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      • KCI등재

        교과서 문법 단원의 문제 인식 - ‘단어 형성’ 단원을 중심으로 -

        양영희 한국문법교육학회 2017 문법 교육 Vol.31 No.-

        Current grammar education is geared towards learners’ meaningful language experiences and also aims to enhance language abilities in the real-life. This is directly reflected in the national curriculum of Korean Language Education, and further it is realized in Korean Language textbooks as learning contents. The present study focuses on this process and attempts to analyze textbooks, that is, Vocabulary sections in Korean Language and Reading and Grammar, based on the perspective of the unit construction, the construction of concepts, and the confusion of levels. As a result, research findings confirmed several problems as follows. First, it is indicated that Korean Language textbooks are still concentrated on the internalization of grammar knowledge while it is generally accepted that grammar education should enhance creative thinking of a learner. Second, for the construction of concepts, morphemes are not utilized for the understanding of concepts such as words, simplex, and compounds(compounds and derivatives) whereas they are dealt with relatively great importance in texts. Lastly, due to the confusion of levels, different levels in ‘words, simplexes, compounds, and derivatives’ and ‘morpheme, root and affix’ are considered as equivalent and constructed as flat structures. Based on the above discussion, a learning model is suggested to fully explain the concepts of compounds and simplexes without utilizing the concepts of a morpheme or root. Through enabling a learner to understand the word formation process, it is expected that learners will be able to utilize and explore this process and further, to improve creative thinking and inquiry skills.

      • KCI등재

        교사와 학습자의 요구를 반영한 기관별 한국어 교육의 요구 분석

        양영희 우리말글학회 2022 우리말 글 Vol.94 No.-

        This paper aims to overview the rank of the educational needs of the institution to encompass the demands of teachers and learners. Taken together, the results show that the educational needs were analyzed into ‘speaking’ as the first priority and ‘vocabulary’ as the second priority. However, it was confirmed in the in-depth interview that even in the same educational field, the required learning content may be different depending on the educational purpose of the institution. In other words, it can be said that there is a difference between the content of vocabulary education required by public education and by universities or university-affiliated institutions. For example, learners in public education institutions regard terms and concepts necessary to understand subjects such as the Korean language and social studies. However, university students demand to learn the terms related to their majors, and trainees at university-affiliated institutions request to learn the vocabulary necessary for daily life. The results of this study can serve as a guide for teachers and can be used as basic data for learners to receive the quality education that meets their needs. Therefore, this study will support exploring the direction of development in Korean language education. 본 연구는 한국어 교육에 대한 교사와 학습자의 교육요구도를 분석하였다. 그 결과 말하기 교육과 어휘 교육이 1, 2위로 판정되었다. 그러나 같은 영역일지라도 기관의 교육 목적에 따라 요구하는 학습 내용이 다를 수 있다는 점이 질적 조사에서 확인되었다. 즉 공교육에서 요구하는 어휘 교육 내용과 대학이나 대학 부설 기관에서 요구하는 어휘 교육의 내용은 차이가 있다는 것이다. 가령 공교육 기관의 학습자들은 국어, 사회 등의 교과를 이해하는 데 필요한 용어나 개념들을 중요시하지만 대학생들은 전공과 관련한 용어를 요구하며, 대학부설 기관의 연수생들은 일상생활에 필요한 어휘를 배우고자 한다는 것이다. 이러한 분석 결과는 교사들에게는 교육 방향을 가늠해주는 방향타로 작동될 것이며, 학습자들에게는 자신의 요구에 부합하는 양질의 교육을 받을 수 있는 기초 자료로 활용되리라 생각한다. 그리하여 궁극적으로는 한국어 교육의 발전 방향을 모색하는 데 미진하게나마 기여할 것으로 생각한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        청소년 소비에 관한 의사결정 요인 분석 : 명품 소비 문화를 중심으로

        양영희,이종현 한국문화산업학회 2024 문화산업연구 Vol.24 No.1

        This study set the factors that can affect teenagers' luxury product consumption decision-making as the level of social media use, reference group interaction level, and celebrity admiration level, and confirmed the impact of these factors on luxury product purchase intention. In addition, the mediating effect of social bonding in their relationship was confirmed. As a result of the empirical analysis, it was confirmed that teenagers' level of social media use and celebrity admiration had a positive (+) effect on their intention to purchase luxury goods. On the other hand, it was confirmed that the level of reference group interaction did not have a significant effect on the intention to purchase luxury goods. The mediating effect of social connection was confirmed in the relationship between the level of social media use and intention to purchase luxury goods. These results are because, unlike adolescent of the past who interacted most with reference groups piecemeal, modern adolescent can communicate with a variety of people through social media, including not only family and friends, but also celebrities and people with similar interests. It is believed that social media has formed a social bond and had a significant impact on the luxury product purchase decision-making process. In conclusion, this study has academic significance in that it utilized the factors that influenced adolescent consumption in the past in the luxury goods market to identify factors that influence modern adolescent's consumption of luxury goods, and confirmed the differences between adolescent consumption behavior in modern times and in the past. In addition, social media can serve as a big marketing tool for teenagers in the adolescent luxury goods market, and it can provide practical implications in that it has been confirmed that they prefer the used luxury goods market.

      • KCI등재

        국어 높임법의 올바른 교육을 위한 몇 가지 제언

        양영희 학습자중심교과교육학회 2010 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.10 No.1

        This study started from the current situation that students could not accept 'honorific forms' in <Grammar> textbooks. For analyzing these reasons and making alternatives, questionnaires were made up to the high school and college students in GwangjuㆍJeonnam area. The term of honorific in Grammar is defined as 'a linguistic method/system to distinguish the level of the targeted person in dialogue both higher and lower'. But most students thought the term 'honorific' as 'the system of expressing speaker's respect to the higher-level person', not to the lower-level. For this reason, this article suggests 'treatment' system as an alternative. Current Grammar indicates the targeted person in three ways, 'subjectㆍobjectㆍhearer', but the system does not make agreement with learners. Treatment system is a grammatical process that consists of speaker and hearer. The existing terms, object and subject, are the same meaning of grammatical terms of subject, object and adverb. This is very confusing situation and it is difficult for learners to use these terms in real conversation so this article suggests 'person of topic' which means each person as 'subject' and 'object'. In the current Grammar, when treating hearer, formality form has four level of styles, 'hashipsioh-haoh-hage-hara', and informality form has two level of styles, haeyo-hae'. But learners almost do not use 'haoh' style so this is eliminated from the level in this study. In addition, when dividing the level of treating hearer, [±respect] should be the base of the level, not [±formality]. 본 논의는 현행 <문법> 교과서의 ‘높임법’이 교육 현장에서 학습자들에게 쉽게 수용되지 않는다는 사실을 깨닫고, 그 원인을 분석하여 대안을 마련하려는 의도에서 시작되었다. 그리하여 본고에서는 현행 「문법」에서 사용하는 높임법이란 용어를 ‘대우법’으로 대체할 것을 제안하였다. 여기에 더하여 현행 『문법』에서는 대우 대상을 ‘주체ㆍ객체ㆍ청자’로 나누고 있는데, 이 가운데 ‘주체’와 ‘객체’를 ‘화제 인물’로 통합할 것으로 제안하였다. 현행 『문법』의 청자 대우는 격식체와 비격식체의 체계 안에서 전자를 ‘하십시오-하오-하게-하라’체의 4등급으로, 후자를 ‘해요-해’체의 2등급으로 분류하고 있는데, 설문 조사 결과 현재 학습자들은 ‘하오’체를 거의 사용하지 않은 것으로 조사되어서 필자는 ‘하오’체를 등급에서 제외하는 한편, [±격식]을 청자 대우 등급을 나누는 준거로 설정하지 말고, 객관적인 [±존대]의 자질을 준거로 설정하자는 의견을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        문법 교육에서의 국어사 내용 체계 구성

        양영희 한글학회 2013 한글 Vol.- No.302

        The purpose of this study is to construct teaching contents of the Korean language history based on current 2011 Korean Lan guage Education Curriculum. To fulfill this purpose, this paper examines how the contents of Korean Language History have been constituted in the field of grammar and “Reading and Gra mmar” subject. Meanwhile, this study also examines whether those contents are properly connected with grammatical contents such as phonemes, sentences, or discourse other than Korean Language History. As a result of this study, the contents which could be connected with other part within the field of grammar have been selected, and those are mostly specialist knowledge of Korean Language History. In this paper, this kind of integration method is named as the “hierarchical connection.”On the other hands, this study constitutes the contents of Korean Language History considering the integration between other fields of education, mostly based on the perspective of how knowledge of Korean Language History should be involved in understanding of “Reading Properly” and “Korean Language Culture”. This has been named as the “horizontal connection.” 이 연구는 현행 「2011 국어과 교육과정」에 근거한 국어사 교육 내용을 구성하고자 하였다. 이런 취지에서 「교육과정」의 ‘문법’ 영역과 「독서와 문법」에서 제시한 국어사 내용을 파악하는 한편으로 국어사와 관련된 영역 및 과목의 목표와 내용 체계를 검토하여 연계 가능성을 타진하였다. 그리하여 국어사는 문법 영역과는 위계적 연계가, ‘읽기’와 「고전」과는 수평적 연계가 가능하다는 결론에 도달하였다. 즉 문법 영역과는 국어사적 전문 지식이 ‘음운ㆍ문장ㆍ담화’ 등에 대한 심화 이해를 돕는다는 차원에서, ‘읽기, 독서’와는 시대에 따른 독서 문화와 국어 문화에 대한 이해를 돕는 배경적인 지식의 차원에서 연계가 가능하다는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        국어 활동 능력 신장을 위한 문법 영역의 내용 구축- 쓰기와 말하기ㆍ듣기 영역과 통합을 중심으로 -

        양영희 한국언어문학회 2014 한국언어문학 Vol.88 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine possibility of the integration between fields from the positive perspective, especially for the field of Grammar. From this point of view, the conclusion of this study is that the integration between the Korean Language activity field of “Writing” and “Listening and Speaking” is significant if the contents of “Grammar” are established well. This conclusion is drawn from the process as follows. Firstly, the contents and the standard of accomplishment of “Writing”, “Listening and Speaking” and “Grammar” were examined positively for the possible connection of those fields in current education curriculum system. The integrated educational contents of “Writing and Grammar” and “Listening, Speaking and Grammar” are constructed based on the standard of accomplishment which can be connected. During this process, the units of Grammar are categorized as ‘Phoneme, Words, Sentence and Discourse’ and educational contents which should be connected with the field of Grammar are selected so that the standard of “Writing” and “Listening and Speaking” can be achieved. As a result, the integration of the Writing field is possible with the units sated above, except phoneme. In addition, the integration of the “Listening and Writing” is possible with all of the units.

      • KCI등재

        중세국어 3인칭 대명사의 존재와 기능 검증

        양영희 全南大學校 人文科學硏究所 2004 용봉인문논총 Vol.33 No.-

        The Existence and Function of the Third Person Pronoun in the Middle Age Korean Yang Young-Hee TIùs study defined ‘Jagya, Janae, and Jeo’ recognized reflexive pronouns as the third person pronoun and proved that the third person pronoun existed in the Middlle Age Korean, too. The logical process for this purpose is as follows. First, this study stressed the referents of these pronouns are the third person. In this process, this study demonstrated ’reflexive pronouns' could not be equal to 'personal pronouns'. In other words, ’reflexiveness’ of ’the reflexive pronoun' is naturally accompanied when’ the third (second) person pronoun' refers to the subject of a sentence, so it can be regarded as a usage of the personal pronoun, not an equal gramrnatical category with the personal pronoun. From this context, the author carne to present an equality of ’the reflexive pronoun : the third person pronoun = part : whole.' Therefore, this study divided the functions of the third person pronoun in the Middle Age Korean into ’reference of the third person,' 'reflexiveness,’ and ’the degree of the honorific.' ’Reference of the third person‘means that in the sentential context(discourse) including a sentence, or in the conceptual context, ’Jagya, Janae, and Jeo’ refer to the third person pronoun, ‘reflexiveness’ means their function of referring to only the third person subject of a sentence, and ‘the degree of the honorific’ indicates that they judge the degree of the honorific of the referent and select the pronoun. ’Reference of the third person‘ and ’reflexiveness’ are their common function and ‘the degree of the honorific’ is a unique function. If this argument has a point, the personal pronoun of the Middle Age Korean is estirnated to be more secure system than expected. It is considered more reasonable that it is understood as the system of ’the first ․ second ․ third person pronoun' than that of ’the first ․ second person pronoun, the reflexive pronoun.' It is because it is unreasonable that the pronoun referring to the third person didn't exist in the Middle Age Korean, however different it is from present-day Korean,

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