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        조정래의 『아리랑』에 나타난 장소성 연구

        변화영(Byun Hwa-yeong) 국어문학회 2016 국어문학 Vol.61 No.-

        조정래의 『아리랑』의 공간적 배경은 김제만경평야이다. 김제만경평야에 살던 농민들은 일제의 토지수탈과 기만정책으로 어쩔 수 없이 만주와 연해주, 하와이 등지로 비극적 이산을 감행해야 했다. 만주와 연해주로 이주한 사람들은 수전농업의 경험과 기억으로 농사를 지으며 중국과 러시아 사회에 정착하였으며, 하와이의 사탕수수 노동자로 팔려간 사람들은 몸에 체득된 끈질기고 부지런한 기질로 미국 사회에 정착할 수 있었다. 하지만 일본 강점의 홋카이도나 남양군도로 강제 징용과 징병을 당한 수만 명의 청장년들과 처녀들은 대부분 죽거나 행방불명이 되었다. 『아리랑』에 호명되지 않았더라면 이름 없이 죽어간 사람들 혹은 사라진 수많은 사람들, 지만복, 박용화, 복실이에 대한 기억은 망각의 지층 속에 파묻혀 버렸을 것이다. 한편, 신채호, 나철, 홍범도, 김좌진, 박영만, 김원봉 등 항일운동과 독립투쟁에 나섰던 실재 인물들이 집단기억의 대상이 될 수 있었던 것은 송수익, 방대근, 방영근, 이광민과 같은 민초들의 적극적인 참여와 희생 없이는 불가능한 일이었다. 600여 명의 허구적 인물과 실재인물을 서로 실타래처럼 얽어 사실성을 구현하는 가운데 작가 조정래는 김제만경평야를 사회적인 공론의 장으로 확대시켜 장소성을 모색하고자 했다. 김제만경평야를 중심으로 만주, 연해주, 홋카이도, 하와이로의 공간 확장은 김제만경평야가 개인적인 장소애착에만 머무는 곳이 아니라 강제노역과 이산의 슬픔, 그리고 ‘반쪽짜리’ 해방을 기억할 수 있는 장소라는 점에서 중요하다. The spatial background of Arirang is Kimje Mangeong plain. The folklore who lived in Kimje Mangeong plain forced to leave their homeland due to the land-grab and deceptive policy of Japanese during the colonial period. They dispersed to Manchuria, Maritime Province in Russia, Hawaii and other regions. The people who migrated in Manchuria and Maritime Province in Russia, cultivated rice with the memory and experience of their rice-producing at homeland, and finally settled down the societies of China or Russia. The others who went down the sugarcane farm in Hawaii settled down in American society with the persistent and hard-working disposition learned through their experience. But many young adults and women who were drafted as military service or comfort women almost died or were missing. If they were not mentioned in Arirang, they might be forgot without knowing their names, such as Ji Man-bog, Park Yong-hwa, and Boksili. Many individuals who participated the anti-Japanese movements and struggles for independence, like Sin Chae-ho, Na Cheol, Hong Beom-do, Kim Jao-jin, Park Yeong-man, Kim Won-bong and others, could be an objective of collective memory with the help of active involvements and sacrifices of the ordinary people, like Song Su-geon, Bang Dae-geon, Bang Young-geon, Lee Gaong-min. In Arirang the writer Jo Jeong-rae tried to find out the placeness of Kimje Mangeong plain as an public place of society, by implementation of authenticity mixing fictional characters and real persons more than 600s. Space extension from Kimje Mangeong plain to Manchuria, Maritime Province in Russia, Hawaii, Hokkaido and others, means that Kimje Mangeong plain to be not only the place attachment of individuals but also the sites of memory of the forced labor, pain of separation, half-liberation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        소설『탁류』에 나타난 군산의 식민지 근대성

        변화영(Byun Hwa-yeong) 역사문화학회 2004 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.7 No.1

        In this study the characteristic of colonial modernity in Gunsan is closely examined through the ordinary family life of a junior official, Jeong. In chapter 2, by paying attention to the precise geographical explanation of Geumgang valley described in Takryu, the symbolism of the landscape of Gunsan is examined. It was easy for the triangular shaped river of Gunsan located on Geumgang coast line to collect rice produced in a representative granary in the Honam area and send it to Osaka; therefore Gunsan was developed as a port city which was able to incarnate the realization of Japanese capitalism. In chapter 3, how Gunsan was planned as a city will be illuminated. Using the city map of Gunsan-bu made in 1933, it is possible to examine the spacial bisection of the center of Gunsan. In chapter 4, through the examination of ‘dunbaemi’ a Korean residential district, the Japanese aim to unify Japan and Joseon has been found to be fraudulent. The Korean residential district full of disease and illiteracy was a result of the Japanese plan not to include but to exclude the residents of Gunsan into her population. In chapter 5, by analysing the speculative rice market which mass-produced weak and obedient people who could never criticize the colonial reality, the process by which Koreans trapped in the mechanism of money were enslaved to the shallow mammonism is critically scrutinized. In chapter 6, Japanese strategies were found in the field of education in Gunsan. The school in the colonial district was to make Koreans outsiders. In chapter 7, by examining the area in which various cultures converge, the ideology of equal consumption which makes people enjoy the wealth the modern techniques brought in was proved only as propaganda. Looking through the various industries of housing, labour, education, and consumption, the treaty port Gunsan was lacking a western style of modern democracy and the liberating modernity to achieve development and progress. Therefore it only experienced a distorted modernization procedure in which technical modernity prevailed. Despite a lack of comfortable houses, promising workplaces, schools which led to the development and freedom of each individual, and ‘the markets and the amusement center’ which were founded on the ideology of equality, Gyaebong, one of the main characters of the novel, exposed the colonial modernity and resisted to the technical modernity in Takryu. The novelist Chae, Mansik described how the planned and constructed modern spaces pressed the activities and consciousness of the people in Gunsan and suggested strongly that the way to get out of the colonial modernity be found in the modernity of liberation.

      • KCI등재

        전후소설의 휴머니즘적 교육담론 연구

        변화영(Byun Hwa-yeong) 국어문학회 2007 국어문학 Vol.42 No.-

        In this paper, the humanistic educational discourse, which appeared in Ha, Geunchan's postwar novels has been studied in terms of dialogue, carnival, and Chronotope, which are the key words in the theory of the novels of Mikhail Bakhtin. The humanistic discourse structure appears in Chapter 2 his novels, which are based on the Korean war. He focuses chiefly on one person, i.e. inner focusing method, in his third person narrated novels, and 'White Paper Beard' is one of these representative works. The narrator in the story makes an innocent boy forward so that his consciousness can be reiterated onto that of the readers. Meanwhile, the inner focusing method is temporarily missing in 'The Story on the Ferry' and 'The Suffering of Two Generations', in order to deliver love persuasively toward the sweethearts or between father and son. Consistent inner focusing or temporary changing is a kind of narrative strategy to suggest that the motivating power to defeat the violence of war is humannism. In the third chapter, the true meaning of his novels has been investigated, in which he represents the sound life force, based on the free indirect narrative method and the respects of carnival, such as lower characteristics and discharging activities. In particular, the excretion that appeared in 'The Story of the Ferry' 'Hongso,' and 'Boon' is a way of upsetting the contemporary dominant Ideology, and so the accompanied focusing narrator's laugh strongly reveals overthrowing aspects. In the fourth chapter, his consciousness as a writer is illuminated D based on the time and space of the agricultural area, of Ins novels. As we can see in 'The Story of the Ferry' Ha Geunchan represents the circular Chronotope of time, like the agricultural society, to let the narrator transmit the consciousness of the focusing narrator of the healthy life force persuasively This is another strategy to destroy the inhuman direct viewpoint, Ha, Geunchan has thought that only humanism based on sound life force can stop the violence and aftermath of war, Respect for life itself based on the soundness of the interaction between nature and human beings, is humanism and this is alternative ideology for the peace of the world. Therefore, it is evident that the humanism in his novels is deeply related to the education of peace and ecology, when it is approached from the respect of educational discourse.

      • KCI등재

        식민지시기 신문연재소설에 나타난 아나키즘 연구

        변화영(Byun, Hwa-Yeong) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2017 한국민족문화 Vol.63 No.-

        이 논문은 식민시기에 발표된 이익상의 신문연재소설 『키 일흔 帆船』, 『짓밟힌 眞珠』, 『그들은 어대로』를 연구대상으로 하여 근대의 표상인 연애가 여대생, 기생, 여배우, 과부, 여성운동가 등을 중심으로 형상화되는 과정과 그 서사적 의의를 아나키즘적인 입장에서 분석하였다. 이익상은 연애 서사를 통해 남녀의 갈등과 욕망을 형상화할 뿐 아니라 몰락한 중간계급, 극성학원의 여학생들, 경성의 뒷골목, 창경원․문 밖에․월미도 등의 데이트 코스 등을 사실적으로 묘사하여 일본 제국주의와 자본주의의 실체를 드러내고 있다. 『키 일흔 帆船』, 『짓밟힌 眞珠』에 등장하는 ‘남성’ 초점화자들이 식민 현실을 제대로 깨닫지 못한 데 반해 이들과 애정관계에 있는 여성들, 즉 기생과 여성운동가 혹은 여배우와 과부는 서로 경쟁하거나 질투하는 과정에서 현실을 응시하게 된다. ‘남성’ 초점화자를 사이에 두고 갈등하던 여성들은 자유를 내세우며 자립하거나 사회개조를 위한 사회운동을 모색하고자 러시아로 떠나기도 한다. 『그들은 어대로』에 등장하는 ‘남성’ 초점화자는 식민 경성의 실체를 발견하고는 농민들과 상부상조하여 이상촌을 건설하고자 연인과 더불어 농촌으로 귀농한다. 『키 일흔 帆船』, 『짓밟힌 眞珠』에서의 여성인물들이나 『그들은 어대로』에서 연인들이 식민자본을 비판하고 사회개조를 표방하면서 상호부조하는 모습은 아나키스트들의 그것과 닮아 있다. 이익상이 1925년 카프의 발기인 중 한 사람이었으나 이후 탈퇴한 것은 창작활동 초기부터 내세웠던 반제국, 반자본의 아나키즘적인 입장이 현실대응에 미흡한 카프의 추상적인 창작방식과 맞지 않았던 것으로 보인다. 이런 점에서 볼 때, 이익상의 신문연재소설에서 연애 서사는 식민지 조선의 현실을 구조적으로 살펴볼 수 있는 통로이자 아나키즘을 소환할 수 있는 대중적 담론의 장치임을 알 수 있었다. This study focuses on the anarchism which represented in Lee, Iksang"s novels, A Sailboat without Helm, Trampled Pearl, and Where they go? These novels were published on newspaper as a serial stories. In these novels, the love narrative was portrayed as a colonial modernity through female college student, gisaeng, actress, widow, female activist and etc. So this study analyses the process of imaginary of the colonial modernity and its meaning of narrative with those characters. The writer Lee, Iksang, not only portrayed the conflict and desire between men and women, but also described realistically those ‘the downfallen middle class’, ‘girl students in Gyungseong private educational institute’, ‘back streets of Jongno’, ‘central walkway of Kyeongseong’, ‘recreation area of Incheon Woelmido’ and others. While the men, that is focalizer, in his novels could not recognised a daily life of colonial situation, the women characters, the rivals or competitors for hero’s love, that is gisaeng and female activist or actress and widow, did look at the colonial reality. Some of those women went to Russia searching for new social movement to get selfreliance and/or social reform while insisting her own freedom. And the male focalizer in Where they go? did return to the rural community to construct an ideal village where everyone help each other, after finding out the reality of colonialism. The women characters in Sailboat without Helm and Trampled Pearl, and the couple in Where they go? who did criticise the colonial capital, claim to social reform and help each other, were resembled the those figure of anarchists. Although Lee, Iksang was a found member of KAPF, later he did withdraw his membership from the KAPF. Because there was a certain difference between his antiimperialist and anticapitalist sentiment and KAPF’s abstractive method of creation which were insufficient to overcome colonial situation. In terms of these points, the love narratives in Lee, Iksang" novels, became a kind of mechanism to examine the real life of colonized Joseon as well as a way to reveal the public discourse which recall anarchism within the colonized Joseon.

      • KCI등재

        분단소설에 나타난 혼혈아의 표상

        변화영(Byun, Hwa-yeong) 한국언어문학회 2013 한국언어문학 Vol.87 No.-

        This article explores and examines how the half-breed, who born after the Korean war, represented in novels of Korean division, that is, <Legacy of the Sun>, <The Half-Breed>, <Royal Tomb and Occupation Forces>, <Black Joe>, <Sseggimi(Half-Breed)>, and<Odd Pairs of Socks>. The body of half-breeds indicates the absence of her/his father, ie. USA army, and the existence of their mother as a foreigner's whore. And it was treated as a kind of disease as a metaphor. Thus we can explain the half-breed who was born as a symbol of modernity and objectified by 'our' public or powerful gaze, only though his/her mother who are subordinate subject or subaltern.

      • KCI등재

        記憶의 敍事敎育的 含意

        卞華榮(Byun, Hwa-Yeong) 한일민족문제학회 2006 한일민족문제연구 Vol.11 No.-

        Yu Mi-ri(柳美里) is a Korean Japanese writer who lives in Japan but uses her own Korean name. Her novel, The Other Side of August depicts identity of herself and her family as diaspora through memory. The Other Side of August, from the Japanese colonial period to the present days follows the story of her grandfather, Yi Woochul(aka Yang Yim'deuk) who was from Milyang and went to Japan. I can tell this novel an experimental writing because it narrates experiences and memory of herself and her family and other people by the agency of marathon and Gut(shamanist ritual) as each was related with physical and spiritual arena. In some aspects, The Order Side of August has educational implication about the ways of memory and the narratives very well. First, Yu Mi-ri reveals historical memory of Korean Japanese, showing her own name and her identity as personification of diaspora. Secondly, even if it is only individual's memory, it is also social memory because memory about historical experiences and traumas generally need the existence of others. Thirdly, memory and narrative can revive the lives the outsiders and the peripheral beings whose existence does not appear in historical records. In short, memory is the passage for understanding 'herself' and 'world' and also, the source of her narratives in the process of creating her own world.

      • KCI등재

        『종군위안부』에 나타난 고통과 기억의 의미

        변화영(Byun, Hwa-yeong) 한국비평문학회 2014 批評文學 Vol.- No.51

        노라 옥자 켈러는 1.5세대 한국계 미국인 소설가이다. 1997년에 발표된 『종군위안부』는 작가의 삶의 터전인 하와이를 배경으로 하고 있기에 구체적인 공간 묘사는 모녀관계에 있는 아키코와 베카의 이야기에 사실성을 부여할 뿐 아니라 자서전적인 성격을 갖게 한다.『종군위안부』는 크게 두 축으로 구성되어 있다. 한 축은 한국계 미국인으로서의 <베카>의 이야기이고 다른 한 축은 종군위안부이자 디아스포라로서의 <아키코> 의 이야기이다. 교호적인 이중 서술 구성은 ‘죽음과 탄생’을 통해 단단히 얽혀 있는데, 이 구성은 갈등관계에 있는 모녀가 화해하는 과정을 드러내는 중요한 소설적 장치이다. 첫 장인 1장과 마무리 장인 18장에 <베카>가 서술주체로 나서고 그 안에서 <아키코>와 <베카>가 교호적으로 서술주체로 등장하는 서사적 배치는 아키코의 사회적 고통들을 드러내면서 화해의 성격이 무엇인지를 제시하는 하나의 전략에 해당된다. 김순효-아키코-브레들리 아키코라는 삼중의 이름이 나타내듯 일본 제국주의 사회에서 종군위안부 아키코는 여성/조선인/피지배자/수인(환자)이라는 위치에 있는 다중적 고통의 피해자였으며 미국 이주사회에서는 열등한/동양인/여성/소수자로서 갖가지 고통을 감내해야 했다. 이름 없이 죽은 종군위안부들의 흔적과 목소리까지 담아낸『종군위안부』가 무엇보다도 의미 있는 것은 국민국가의 틀 속에 있는 ‘우리’의 특권이 종군위안부의 고통과 연결되어 있으며 ‘우리’의 기억이 종군위안부 할머니들의 기억과 연대해야 한다는 사실을 숙고하게 했다는 점이다. 요컨대『종군위안부』는 ‘우리’가 위안부 할머니들의 고통과 기억을 연대하는 집합적 기억의 통로가 되는 것이다. This paper analyses the meaning of social suffering which expressed in the novel Comfort Woman, written by Nora Okja Keller. She is one and half generation of Korean-American immigrant. In this novel, which based upon the narrative and oral testimony of the comport women, she explores the multi layers of social suffering through the memories of Akiko and Beccah, on the one hand, and investigates the lost voices or without voices of the comfort women. The novel constructed with two parts at large, one is the stories of Beccah(who is daughter), and the other is those of Akiko(mother, former comfort woman). Alternated with these two stories, the novel made up by duplexed composition tied with the death and birth of the members of family. The author includes in this novel the voices of the comfort women who lost their own voices, through the past and voice of Kim Sunhyo-Akiko-Bradely Akiko. That is, she was a victim of multi-layered suffering as a woman, people of Joseon, subordinate, prisoner or patient during Japanese imperialism and colonialism. And she had been suffered and endured because of her position as inferiority, Asian, woman, minority within American society. By telling her/their own past and history, the novel attempts to reconciliation between the two generations, further the victims and perpetrators and/or the witnesses and bystanders. The author insists in this novel, Comfort Woman, ultimately ‘our’ privilege within the nation-state connects with the social suffering of ‘comfort women’, so ‘our’ memory must be banded together with theirs.

      • KCI등재

        대칭성의 사고와 환상적 세계

        변화영(Byun, Hwa-yeong) 전남대학교 한국어문학연구소 2018 전남대학교 한국어문학연구소 학술지 어문논총 Vol.- No.33

        본 논문은 『기찻길 옆 동네』를 통해 인물들의 대칭성의 사고가 환상적인 세계를 형성하는 원동력이자 동심을 작동시키는 원리임을 구체적으로 밝혀보았다. 『기찻길 옆 동네』 1부에서는 현내에 살고 있는 선학이네 친구들이 등장한다. 인간과 비인간, 남자와 여자, 아이와 어른 등의 이분법을 횡단하는 대칭적 사고를 지닌 인물의 순수하고 착한 마음은 현내라는 공간이 환상적인 세계가 되도록 이끈다. 또한 환상적 성격의 기차는 대칭적인 세계와 비대칭적인 세계를 횡단하면서 연결하는 유동적 사고 작동의 매개체 역할을 한다. 이에 기찻길은 현내의 환상적 공간과 광주의 현실적 공간을 잇는 연결점이자 대칭성의 사고를 실천했던 이 목사가 빈민사목을 위해 광주에서 이리로, 이리에서 광주로 옮겨 다녔던 이동 경로임을 알 수 있었다. 『기찻길 옆 동네』 2부의 초록빛 교회에서 활동하고 있는 등장인물들의 대칭성의 사고는 환상적인 세계로 들어가는 통로이며 독자 마음의 기층에 있는 동심을 작동시키는 원리였다. 대칭성의 사고는 문명과 야만, 평화와 폭력, 인간과 비인간 등, 서로가 지닌 이질성 때문에 양립할 수 없다는 모순율을 전복시키면서 상호간의 연관성을 발견케 한다. 동질성을 획득하려는 대칭성의 사고는 전체적으로 『기찻길 옆 동네』의 형식적 구조를 이루고 있다. 『기찻길 옆 동네』는 작가의 자전적 소설로, 김남중은 그 기억의 터인 모현동의 현내 마을을 환상적 세계로 재현하면서 이리역 폭발사고와 광주민주항쟁을 사실적으로 형상화했다. This paper concretely reveals that the idea of the symmetry of the characters is the driving force that forms the fantasy world and also is the principle that activates the Dongshim(child’s mind) through studying Kim Nam-jung’s The neighborhood next to the railroad track. In the first part of The neighborhood next to the railroad track,friends of Sunhak who live in Hyunnae village appear. The pure and good hearts of people who have symmetrical minds that traverse the dichotomy between human and non-human, man and woman, child and adult, leads the realistic space to be a fantasy world. In addition, the train which has a fantastic character acts as a medium of the work of fluid thinking connecting the symmetric world and the asymmetric world by traversing one another. Through this, we can acknowledge that the railway is the connection point between the fantastic space of Hyunnae village and the realistic space of Gwangju. And we can also realize that it is the pathway of pastor Lee who practiced the idea of symmetry and moved back and forth from Iri to Gwangju and from Gwangju to Iri for pastoral care for the poor. In the second part of The neighborhood next to the railroad track, the idea of the symmetry of the characters who are active in the Green Church is a passage to the fantastic world and a principle that operates the Dongshim which is on the base of the reader’s mind. The idea of symmetry, which tries to acquire homogeneity by finding mutual connection and overturning the contradiction that civilization, barbarism, peace and violence, human and non-human are incompatible because of each other’s heterogeneity, forms the formal structure of this book. Kim Nam-jung’s The neighborhood next to the railroad track, is an autobiographical novel which is a meaningful work that realistically recorded the eruption accident of train station of Iri and the democratic uprising of Gwangju by reproducing the Hyunnae village of Mohyeon-dong into a fantasy world.

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