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        『제인 에어』: 페미니스트적 열망과 제국주의적 기획

        윤정용 한국중앙영어영문학회 2015 영어영문학연구 Vol.57 No.1

        The imperialistic planning of mid-Victorian era skillfully appropriated ‘sexual politics.’ At that time, the British Empire idealized the women who gave up physical pleasure and were dedicated to imperialism for its own sake. Externally, the empire justified territorial expansion and economic exploitation in the name of civilization by suppressing the subjugated. Internally, on the basis of patriarchal ideology, the empire suppressed women’s subjectivity. In short, at that time, imperialism and patriarchal system were the basis of the British Empire, and therefore women came to fall a victim to them. In Jane Eyre, not only imperialism but also colonialism was a dynamic force of the main plot. As the romance of Jane and Rochester was the core of the plot, the novel seems to have nothing to do with imperialism and colonialism any more. But what puts the romance of Jane and Rochester to an ultimate success was the death of Bertha and a large fortune left to Jane by her uncle, which made Jane and Rochester equal on a economical level and a social position class. Since the fortune was presumed to come from a colony, imperialism and colonialism were the fundamentals of Jane Eyre. The literary success of Jane Eyre can be attributed to acutely demonstrating how closely imperialism is related to everyday life of the British. Bertha stands for ‘brutality’ and ‘sense of guilty’, which arise from the colonialization of the West Indies by England. In addition, the psychological viewpoints of ‘conquest’ and ‘civilization,’ which were two pivotal parts of colonialization, were vividly represented by male characters in Jane Eyre. Also, Brontë sharply criticized the repressive attitudes of colonialists. Jane’s feminist desire points out the combination of the imperial planning with gender ideology. As we saw in the relationship between Jane and St. John, Jane completely rejected the role as an assistant of a missionary required by the imperialism. Therefore, the suppression that Jane felt in the relationship between sexes/genders was projected on to women of other ethnicities. Especially, Jane’s desire, fear, and anger were the same as those of Bertha. Brontë indicated the problems of the imperialism by illustrating discrimination against women and suppression of women. But she did not criticize the intrinsic problems of the imperialism. Instead, Brontë/ Jane did expose her potential desire for the imperialism. Although Jane’s desire for the imperialism was limited in a small society of family, she never gave up her desire for it. As we all know, Jane’s individual achievement desire is closely associated to an expansionist policy of the imperialism. But it is not easy to predicate that Brontë/Jane is imperialistic on the grounds: Bertha was eliminated from the plot of Jane Eyre, and the civilization of St. John internalized the imperialism. Namely, although Brontë/Jane’s feminist desire appropriates the imperialist discourses, she creates a crack in the imperialist discourses by rejecting the image of women required by patriarchal ideology of Victorian era. In conclusion, when we pay attention to the points of intersection between ‘imperialism’ and ‘feminism,’ it is likely to be easier for us to grasp the subversive forces and their meanings of individual feminism in Jane Eyre.

      • KCI등재

        스토파드의 셰익스피어 다시 쓰기/읽기

        윤정용 한국중앙영어영문학회 2006 영어영문학연구 Vol.48 No.2

        Tom Stoppard was generally said to borrow plots, dialogues, dramatic actions, characters, and dramatic devices from other writers’ works. He did not merely imitate them, but creatively transformed them, put them into new contexts, and gave them new meanings. However, many studies on Stoppard’s plays regarded his writing style as a mere imitation and looked over the qualities intrinsic in the style. The purpose of this paper is to investigate these qualities. Stoppard explored the content and ideas rather than the forms of the plays, which he had set as his goal in writing these plays. He thought that borrowing from other writers’ works was much more economical and effective than originally writing plays on his own. Stoppard used famous classical plays as frameworks of his own plays. Especially, he consistently transformed Shakespeare’s works. He used them not to take advantage of the reputation of the plays, but to attract readers/audiences and to enhance the dramatic effect through the familiarity of the plays. Also, it is highly probable that he borrowed from the classical plays to ensure the authenticity of his works. In conclusion, Stoppard’s plays are not merely parasitic imitations or mimicries; they are very meaningful in that other writers’ works are transformed and recreated as new type of works. He demonstrates that excellent plays are created not only by using the playwright’s imagination, but also through creative transformations.

      • KCI등재

        중소기업의 기술혁신역량이 기술성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증 연구: 흡수역량의 조절역할을 중심으로

        윤정용,윤귀병,송종현,이헌상 한국산업경제학회 2023 산업경제연구 Vol.36 No.4

        본 연구에서는 중소기업의 기술혁신역량이 기술성과에 미치는 영향과 함께 그 영향력을 흡수역량이 조절할 수 있는지에 대한 연구모형과 가설을 제시하고, 이를 검증하기 위해 중소기업에 대한 기술평가 전문기관인 기술보증기금에서 직접 평가한 5,239개 업체의 기술평가 및 재무정보 자료등을 활용하여 실증분석 하였다. 분석 결과 연구개발역량, 기술축적역량 및 기술혁신체계로 구성된 기술혁신역량이 특허건수로 측정된 기술성과에 모두 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 축적된 기술자원 및 기술력의 수준인 기술축적역량이 기술성과 향상의 핵심요인으로 확인되었다. 또한 흡수역량중 매출액 대비 연구개발 투자금액의 비중인 R&D집약도는 기술혁신역량을 강화시켜 기술성과에 미치는 영향을 더욱 증가시키는 정(+)의 조절효과가 나타났고, 또 하나의 흡수역량인 기술인력비율(총근로자수 대비 연구개발인력의 비율)은 기술성과에 미치는 영향을 약화시키는 음(-)의 조절효과가 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 경쟁기업등이 모방하기 어려운 차별적인 기술인 특허권등 지식 재산권의 강화를 통한 기술성과의 향상을 위해서는 기술혁신역량의 강화가 필수적이며, R&D인력 보다는 지속적인 기술개발 실적등의 기술축적역량과 함께 외부기술의 도입 및 이전 등의 다양한 연구개발 투자를 통한 R&D집약도 수준을 높혀 기술혁신역량과의 시너지 효과를 창출할 수 있는 흡수역량의 강화에 초점을 맞추는 기술혁신 전략이 더 효과적이라는 것을 의미한다 하겠다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        ‘권력투쟁’과 ‘주체성’으로 살펴본 『귀향』

        윤정용 한국중앙영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학연구 Vol.55 No.3

        The characters in Pinter’s works play games with words not only to face the reality of life, but also to protect themselves from others. In The Homecoming, the main characters use abusive words and sometimes fight against each other to secure their own field. Especially, the male characters fight for hegemony even before Teddy coming back home with his wife, Ruth. They fabricate the pasts and idealize themselves to vie for power. But they all give in to Ruth’s power, including Teddy. Ruth’s intuitive words, which are well contrasted with Teddy’s metaphysical words, elicit immediate responses from her opponents. Besides, The Homecoming illustrates the violent force that abusive words bring about and the negative effect that distorted words cause. The Homecoming starts with family rows, specifically a quarrel between father and son in a ‘motherless’ home. Their conflict intensifies on the ground of the breakdown and change of family structure, which occurs in the motherless home. In a traditional home, a mother internalizes family ideology and teaches her children patriarchal disciplines. But if the mother is not in the home or refuses to accept the role as a discipliner, her children don’t have any chance to acquire patriarchal norms. In The Homecoming, Jessie is not obedient to patriarchal rules, but she has not given up being a mother. In short, in The Homecoming, Jessie exists as an “absent presence.” Ruth finally comes to substitute for Jessie. In the past, female bodies and their sexual desire were just a means to satisfy male sexual desire. But now female bodies and their sexual desire are dominant ideologies, and sometiems control those of male. In The Homecoming, Ruth refuses to accept imposed feminity and finds her new identity as an independent woman. She becomes a representative ‘Pinteresque’ female character who opposes the oppressive marriage institution and patriarchy, and tries to pursue her true life. In conclusion, Ruth is not a passive female character who necessarily follows outmoded traditions, but a positive female character who is willing to sacrifice everything for whatever she wants. In short, Ruth is one of Pinter’s most fully developed idealized female characters.

      • KCI등재후보

        희작에 나타난 변형적 교류

        윤정용 한국중앙영어영문학회 2006 영어영문학연구 Vol.48 No.4

        The Transformational Exchanges in Travesties Yoon, Jeongyong (Chungbuk National University) In Travesties, Tom Stoppard mixes realities with fictions, and repeatedly questions the true nature of reality. But, he doesn’t give any answers or clues for it. In the ending, there is no resolution to the conflicts which can be generally expected. Instead, new conflicts are brought forth, and readers/spectators become more and more confused. In short, Travesties well embodies ‘disorder’ or ‘uncertainty,’ one of the most prominent aspects in his works. In Travesties, a variety of texts are piled one on another, multifarious dramatic devices are mixed together, and new fictional realities are created. In addition, these multi-layered realities exist as the outward appearances regulated by settled pattern. Sometimes, because of the unreliability of the protagonist, Carr’s memory, identical words and phrases are reiterated, and ‘time-slips’ occur repeatedly, but, Stoppard creates new order and meaning from disorder. In Travesties, he provides the disorderly scattered fragments with extremely different contexts, and creates new realities and meanings, which is the central point of the work. In Travesties, dramatic actions are developed not according to the relation of cause and effect but to Carr’s unreliable memory, which illustrates that human lives are not logical, and that human histories are not exact. In short, Stoppard demonstrates that we, humans, aren’t directly related to the historical affairs which actually happened, but fettered to a kind of fictional history temporarily reconstructed based on the necessity of the present, and therefore we should lead a more active, creative life.

      • 뉴라운드의 대두에 따른 韓國의 對應方案

        尹正龍 釜山 大學校 經營 經濟 硏究所 1999 經營 經濟 硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        '밀레니엄 라운드' 또는 '시애틀 라운드'라고도 불리는 뉴라운드는 21세기 세계 교역질서를 관장할 새로운 무역규범을 만들자는 것이 취지이다. 그러나 날로 치열해지고 있는 국가간의 생존을 위한 싸움은 2등은 필요 없는 시대로 흘러가고 있으며 '총체적 국가경쟁력 배양'없이는 우리 나라 경제는 홀로 설 수가 없는 상황이 되었다. 결국 피할수 없는 엄연함 국제현실이 될 新라운드에 대하여 개방 및 채택하여야 할 부문은 철저하게 채택과 개방을 하되 政治·外交的으로는 국제무대에서의 협상력과 발언권강화를 통하여 차후 협상의 유리한 고지를 확보해야 하며 經濟·通商的측면에서는 생산성향상. 기술혁신. 생산원가절감 뿐만 아니라 경영합리화와 품질제고 노력을 통하여 우리 나라 상품의 국제경쟁력을 배양하여야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        『아카디아』에 나타난 스토파드의 세계관

        윤정용 한국중앙영어영문학회 2007 영어영문학연구 Vol.49 No.2

        Tom Stoppard is one of the most representative contemporary playwrights in England. Arcadia, which is hailed as his most brilliant and fascinating play, is not only a story of two contemporary researchers, Hannah and Bernard, who try to find out what really happened in Sidley Park, but also an intellectual discourse about a variety of scientific, mathematical, and philosophical arguments. In this thesis, I aim to investigate the symmetries in structure, characters and ideas, and ultimately inquire into Stoppard’s world view. Arcadia has a symmetrical time structure. Stoppard uses two different historical periods to elaborate plots and demonstrate that it is impossible to know what happened using fragments of the past. Arcadia abounds in contrasting or symmetrical characters who represent his basic ideas. Through the symmetrical characters, he doesn’t overtly show his own opinion of “who is right?” or “who is wrong?”. Instead, he metaphorically describes the modern world where there exist various ideas. He not only fosters the audiences’ or readers’ interest but also stimulates their intellectual curiosity through contrasting, versatile ideas. In particular, there are many references to contrasts between Enlightenment and Romanticism, which are well expressed in the remodelling plan of the garden in Sidley Park. In addition, he tries to deal with many scientific ideas like chaos theory, the second law of thermodynamics, entropy, and Newtonian physics to display the metaphysical conditions of our modern world. In conclusion, the real intention of Stoppard’s writing is not to intentionally lead the audiences or readers to disorder but to show them the diversity of our world where versatile theories are mixed with confusing human relations.

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