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      • KCI등재

        Mourning for the Traumatized Post-9/11 World in William Gibson’s Pattern Recognition

        송호림 새한영어영문학회 2017 새한영어영문학 Vol.59 No.3

        This essay argues that exploring what we have lost from 9/11, Pattern Recognition depicts how the post-9/11 world mourns for the loss. The novel assumes that the post-9/11 world filled with open wound suffers from the loss of sense of security, the loss of linear concept of time, and the loss of wholeness and coherence of presence and narrative, drifting between the collapse of the old order by terrorism and our unpreparedness for a new order. As a consequence, the world traumatized by such losses becomes vulnerable and precarious only to fall into the state of not knowing. Demonstrating that its protagonist finally overcomes her trauma, the novel concludes that despite the vulnerability of life and narrative, a partial and personal mourning for loss arising from terror is able to be realized though trauma and a sense of insecurity still remain in the post-9/11 world.

      • KCI등재

        The Redistribution of the Sensible and the Politics of Aesthetics in Paul Auster’s Moon Palace

        송호림 21세기영어영문학회 2018 영어영문학21 Vol.31 No.3

        This essay analyzes Paul Auster's Moon Palace based on Jacques Rancière's theory of aesthetics. The novel traces how young and traumatic Fogg transfers his way of perceiving the world from an imaginary and mythological one to an aesthetic and political one. The essay reads Fogg's homeless life in Central Park as an aesthetic suspension of existing order. The suspension prepared him to realize a new aesthetics and its way of perceiving the world, which Rancière calls “the aesthetic regime of art.” Dismantling the existing system of identification and classification, the aesthetic regime of art redistributes the sensible. Literature under the new regime deconstructs rules for representation and proposes a new notion of fictionality and literarity, which incorporates the heterogenous and the contradictory and reconfigures the relationship between the visible and the sayable. Throughout the novel, Fogg is trained to be an artist that could redistribute the sensible and thus give the invisible a locus.

      • KCI등재

        Fiction as Evolutionary Force in Richard Powers’s Generosity: An Enhancement

        송호림 새한영어영문학회 2019 새한영어영문학 Vol.61 No.2

        This essay argues that Richard Powers’s Generosity: An Enhancement attempts to expand the notion of fiction into the discourse of human evolution. In the novel, the humanities, including literature, seems to be lost amid a deluge of rearticulations of humanity by recent sciences, particularly genomics and neuroscience, and science flatters itself as the only discipline that can liberate human beings from old fictions by the humanities and draw happier human enhancement with its nonfictional knowledge. Emphasizing that science is also a type of fiction, or creative nonfiction, however, the novel claims that it is fiction that motivates human evolution and literature, as a creative embodiment of fiction, serves to illustrate how fiction rewrites science and humanity.

      • KCI등재

        Under the Name of Father: Heterosexual Normativity and Patriarchal Family System in Caryl Churchill’s Cloud 9

        송호림 한국영미어문학회 2012 영미어문학 Vol.- No.105

        Caryl Churchill’s Cloud 9 explores how the society has been constructed and maintained by heterosexual normativity. The text parallels the two stories of the same family in the different time and place backgrounds: one is placed in a British colony in Africa one hundred years ago, and the other is in London of the present time. The first story is presented around a family's patriarch Clive, a figure representing patriarchal power within a family system or the British Empire. The second story is the Clive-less world where patriarchal power is vanished and new types of family modes founded on the acceptance/recognition of a variety of sexual orientations emerge. Through Clive’s family, Churchill demonstrates the unjust and violent domination of heteronormativity, which makes individuals have to repress their desires for the compulsory social order. Churchill’s examination of the heteronormative family system and her experiment with a new mode of family emerging after the elimination of the father do not suggest a solution or a perfect alternative to heteronormativity. In the text, nevertheless, she successfully illuminates the un-naturalness and injustice of the “sexual politics” in which patriarchal family and societal systems are profoundly involved.

      • KCI등재

        대형 화재사건 예방을 위한 경찰 화재감식 체계의 개선방안

        송호림 한국과학수사학회 2019 과학수사학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        본 연구는 우리나라의 화재대응 시스템이 피해규모가 큰 대형화재에만 집중되어 있는 현실을반성하고 그 이유를 분석하여 합리적인 대안을 논의하였다. 대형화재 사건은 국가적 재난 상황에 해당되는 경우가 있을 정도로 경제적, 심리적 피해가 크다. 그러나 화재의 원인은 지극히 사소한 것인 경우가 많기 때문에 피해 규모가 작은 소형화재의 원인과도 크게 다르지 않다. 따라서 최선의 화재예방대책을 수립하기 위해서는 피해규모와 관계없이 모든 화재에 대한 정확한 원인을 파악해야 가능하며모든 화재현장에서 면밀한 현장감식이 이루어져야 한다. 이를 위해서는 우선 모든 화재현장에 임장이가능할 정도의 화재감식 전문요원의 양성과 광역 감식체제 확보가 시급하다. 이렇게 수집된 화재감식결과 정보는 D/B를 구축하고 관계있는 모든 기관이 실시간 정보를 공유함은 물론, 각 기관 특성에 적합한 대안을 마련해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        우즈베크어 이전의 우즈베크어: 투르키스탄 근대문학에서 사르트人의 역할과 정체성 再考

        송호림 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2023 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.90

        Following the end of the Governorate of Russian Turkistan (1867-1917), the Sart, who represented the majority of the local population, were absorbed by the new Uzbek nation with the establishment of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic in 1924. After only a year, Abdullah Qadiri published the first modern novel in the Uzbek language, "Bygone Days" (1925), and soon after released "Scorpion from the Altar" (1928), which decried the regime of Khudayar Khan and his Sart officialdom. However, it is difficult to fully assess the 19th century, which laid the foundations of the modern Uzbek language and national identity, from the perspective of a radical Jadid-socialist view. Therefore, this research intends to re-evaluate the ethnolinguistic identity of Sart writers through their literary achievements. Firstly, it discusses the origin of the words "Sart" and "Tajik" to clarify the ethnolinguistic distinction between Sarts and the other Turkic peoples. Finally, it sheds new light on the legacy of Sart literature still visible in modern Uzbek literature. 제정 러시아 지배의 투르키스탄 식민지 시기(1876~1917), 페르가나 거주민의 대다수를 차지했던 도회민(都會民) 사르트족은 1924년 우즈베키스탄 소비에트 사회주의 공화국의 성립에 따라 범(凡) 우즈베크 민족에 흡수되고 만다. 이를 기념하듯, 압둘라 카디리는 우즈베크 최초의 근대소설 지난날들 (1925)에서 공산혁명 이전의 보수 지배층에 조걸위학(助桀爲虐)의 낙인을 찍고는, 속편 미흐랍의 전갈 (1928)에서는 코칸드 최후의 군주 후다야르 한(汗)과 그 지지세력 사르트족에 모적(蟊賊)의 주홍글씨를 새겨 놓는다. 그러나 당대의 급진적 사회주의 관점으로 현대 우즈베크 민족문화의 기틀이 형성된 19세기를 온전히 평가하긴 어렵다. 따라서 본 연구는 현대 우즈베크 문학과 사뭇 구별되는 근대 사르트 문학의 종교적인 작풍(作風)에 주목하여, 현대 우즈베크 민족에 매몰돼 버린 근대 사르트인의 종족 정체성 문제를 재검토한다. 첫째, ‘사르트’와 ‘타지크’ 명칭의 기원을 살펴본다. 둘째, 사르트 문학어는 일반 투르크어와 어떤 점이 다른지 분석해 본다. 마지막으로, 현대 우즈베크 민족어에 상속된 사르트 문학의 유산을 고찰해 본다. 결론적으로, 사르트족은 근대 투르크-이슬람 기록문학의 꽃을 피워낸 주역으로서 현대 우즈베크 표준어의 최대 공여자이자 정신문화의 토대를 마련한 주인공이었음을 거듭 확인할 수 있었다.

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