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      • KCI등재

        서울지역 식육판매업소의 미생물 오염도 조사

        양윤모 ( Yoon Mo Yang ),손장원 ( Jang Won Son ),최태석 ( Tae Seok Choi ),박미애 ( Mi Ae Park ),김주영 ( Ju Young Kim ),이주형 ( Joo Hyung Lee ),신방우 ( Bang Woo Shin ) 한국동물위생학회 2013 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.36 No.3

        This survey was conducted to evaluate the microbial contamination level of butcher`s shops in Seoul, Korea. For microbial inspections, a total of 584 samples (146 cotton work gloves, 146 utensils and equipments, 154 beef samples, 138 pork samples) were collected from butcher`s shops. E. coli and pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Yersinia enterocolitica, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., and E. coli O157:H7 were tested in the samples. As a result, the level of aerobic plate count (APC) ranged ≤104 CFU/cm2 from utensils and equipments, 101∼109 CFU/glove from cotton work gloves and ≤106 CFU/g from meat. The APC level of E. coli ranged ≤101 CFU/cm2 from utensils and equipments, ≤105 CFU/glove from cotton work gloves, and ≤103 CFU/g from meat, respectively. Staphylococcus aureus was detected in 2 beef samples, 1 pork sample, and 10 used cotton work gloves. Yersinia enterocolitica was detected in 3 beef samples, 1 pork sample, and 3 used cotton work gloves. Listeria monocytogenes was detected in 2 used cotton work gloves. In order to improve the sanitation status of butcher`s shops, application of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) or SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure), regular hygiene education, and continuous monitoring for microorganisms will be required.

      • 연구논문 : 1930년대 소설에 나타난 한국의 사회문제 연구 -가족문제를 중심으로-

        양윤모 ( Yoon Mo Yang ) 극동대학교 사회복지연구소 2010 극동사회복지저널 Vol.6 No.-

        한국의 1930년대는 일본 식민지체제하에서 파시즘적 탄압과 식량 수탈로 인해 농촌은 피폐해지고 이농현상이 발생하였다. 이들 이농민은 일본의 조선에 대한 병참기지화 전략에 의해 기형적으로 형성된 공업지대로 이주하여 노동자가 되거나, 일본의 잉여공산품의 판매시장으로 형성된 도시에서 힘겨운 삶을 영위하게 되었다. 도시는 서양의 문물을 수용하여 편리한 삶을 영위할 수 있었지만 화려한 도시의 이면에는 부작용도 많았다. 도시의 삶은 실업과 가난, 파편화된 인간관계 등의 영향을 받은 가족의 변화 및 해체를 유발하였고, 이는 ``구인회``를 포함한 모더니즘 계열 작가들에게 공장이 아닌 도시에서 살아가는 도시민들의 문제를 되돌아보게 하는 계기가 되었으며, 이들 작가들은 도시의 문제를 작품으로 형상화하였다. ``구인회``소속 작가들이 작품 중 가족의 문제를 다루고 있는 작품들을 살펴보면 인물들의 가족 관계를 통해 1930년대 한국의 가족 관계의 양상을 작품의 이면에서 추출할 수 있다. 분석 결과 토지에서 박탈당한 가족들이 삶의 터전을 떠나 길을 떠나는 경우, 아버지가 경제적 능력을 상실하여 어머니 등 여성들이 생계를 책임지는 경우, 인간 관계가 파편화된 모습이 기형적 부부 관계로 형상화되는 경우 등 세 가지 형태로 나누어 고찰해 볼 수 있었다. 이 글은 구인회 소속 문인 중 소설가로서 활발한 활동을 보여준 이태준, 박태원, 이상, 김유정의 소설 중 가족과 관련된 작품들을 선택하여 식민지시대에 진행된 도시화와 근대화 과정에서 가족의 변화 양상에 대한 고찰을 통해 근대화 과정의 문제점을 찾아내고자 한다. This Study analyses the family problem on Korean novels in 1930`s. In 1930`s Korea was a colony of Japan. This period was convert from feudal system to capitalism by compulsion. This process transformed suddenly Korean society and family that is the minimum unit of society. The object of this study is Lee Taejoon`s novels, Park Taewon`s novels, Kim Yujeong`s novels and Lee Sang`s novels. These three novelists were member of ``Kuinhoi`` that was nine literary men to meet and to bind together on fraternization and critic of member`s work with each other. The subject matters of these four novelists were many problems of city, urban area and advancement in capitalistic society. The forms or necessaries for the undertaking of a work were three types. The first example was the agricultural villages to deteriorate and to set out their grounds of life. The second example was the head of family lost his authority and work of women to bear the responsibility for domestic economy. And the last example was failure of human relation and distortion of husband and wife relationship. These examples and problems were caused by capitalism and colonialization. In conclusion these problems of three types and those novels certificate that family relation was effected profoundly by inflow of capitalism.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 국어교과서 수록 현대소설과 정전의 의미

        양윤모(Yang, Yoon-mo) 중앙어문학회 2015 語文論集 Vol.62 No.-

        교과서는 학교 수업에서 중요한 수업 도구로 수업에 필요한 교재를 의미한다. 또한 국가나 지역에서 정한 교과과정에 적합한 내용으로 제작되었기 때문에 그 자체로 권위를 획득할 뿐 아니라 교과서를 기준으로 학습이 이루어진다는 점에서 표준이라는 의미도 지닌다. ‘2007년 교육과정’을 시작으로 중학교 국어교과서도 검정교과서체제로 전환하였으며, 다양한 교과서가 출판되었다. 본 논문은 2012년 교육과정 체계에 따라 검정을 통과한 중학교 국어교과서의 소설 작품 목록을 토대로 교과서 수록 소설의 특징을 정리하였다. 검토 결과 중복 수록된 작품은 전체의 1/3에 불과하여 다양한 작품이 수록되었음을 확인할 수 있었으며 이는 작가 및 작품의 층이 넓어졌음을 의미한다. 그리고 청소년이 등장하는 작품이 많고 고등학교 교과서 및 기존의 국정교과서와 중복된 작품이 존재한다는 점은 재고해야 할 문제라고 생각한다. 검정교과서 체제의 의의는 있지만 아직 검정교과서의 역사가 짧아서 교과서에 수록된 소설은 교육목표를 달성하기에 효과적인 작품을 수록한다는 점에서 정전의 가치를 부여하기에는 아직 이르다고 생각한다. Textbooks are very important as teaching tools and learning materials. Since textbooks in Korea are based on a governmentmandated curriculum, their position in setting educational standards is significant, and their authority is immense. Beginning in 2007, the Ministry of Education adopted a textbook authorization system for Korean-language middle school textbooks, and numerous textbooks have been published since. This paper examined modern novels in authorized Korean-language middle school textbooks, and determined that less than 30% of the novels contained within them overlapped, thus indicating that the range of authors and novels in Korean-language textbooks has expanded. Nevertheless, many novels featuring teenagers and fairy tales overlapped with high school textbooks and preexisting government designated textbooks. Therefore, the system for authorizing textbooks seems to function adequately, however care should be taken to ensure that the novels included in Korean-language textbooks represent the canon of Korean literature appropriately.

      • KCI등재

        기획논문 : 교과서 수록 현대소설과 정전의 형성과정 연구 -고등학교 국어 및 문학교과서 수록 작품을 대상으로

        양윤모 ( Yang Yoon Mo ) 고려대학교 한국어문교육연구소 2012 한국어문교육 Vol.12 No.-

        교과서에 수록된 작품은 역사적, 문학적 가치에 대한 평가와는 별개로 교육적 가치를 함의한다는 점에서 학습자들 뿐 아니라 일반인들은 교과서에 수록된 작품의 위상이 그렇지 않은 작품에 비해 높다고 느낄 수밖에 없다. 교과서라는 제도적 힘에 의해 작품은 가치를 획득하게 되며, 이때 교과서는 작품에 권위를 부여하는 힘을 가지게 된다. 현행 검정교과서 체제에서 고등학교 국어 교과서는 16종(상, 하), 문학교과서(I, II)는 13종이며, 이들 교과서에 수록된 전체 작품의 수는 방대하다. 하지만 다양한 교과서에도 중복되어 수록된 작품들이 있으며 이는 해당 작품이 가지고 있는 문학적 가치와는 별개로 교육적 가치가 높기 때문이라고 생각할 수 있다. 정전은 여러 차원에서 검증됨으로써 일종의 보편성과 항구성을 부여받은 작품이라 할 수 있다. 특히 교과서라는 제도적 틀 안 작품이 편입될 때 다수의 작품들 중에서 배제되지 않고 선택되었다는 점에서 문학적, 문학사적 가치와 별개의 관점에서 교육적 가치를 획득함으로서 정전으로 정전으로 자리잡게 된다. 이 논문은 고등학교 국어교과서 및 문학교과서에 수록된 현대소설 작품의 목록을 통해 교과서 수록 작품의 권위에 대해 반성하고 정전의 자격에 대해 검토해보았다. 이 글에서는 정전이 갖추어야 할 요건으로 크게 문학사적 의의, 시대적 의의, 문학적 의의, 시대적 의의를 제시하고자 한다. 미래에 고전으로 남을 현대문학은 단지 교과서에 실려 있다는 권위만으로 정전으로 지위를 얻는 것이 아니라 문학사적, 문학적, 시대적인 차원에서 모범이 될 수 있는 작품이라는 실질적 의미의 정전을 형성하는 것이 필요할 것이다. The aim of this thesis is consideration of formation process of canon in highschool Korean and literature textbook. Present Korean language schoolbook and literrature schoolbook are made textbook screening system. The result of this system produced many textbook. And many textbook are included many Korean modern novels. Many novels are overlapped in many textbook. These look like an importance of these novels. The textbooks have a authority that pass of standard by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The authority will be acquired qualification of canon. But the authority of canon are not given external institution of learning. The authority of canon is acquired by intrnal qualification. The intrnal qualifications have three standards of value. They are value of literary history, sense of the times, literary merit, If modern novels have a qualification will be classic in the future.

      • KCI등재

        서번트 리더십과 직무만족, 조직몰입 및 조직시민행동 간의 관계: 병원종사자의 공공서비스신념의 조절효과를 중심으로

        이재훈 ( Jae Hoon Rhee ),양윤모 ( Yoon Mo Yang ),김충현 ( Choong Hyun Kim ) 한국병원경영학회 2011 병원경영학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        The purpose of this research is to study empirically the relationship between servant leadership and organizational effectiveness and more importantly the moderating effect of Hospital employees` belief in public service on such relationship. The result showed that servant leadership positively affects three organizational effectiveness including job satisfaction, organizational commitment and OCB(organizational citizenship behavior). It was also found that Veterans Hospital employees` belief in public service moderated the relationship between servant leadership and those three organizational effectiveness variables. In other words, those who have strong belief in public service showed higher job satisfaction, organizational commitment and OCB as well as higher service and responsibility mind. Finally, limitations of the study and suggestions for future studies are presented in the conclusion.

      • KCI등재

        시판 식육가공품(햄류, 소시지류 등)에 대한 최근 4년간(2000-2003) 아질산이온 함량

        함희진 ( Hee Jin Ham ),홍인석 ( In Suk Hong ),임홍규 ( Hong Kyu Lim ),양윤모 ( Yoon Mo Yang ),최윤화 ( Yoon Hwa Choi ),김창기 ( Chang Gi Kim ),권택부 ( Taek Boo Kweon ),이정학 ( Jung Hark Lee ) 한국가축위생학회 2004 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.27 No.2

        Contents of nitrites was tested in 2,290 meat products during 2000-2003, in Seoul by Diazoa method. It was detected over 40 ppm NO2 contents in 20 hams, 7 sausages, one bacon, and one crushed meat product respectively. Also, over 20ppm nitrites was 21.8%(240/1,103) in hams, 20.7%(122/589) in sausages, 6.8%(14/205) in crushed meats, and in 6.0%(5/83) bacons respectively. In case of average contents and contents range, 0.012 g/kg, ND-0.116 g/kg in hams, 0.012 g/kg, ND-0.066 g/kg in sausages, 0.010 g/kg, 0.001-0.089 g/kg in bacons, and 0.006 g/kg, ND-0.040 g/kg in crushed meats etc. Specially, in sausages, it was increased continually by years, in not only average nitrites contents but also their contents range, also, in case of bacons, increased continually by years on only average nitrites contents. According to results, the NO2 contents monitoring for the processed meat products must be reinforced to supply safety food for the citizens.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        위에 발생한 악성 Carcinoid 종양

        황영남(Young Nam Whang),최규식(Kyu Sik Choi),김영자(Young Ja Kim),양윤모(Yoon Mo Yang),조승운(Seung Woon Cho),나정호(Jung Ho La),윤세옥(Sei Ok Yoon),이성공(Sung Kong Lee),윤영준(Young Joon Yoon),김희숙(Hee Sook Kim) 대한소화기학회 1988 대한소화기학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        Carcinoid tumors are slowly growing rare neoplasms that arise from argentaffin cells. In general, gastric carcinoids are very rare, constituting only 0.7-2.5% of all gastrointestinal carcinoids and approximately 0.3% of all gastric tumors. Gastric carcinod tumor commonly presents as a single polypoid mass and the most frequent site is the antral cavity. Clinical diagnosis is often difficult because the typical carcinoid syndrome is uncommon and nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms are the more frequent clinical feature of this disease. Preoperative diagnosis is possible by large and deep endoscopic biopsies of the gastric wall. This paper presents a case of malignant gastric carcinoid tumor and a brief review of pertinent literature. A 52 year old female visited our medical hospital with the symptom of epigastric pain and indigestion for several months. Upper G-I series and gastrofiberscope showed malignat ulcerative lesion in the lesser curvature of the antral cavity. She had been operated under the diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma, but pathological findings demonstrated argyrophilic granules in tumor cell.

      • KCI등재

        강원도내(江原道內) 광견병(狂犬病) 발생실태(發生實態)

        김종술 ( Jong Sool Kim ),정동수 ( Dong Su Chung ),임환 ( Hwan Lim ),양윤모 ( Yoon Mo Yang ),박양순 ( Yang Soon Park ),신명균 ( Myung Kyun Sin ),김동균 ( Dong Hoon Kim ) 한국가축위생학회 1995 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.18 No.1

        During the period of 2 years from 1993 to 1994, epidemiological investigation were carried out each time the outbreak of rabies suspected cases were informed and all specimens were transported to the Kangwon-do Veterinary Service Lab. At the Lab., autopsy and laboratory examinations were conducted as well. The results obtained as follows: 1. The dogs and cattles were confirmed to be infected with rabies virus by routine histopathological findings, indirect flulrescent antibody techique, and mouth inoculation test. 2. The total numbers of rabies occured in dogs and cattles were 9, 5 heads, respectively. The regional distribution of total of 14 heads were 9 heads in Chulwon, 2 heads in Hwachun, 1 head Yangku, 2 heads in Inje and the highest number of outbreaks were orrured in Chulwon. 3. Most of dogs showed furious type and dumb type found in only one dog. 4. Cattles showed the symtoms of uneasiness feeling, excitement, disturbance howling, the change of voice, sexual accelaration, foreign body swalling and attacked to human and animal and found to be died after two or four days. 5. In the seasonal outbreaks of rabies, 8 heads of the highest incidence were occured in winter followed by 4 heads in autumn, 1 head in spring and 1 head in summer. 6. The first outbreaks of rabies was reported in Chulwon and then transmitted into Hwachun, Yangku and Inje in turn. 7. The infectious source was supposed to be wild animals such as laccon dog, badger etc. living around the D.M.Z.

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