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        학습부진 학생들의 학업성취에 영향을 미치는 중재 방안에 대한 메타분석

        송인섭,김수란 한국교육방법학회 2012 교육방법연구 Vol.24 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to find out the most useful intervention among variety instruction methods which are applied to intervention improving academic achievement for underachievement students. For this study, I have analyzed 126 relevant domestic studies by meta-analysis. The study researches whether the variety instruction methods are more effective for underachievement students than the general lecture methods and what the most effective intervention method to increase the academic achievement for underachievement students is. Furthermore, the study finds out the result of meta-analysis related with study on the intervention for underachievement students. The results are as below. Firstly, effect size of variety instruction is .973 which is very effective compare with general lecture methods. Secondly, the DI among the behaviorism lecture methods (effect size=1.741) has shown the best effect to increased the academic achievement for the underachievement students. Thirdly, it shows that the group of the best effective sample in this study is the first grade students to third grade students (effect size=1.378). When a group size is smaller than 10 students(effect size=1.203), a intervention time is 30~60 minutes(effect size=.995), a intervention period for 3~5months(effect size= 1.034), and a intervention frequency is 11-15 times(effect size=1.256), the intervention have the largest effect for each variable. This study will provide the chance to design the variety instruction methods by integrating other individual studies from the past. In conclusion, it can help reducing the individual differences at the school. 본 연구는 학습부진학생의 학업성취도 향상을 위한 중재교육에 적용된 다양한 교수방법 중 가장 효과적인 중재 방안은 무엇인지 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 총 126편의 국내연구를 메타분석을 실시하였으며 구체적인 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 다양한 교수방법을 통한 중재 방안이 학습부진 학생의 학업성취 향상에 효과가 있는지 둘째, 학업성취 향상에 가장 크게 영향을 미치는 중재 방법은 무엇인지 셋째, 분석대상 연구의 연구특성별 메타분석의 결과는 어떠한지를 알아보았다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일반 강의식 방법에 비해 다양한 교수방법으로 중재를 했었을 때, 학습부진 학생의 학업성취 향상에 영향을 미치는 전체 효과크기는 .973으로 매우 큰 효과가 있음을 확인하였다. 둘째, 학습부진 학생의 학업성취 향상에 가장 크게 영향을 미치는 중재유형은 행동주의 중재방법 중 직접교수법(DI; 효과크기=1.741)임을 확인하였다. 셋째, 학습부진 학생의 학업성취 향상에 가장 효과적인 연구대상은 초등학교 1학년에서 3학년(효과크기=1.378), 중재집단은 10명 이내의 소규모 그룹(효과크기=1.203), 중재시간은 30분에서 1시간 사이(효과크기=.995), 중재기간은 3개월에서 5개월 사이(효과크기=1.034), 가장 적절한 중재 회기 수는 11회기에서 15회기(효과크기=1.256)로 나타났다. 본 연구결과는 교육현장에 점점 증가하고 있는 학습부진 학생들을 위한 다양한 중재를 실시하는데 있어서 지금까지 수행된 개별 연구를 통합하는 결과를 제공해 줄 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 결과는 궁극적으로 교육현장에서 발생하는 개인차를 줄이는 데에도 긍정적인 역할을 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        다변량 일반화가능도 이론을 통한 인식론적 신념 검사 타당화 연구

        송인섭,김수란 한국교육방법학회 2012 교육방법연구 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구는 우리나라 대학생의 인식론적 신념 측정을 위해 기존 연구 결과를 통합하는 타당한 요인구조를 찾고 측정학적으로 신뢰로운 검사를 개발하는 것이 주된 목적이다. 이를 위하여 우선, 인식론적 신념에 대한 문헌 검토 후 본 연구의 개념모형 및 측정모형을 토대로 최초 63문항을 만들었으며 일차적으로 내용타당도를 거친 결과 총 56문항이 예비검사에 사용되었다. 우리나라 4년제 대학생 168명을 대상으로 예비검사를 실시한 결과 추출된 44문항으로 본검사를 진행하였다. 본검사는 437명(남학생 184명, 여학생 253명)을 대상으로 실시하여 요인분석을 통하여 최종적으로 7요인(지식의 확실성, 지식의 단순성, 앎의 원천, 앎의 정당화, 선천적 능력, 빠른 학습, 규제된 학습)으로 구성된 34문항을 선정했다. 이렇게 최종 문항이 선정된 후에는 보다 신뢰로운 검사인지를 규명하기 위해 다변량 일반화가능도 연구를 실시하였다. () 설계를 적용하여 G연구를 통해 오차원천에 대해 조사한 다음, D연구를 실시하여 일반화가능도계수(Generalizability Coefficients)와 phi 계수를 구하였다. G연구 결과, 문항 효과보다는 주로 피험자 효과와 문항과 피험자 상호작용 및 잔차의 분산 성분이 크게 나타났다. 이밖에도 D연구 결과 G계수는 .67에서 .85, phi 계수는 .64에서 .83 정도로 대체로 양호한 신뢰도 계수임을 확인 할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 기존 문헌에서 보여준 다양한 요인을 통합한 요인구조를 추출하였고, 신뢰도가 낮게 보고된 기존의 인식론적 신념 검사보다 비교적 높은 신뢰도를 확보했다는 것에 의의가 있다. 따라서 여러 대안적인 교육 방법을 통하여 인식론적 신념이 보다 세련(sophisticated)되게 변화 및 발달하는지에 대한 효과성 판단 연구에 유용하게 사용할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable examination on the measurement of the epistemological belief in the knowing and knowledge of Korean university students. Regarding the above, we initially selected 63 items through the review of literature on epistemological belief and then, based on content validity, 56 items were used for the primary test. With the result from the primary test tested on 168 Korean university students, we progressed onto the main test with only 44 items. The main test was conducted on 437(Male: 184, female: 253) Korean university students. Through the main test, we found 7 different kinds of factors and selected 34 items. The 7 factors are composed by certainty of knowledge, simplicity of knowledge, source of knowing, justification of knowing, innate ability, quick learning, and regulatory learning. After selecting the final items, we proceeded with the multivariate generalizability for investigation as to whether it is the more reliable examination. After investigating the source of error through the G study adjusted () design, we proceeded with the D-study for finding the generalizability coefficients and phi coefficient. With the result from the G-study, the effect are bigger than others. Besides, as a result of the D-study, we can confirm the reliability coefficient from the .67 to .85 of G-coefficient and .64 to .83 of phi-coefficient. This study has meant to synthesize diverse factor structure and secure a higher reliability than the past study. Thus, this measurement tool will be useful for judging the effectiveness that various alternative teaching methods makes the epistemological belief change and development more sophisticated.

      • KCI등재

        영재아를 중심으로 한 자아개념 증진에 대한 경험적 연구의 분석

        송인섭 한국영재교육학회 2012 영재와 영재교육 Vol.11 No.2

        교육심리학에서 핵심적이며 중요한 학업성취의 예언변인인 자아개념에 대한 관심은 심리치료와 교육프로그램의 중요한 관심대상인 자아개념을 변화시키려는 수많은 노력에 있다. 그러나 자아개념 증진 프로그램이 자아개념을 향상시키는 것이 가능한 것인가에 대한 논의는 계속 되고 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제를 다루고자 한다. 본 연구는 특히 영재아동을 중신으로 다루고자 한다. 결과는 일반아동과 큰 차이를 보이고 있지 않다. 그러나 미세한 차이는 보인다. 메타분석에서의 평균변화의 상관계수.35은 40%에서 57%까지를 나타낸다. 영재아동을 중심으로 한 다양한 연구와 메타분석에 근거하여, 인지적 프로그램들은 정서적 프로그램들보다 더 효과적 이라는 점은 인지적으로 기초된 프로그램들은 정서적으로 기초를 둔 프로그램들보다 일관되게 더 효과적이기 때문이다. 인지적 프로그램들은 정서적 프로그램들보다 더 많은 개념화가 가능한 목표들로 구성되어 있다. It is clear that the cognitively oriented programs are likely to produce more positive effects than affectively oriented programs. To enhance self-concept, programs may need to consider cognitive restructuring and goal and task-oriented activities where positive thoughts and experiences are continuously reinforced. Programs to enhance self-concept should be led by people who are experienced and trained in conducting such programs. Teachers are typically not so trained, and thus are not effective change agent of self-concept. Schools need to look closely at setting in which programs could be more effectively conducted, and these setting may need to divorce enhancing self-concept from enhancing academic achievement. The majority of programs associated with achievement do not enhance self-concept and more attention could be given to programs related more directly to the self rather than the programs primarily related to achievement. School-based programs in particular need to include evaluation processes to access whether change occurs. A critical aspect of this evaluation is the choice of outcome measure, and this outcome measure should be congruent with the aims of program. There is also a definite need to follow intervention programs to assess whether effects dissipate or whether the change can be explained by the euphoric effect.

      • 자아개념의 多元性과 학업성취간 관계

        송인섭 숙명여자대학교 사회 교육과학연구소 2001 사회 교육과학연구 Vol.5 No.1

        Wylie는 “성취와 능력이 성취와 능력자아개념들, 그리고 일반 존중감과도 강하게 관계될 것”이라고 가장했다(1979, 355). 본 절은 목적은 이러한 연구를 간략하게 논평하는 것이다. Shavelson과 동료들의 모형에서 학문적 자아개념은 일반 자아개념의 한 요소이며, 수학과 언어와 같은 특정내용 분야에의 자아개념으로 나뉘어진다. SDQ 해석에 대한 구인타당도와 Shavelson 등의 모형의 구인타당도에 대한 지지는 ① 학업성취가 비학문적 혹은 일반 자아개념보다는 보다 긍정적으로 학문적 자아개념과 상관된다. 그리고 ② 언어와 수학성취들은 자아개념의 다른 특성보다 그 분야의 자아개념과 더 높게 상관되어야 할 필요가 있다. Educators have been critically concerned with the question of whether increasing self-concept changes achievement, or increasing achievement changes self-concept. Before the question of “which causes which” can be answered, however, it is necessary to fist establish covariation between these two variables. As Mill(1869) argued, covariation is the first important criterion for inferring cause. The other criteria are the temporal precedence of the cause, and that other explanations of the cause and effect relationship must be eliminated(see also Cook & Campbell, 1979; Kenny, 1979) The Three Criteria The meta-analysis just discussed indicated that, on average, only 2% to 4% covariation between self-concept and achievement can be expected. Thus, it is extremely difficult to go further and investigate causal claims. Kenny(1979 p.238) noted that variables with low correlations―he said less than .3―typically yield disappointing and confusing results with respect to causality. Thus any research assessing causality needs to pay careful attention to the first criteria; that is, the amount of covariation between the two variables. Byrne(1986), for examples, in a very elaborate study using causal modeling, was not able to establish causal pre dominance of self-concept of achievement. This is not surprising, given that the average covariance in her study between general self-concept and academic achievement was 4%. Pottenbaum, Keit, & Ehly (1986) did not find either self-concept or achievement causally dominant, and their average covariation was 1%. Marayuma, Rubin & Kingsbury (1981) reported a similar conclusion. Their average covariance was 4%. Skaalvik & Hagtvet (1990) found that academic achievement seems to have causal predominance over self-concept of ability in one of their samples, and academic achievement have causal predominance over global self-concept in the other(but there were no relations between achievement and self-concept of ability). These seemingly conflicting findings are based on an average 3% to 10% covariation. Moyer(1979) argued that self-concept is causally dominant but noted that the correlations between self-concept and achievement are “generally quite weak”(r<.20) Wattenberg and Clifford (1964) were more definite: “Even as early as kindergarten, self-concept phenomena are antecedents and predictors of reading accomplishments” (p.461). There conclusions are strong, but are actually based on finding that only 10 of 28 correlations were positive, none were significant, and overall the correlations between reading and changes in self-concept were “slightly inclined to be negative.” Such findings are hardly convincing. Given the low percentage of covariation, it is not surprising that there are just as many studies supporting the precedence of self-concept over achievement (Byrne, 1986, cited 8) as there are for the opposite case (Byrne cited 6). Higher correlations are reported between academic achievement and self-concept of ability, and typically these studies report predominance of achievement over self-concept of ability. An alternative explanation to this causal predominance is that academic self-concept measures self-estimates of ability. As noted in chapter 5, the widely used Brookover test very much involves a self-estimates of ability, has no items relating to the saliency of achievement, and has only one item relation to satisfaction. It was, therefore, not surprising that achievement was a better predictor of self-estimates of achievement than vice versa. For example, Marsh(1990a) re-analyzed the Bachman(1970) and Bachman & O'Malley 1997, 1986) data based on 1,456 students retested at 10th, 11th, 12th, and one year after graduation. There was support for the effects of prior self-concept of ability on subsequent reported grade, and no significant relationships in the other direction. The second criterion relates to the temporal issue. Before self-concept can be said to cause changes in achievement, programs to change self-concept must precede changes in achievement (or vice versa). In the social sciences these claims are difficult to test as the choice of the time interval is tricky. It may not be evident. If on the other hand, the time interval is too long than a premature measure of achievement may not detect the changes in achievement. Further, delayed cause are les likely to be solely attributable to the anticipated effect. Of course, self-concept and achievement are not static, and there may be much feedback between the two variables. Thus, any model that claims that changes in self-concept lead to changes in academic achievement (or vice versa) must distinguish between recursive (self-concept causes achievement or achievement cause self-concept) and nonrecursive theories (self-concept and achievement affect each other). There may be a feedback look between the two variables so that changing one has “instantaneous” effects on the other, and so on. Given that the covariation is so small, it would be extremely difficult to design an experiment to test a recursive versus a non-recursive model. The third criterion is that other explanations of the cause and effect relationship need to be eliminated. There can be many reasonable alternative rival hypotheses that could account for any changes in achievement following a self-concept program (or vice versa). O'Malley and Bachman(1976) concluded that much of the correlation between self-concept and achievement an best be explained “as reflecting a common set of prior cause background, ability and earlier scholastic success” (p.38). Marayuma, Rubin, and Kingsbury (1981) argued that self-concept and achievement are related “only insofar as they shared the background variables of social class and academic ability as common causes” (p.973). Moreover, self-concept may moderate self-efficacy or expectations about achievement. Alternatively, high achievement may lead to a more realistic understanding of expectation, which, when these expectations are met, may lead to an increased level of self-concept (see Ames, 1978; Sharp & Muller, 1978). A causal model that does not allow for such intervening variables would thus be flawed. There may be many variables that similarly moderate the relationship between self-concept and achievement. Calsyn and Kenny (1977) found more support for a causal precedence of achievement over self-concept for females that for males. This, they argued, was possibly because females are more sensive to feedback (see also Bridgeman & Shipman, 1978; and for an opposite conclusion regarding sex differences and causal dominance see Midkiff, Burke, Hunt & Ellison, 1986). Song and Hattie (1984) also investigated the moderating effects of home environment (but also see Chapman, Lambourne, & Silva, 1990). Other moderators that have been suggested include race, age, and ability (Bachman & O'Malley, 1977). Any research study that investigates the causal relationship between self-concept and achievement also may well consider multiple causes. Increasing self-concept and some other variables, such as increased teacher understanding of the mechanisms for change, may lead to increased achievement.

      • 기획특집 3: 군사용 전자광학 기술의 현재와 미래 -군사용 전자광학장비 산업체 기술 현황

        송인섭,Song, In-Seop 한국광학기기산업협회 2010 光學世界 Vol.130 No.-

        군사용 전자광학장비는 정보지식 기반의 현대무기체계에 필수적인 장비로 발전하고 있다. 그러나 광학부품의 원소재나 영상증폭관, 열상검출기 등의 일부 핵심부품은 여전히 해외도입에 의존하고 있으며, 항공기나 위성에 탑재되는 감시정찰용의 복합시스템에 대한 체계설계기술 역시 아직 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 향후 군사용 전자광학장비의 완전한 자립을 위한 연구협력체 구성과 이를 통한 국제경쟁력 제고가 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

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