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        국가신도와 야스쿠니신사초혼사의 통합과정에 대한 재검토

        박진우 한국일본사상사학회 2007 일본사상 Vol.0 No.12

        この研究では、近代日本における国家神道が明治維新から敗戦に至るまで国民精神を支配してきたという村上重良の説に対する反論として、国家神道という制度の中で靖国神社と招魂社がそれぞれどういう位相で役割を果たしていたかを再検討することを目標としている。最近の靖国神社をめぐる議論をみても、そのほとんどが村上説を大きな前提としてその問題点を論ずる傾向が強く、韓国でもそれがそのまま受け入れられているように見える。しかし、こうした村上説に基づく場合、明治初期の神道国教主義と日本ファシズム期の国家神道の強制という二つの時期の差異だけでなく、明治時代から1930年代に至るまでの多様な宗教現象と国家神道との間の葛藤や相剋の関係を看過してしまう恐れがある。したがって、本稿では1880年代の 「信教の自由」 が規定されてから1930年代のファシズム期に至るまで国家神道がいかなる形でいかなる役割を果たして来ており、それに対して仏教をはじめとする他の宗教はいかに対応してきたかを具体的に検討する必要があると思うのである。 こうした問題意識から1930年代までの靖国神社と招魂社の役割を検討してみた結果、明治から敗戦に至るまで国家神道が一貫して日本の国民精神を支配してきたと見ることはできない。すくなくとも、1930年代まで国家神道が地域の末端まで浸透していなかったことは、靖国神社と招魂社の連動性がほとんど見えないことからもわかる。もっと細部的にみれば、戦没者を慰霊し、顕彰する論理には靖国神社を頂点として画一的に統合されていなかっただけでなく、むしろ国家神道とは相違姓をもつ要素も含まれていた。こうした相違姓が国家神道の強制によって国家的なレベルで整備、拡充されるようになるのは総力戦体制が本格化する30年代後半からのことである。しかし、こうした国家神道と靖国神社の強化過程でも葛藤と紛糾が絶えなかったことは、特に1940年代にはいって神宮冒涜、不敬罪などで基督教、仏教、教派神道等に対する弾圧が一層強化していることからもわかる。 但し、ここで留意しなければならないことは、国家神道と靖国神社に統合されず、また葛藤や紛糾が絶えなかったとして、それが直ちに戦争に反対し、反国家的であったことを意味することではないという点である。すなわち、基督教、仏教、教派神道などもそれぞれの宗教的な立場から積極的に戦争に協力した側面も看過してはならないのである。そういう意味で国家権力は仏教的な要素であれ、民俗信仰的な要素であれ、それが自発的な戦争協力を調達し、かつ天皇制に対して 「不敬」 でない限り、それを積極的に抑圧したり排除したりしなかった。それはすなわち、靖国神社にまつられることが無限の光栄として宣伝され、認識されたとしても、その実相は国家神道とは異なる多様な宗教的次元で受け止めることも少なくなかったことを物語っている。そして、こうした多様性を国家神道のもとに画一化し、それがまるで先験的なことであるかのように信じ込ませたのが天皇制イデオロギーであった。

      • KCI등재

        Prediction of Land Use/Land Cover Change in Forest Area Using a Probability Density Function

        박진우,박정묵,이정수 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2017 Journal of Forest Science Vol.33 No.4

        This study aimed to predict changes in forest area using a probability density function, in order to promote effective forest management in the area north of the civilian control line (known as the Minbuk area) in Korea. Time series analysis (2010 and 2016) of forest area using land cover maps and accessibility expressed by distance covariates (distance from buildings, roads, and civilian control line) was applied to a probability density function. In order to estimate the probability density function, mean and variance were calculated using three methods: area weight (AW), area rate weight (ARW), and sample area change rate weight (SRW). Forest area increases in regions with lower accessibility (i.e., greater distance) from buildings and roads, but no relationship with accessibility from the civilian control line was found. Estimation of forest area change using different distance covariates shows that SRW using distance from buildings provides the most accurate estimation, with around 0.98-fold difference from actual forest area change, and performs well in a Chi-Square test. Furthermore, estimation of forest area until 2028 using SRW and distance from buildings most closely replicates patterns of actual forest area changes, suggesting that estimation of future change could be possible using this method. The method allows investigation of the current status of land cover in the Minbuk area, as well as predictions of future changes in forest area that could be utilized in forest management planning and policymaking in the northern area.

      • 형광염료 기술의 진단용 나노소재로의 응용

        박진우 한국공업화학회 2015 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2015 No.1

        감염성 질환, 암 등의 조기 진단을 위해 유전자 및 항체를 활용한 체외 진단 기술이 각광받고 있으며, 최근에는 높은 진단 정확도를 확보하면서도 의료 현장에서 신속 진단이 가능한 진보된 진단기기의 사회적 요구가 높아져 가고 있다. 특히, 질병 바이오마커 탐지를 위해 사용되는 항체의 항원 결합성을 극대화 시키면서도 별도의 전처리 없이 혈액 등 체액 내의 존재하는 극미량의 질병인자를 탐지할 수 있도록 형광 염료, 형광 비드 및 자성 나노입자 기술이 융합 적용되는 추세에 있다. 본 발표에서는 항체 진단 기술에 필수 소재로 사용될 수 있는 형광 소재 및 자성 나노입자 관련 기술에 대해서 소개한다.

      • KCI등재

        이동통신시장의 진화과정에 대한 정성적 접근 : 전환비용을 중심으로

        박진우 정보통신정책학회 2002 정보통신정책연구 Vol.9 No.1

        우리 나라 이동통신시장의 진화과정에 영향을 미친 요인들은 무엇이며, 각 요인들은 진화과정에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는가? 이러한 질문에 대한 답을 도출하기 위하여, 본 논문은 급속히 변화하는 우리 나라 이동통신시장의 진화과정을 분석하고, 이를 기초로 하여 이동통신시장의 진화과정에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 경제학적으로 점검하고 있다. 특히 이동전화시장의 진화과정을 도입, 성장, 성숙, 퇴조의 네단계로 구분하여 정성적인 방법으로 분석하고 있다. 본 논문에 의하면, 이동통신시장의 진화과정에서 발생하는 많은 문제들의 원인은 정태적 혹은 동태적인 전환비용과 이에 따른 소비자 잠김현상이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 전환비용의 문제를 해결하여 보다 공정한 경쟁환경을 조성하기 위한 방안으로, 본 논문은 번호이동성과 단말기보조금에 대한 정책적 시사점을 도출하고 있다. This paper studies the evolutionary process of Korean Mobile Telecommunication Market. Dividing into four stages, we analyzes the factors which have affected the evolutionary process of Korean Mobile Telecommunication Market. Focusing on switching costs. we provide policy implications regarding number portability and subsidy on mobile phone.

      • 천막상부 뇌종양 측두엽 절제술 환자에서 운동유발전위 파형의 변화 분석

        박진우,임성혁,박찬우,김동준,박상구,한형태 대한임상병리사협회 2014 임상생리검사학회 발표자료집 Vol.2014 No.-

        배경(Background): Monitoring motor evoked potentials (MEPs) during surgery is useful test to surveillance motor function. If bilateral upper and lower extremity response are changed in monitoring MEPs, one should consider a systemic etiology, such as blood pressure change or anesthetic factors. In contrast to this would be a change that only affects the lower extremity or affects an upper and lower extremity on only one side, another etiology, not a systemic etiology, must be considered. Non-systemic causes is very diverse, and to identify the cause of such a phenomenon requires lots of experience. We investigated the non-systemic cause and the proportion for presenting MEPs change during brain surgery 방법(Methods): We analyzed intraoperative MEPs findings of the patients who had brain surgery due to brain tumor or temporal lobe epilepsy from January 2012 to June 2014. We checked patients who showed a significant (50% or greater) decrease in amplitude or disappear of MEPs on only one extremity or one side during brain surgery. The anesthesia is induced with total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA), and two to four twitches in a train of four (TOF) were guaranteed. Anodal stimulation was used. The location of the stimulation electrode followed the standard 10-20 EEG electrode placement, and the recording electrode were placed on abductor pollicis brevis (APB) and abductor digiti minimi (ADM) muscle in upper extremity and on tibialis anterior (TA) and abductor hallucis brevis (AHB) in lower extremity. 결과(Results): Intraoperative monitoring records of total 779 patients (630 brain tumor and 149 temporal lobe epilepsy) were retrospectively analyzed. 39 (5.0%) patients (34 brain tumor and 5 temporal lobe epilepsy) showing MEP changes that suggested non-systemic causes were defined. 15 patients of these were associated with resection of the lesion, and were not recovered. On the other hand, 24(3.0%) patients were occurred by other causes, were not related with resection of the lesion. 9 of 24 patients showed MEP changes on only one upper extremity, 3 patients showed on only one lower extremity, and the remaining 12 patients showed an upper and lower extremity on only one side. The causes of MEP changes showing the recovery after removing the cause were retraction, bleeding, and artery adhesion. 고찰(Discussion): Intraoperative MEP changes were occurred by non-systemic causes in considerable patients that had surgery due to supratentorial brain tumor or temporal lobe epilepsy. To interpret the causes of MEP changes is very important, and It shall be provided with recognized various causes in the process of tumor removal and the process of accessing the lesion.

      • KCI등재

        가시선 데이터링크용 저피탐 안테나에 관한 연구

        박진우,유병길,정은태,박일현,서종우,정재수,Park, Jinwoo,Yu, Byunggil,Jung, Euntae,Park, Ilhyun,Seo, Jongwoo,Jung, Jaesoo 한국군사과학기술학회 2021 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        In this paper, an array antenna for LOS datalink for mounting UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) of low-probability of intercept is presented. For low RCS, radome was designed by conformal form, and other components were inserted into the UAV. The antenna of the transmitter and receiver are each composed of 12×12 array antennas, and include a beam steering function by controlling the phase of the unit element for the Uni-directional pattern and the Bi-directional pattern. As a result of the measurement of the manufactured antenna, it was confirmed that all the required specifications were met, and the installing possibility of the UAV platform on low-probability of intercept in the future was confirmed.

      • Superaerophobic Hydrogels Application for Enhancement of Hydrogen Production Performances of Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Reaction

        박진우,전다솜,신창환,김현우,장지욱,류정기,이동욱 한국고분자학회 2021 한국고분자학회 학술대회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.46 No.2

        The efficient removal of gas bubbles in (photo)electrochemical gas evolution reaction is very important in terms of electrochemical active surface area. Recently, many researchers have been working on methods to control the microstructure of electrodes, but most of these approaches have limitations such as material specificity and lab scale. We report a simple strategy that addresses existing limitations by depositing hydrogels to accomplish superaerophobicity to desired electrode surfaces. In this study, we deposited a M13 bacteriophage template transparent hydrogel onto electrochemical and photochemical electrodes. The deposited hydrogel overlayer facilitated the elimination of produced hydrogen bubbles and significantly improved the electrodes’ performances by minimizing the concentration overpotential and maintaining high catalytic activity. We suggest that this study can contribute to the practical application of various types of (photo)electrochemical gas-evolution reactions.

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