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      • KCI등재

        전기화재 분야에서 다목적으로 시험장치의 활용범위를 증가시키기 위한 시험장치의 설계 및 구현

        신동철,고형호 한국센서학회 2023 센서학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        Test devices can perform various functions, such as research on detection targets, sensors that detect detection targets, combined products containing sensors, and certification for the launch of combined products. However, the scope of use of test devices is limited because they perform only a single role or could only serve a particular purpose in the past. Therefore, studies on test devices that can perform various functions, such as research on detection targets, sensors that detect detection targets, combined products containing sensors, and certification for the release of combined products are necessary. Accordingly, this study proposes a test device that can increase the scope of use in the technical field of electric fires. In addition, we examine various outcomes of the proposed test device.

      • 건축교육에서 BIM 프로그램 적용에 관한 연구

        신동철 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2011 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.11 No.4

        The advent of BIM(Building Information Modeling) design process based on the digital media has brought innovation to the production and management of AEC industry. Accordingly the need for educating BIM professionals has been radically increased both in the real world practice and in academia. Some developed countries have already been studying and establishing the optimized curriculum in the academic architecture courses for BIM based education with multi_efforts using the digital media as design processing tools focused on educating architectural professionals with creativity and productivity. However in the domestic education systems, it is hardly found that researches and curriculums deal with the BIM education in the academia. Thus the objective of this paper is to investigate the architectural design pedagogy in the advanced digital media setting in response to the urgent need for BIM education. This study focuses on developing the curriculum based on practical adaptation of BIM programs for architectural education. It aims to provide students with the basic understanding of BIM theory and the practice of BIM tools as an instrument enhancing the creativity for architectural design. Thus this study proposes an BIM curriculum for the students who first encounter the notion and knowledge of BIM during their academic years. And the education result after the application of this curriculum has been analysed through the students questionnaires before and after the lecture.

      • KCI등재

        화재징후 조기표출과 복합검사를 위한 표출재 설계, 제작 및 성능 평가

        신동철,고형호 한국센서학회 2023 센서학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        Previous research has explored early expression of fire signs before the burning of insulation. To achieve this, typically, automatic inspections are used to detect gas emitted from odor capsules at electrical connection points; additionally, early fire signs can be expressed using visual inspection of changes in the appearance of temperature caps. However, early detection of electrical fire is often difficult because only specific inspections, which are not complex, are performed. Therefore, in this paper, we present complex inspection techniques, such as visual inspection, odor inspection, and automatic inspection, and propose a showing material of fire signs that can solve conventional problems. In addition, this study examines the conditions under which the candidate material for the showing material is designed, the composition of the candidate material selected based on the designed conditions, the manufacturing means used to produce the showing material considering the temperature for early expression of fire signs, and the performance of the produced showing material. Furthermore, we analyze various effects that can occur through the proposed display material.

      • KCI등재후보

        ‘총대리’(vicarius generalis)와 ‘주교 대리’(vicarius episcopalis)

        신동철 한국가톨릭신학학회 2009 가톨릭신학 Vol.15 No.-

        본 논고는 오늘날 가톨릭 교회 안에 존재하는 두 가지 직책인 ‘총대리’(vicarius generalis)‘와 주교 대리’(vicarius episcopalis)에 관한 내용이다. 1983년 교회법전이 제시하는 ‘총대리’(vicarius generalis)와 ‘주교 대리’(vicarius episcopalis)에 관한 교회법조문(제 475조- 제 481조)을 중심으로 살펴보았다. ‘총대리’(vicarius generalis)는 교구전체에서 교구장을 고정적으로 보좌하는 직무를 수행하도록 교구장에 의하여 임명된 직권자(ordinarius)이다. 한편 ‘주교 대리’(vicarius episcopalis)는 교구장을 대리하여 교구의 특정지역이나 소수민족, 또는 특정한 업무를 수행하도록 교구장에 의하여 임명된 직권자(ordinarius)를 의미한다. 1983년 교회법전은 이 두 직책의 필요성을 강조한다. 즉 교회 내의 전통적인 직책인 ‘총대리 제도’를 그대로 보존하고자 한다. 아울러서 교회법전은 제 2차 바티칸 공의회가 요청한 새로운 직책인 ‘주교대리 제도’를 제시하고 있다. 따라서 1983년 교회법전 안(제 475조- 제 481조)에는, 전통적인 제도와 새로운 제도 사이에 조화를 이루려는 노력들이 두드러지게 나타난다. 교회법전은 총대리와 주교대리의 활동영역, 두 직책의 합당한 역할 배정 등을 통해서 두 직책 사이의 균형과 조화를 보여준다. 우리는 앞에서 교회 내에 존재하는 이 두 ‘대리’(vicarius)직책의 역사, 임명과 자격의 조건, 권한, 직책상실에 관하여 살펴보았다. ‘대리’(vicarius)제도는 로마제국의 행정제도를 초대교회가 받아들인 것이다. 아울러 ‘총대리’(vicarius generalis) 제도가 교회 안에 생겨난 것은 훨씬 후대의 일이다. 교회 안에서 ‘대부제’(archidiaconus)들의 권한이도를 넘어서게 되자, ‘총대리’ 제도가 자리 잡게 되었다. 교황을 대리하는 직무나, 교구장을 보좌하는 ‘총대리’ 직무가 처음 생긴 것은 제 4차 라떼란 공의회(1215)에 와서이다. 그 이후, 트리엔트 공의회(1545-1563)는 이 ‘총대리’ 제도를 교회 안에 고정적인 형태로 확정하였다. 이러한 ‘총대리’ 제도는 1917년 교회법전 제 366조- 제 371조를 거쳐서 1983년 교회법전 제 475조-제 481조로 법제화되어 오늘날까지 발전되어왔다. 그리고 각 교구 안에서 의무적으로 설정되어야할 제도로 자리잡게 되었다. 이에 반해서 ‘주교 대리’(vicarius episcopalis)제도가 교회 안에 자리잡은 것은 그리 오래 되지 않는다. ‘주교대리’는 제 2차 바티칸 공의회에서 신설된 제도이다. 무엇보다도 보좌주교를 위한 제도라고도 할 수 있다. 다시 말하면 선임 교구장에 의해서 임명된 보좌주교가 후임 교구장에 의해서 소홀한 대접을 받을 수 있다. 제 2차 바티칸 공의회는 보좌주교의 주교품위가 존중받도록 하였다. 즉 교회법 제 406조는 교구장은 보좌 주교를 반드시 ‘총대리’(vicarius generalis)나 ‘주교 대리’(vicarius episcopalis)에 임명하도록 규정하고 있다. 이처럼 ‘주교 대리’(vicarius episcopalis) 는 본래 보좌주교를 위해서 생긴 새로운 제도이지만, 주교품위가 없는 사제들도 이 직책에 임명될 수 있다. 업무 면에서 본다면, ‘주교 대리’는 ‘총대리’의 축소판이라고 할 수 있다. 즉 ‘총대리’는 교구전체의 모든 행정업무에 관하여 교구장의 대리인 반면에, ‘주교 대리’는 교구의 일부지역이나 일부 업무에 관하여 교구장의 대리이다. 총대리’(vicarius generalis)나 ‘주교 대리’(vicarius episcopalis) 모두 그 직무상, 법자체로(ipso iure) 정상적인 집행권을 가진다. 단 그 권한의 성격은 교구장의 이름으로 행사한다는 의미에서 대리 권한이고, 교구장 주교의 권한을 행사한다는 의미에서 주교적이고, 교구장에게 종속되어 있다는 점에서는 종속적인 권한이다. 두 직책의 차이점이라면 활동범위이다. 총대리는 교구 행정의 일반적인 모든 분야에 걸쳐서 권한을 행사하는 반면에, 주교대리는 맡겨진 일의 범위가 부분적이라는 점이다. 두 ‘대리’직책에 대한 정확한 이해는 가톨릭교회와 교계제도에 관한 이해와 관심의 폭을 넓혀가는 것임은 분명하다. This paper talks about two positions, vicarius generalis and vicarius episcopolis which Catholic Church has today. I searched based on the Canon law (cann. 475 - 481) regarding vicarius generalis and vicarius episcopalis which the code of Canon law of the year of 1983 suggests. Vicarius generalis is an ordinarius appointed by bishop to practice the auxiliary ministry for bishop regularly in diocese. ‘Vicarius episcopalis means an ordinarius appointed by bishop to practice special tasks of specified region and ethnic group of diocese as a representative of bishop. The code of Canon law of 1983 emphasizes the necessity of these two positions. In other words, the Church wants to keep the system of vicarius generalis which is the traditional position as it is. At the same time, the Church suggests vicarius episcopalis , a new position which the Second Vatican Council suggested. Accordingly, in the code of Canon law of 1983 do the efforts for harmony between traditional system and new system stand out. The code of Canon law shows the balance and harmony between these two systems through reasonable division of two positions and ministry range of vicarious generalis and vicarius episcopalis . Previously I talked about the history, appointment, the condition of qualification, authority and the loss of position of these two vicarius . The early Church accepted the system of vicarius from the administrative system of Roman empire. Vicarius generalis was accepted into the Church much later. As archidiaconus became over-powerful in Church, vicarius generalis was settled. Vicarius generalis which represented the pope s office and helped the bishop came into existence from the fourth Lateran Council(1215). Afterwhics, Tridentine Council (1545-1563) confirmed this vi carius generalis as official in Church. This vicarius generalis bebeen developed through legislative processes(from cann. 366 - 371 in the code of Canon law of 1917 and cann. 475 -481 in the code of Canon law of 1983). And this vicarius generalis became settled beche official and compulsory system in each diocese. On the other hand, vicarius episcopalis was settled recently. Vicarius episcopalis is the system established in the Second Vatican Council. Above all this vicarius episcopalis is the system for assistant bishop. In other words, the assistant bishop appointed by former Bishop is likely to be neglected by present Bishop. The Second Vatican Council helped the authority of assistant bishop to be respected. The Article 406 of the Church law code asks Bishop should appoint the assistant bishop to be vicarius generalis or vicarius episcopalis . Though vicarius episcopalis is originally the system for the assistant bishop, even the priest who has no authority of bishop can be appointed. In terms of tasks, vicarius episcopalis is the reduction form of vicarius generalis . While vicarius generalis is the representative of Bishop in terms of administration, vicarius episcopalis is the representative of Bishop in doing parts of ministry of some regions of diocese. ‘Vicarius generalis or vicarius episcopalis has the official right of execution on law itself. However, as to the characters of authority, it has the representative authority because it represents the name of Bishop and it means being bishop because it practices the power of Bishop. It has a subordinate authority to Bishop because it is dependent on Bishop. The difference of two positions is the range of ministry. While vicarius generalis has the power over all administrative fields of diocese, vicarius episcopalis has the partially limited power in terms of ministry. The accurate understanding of two positions will lead to extending the range of interests and under standing about individual churches and the hierarchical system.

      • 건축설계제도 교육에 대한 건축산업 경영자의 인식연구

        신동철 경원전문대학 2000 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        This study is aimed at the investigation of the Architectural companies managers' cognition on the architectural drawing and drafting education and their educational requirements of it, which is purposed on establishment of the practical educational goals of the architectural drawing and drafting education in colleges. The results of this study are the belows. The managers of architectural companies have highly recognised that the architectural drawing and drafting education should be most important. They have thought the ability of it could not only influence on the practical business but also make big causes of economic loss of management and be defects of quality control of their products. However they are not satisfied with the drawing abilities of college graduate students and do not give any trust in the colleges' drawing education. Thus it is not affected on their recruiting system. Nevertheless, most of companies has not prepared for the effective OJT's education system and their job oriented education standard. Although, the managers strongly demand the education of 'architectural drawing and drafting', 'CAD', 'working detail drawing' and 'structural design drawing and drafting' as the practical business oriented subjects of architectural drawing and drafting. Therefore, we have to check the education goals and methodology, which are now being used, for development of the characteristic teaching system. Consequently, It must be established the architectural drawing and drafting standard of the national education and practical business in long the term. Most of all, we have to invest resources in establishing an effective education goal and developing our colleges' education methodology as a substitution in the short term.

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