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      • KCI등재

        An American Inflection of Yeats: the Agrarian Movement’s Reception of Yeats

        윤성호 한국예이츠학회 2022 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.68 No.-

        I set out in this article to draw on the ways in which Yeats can be (mis)appropriated and (mis)read within changing contexts, particularly against the backdrop of the reception of Yeats by the Agrarian Movement in the US South. The Agrarian oppositional configuration between the South and modernity is founded on the modern sublimation of tradition into the concrete substance of contemporary poetic actuality, which the Agrarian critics continued to discover in Yeats. They molded Yeats into a model poet for their own development of a southern consciousness and minted him as a sign of such integration and completion. Nonetheless, what is striking in the Agrarian reception of Yeats is the vain attempt to reframe the poet as a fixed and contained signifier of a set of values remaining constant, whether Yeats is defined as traditionalist or as modern, or as an eclectic mixture of the two. Such an anxiety at the very heart of southern modernity brings about an yearning to assert the continuities between modern poetry and the tradition through Yeats while revealing a pressure of the regional and the historical that calls any seamless continuity into question. The Agrarian reception of Yeats demonstrates that an adequate notion of the governing features and forces behind each re-reading and re-nuancing of the original impulse will continue to change and that the disorienting orientation of the local reception of Yeats will continue to exist.

      • KCI등재

        가습기 살균제에 대한 제조물책임법의 적용과 한계

        윤성호 한국경찰법학회 2019 경찰법연구 Vol.17 No.3

        In our society, the risk of living is also increasing in the economic growth caused by the rapid development of science and technology. The dangers of modern society are not just caused by natural disasters or accidents, but by mainly technology and systems created by humans. The humidifier sterilizer case is an artificial disaster of our society created by the government’s poor management and regulatory system that ignores the potential for unethical behavior and risks of companies that only want to trust in chemicals and pursue profits. Humidifier disinfectant are highly technology-intensive products, and the Product Liability Law is an issue that has caused losses to a large number of victims due to defects in mass production and mass consumption. In this paper, we reviewed the applicability and limitations of the manufacturing liability law to the company’s negligence in the humidifier disinfectant case. In addition, we reviewed through the active application of punitive damages (including high-value alimony) under the Product Liability Act and the introduction of a class action system, which is an institutional device that can make efforts or induce the manufacturer’s own defects. In order to ask the manufacturer of humidifier disinfectants for damages, causality should be recognized between defects and damages of the manufactured products but causality should be mitigated in order to protect consumers who do not have scientific or professional knowledge, Furthermore, it is necessary to actively consider the introduction of class action suits as a way to improve the legal system to prevent illegalities and laws by businesses although the victims of defective products are unspecified, and a small number of individual victims are reluctant to remedy the damages and often refuse to raise them due to difficulties in proving them. 급속한 과학기술의 발달에 따른 경제성장 속에 생활 위험 또한 높아지고 있다. 현대 사회의 위험은 자연재해나 우연적으로 발생하는 것이 아니라 인간에 의해 창출된 과학기술과 제도에 의하여 인위적으로 발생하고 있다. 가습기 살균제 사건은 화학물질에 대한 맹신과 이윤추구만을 원하는 기업의 비도덕적 행동 및 위험 발생의 가능성을 무시한 정부의 관리․규제 체계의 허술함이 만들어낸 우리 사회의 인위적 재난이라고 할 수 있다. 가습기 살균제는 고도의 기술이 집약된 제조물이며, 대량생산․대량소비되는 제품의 결함으로 인하여 다수의 피해자에게 손해를 발생케 한 사안으로 제조물책임법이 적용되어야 할 사안이다. 본 논문에서는 가습기 살균제 사건에 대한 기업의 과실에 제조물책임법의 적용여부와 그 한계를 검토하면서, 아울러 제조업자 스스로 제조물의 결함이 발생하지 않도록 노력하거나 유도할 수 있는 제도적 장치들인 제조물책임법상 징벌적 손해배상(고액으로 변경된 위자료 포함)의 적극적인 적용과 집단소송제도의 도입 등을 통하여 검토하였다. 가습기 살균제의 제조업자에게 손해배상책임을 묻기 위해서는 제조물의 결함여부와 결함과 손해와의 사이에 인과관계가 인정되어야 하지만, 과학적·전문적 지식이 없는 소비자 보호를 위해서는 인과관계를 완화해야 할 필요가 있다. 또한 결함제조물로 인한 피해자는 불특정 다수인이며, 소액의 개별피해자들이 그 피해구제에 소극적이며 입증곤란으로 소 제기를 거부하는 경우가 많지만, 기업의 불법과 탈법을 방지하기 위한 소송제도의 개선방안으로 집단소송제도의 도입을 적극적으로 검토할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        외팔보의 비감쇠 진동시 가진력에 의한 동적 반응의 민감도 정식화 및 해석

        윤성호 한국기계가공학회 2020 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.19 No.11

        In this study, a sensitivity formulation was applied to analyze the dynamic response due to the effect ofthe excitation force for the undamped vibration of the cantilever beam. The theoretically fundamentalformulations were derived considering an eigenvalue problem and its modal analysis to govern the secondorder algebraic differential equation in terms of the change in the modal coordinate with respect to thedesign parameters. A representative physical quantity pertaining to the dynamic response, that is, the rate ofchange in the dynamic displacement, was observed by changing the design variables, such as thecross-sectional area of the beam. The numerical results were obtained at various locations, considering theapplication of the external forces and observation of the dynamic displacement. When the detection positionwas closer to the free end of the cantilever beam, the sensitivity of the dynamic displacement was higher, aspredicted through the oscillating motion of the beam. The presented findings can provide guidance to computethe dynamic sensitivity for a flexibly connected structure under dynamic excitations.

      • KCI등재

        7세기 가야고지 일대의 신라와 백제간 경계 변화

        윤성호 한국고대사학회 2022 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.- No.107

        Silla, which subjugated Gaya, formed a new boundary with Baekje, and the boundary changed according to the relationship between the two countries. In this paper, the boundary changes between the two countries were reviewed by analyzing historical data and archaeological data. Silla was frequently attacked by Baekje in the late 6th century. When Silla strengthened its defense line to the west of Amakseong, it was resisted by Baekje twice. Eventually, in 624, Silla lost six fortress from Baekje, including Sokhamseong, and the borders of the two countries changed. And in 642, Silla lost Daeyaseong to Baekje. However, Kim Yu-sin took the lead and Silla recaptured the Hapcheon area including Daeyaseong from 644 to 648. The loss of more than 40 fortresses, including Mihuseong, before Silla lost Daeyaseong, was understood as a prelude to the Battle of Daeyaseong. Based on this, Silla also found that much of the former Gaya region was lost. However, by reviewing related records and archaeological data, it can be seen that this argument is exaggerated. In other words, Silla temporarily lost he former Gaya region to Baekje in the first half of the 7th century, but soon regained it. The boundary formed near Gajocheon Stream in Geochang lasted until 663 when Baekje's revival movement was suppressed. 가야를 복속한 신라는 백제와 새로운 경계가 형성되었고 양국의 역관계에 따라 경계의 변화가 발생하였다. 본고에서는 사료에 대한 재검토와 고고학 자료를 분석하여 양국의 경계 변화를 재검토하였다. 6세기 후반까지 간헐적인 백제의 공세를 경험한 신라는 아막성 서쪽의 방어시설을 보강하자 두 차례 백제의 공격을 받았다. 결국 624년 신라는 백제에게 속함성 등 6성을 빼앗기면서 경계에 변화가 발생하였다. 이어서 642년에 신라는 하주의 치소인 대야성까지 상실하면서 백제에게 가야고지를 잠식당한다. 그러나 김유신이 주축이되어 644~648년경에 신라는 대야성을 비롯한 합천 지역을 탈환하였다. 신라가 대야성을 상실하기 이전에 미후성 등의 40여 성을 상실한 사건은 대야성 전투의 전초전으로 이해되었다. 이를 근거로 신라가 가야고지의 많은 부분을 상실한 것으로 파악하기도 하였다. 그러나 관련 기사를 재검토해 보면 청병을 위한 신라의 대당 외교 과정에서 일정한 과장이 있었고, 고고자료를 통해서도 백제에게 빼앗긴 가야고지의 범위는 넓지 않았음을 알 수 있다. 즉, 신라는 7세기 전반에 일시적으로 백제에게 가야고지를 상실하였으나 곧 탈환하였고, 거창 가조천에서 부근에 형성된 경계는 백제의 부흥운동이 진압되는 663년까지 지속되었다.

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