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        일본에서의 수사·공판협력형 협의·합의제도(搜査, 公判協力型 協議, 合意制度)와 형사면책제도(刑事免責制度) 도입에 관한 소고(小考)

        박종순(Park Jong Soon) 대검찰청 2016 형사법의 신동향 Vol.0 No.51

        일본 정부는 2015년 봄 국회에 수사·공판협력형 협의·합의제도(搜査・公判協力型協議・合意制度)와 형사면책제도(刑事免責制度) 등을 포함한 형사사법개혁 관련 법안을 제출하였다. 여기에서 수사·공판협력형 협의·합의제도는 수사·기소·공판을 포함한 형사사건의 처리 절차에서 피의자·피고인이 타인의 범죄사실을 규명하는 데 협력하고 그에 대한 대가로 검사로부터 일정한 은전을 받는 피의자·피고인과 검사 사이의 협의와 합의를 하는 제도이다. 또 형사면책제도는 공범 등 일부의 자에게 형사책임을 묻지않기로 하고 그가 갖고 있는 자기부죄거부특권(自己負罪拒否特權)을 상실하게 한 뒤 강제로 진술을 하게 하여 다른 사람에 대한 유죄의 증거로 사용하는 제도이다. 2015년 여름 위 형사사법개혁 관련 법안은 일본 중의원에서 통과되었으나 참의원에서는 심의시간을 확보하지 못해 보류되었다. 그 후 2016년 4월 참의원은 위 법안에 대한 심의를 다시 시작하였고 조만간 위 형사사법개혁 관련 법안이 통과될 것으로 예상된다. 한편, 최근 우리 언론 보도에 따르면 우리 검찰이 「내부증언자 형사면책제도」의 도입을 신중히 검토하고 있다고 한다. 여기에서 「내부증언자 형사면책제도」는 조직폭력이나 기업 부패처럼 조직적인 범죄에 가담한 내부자가 자백이나 증언을 할 경우 형사책임을 줄여주는 제도인데 최근 수사 여건이 갈수록 열악해지고 있는 반면 범죄는 다양화·첨단화하고 있으므로 조직범죄 등에 효과적으로 대처하기 위해 이 제도의 도입이 필요한 상황이라고 한다. 언론에서 보도한 「내부증언자 형사면책제도」가 구체적으로 어떠한 것인지 지금으로서는 단정하기 어렵지만 이는 2011년 정부가 심의·의결한 내부증언자 형벌감면·소추면제제도와 거의 비슷한 제도인 것 같다. 그리고 이것은 일본의 수사·공판협력형 협의·합의제도와 유사한 것으로 보인다. 앞으로 우리나라에서 「내부증언자 형사면책제도」의 도입에 대한 논의가 본격적으로 이루어진다면 현재 일본 국회에서 심의 중인 수사·공판협력형 협의·합의제도와 형사면책제도에 관한 논의상황 등이 참고가 될 것 같다. 왜냐하면 일본의 수사·공판협력형협의·합의제도 및 형사면책제도나 우리 검찰이 검토 중인 「내부증언자 형사면책제도」는 증거수집 수단을 적정화·다양화하기 위한 제도라는 점에서는 같기 때문이다. 장차 「내부증언자 형사면책제도」의 도입에 관한 논의가 본격적으로 시작될 때 이 실무 자료가 조금이나마 도움이 되었으면 한다. In the spring of 2015, the government of Japan submitted a bill related to the criminal justice reform which included investigation·trial collaborative consultation·agreement system and the criminal immunity system. The investigation·trial collaborative consultation·agreement system is an arrangement between the suspect・accused and the prosecutor during the criminal procedure of investigation and prosecution hearings where the suspect·accused cooperate in the investigation of facts and thus, in return, obtain certain favor from the prosecutor. The criminal immunity system is where a certain person, such as an accomplice, waives the right against self-incrimination in exchange for immunity from criminal liability and gives a testimony to be used as an evidence of guilt against the other person. In the summer of 2015, the aforementioned bill relating to criminal justice reform was passed by the House of Representatives but was shelved by the House of Councilors at the time as deliberations were unsecured. Afterwards, in April 2016, the House of Councilors resumed the deliberation for the bill and therefore, it is anticipated that the bill may be passed very soon. In the meantime, according to a recent report in Korea, the prosecution is undergoing serious consideration to adopt the inside witness criminal immunity system. The inside witness criminal immunity system is where criminal liability of an inside person engaged in an organized crime, such as organized violence and corporate corruption, is reduced if he/she makes a confession or testimony about these crimes. As the present conditions for investigation are getting worse, whereas crimes are diversifying and advancing in different forms, we are in a situation where this system should be adopted in order to effectively cope with such organized crimes. Although it is early to define exactly what the inside witness immunity system reported by the press is, the system seems to be similar to the inside witness penalty reduction system and the prosecution immunity system which were deliberated and passed by the Korean Government in 2011. Furthermore, it also seems to be similar to the investigation・trial collaborative consultation・agreement system in Japan. If the discussion on the introduction of the inside witness criminal immunity system is seriously considered, we should refer to the present circumstances of the investigation·trial collaborative consultation·agreement system and the criminal immunity system currently being deliberated by the congress in Japan. This is because these systems are the same with the inside witness criminal immunity system that the Korean prosecution is reviewing in that they both rationalize and diversify the means of collecting evidence. I hope that this material may be useful some day when discussions on the introduction of the inside witness criminal immunity system begins to take place in earnest.

      • KCI등재

        『속동문선(續東文選)』에 선재(選載)된 홍귀달(洪貴達)의 한시(漢詩) 일고(一考)

        박종순 ( Park Jong-soon ) 근역한문학회 2016 한문학논집(漢文學論集) Vol.45 No.-

        본고는 조선 초기의 시인인 虛白亭 洪貴達(1438~1504)의 시문학의 일단을 고찰한 작업이다. 홍귀달은 총 866題 1,123首의 시를 남겨 놓았는데, 본고에서는 『속동문선(續東文選)』에 선재된 21제 25수의 작품을 연구 대상으로 삼았다. 『속동문선』은 『동문선(東文選)』을 편찬하고 40년이 지나 그 동안의 시문을 선정하여 모아 놓으라는 중종(中宗)의 명에 의해 편찬된 시문의 선집이다. 『속동문선』에 작품이 소개된 시인은 총 80명이며 홍귀달의 시는 그 중 12번째로 많이 수록되어 있다. 『속동문선』의 간행은 중종이 유교를 나라를 다스리는 기본 원칙으로 천명하기 위한 의도가 있다. 이 선집의 주요 편찬자들은 사림파의 대표적 인물인 김종직의 제자들이었다. 이러한 사실을 감안할 때, 홍귀달이 이 시기를 대표하는 작가이며, 그의 시가 또한 이 시대를 대표하는 작품이라는 사실과 그가 사림파의 인물이었다는 점을 확인할 수 있다. 여기에 수록된 홍귀달의 한시는 내용상 진솔한 마음의 고백, 연행의 서정, 일상의 詩化 등의 영역으로 나누어 고찰하였다. 내면을 진솔하게 드러낸 작품의 경우, 세속적 가치에서 벗어나 진정한 자유로움을 추구하고 세상사에 달관한 수준 높은 경지를 보여 주고 있다. 그리고 사행시에서는 이국의 풍정과 나그네길에서 어쩔 수 없이 느낄 수밖에 없는 쓸쓸한 정조가 유려하게 표현되어 있고, 귀양살이하면서 지은 시에는 가식 없는 슬픔과 탄식이 가득하다. 교유시나 기증시, 유람시에서도 각각의 대상과 형편에 맞는 시를 지어 독자의 감동을 불러일으킨다. 이것은 홍귀달의 한시가 일정한 문학적 수준을 확보하고 있다는 반증일 것이다. 『속동문선』에 선정된 홍귀달의 한시를 우선 형식적으로 분석한 결과, 진솔하게 내면을 고백한 시는 고시의 형태가 많고 사행시는 칠언율시가 많다는 사실을 알 수 있다. 이것은 내면의 정서를 유장하게 풀어내는 경우에는 형식에 구애를 받지 않는 고시가 적당하고, 창화하거나 격식을 갖춘 작품을 지어야 할 때는 율시를 사용했기 때문일 것이다. 홍귀달의 한시는 한국 한시의 완성을 위한 초기 단계의 노력이라고 볼 수 있다. 고려 한시의 맥을 이은 조선 초기의 시단은 주목할 만한 시인들이 다수 출현했지만 아직 한국 한시의 본령이 확립되었다고 볼 수는 없다. 이 시기에 홍귀달 같은 시인이 등장하여 창작역량을 마음껏 발휘함으로써 조선 한시의 진면목을 구축해 나가기 시작했다고 평가할 수 있겠다. This paper is one of the process to study Chinese poems of Heobaekjeong (虛白亭) Hong, Gui-dal(洪貴達, 1438~1504) who is one of writers in the Joseon Dynasty period. The purpose of the paper is to analyze and criticize Chinese poems by Hong, Gui-dal called 『Sokdongmunseon(續東文選)』 in a literary anthology in the early years in the Joseon Dynasty period by using it as the text. There had been a literary anthology of vast scope called 『Dongmunseon (東文選)』 which collected poems and sentences by writers from the period of the Three States to the early years of the Joseon Dynasty period in the Seongjong (成宗) years. 40 years later, Jungjong (中宗) ordered his servants to compile 『Sokdongmunseon(續東文選)』 by collecting writers` works of art. The compilation of this anthology masked some political intentions. Jungjong made the compilers sort writers focusing on works of art by traditional Sarim School (士林派) to make Confucianism (儒敎) an ideology for governing the country and spread it. So many students of Kim, Jong-jik (金宗直) who was the reader of Sarim School then got to participate in the compilation of this book. 25 poems with 21 titles by Hong, Gui-dal were included here. The fact that so many poems by him are listed in this book proves and explains as follow. First, Hong, Gui-dal was one of the poets who represented this period. Second, his Chinese poems made very high literary accomplishments. Third, he was one of Sarim School, the leading force in the Joseon Dynasty period. Literary consideration of his poems that are intended to study in this paper can be divided into recollection of candid mind, lyricism of a journey to Beijing (燕行), sigh of a person who are exiled to an island, sentiments shown in intercourse poems and donation poem, and thoughts through sightseeing. Hong, Gui-dal`s Chinese poems can be efforts of the early stage to complete Korean Chinese poems. Many noticeable poets had appeared in the world of poetry in the early years of the Joseon Dynasty period. However, Korean Chinese poem`s characteristics had not been yet established. As Hong, Gui-dal appeared in this period and gave full play to his creative capability, it can be judged that Joseon Chinese poems` real worth started to be built.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 충동구매에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구: 브라우징의 매개를 중심으로

        박종순,이종만,Park, Jong-Soon,Lee, Jong-Man 한국디지털정책학회 2008 디지털융복합연구 Vol.6 No.1

        In situation of rapid growth of internet shopping recently, impulse purchase of customer is being appeared social problem, specially college student customers. The Purpose of this study was empirically examine the factors affecting customer impulsiveness buying in the internet shopping mall. The data were collected via a self-administered questionnaire from 298 male and female students who have shopping experience on the internet shopping mall, living in Seoul and Kyoungnam province. The major finding of this study are summarized as follows. First, the characteristics of internet shopper(search tendency) and impulsiveness buying has significant relationships. Second, the characteristics of internet shopping mall(convenience, marketing stimulus) had influence on customer's impulse purchase behavior.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        우리나라에서 경제성장률과 실업률이 자살률에 미치는 영향

        박종순,이준영,김순덕,Park, Jong-Soon,Lee, June-Young,Kim, Soon-Duck 대한예방의학회 2003 예방의학회지 Vol.36 No.1

        Objectives : We investigated the effects of the economic growth and unemployment rates on the suicide rate in Korea, between 1983 and 2000, using a time-series regression model. The purpose of this study was to model and test the magnitude of the rate of suicide, with the Korean unemployment rate and GDP. Methods : Using suicide rate per 100,000 Koreans and the unemployment rates between 1983 and 2000, as published by the Korea National Statistical Office, and the rate of fluctuation of the Korean GDP (Gross Domestic Product), as provided by the Bank of Korea, as an index of the economic growth rate, a time-series regression analysis, with a first-order autoregressive regression model, was peformed. Results : An 81.5% of the variability in the suicide rate was explained by GDP, and 82.6% Of that was explained by the unemployment rate. It was also observed that the GDP negatively correlated with the suicide rate, while the unemployment and suicide rates were positively correlated. For subjects aged over 20, both the GDP and unemployment rate were found to be a significant factors in explaining suicide rates, with coefficients of determination of 86.5 and 87.9%, respectively. For subjects aged under 20, however, only the GDP was found to be a significant factor in explaning suicide rates (the coefficient of determination is 38.4%). Conclusion : It was found that the suicide rate was closely related to the National's economic status of Korea, which is similar to the results found in studies in other countries. We expected, therefore, that this study could be used as the basis for further suicide-related studies.

      • KCI등재

        메뉴 구조의 평가 방법론으로서 활성화 확산 모델의 타당성 검증: Eye-Tracking 접근 방법

        박종순,명노해,Park, Jong-Soon,Myung, Ro-Hae 대한인간공학회 2007 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.26 No.2

        This study was designed to validate Spreading Activation Theory (SAT) for an evaluation methodology for menu structure through Eye-Tracking approach. When a visual search is on the way, more eye fixations and time are necessary to visually process complex and vague area. From the aspect of recognition, well-designed menu structures were hypothesized to have fewer numbers of fixations and shorter duration because well-designed menu structures reflecting the users' mental model would be well matched with the product's menu structure, resulting in reducing the number of fixations and duration time. The results show that the shorter reaction times for SAT had significantly fewer numbers of fixation and shorter duration time as the hypothesis for this study stated. In conclusion, SAT was proved to be an effective evaluation methodology for menu structure with the eye tracking equipment. In addition, using SAT instead of the real performance experiment would be useful for designing user-centered systems and convenient information structures because SAT was proven to be the theoretical background for design and evaluation of menu structures.

      • KCI등재후보

        전쟁기 아동매체 『소년세계』의 독자 전략과 작문 교육의 의의

        박종순(Park, Jong-soon) 한국아동문학학회 2016 한국아동문학연구 Vol.- No.30

        본 연구는 아동잡지 『소년세계』를 통해, 전쟁기의 아동매체가 기획한 다양한 전략이 아동독자를 형성해나간 과정을 살피고, 아울러 독자투고와 아동문예현상모집 등을 통해 만들어나간 아동작문 교육과의 상관성 분석을 목적으로 하였다. 이는 일상성이 파괴되는 전쟁 중에 자기 의사를 표현하고자 하는 아동의 욕구를 어떻게 추동해나갔는지를 발간 주체와 독자 상호 관계의 차원에서 논의하고, 비슷한 연령대와 같은 처지의 아동이 글쓰기를 통해 정서적 유대감을 형성해나간 소통의 의미를 밝히는 것으로써, 매체 발간과 문학 창작 교육의 지향점을 보완하는 일이 된다. 전쟁이라는 역사적 현실 속에서 잡지가 아동독자를 적극적으로 호명하여 그들에 대한 관심을 지속시켰으며, 그들로 하여금 직접 이야기하게 함으로써 소통의 구조를 형성하였다는 것은, 지금 여기 우리 아동에게 많은 시사점을 남긴다. 자연을 관조의 대상이 아니라 인간 생활 속에 살아 있는 존재로 인식하여 희망의 담론을 형성해나갈 수 있도록 한점도 아동 글쓰기 교육에 있어서 중요한 가르침이다. 또한 아동작품에 대한 선평자로서의 역할을 “정신의 연결”이라는 기성의 책임감으로 아동과의 정서적 교감을 이루었기 때문에 인간에 대한 사랑과 건강한 사회성을 이루는 데 기여하였으니, 지금 여기에서도 역시 유의미한 의미로 새겨야 할 점이다. The purposes of this study were to examine the formation process of children readers by the diverse strategies planned by children’s media in the historical reality of war wounds with Boys’ World, a magazine for children, and analyze its correlations with composition education for children based on readers’ correspondence and prize contests for children’s literature. Those efforts would help to discuss how to drive children’s desire for expressing their opinions in the middle of war during which dailiness was destroyed in the aspect of relations between the subject of publication and the readers and figure out the meanings of communication that formed an emotional sense of fellowship through the writings of children of similar age and circumstances, thus supplementing the directing points of media publication and literary creation education. In the historical reality of war, the magazine maintained the interest level in children readers by calling them actively and established a communication structure by having them telling their stories personally, which provides a lot of implications for the current efforts to help children look at their many problems on their own and develop the imagination of hope to overcome them for themselves. In addition, the magazine regarded nature as living being in human life instead of the object of contemplation and thus made it possible to form a discourse of hope like its principle, which offers an important lesson to writing education for children. The magazine also shared emotions with children based on its established responsibility for “connection of spirit” by selecting and criticizing children’s works and thus contributed to love for mankind and healthy sociality, which offers significant meanings for today’s people.

      • 미국의 플리바게닝(Plea Bargaining, 답변협상)에 대한 연구 -발생 원인을 중심으로-

        박종순 ( Park Jong Soon ) 한국협상학회 2016 협상연구 Vol.19 No.1

        미국의 플리바게닝(Plea Bargaining, 답변협상)이라 함은, 피고인이 유죄답변을 하면 그에 대한 교환으로서 검찰과 법원이 피고인에게 관대한 처분을 하는 것을 말한다. 이 제도의 가장 큰 장점은 법원과 검찰이 제한된 자원 속에서 많은 사건을 신속하게 처리할 수 있는 능력을 제공한다는 점이다. 게다가 피고인은 유리한 형을 선고받을 수 있기 때문에 이 제도는 피고인에게도 이익을 준다. 그러나 이러한 장점과 이익에도 불구하고 미국의 플리바게닝은 오랫동안 비판을 받아왔다. 그렇지만 플리바게닝은 사라지지 않았고, 지금은 미국에서 가장 널리 알려진 형사사법제도 중 하나로 확립되었다. 이 글에서는 플리바게닝의 발생 원인에 대한 여러 가지 주장을 살펴보았다. 먼저, 1920년대에는 플리바게닝이 취급하는 사건 수의 증가에 따른 압력에 의해 발생하였다고 주장하였다. 그러나 1970년대에 이르러 호이만은 유죄답변의 수와 취급하는 사건 수의 사이에 상관관계가 없다고 주장하였다. 이를 계기로 플리바게닝의 발생 원인에 관한 여러 가지 새로운 주장이 등장하였다. 그리고 1990년대에 맥콘빌과 머스키는 뉴욕시의 정치ㆍ경제의 변화가 플리바게닝의 발생 원인이 되었다고 주장하였고, 포겔도 플리바게닝이 발생한 원인은 1830년대와 1840년대의 미국 보스톤의 정치적ㆍ사회적 배경에 있다고 주장하였다. 2000년대에 들어서 피셔는 플리바게닝의 발생 원인을 사건 압력 그리고 이 제도의 발생에 기여한 권한, 즉 판사와 검사 사이의 권한 관계와 이해관계에서 찾았다. 이상의 견해를 종합하여 보면, 플리바게닝의 발생 원인은 무엇보다 먼저 취급하는 사건 수의 증가에 따른 사건 압력에 있다고 본다. 그러나 플리바게닝의 발생 원인을 사건 압력에서만 찾을 수는 없다. 배심재판의 복잡화와 장기화, 형사재판의 전문화와 법률가화도 플리바게닝의 발생에 기여하였기 때문이다. 여기에 판사와 검사가 피고인과 기소협상이나 양형협상을 할 수 있도록 하게 한 미국의 정치적ㆍ사회적ㆍ문화적 배경이 플리바게닝을 발생하게 한 원인이 되었다. 그렇다면 우리나라의 형사사법 현실은 어떠한가. 10여 년 전이나 지금이나 판사와 검사의 업무 부담은 과중하다. 그렇다면 판사와 검사의 업무 부담을 덜어줄 방안이 필요하다. 그리고 그 방안 중 하나가 바로 플리바게닝의 도입이다. 미국, 영국, 독일, 프랑스, 이탈리아, 대만이 판사와 검사의 업무 부담을 덜어줄 목적으로 플리바게닝 또는 이와 유사한 협상제도를 도입하였음을 우리는 주목할 필요가 있다. Plea Bargaining in the United States is the process whereby a defendant pleads guilty, and the prosecutor and the court, in return, make a favorable disposition to the defendant. The greatest advantage of this system is that it provides courts and prosecutors the capability to dispose of many cases quickly within limited resources. Furthermore, this system benefits defendants to receive more favorable sentences. Despite these advantages and benefits, plea bargaining in the United States has been criticized for a long time. However, the process has not dissipated but is presently established as one of the most widely known criminal justice systems in the United States. This study looks into various assertions as to the origins of plea bargaining. First, in the 1920s, it was asserted that plea bargaining was originated from the pressures of the increase of cases handled. However, in the 1970s, Milton Heumann presumed that there was no correlation between the number of guilty pleas and the handled cases. This led various new assertions to present themselves as to the origins of plea bargaining. In the 1990s, Mike McConville and Chester Mirsky claimed that the political and social change in New York was the origin of plea bargains, and Mary Vogel also contended that the political and social background in Boston in the 1830s and 1840s was the origin of plea bargaining. In 2000, George Fisher found the origin of plea bargains in caseload pressures and in the conflict of interest and authority between judges and prosecutors, which contributed to the occurrence of the system. Based on the overall foregoing views, it may be found that the origin of plea bargains is, above all, caseload pressures followed by the increase of cases. However, it cannot be said that the origin of plea bargains is only in caseload pressures, as the occurrence of plea bargains may also be contributed by jury trials becoming complicated and prolonged, and criminal trials becoming more specialized and lawyerization. In addition, the political, social, and cultural background of the United States that allowed bargaining in prosecutions and sentencing has also been the reason for plea bargains to take place. Then, what is the reality of the criminal justice system in Korea. Whether a decade ago or the present, judges and prosecutors have continually been under the same workload. Thus, it is necessary to reduce the workload pressures of judges and prosecutors. One of the measures to lessen the pressures is the adoption of plea bargaining. It is important for us to take notice of the fact that the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and Taiwan have also adopted plea bargains and other similar bargaining systems in order to reduce the workload pressures of their respective judges and prosecutors.

      • KCI등재후보

        이원수 아동극 연구

        박종순(Park Jong-Soon) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2010 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.7

        This study looks into the educational effects of the character figuration and theme consciousness observed from the children's dramas by Wonsoo Lee. In his drama the main characters are always good persons who live dedicated lives caring other people and show strong will and desire to live earnestly in the end. Such endings are the dramaturgic features in his dramas. In configuring characters and describing personalities Lee tried to touch and encourage the children from common families to overcome the trials by love. In most dramas of his children are good and easily settle the troubles. Knowing the reality of the children in that period his dramas would touch commoners' hearts easily. Those features are from the common touch and humanity in his literature. Such spirits appear as a sympathy that makes people get close to each other this has a power that touches audiences hearts so that they can have sense of unity with the actors on the stage. On the other hand from the dramatic tension side his dramas show limitations in framing that comes from the shortcomings of dramaturgic effects. The main themes and atmosphere in his plays,'being poor and being good can be the perfect conditions to be forgiven from any matters' look quite unrealistic and thus are hardly to be accepted by audiences. It happy endings that the poor main characters can finally draw into a happy ending just because they are good rather than describing the process of interventions and resolutions between human relationship look quite unnatural and is a result of what his dramas are too much tied with the instructive messages. Besides the atmosphere in his dramas is in general too serious only focused on children from poor family and is hardly to give bright and cheerful fun to children. Such weaknesses can be seen as the major problems appearing in his entire literature. However his efforts appeared in the dialogues of children showing the main characters' active and positive mind in their lives could strongly encourage and touch audiences' hearts.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

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