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      • KCI등재

        1968년 ‘헤드스카프를 쓴 혁명가들’과 ‘어부헌장’

        배혜정 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2019 인문사회과학연구 Vol.20 No.1

        There was the Hull triple trawler tragedy which was the sinking of three trawlers from Hull during January and February 1968. This tragedy began with a shocking incident and led to a historic one. The first shock was the fact that many fishing husbands and sons lost their lives at once, and the second shock was the fact that the fishermen's wives struggled for preventing further accidents. These women were recorded as the historic figures of the “headscarf revolutionaries”, with the achievement of raising the level of British maritime security greatly. The purpose of this paper is to trace the process of ordinary women to be recorded in history as “the revolutionaries” and to question the meaning of the incident. Above all, I would like to reconstruct this event from the perspective of gender and to present its historical significance. Lillian Bilocca and the Hessle Road women began safety campaign in the fishing industry. And in the space of a few weeks, the women had set in motion changes to an industry that had seen little or no reform in over a century. Their demands included: provision of full crews including radio operators; regulations making twelve hourly contact between trawlers and base compulsory; improved safety equipment aboard trawlers; medical ships on the fishing grounds; and a Royal Commission in to the fishing industry. The women gathered 10,000 signatures within 10 days in support of their aims in what they called a “Fishermen's Charter.” Eventually, the fishwives' campaign had been extremely effective. In just fourteen days, they had drawn the attention of the world’s media to their cause, and made a government sit up and take action. But the women may be criticized for campaigning not for themselves, but on behalf of their men. It should be remembered, however, that for women in 1968 to have spoken out at all, and acted so effectively as a unified force, was in itself a major achievement. The main contributors to this remarkable achievement were not civic activists or politicians but ordinary women who wrote a new history. The history of mothers and sisters of the bottom fishing men attests History is not His-story 1968년 1월과 2월에 헐에서 출항한 어선 3척이 연이어 침몰하는 사고가 발생했다. 이 해양참사는 충격적인 사건에서 시작해 역사적인 사건으로 비상한다. 1차 충격은 많은 어 부 남편과 아들이 한꺼번에 목숨을 잃었다는 사실 자체였고, 2차 충격은 어부의 아내와 딸들이 슬픔을 딛고 더 이상의 인명피해를 막기 위해 분연히 일어섰다는 사실이다. 그리 고 이 여성들은 일명 ‘어부헌장’이라 칭할 정도로 영국 해상 안전의 수준을 단숨에 수십 단계나 끌어올리는 성과를 이루어, ‘헤드스카프를 쓴 혁명가들’이라는 역사적 인물로 기 록되었다. 본 논문의 목적은 평범한 아내와 딸들이 ‘혁명가’라는 명칭을 얻기까지의 과정을 추 적하며 사건의 여파와 의미를 질문하는 것이다. 무엇보다 젠더의 시각에서 이 사건을 재 구성하여 역사적 평가를 담고자 한다. 연속된 사고는 자연재해와 더불어 늘 따라오는 인재의 요소가 다분했다. 선원들의 열 악한 작업 조건, 살인적인 노동 강도, 낙후된 선박 상태와 부실한 점검체계도 빼놓을 수 없는 문제였지만, 이윤추구에 눈이 멀어 안전을 도외시하는 태도와 개선의지가 없던 인 식 그 자체가 무엇보다 문제였다. 오랫동안 별다른 개선이 없던 이런 문제에 가장 먼저 들 고 일어난 이들이 릴리언 빌로카와 헐의 여성들이었다. 이들은 청원운동을 벌이며 무선 기사를 비롯한 필요한 선원을 모두 충원할 것, 일기예보를 개선할 것, 신참 선원을 더 잘 교육할 것, 안전 장비를 개선할 것 등을 요구했다. 또한 헐 최초 여성중심의 집회와 부두 로의 행진을 진행하고, 무선기사가 없는 선박의 출항을 몸으로 저지하는 일도 불사했다. 결국 몇 주가 안 되어 1만 명의 지지 서명을 모았고 언론의 스포트라이트를 받으며 정부 에 요구가 모두 수용되는 실로 놀라운 결과를 이끌어 냈다. 물론 남성을 대신해 벌인 투쟁이었건만 성별의 경계를 넘어섰다는 논란과 반발이 없 지 않았고 자신들의 처지와 권리는 돌아보지 못한 남성을 위한 투쟁이었다는 한계도 있 을 수 있다. 하지만 여전히 남성이 지배하는 세상에서 나고 자랐고 바깥일에는 관심을 둘 수 없는 환경에서 살고 있던 여성들이 집단으로 남성세계에 발을 들여 놓고 성별의 경계 선을 넘어선 것 자체가 여성운동일 수 있었다. 그들이 쟁취한 ‘어부 헌장’은 20세기 시민운동에서 매우 성공적인 업적으로 기록되었 다. 그런데 이런 엄청난 결실을 가져 온 혁명가들은 다름 아닌 평범한 여성들이었고, 남 성이 주도해온 노조와 정치가를 무색하게 한 새로운 역사를 쓴 작지만 위대한 영웅들이 었다. 열악하기로 소문난 밑바닥 어업 노동자들의 어미와 누이인 ‘그들의 역사’는 역사 가 His-story가 아님을 웅변으로 증언하고 있는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        시멘트 제조ㆍ취급사업장에서 발생하는 공기 중 분진의 노출평가

        배혜정,성은창,피영규 한국산업보건학회 2017 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate concentrations in airborne total and respirable dusts in the cement manufacturing and handling industries. Methods: Fifty-three total dust and 42 respirable dustsamples were collected from 24 work places. Total dust samples were collected using a three-stage cassette. Respirable dust samples were collected using a cyclone equipped with a 37 mm, 5 ㎛ pore size PVC filter. Results: The geometric means of the dust concentrations were 0.10 ㎎/㎥ and 0.08 ㎎/㎥ in total dust and respirable dust, respectively. The Korean Occupational Exposure Limit(10 ㎎/㎥) was not exceeded, but the rate of exceeding the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist(ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value(1㎎/㎥) was 16.7%. Conclusion: When measuring the level of dust at cement manufacturers, the airborne concentration of respirable dust should be evaluated. In order to protect the health of workers exposed to cement dust, it is necessary to actively consider strengthening the Korean Occupational Exposure Limit.

      • KCI등재

        오늘날의 가상과 지각하는 신체: 시각적 무의식과 정동 개념을 중심으로

        배혜정 한국미학예술학회 2022 美學·藝術學硏究 Vol.65 No.-

        This study deals with virtuality, the real occupied by the online after COVID-19, based on body perception, affect and the optical unconscious. As the recent discourses on the metaverse show, the online realm in our life is expanding, but this phenomenon is still considered to be unknown and has not been clarified. This thesis examines how virtuality has come to be new due to technology, but is already faced in art by human perception ability and explores it terms of the body that perceives it. To this end, Walter Benjamin’s concept of the “optical unconscious” and affect theory are discussed. Moreover, the characteristics of virtuality are also analyzed in the projection mapping art work Casting of Yiyun Kang. 이 논문은 오늘날 우리의 삶에서 가상이 확장되어가고 있는 현실과 관련되는 예술 경험을 발터 벤야민의 ‘시각적 무의식’ 개념과 정동 이론을 통해 고찰한다. 본 논문의 본문 첫 번째 장은 현재시점에서 가상현실의 상황을 돌아보고 지각하는 신체의 측면에서 가상의 경험을 이해하고자 한다. 두 번째 장에서는 벤야민이 당대 새로운 매체인 사진과 영화에 대한 사유 속에서 도출한 개념인 시각적 무의식 개념이 카메라와 초기 어트랙션 영화가 제공하는 경험에서 출발했다는 점에서 오늘날의 가상현실에 연관되고 있음을 살핀다. 그리고 본문 세 번째 장에서는 이러한 경험이 인간 지각의 신체적 수준에서 강도로써 경험되는 충격 효과라는 점에서 정동 이론을 통해 그 경험의 양상을 고찰하며 가상예술에 대한 이해를 도모한다. 본문의 마지막 장에서는 이상의 이론적 검토를 통해 프로젝션 맵핑 작품인 강이연의 <캐스팅>을 분석한다. <캐스팅>은 유럽 문명을 대표하는 세 유물의 복제본에 영상을 투사한 작품이다. 따라서 이 작품에서의 경험은 공동체에 공유되는 시각적 무의식 경험을 만들어냄으로써 창조적 사건으로서 예술 경험이자 예술의 대상과 인간, 매체의 새로운 관계 맺기를 가능하게 하는 정동적 경험인 것으로 논의된다.

      • 아미노글라이코사이드계 항생제 투여용법을 1일 1회로 변경시 나타나는 약동학적 변수의 변화

        배혜정,김민정,이순실,손인자 한국병원약사회 2005 병원약사회지 Vol.22 No.3

        Aminoglycoside antibiotics are the representative drugs that require therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). Recently the application of once-daily aminoglycoside dosing (ODD) is being extended as many studies suggested that ODD is as effective as traditional dosing (TD) and is not more toxic than TD. One of the ODD's merits is unlike TD there is no need for TDM, but ODD has been challenged by some studies suggesting the TDM is the most effective way to aminoglycoside dosing and by other studies insisting the utilization of nomogram based on 1~2 times measured actual blood drug level. ODD was not widely applied for aminoglycoside antibiotics in Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH). But in the case that aminoglycoside dosing regimen was changed from TD to ODD, we occasionally observed variation of pharmacokinetic parameters in their TDMs. So, this study was aimed to assure an aspect of variations of pharmacokinetic parameters when aminoglycoside dosing regimen was changed from TD to ODD, and evaluate if this variations were significant. The subjects of this study were 15 patients (mean age 53 ± 12, Man: Female=14:1) that administered aminoglycoside antibiotics during the period of admission in SNUH, and carried out TDM at least once at TD and at least once at ODD from January, 2003 to October, 2004. The patients presenting changes in kidney function or volume of distribution during the period from first TDM at TD to next TDM at ODD, were excluded. Pharmacokinetic parameters (Ke, Vd, CL) were calculated by Sawchuk-Zaske's method using one-compartment model, and the variations of pharmacokinetic parameters were analyzed and compared. When amioglycoside dosing regimen was changed from TD to ODD, elimination rate constant (Ke) and clearance (CL) was statistically significantly decreased (p<0.001). The smaller Ke for TD, the larger difference from Ke for TD to Ke for ODD (y=-222.54x + 22.533, R2=0.741). But volume of distribution was not significantly changed according to aminoglycoside dosing regimen change. This result was similar to that of other studies about pharmacokinetic parameters of ODD. Consequently, it is suggested to recommend TDM for dose adjustment at ODD until aminoglycoside dosage guideline at ODD is established, based on well-controlled studies on pharmacokineitics of ODD.

      • KCI등재후보

        객관적 지표를 활용한 서울대학교병원 영양평가도구의 개발

        배혜정,김경애,김아정,박미정,한현주,손인자,이혜숙 한국병원약사회 2010 병원약사회지 Vol.27 No.1

        Nutritional assessment is essential to set up proper nutritional support plans in TPN(total parenteral nutrition) consultation service. The objectives of this study are to develop the SNUH(Seoul National University Hospital) assessment tool that evaluates nutritional status by assessing and scoring the severity of three objective parameters - visceral proteins(albumin or prealbumin), body mass index and weight change - and to prove the validity of the SNUH assessment tool by comparing with the PG-SGA(Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment). The subjects of this study are 31 adult patients who were admitted to SNUH from June to October 2009 and asked for TPN consultation. Nutritional assessment was performed by using both the SNUH nutritional assessment tool and the PG-SGA. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used to evaluate statistical significance. The result of nutritional assessment by the SNUH nutritional assessment tool shows that one patient is well nourished, nine are mildly malnourished,ten are moderately malnourished, and eleven are severely malnourished; two patients are in stage A(well-nourished), fifteen are in stage B(moderately malnourished or suspected malnutrition), and fourteen are in stage C(severely malnourished) according to the PG-SGA. The Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient is 0.852, therefore there is statistical significance between two assessment tools(p<0.01). Proper nutritional assessment is available by using the SNUH nutritional assessment tool which is simple and convenient to use. Also, the results are not different among assessors, since it uses objective parameters unlike the PG-SGA. It is expected to shorten working hours and standardize TPN consultation service through coherent nutritional assessment.

      • 17세기 영국 초기페미니스트, 바슈아 메이킨 (Bathsua Makin)의 여성교육론

        배혜정 효원사학회 2008 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.34

        Protofeminist Bathsua Makin's Arguments for Women's Education in the Seventeenth Century England Bae, Hye-Jeong As pamphlets criticizing a culture that viewed woman as the weaker vessel and advocating women's education had published in the seventeenth century, what is called "the controversy over women's education" started. Bathsua Makin was the first English woman who entered into the controversy. Makin, a highly educated woman, was referred to as "England's most learned lady." In her An Essay to Revive the Ancient Education of Gentlewomen(1673) advertising her school, Makin attacked on the custom of "breeding women low" and argued for the equal right of women to obtain an education. However, Makin have been criticized because of her acceptance of woman ideology that regarded women as subordinated to man, her use of a masculine persona, and her call for the education of rich women. But, in consideration of a historical context which had reinforced the sexual discrimination according to public and private spheres, and the current of "Querelle des Femmes" in seventeenth-century England, it seems that criticisms of Makin's arguments have the possibility of misunderstanding. The purpose of this paper is to convey the meaning of Makin's arguments for women's education exactly by examining her An Essay closely. Makin sometimes negotiated and sometimes challenged woman ideology of those days in order to realize her purpose, women's education. First, Makin stressed the need of women's learning by using various rhetorical methods. For example, the male voice gave Makin more freedom and was effective in supporting her pro-education argument. Second, Makin argued that regardless of status, economic condition, and marriage, all women had to learn. Her arguments contributed to the emerging criticism of woman's position in domestic and public spheres in seventeenth-century England. Protofeminist Bathsua Makin's Arguments for Women's Education in the Seventeenth Century England Bae, Hye-Jeong As pamphlets criticizing a culture that viewed woman as the weaker vessel and advocating women's education had published in the seventeenth century, what is called "the controversy over women's education" started. Bathsua Makin was the first English woman who entered into the controversy. Makin, a highly educated woman, was referred to as "England's most learned lady." In her An Essay to Revive the Ancient Education of Gentlewomen(1673) advertising her school, Makin attacked on the custom of "breeding women low" and argued for the equal right of women to obtain an education. However, Makin have been criticized because of her acceptance of woman ideology that regarded women as subordinated to man, her use of a masculine persona, and her call for the education of rich women. But, in consideration of a historical context which had reinforced the sexual discrimination according to public and private spheres, and the current of "Querelle des Femmes" in seventeenth-century England, it seems that criticisms of Makin's arguments have the possibility of misunderstanding. The purpose of this paper is to convey the meaning of Makin's arguments for women's education exactly by examining her An Essay closely. Makin sometimes negotiated and sometimes challenged woman ideology of those days in order to realize her purpose, women's education. First, Makin stressed the need of women's learning by using various rhetorical methods. For example, the male voice gave Makin more freedom and was effective in supporting her pro-education argument. Second, Makin argued that regardless of status, economic condition, and marriage, all women had to learn. Her arguments contributed to the emerging criticism of woman's position in domestic and public spheres in seventeenth-century England.

      • KCI우수등재

        빅토리아 시기 월경에 대한 의학담론과 여성의 ‘구성된 몸’

        배혜정 한국서양사학회 2020 西洋史論 Vol.0 No.144

        The purpose of this study was to examine the correlation of the modern medical discourses with a gender ideology, by analyzing the menstrual discourses in the Victorian medical science. And it explores how a woman’s body was constructed, by tracing the changes of the understanding of menstruation from a physiological phenomenon into a pathological one. While the function of menstruation itself was considered a natural and necessary process until the early modern period, the 19th century medical discourses ‘scientifically’ reconstructed the woman’s body as qualitatively different from a man’s body and more vulnerable to diseases. Through a set of assumptions ‘that a woman’s reproductive function defines her character, position and value, they generalized the perception that the medical control over the woman was necessary, and helped to strengthen the modern gender ideology, ‘that women should be suited to the private sphere, not the public.’ 본 연구는 빅토리아 시기 의학 속 월경담론을 분석하여, 여성의 몸에 대한 ‘과학적’ 권위를 행사하게 된 근대 의학담론과 젠더 이데올로기의 상관관계를 증명하고자 한다. 나아가 역사적 시각에서 월경이라는 생리적 현상이 병리적 현상으로 변화하는 과정을 추적함으로써 시대적 맥락 속에서 여성의 몸이 어떻게 ‘구성되는지’를 탐구한다. 오랫동안 월경은 침묵의 대상이자 금기의 표적이었음에도 여성의 몸과 여성성을 설명할 때 가장 결정적인 요소로 여겨졌다. 하지만 생물학적으로 결정된 것으로 여겨진 몸이 실은 다양한 맥락 속에서 구성되어왔듯 월경 또한 역사 속에서 늘 같은 모습이지는 않았다. 근대 초까지 월경혈에 대한 폄하가 분명 존재해 왔어도 월경 기능 자체는 자연적이고 필수적인 과정으로 간주된 반면, 진정한 과학의 시대를 연 19세기에는 월경이 병리학적 현상으로 탈바꿈했다. 이는 기능상 남성의 몸에 비해 불완전하다고 본 여성의 몸이 남성과는 질적으로 다른 몸이자 온갖 병에 취약한 몸으로 새로이 ‘과학적으로’ 재구성된 탓이다. 이런 과정 속에서 빅토리아기 월경에 대한 의학담론은 여성의 생리적 특성인 월경이 어떻게 젠더 정치학이 작동하는 무대가 되는지를 잘 보여준다. 월경을 통해 여성의 몸과 마음의 불안정성 및 열등성을 과학적으로 개념화한 의학담론은 여성을 비정상적이고 무기력한 존재로 규정했다. 그 결과, 의학의 지속적인 개입과 감독이 필요하다는 인식을 보편화했음은 물론이고, ‘여성은 공적 영역보다 사적 영역에 적합하다’는 근대적 젠더 이데올로기를 영속시키는 데도 기여했다.

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