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      • 소방의 국제협력 발전 방안에 관한 연구

        신병문 서울시립대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        Around the 21st century, the world changes in a very fast pace. Free trade agreement(FTA), for better trade of goods between countries, accelerates trades between countries and regionalization of countries beyond the boundaries. After establishment of WTO in 1995, the area of FTA is expanded and the extent of its effect becomes larger. In addition to commercial goods, freedom of service and investment is generalized and is widen into intellectual property right, government procurement, economy policy, trade aid institution. In this globalization trend, Fire Services is no exception. For its survival, it is inevitable. Humanitarian purpose of Fire services's goal can be achieved by seeking new ways, which is more aggressive and modern, and that will make the quality of Korea better. The society experiences high-degree of industrialization and the tendency of disasters becomes larger and bigger, from natural disasters in the past to human-made disasters and national infrastructure disasters in the present, causing large-scale casualties and loss of properties. Therefore, disasters can not be managed by the disaster-stricken country alone and the intervention of neighboring countries is inevitable. In this research, we will study the statistics and facts on Official Development Assistance(ODA) Program of KOICA, co-executed by National Emergency Management Agency, National Fire Service Academy, National 119 Rescue Services, Police Agency, and National Coast Guard and analyze the humanitarian response system of each countries to find out more efficient ways to provide proper aid to overseas disaster-stricken countries, thus realizing humanitarian purpose and enhance good Korea's image. Furthermore, excellent performance by Korea's rescue team can be a good help for Korea's Fire Industry's development. Korea's industry should overcome the difficulties of globalization and FTA and in cooperation with civil and government, we could help in responding to world disasters. Fire Services international cooperation can be divided in three categories. The first category is in close relationship with United Nations, which is for world peace and security. UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs(OCHA) is responsible for managing and coordinating humanitarian works. It has INSARAG and UNDAC, IHP system. ASEAN Regional Forum is for multi-lateral institution in Asia and Pacific region. It was created for members friendship and regional security in the first and after 2004 Indonesia tsunami, disaster response and regional security is main issue for ARF. The Ministers of each countries have meetings and talks to build regional stability and safety together. There is seminar between Korea and Japan for Fire Services. For cooperation and friendship, annual meeting between Fire Services organizations of each country is held. The second area is Fire Industry area. Korea's Fire Expo which draws attention from the world and shows one of the top-leading Fire Industry to the world is an anuual event and the Fire Industry International Support Center, which helps the development of 21st century Fire Services and global cooperation is a leading power for development. The third one is World Firefighters Games. The WFG is for promotion of health and welfare of world firefighters and the money raised from the game helps fire-burnt victim, especially for children. Above areas are mixed and well-harmonized to help and aid disaster-stricken countires. Korea's Fire Services can be a one of the leading services in the world to provide humanitarian supports to overseas disasters. Our overall activity should not be limited only to disaster response but to recovery phase to maintain world standard and overcome the diasters. 세계는 21세기를 전후하여 매우 빠르게 변화하고 있다. 국가간 상품의 자유로운 이동을 위하여 모든 무역 장벽을 제거 시키는 자유무역협정(FTA)은 국경을 초월하여 국가간 무역이나 국가간 지역화가 빠르게 진행되고 있다. 1995년 WTO 체제의 출범을 전후하여 FTA의 적용범위도 크게 확대되고 대상범위가 점차 넓어지고 있는 추세이다. 또한 상품 외에 서비스 및 투자 자유화까지도 일반화되고 지적재산권, 정부조달, 경제정책, 무역구제제도 등 여러분야로 확대되고 있다. 이러한 세계화의 추세 속에 소방도 예외가 될 수 없다. 살아남기 위해서는 필연과정인 것이다. 인도주의를 앞세운 소방의 목적을 달성하기 위해서는 기존의 방식과 방법을 탈피하여 보다 적극적이고 진보적인 방법으로 대한민국 소방을 알려 국가적 위상을 높여야 할 것이다. 또한 사회가 고도의 산업화로 인하여 과거의 자연재난에서 인적재난과 국가기반재난으로 확산되어지는 추세이고 재난의 규모도 커져 재난 발생 시 대량의 인명과 재산 피해가 발생하고 있다. 이에 피해국 자체적으로 해결할 수 없는 재난이 늘어나 전 세계 또는 인접국가가 공동으로 대응하여야 해결할 수 있는 재난이 점점 많아지고 있다. 그래서 본 연구는 국내의 소방기관인 소방방재청, 중앙소방학교, 중앙119구조대와 유사기관인 경찰청 및 해양경찰청과 한국국제협력단(KOICA)에서 실시하고 있는 공적개발원조(부록Ⅰ참조)사업 등 국제협력 현황을 알아보고 세계 각국의 구호시스템을 비교 분석하여 이를 바탕으로 해외에서 대형 재난이 발생할 경우 피해국에 보다 신속하고 빠르게 인원 및 장비 등을 제공하여 재난 극복을 통한 인도주의 실현과 국가 이미지를 향상시키는데 그 목적이 있다. 더 나아가서는 세계의 재난현장에서 활약을 기반으로 하여 국내의 소방산업을 국가산업으로 발전시켜 해외로 진출할 수 있는 기회가 되었으면 한다. 이에 우리의 기업들도 세계화 및 국가간 지역화의 FTA에 대응하고 민간과 정부의 협력을 통하여 경제적 이익은 물론 우리의 기술로 세계의 재난을 극복하여 소방산업을 선진화하여야 한다. 소방의 국제협력은 크게 세가지 분야로 나눌 수 있다. 첫 번째는 국제평화와 안전유지를 위하여 설립된 국제연합(UN)과 밀접한 관계가 있다. 국제연합 인도지원조정국(UN OCHA)는 재해국의 대응능력을 초월하는 인도주의 위기에 대한 국제대응과 대형재난 발생시 국제지원의 조정을 주업무로 하고 국제탐색구조자문단(INSARAG), 유엔재난평가조정팀(UNDAC), 국제인도주의 협력공동체(IHP)등을 산하기관으로 운영하고 있다. 그리고 국가간 지역화 모임인 아세안지역안보포럼(ARF)이 있다. 아시아·태평양지역의 유일한 정부 다자간 안전보장 협의체로 초기에는 지역안보 및 회원국의 친선을 도모하기 위하여 모였지만 2004년 인도네시아 쓰나미 발생 이후부터는 지역안보에 대한 신뢰구축, 재난구호, 군비축소 등에 대하여 각국 외무장관들과의 회의 및 각종 실무현안을 논의하는 회의나 세미나를 연속적으로 개최하고 있다. 또 다른 지역모임인 별도의 조직 없이 양국의 소방 간 상호교류 및 우호증진을 통한 소방정책의 비교·연구를 하여 소방행정의 발전을 도모하기 위하여 매년 개최하고 교차 개최하는 것으로 한·일 소방행정 세미나가 있다. 두 번째 분야는 소방산업분야로 국내 재난 대응능력의 우수성과 함께 세계의 관심을 받고 있는 글로벌 전시회인 대한민국국제소방안전박람회와 21세기 선진소방산업국가의 진입을 위한 소방의 R&D인 차세대 핵심소방안전기술개발사업과 소방산업 관계기관간의 긴밀한 협력과 공동대응을 통해 글로벌 경쟁력을 갖춘 국가전략 핵심 산업으로 소방산업을 국제적인 산업으로 육성하기 위하여 소방산업 국제 지원 센터가 있다. 세 번째는 세계 소방관들의 건강과 체력 및 복지를 증진하고 개최 수익금으로 화상부상자 특히 어린이들을 위하여 자선기관에 기부하여 스포츠를 통한 국가간 소방 정보교류와 전·현직 소방관 및 가족들의 친선도모를 위한 세계소방관 경기 대회가 있다. 이상의 분야들을 잘 조화하여 인도주의적 정신에 입각한 세계 대형재난의 신속한 지원으로 국가 이미지를 향상하고 소방산업의 세계 글로벌화로 낙후된 소방산업을 활성화하여 우리의 기술력으로 세계의 재난을 극복하고 재난의 대응단계 만이 아닌 복구단계까지 책임지는 세계소방의 표준이 되고 세계의 평화와 안전유지에 기여하여야 한다.

      • 정보통신기술(ICT)을 활용한 국어과 교수·학습방법 연구

        신병문 충북대학교 교육대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This research for the contents and a method of national language subject studying from knowledge information anger paradigm social inside proposed a ICT application education. In order to raise the efficient characteristic of national language and education the ICT and national language and the department of pedagogy proper relationship it will take a triangular position, contents of national language and curriculum with the ICT methods which are possible with the character which will reach and application it will connect it will see, also it will apply the national language which hits to a national language and a studying model and study process it will hold and and and it drew up and a site study application possibility the ICT and it verified. Application in the study model which applies the ICT which is various it leads and a positive characteristic, if learning time and space of the students with magnification Sikkim in information sharing and the teacher and the student, the student and student back interaction about lower expressing and accommodating from it shows, possibility is the possibility of observing the thing there was an opportunity of the language experience security which leads the chance of the ICT provision which is various from scene of second, studying. It separates often from third, national language and study it falls all and it listens to,, it talks, it reads, it writes, the territory star learning process of language and the literature back applies the ICT with the actual condition which is integrated plentifully to appear, it became and to discover it became but, it will be important and it will refer the integrated of subject for and if the banner of the opening a court curriculum which it stands it will come and the point which is connected in the future will put out and it will expect. Studying volition environment or social culture change flows and to be quick a many change even from scope or studying method of national language education advancement of the medium which is various it demands and it is a preparation. What will see but being important the effort and will of the teacher who disposes spontaneously in the education environment which changes the education line public finance support for the education information anger infra construction like this things to be important, they will be able to support also it is the actual condition which is necessary. From national language and against a ICT application instructional method the many site teachers have an interest, it applies with this against the direction and a result of research there is a possibility the opinions which are various coming out they expect in actual national language study.

      • 국어과 교육과정의 교과서 반영 양상 연구 : 「국어」과목 10학년 '문학' 영역을 중심으로

        신병문 충북대학교 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study on the textbook reflected of korean language curriculum look at how those aspects that literary education in conjunction with this focus was educational. Previous studies curriculum content reflected in the textbook simply saw that aspect of things common, but special areas of the curriculum content in recent years as reflected in the textbook so things have checked specifically. Literature discussion in conjunction with education, expanding research could not be found. Chapter Ⅱ, which is the basis for the study, curriculum, korean language curriculum, and literature curriculum, for the more looked 2007, 2011 revised korean language curriculum. Features of the literature subject in the korean language curriculum was diagnosed and according to the literature curriculum on the nature of literary education was also discussed. Chapter Ⅲ, curriculum content reflected in the textbook has been analyzed. As a result, 'achievement standard' is simple and mechanical way appears, and textbook section diagram achievement standards by adhering, 'content elements' the learning activities in the textbook a lot to be implemented appears to structured through the adequacy stressed, 'the level and scope of text' through the list of text that were specifically required to present. Chapter Ⅳ, reflection of the curriculum is presented in many ways that need to attention. First, in universality, curriculum must exist a minimum level of information as a guide for teachers and differentiated curriculum of teacher's level is issue in the universal validity, literature curriculum would be reconstructed and the adjustment of content area should be done in the universal dimension. Second, in materialize, 'the level and scope of text' is accomplished by specifically the level seen that stretch into the future direction. Third, in the content system 'actual, knowledge, skills, and context' segmental problems that need to be resolved to provide a framework that can be discussed. Finally, in the development of teaching materials is need for a flexible approach in textbook testing system, achevement standards is presented in a variety of ways and seek to overcome fragmented and partial coverage, emphasized on the school level linkage and the refinement. Instead of presenting area or achievement standards but grade level and each school links is need in the level and scope of text. and through cooperation with entrance ways are suggested. Chapter Ⅴ, previous discussions were summarized, and overall finish.

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