wealth who can make contributions to the city. In conclusion, most Chinese rural-to-urban migrant women should return to their hometown after few years of working. Otherwise they have to live as marginal persons in the city.

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