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        『한중록』과 『가게로닛키(蜻蛉日記)』의 ‘회상(回想)’과 ‘상기(想起)’

        박윤호 순천대학교 남도문화연구소 2016 南道文化硏究 Vol.0 No.31

        일본 문예사에서 서구자서전의 개념에 가장 근접한 최초의 작품으로 미치쓰나노하하 (道綱母, 936?-995년)의 『가게로닛키(蜻蛉日記)』(974년)가 있으며, 한국에서는 혜 경궁 홍씨(惠慶宮 洪氏, 1735-1815년)의 『한중록』(1795-1805년)을 들 수 있다. 『가게로닛키』와 『한중록』은 발생시기와 문화 배경의 차이에도 불구하고, 왕조의 정쟁 (政爭)을 둘러싼 두 귀족 여성의 삶에 대한 ‘회상(reminiscence)’이라는 점에서 횡단 (transversality) 가능성이 예상된다. 본고는 시공간이 다르게 형성된 『가게로닛키』와 『한중록』의 ‘회상’의 공감대, 다양성, 공동성 등의 횡단적 특성을 파악했다. 두 여성 작가의 삶의 이질성과 유동성을 인식하면서 두 개체 간의 소통가능성(communicability) 을 열어 두고서, 상호문화주의(interculturalism)에 기반하여 진행했다. 『가게로닛키』는 긴박한 정국을 일기에 삽입하여 마치 자신이 정계의 한 인물인양 동정과 연민을 사는 연출을 과감하게 시도하고 있다. 『한중록』은 자신의 내면에 존재해 야 할 세자의 죽음의 본질을 ‘상기’하지 않은 채, 애써 과거를 ‘회상’해 내며 현재의 시점에서 과거를 재해석해 내어 극적인 장면을 연출하고 있다. 『가게로닛키』와 『한중록』 은 역사적인 본질을 ‘상기(recollection)’하려고 한 것이 아니라 독자들에게 감성적인 연민과 동정과 공감을 얻어내려 하고 있다. 한편의 드라마처럼 펼쳐진 두 여인의 유려한 필체에 독자들은 잠시 역사의 본질을 잊고 만다. 두 왕조의 여인들은 프루스트의 마들렌 처럼, ‘회상’이 일어나는 순간에 아득한 예전의 것들을 두 번째로 체험하고, 과거와 현재 가 짧은 순간에 합쳐져 연대기적 시간의 흐름에서 벗어나게 된다. 마침내 두 여성의 일인칭 화자는 ‘회상’을 통해 다시 찾게 된 시간을 장기적으로 고정하고 구체적하여 ‘회 상’에 의해 글쓰기를 한 것이다. 『가게로닛키』와 『한중록』은 회상되는 과거의 삶을 체계 적인 원칙에 의해 미학적인 형식으로 표출한 예술작품이다. 더구나 역사적인 사실보다도 자아의 내면적인 이야기를 전달하기 위해 연출한 편집 방법의 공통성은 두 왕조문학의 문화교차적인 횡단적 특성을 보여주고 있다. In Japan literature and art, the closest concept to a western autobiography’s first work is 『Gageronikk i(蜻蛉日記)』(974) written by Michisseunanohaha (道綱母, 936?-995). In Korea it’s an 『Han jung rok』(1795-1805) written by Hye kyung gung (Mrs. Hong(惠慶宮洪氏, 1735-1815)). Despite differences in cultural backgrounds and the periods in which each was written 『Gageronikki』 and 『Han jung rok』 have the possibility of transversality, This is written in ‘reminiscence’ of the two noble women’s lives that were surrounded by the political strife of their dynastys. This manuscript has compares the style of the western autobiography’s transversality and transversal features (like sympathy, diversity, collectivity) with that of literary journals and epic literature. Specifically the comparison shows the meaning of the transversal features of the ‘reminiscence’ of 『Gageronikki』 and 『Han jung rok』 which were written in different times and places. This manuscript is based on interculturalism, considering the heterogeneity and liquidity of two female writers’ lives and communicability of the two writers. 『Gageronikki』’s writer tried drastically to arouse sympathy and compassion by recording an acute political situation as if she were a character in politics. 『Han jung rok』’s writer did not ‘recollect’ the nature of death of the Prince. This should have belonged to her inner side. She tried to bring ‘reminiscence’ by reinterpreting the past as present to produce a dramatic scene. 『Gageronikki』 and 『Han jung rok』’s purpose was to get sympathy and compassion from readers, not the ‘recollection’ of a historical essence. Readers forget about the essence of history because of the two women’s fluent handwriting. They wrote as if they were one in the film. Readers are moved by reproducing the past through links of the soul, rather than proceeding objectively from historical fact to fact. Like Proust's Madeleine, the two women from dynasties experience very old things a second time as the ‘reminiscence’ occurs. They get away from the chronological time flow as past and present meet. Finally, the two female writer’s narrations help them regain time. They do this as they write their work by ‘reminiscence’. 『Gageronikki』 and 『Han jung rok』 are artworks that expressed remembered past lives by systematic principle in aesthetic form. Also, a common feature of the editing method works to convey their inner stories rather than that of historical facts. This shows the transcultural and transversal characteristic of the two dynasties’ literature. The two women from dynasties look back (‘Anna revolution’ and ‘Imo Incident’), and try desperately to have ‘reminiscence’ to protect themselves, their sons, and their families. 『Gageronikki』 and 『Han jung rok』’s writings heal the memories that could not be healed by ‘reminiscence’.

      • KCI등재

        『청령日記』의 종교 여행 기사에 나타난 작자의 의식 변화

        박윤호 韓國日本語文學會 2004 日本語文學 Vol.21 No.-

        本稿は第一に作者の宗敎の旅の動機が何かを調へた. 續ぃて宗敎の旅に表れた作者の心情の表現とその變化を考察し, 『청蛤日記』の中て宗敎の旅か持つ意義を調へようとした. このためにます, 五回の宗敎の旅直接的な動機になった兼家の「夜離れ」と『前渡り』に對する作者の反應を考察した. そして, 宗敎の旅の記事の中て大部分の內容を占めてぃる自然描寫に表れた作者の心情の變化を考察してみた. 五回の旅を前後にして作者は, 兼家の『前渡り』と「夜離れ」に哀切な心や怨望感を表ゎしてぃる. しかし下卷に至に作者の反應は, 諦念の樣相を見セてぃる. また宗敎の旅に描かれた目然の描寫からも, 自然の景觀と自分の境遇を一致さセなから, 感情を純化を姿が見られてぃる. 自然描寫の中に表れてぃる作者の心境は, 自然の景觀を媒介にして苦惱する作者自身の姿を表現してぃる. 結局, 作者の意識は, 宗敎の旅を通して濾過された落ち着たぃ諦念の境地に達するのてある. 宗敎の旅から窺われる『??蛤日記』は, 作者の愛の喪失感がその基本的な主題てあることかゎかる. そして中卷は, そのような作者の悲哀感か絶頂をなして作品の興味を高めてぃる. 『??蛤日記』の日記小說としての評價は, 繰り返された宗敎の旅の記事によって作品の構成が整えられてぃくとぃうこにある. 宗敎の旅は作者の苦惱する姿の中に表れて, その解決のための救世主としての役割を擔當してぃる. そうして下卷は, 明るぃ世界を指向する一人の母, 妻, 娘として諦念しなから作品の結末を締めくくるのてある.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        침엽수림에서의 토양열 플럭스의 공간 변화

        박윤호,이병렬,조경숙 한국농림기상학회 2003 한국농림기상학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        The spatial variability of soil heat fluxes in a conifer forest was investigated by meteorological measurement.The maximum daily averages of Rsdn and Rn were about 260 Wm-2 and 180 Wm-2. The daily average ofG was typicaly 10 % of net radiation during mid-July to mid-August. The measured soil heat fluxof G6 was suitable to calculate G within 2 % error during the study period. A time delay in the maximumflux at a depth of 0.1 m by heat storage was observed. About 10 to 15 Wm-2 of error can occur, ifit is neglected.

      • KCI등재

        고속카메라 데이터 분석을 통한 발사체 지지대 분산 궤적의근사적 예측 방법

        박윤호,우호길 한국군사과학기술학회 2018 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        In this paper, we have proposed a prediction method for sabot-trajectory of projectile using high speed camera data analysis. Through analyzing trajectory of sabot with high speed camera data, we can extract its real velocity and acceleration including effects of friction force, pressure of flume, etc. Using these data, we suggest a prediction method for sabot-trajectory of projectile having variable acceleration, especially for minimum and maximum acceleration, by using interpolation method for velocity and acceleration data of sabot. Also we perform the projectile launching tests to achieve the trajectory of sabot in case of minimum and maximum thrust. Simulation results show that they are similar to real tests data, for example velocity, acceleration and the trajectory of sabot.

      • 국방 소프트웨어산업 활성화 방안

        박윤호,Park, Yun-Ho 한국방위산업진흥회 2002 國防과 技術 Vol.- No.282

        현대 무기체계는 과학기술의 발전으로 인해 고도화.첨단화 되어 가고 있는 추세이며, 특히 최근의 전쟁양상을 보면 첨단고도 정밀무기, 전자전무기 등과 가티은 소프트웨어 집약형 무기체계를 구성하는 핵심인 소프트웨어의 중요성이 날로 증대되고 있다. 또한 과거에는 무기체계의 하드웨어가 전체 체계에서 차지하는 비중이 높았으나, 이제는 소프트웨어로 인해 소요되는 수명주기 비용과 중요도가 하드웨어를 이미 능가하고 있다.

      • 산업용 연축전지의 충전특성실험에 근거한 축전효율 개선 알고리즘

        박윤호,전순용,서보혁,Park, Yun-Ho,Jeon, Sun-Yong,Seo, Bo-Hyeok 대한전기학회 2000 전기학회논문지 D Vol.52 No.1

        It is difficult to analyze the charging characteristics of the lead-acid battery, because of the influences by various non-linear and time-variant parameters. In this study, the charging characteristics of high capacity industrial lead-acid battery 630 Ah was investigated through experiments with respect to the variations of temperature and the aged state of battery during the charging process. The database of those characteristics is established from the results of experiments, and the fuzzy logic charging algorithm is suggested using them. The results of experiment shows that the industrial lead-acid batteries can be always fully charged within the saved charging time by the proposed charging control algorithm adapting to the variations of charging condition. This new charging concept will be useful for developing the advanced battery charger improving the efficiency of storing electricity.

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