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      • KCI등재

        해월의 동학 도통전수 담론 연구 : 문헌 고증을 중심으로

        박상규 대진대학교 대순사상학술원 2024 대순사상논총 Vol.48 No.-

        Among the records that attest to the period from July to August of 1863, when Suwun was believed to have transmitted the orthodox lineage to Haewol, the oldest documents are The Collection of Suwun’s Literary Works (水雲文集), The Collection of Great Master Lord’s Literary Works (大先生主文集), and The Records of Dao Origin of Master Choe’s Literary Collection (崔先生文集道源記書, hereafter referred to as The Records of Dao Origin). The records regarding Suwun in these three documents are considered to have originated from the same context. The variances embedded in the three documents have led to arguments about which documents accurately reflect the fact of orthodox lineage transmission. Additionally, these variances highlight the necessity of a review regarding the characteristics of early Eastern Learning, such as its faith and organizational systems. Accordingly, by thoroughly examining these three documents, it is possible to elucidate the chronological order, establishment-date, accuracy, descriptive direction, and characteristics of the faith system of early Eastern Learning as these are reflected in each document. If successful, this examination would provide a clearer description of the developmental process of Eastern Learning from 1860 to 1880, facilitating a more in-depth analysis of the significance embedded in various forms of discourse on the movement’s orthodox lineage transmission. In comparing the three documents and contrasting them with related sources, the results of the textual examination assert that the documents within the lineage of The Collection of Suwun’s Literary Works, given they lack a clear record of the event regarding Haewol’s orthodox lineage succession, may be the first draft of The Collection of Great Master Lord’s Literary Works and The Records of Dao Origin, as these texts distinctly include that record. This reflects that Haewol’s succession was not precisely recognized within and outside of the Eastern Learning order until the time when The Collection of Great Master Lord’s Literary Works and The Records of Dao Origin were published. This is further attested to by the fact that during the late 1870s, when various Yeonwon (fountainhead) factions of Eastern Learning began to converge around Haewol, and his Yeonwon became the largest organization within Eastern Learning. At that point, the order’s doctrine was reinterpreted, and its organization was reestablished. In this regard, it is necessary to view Eastern Learning after Suwun—especially the orthodox lineage transmission to Haewol—from a perspective that considers it more as competing forms of discourse than as a historical fact. This view enables a new perspective on Haewol’s Eastern Learning, which forms a distinct layer from Suwun’s, shedding light on the relationship between Haewol and the new religious movements in modern-day Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        지방공사의료원 경영실적평가방법에 대한 분석 및 평가

        박상규,김중길 한국회계정보학회 2003 회계정보연구 Vol.21 No.-

        The performance evaluation of local governmental medical centers(LGMC) in korea has been continuing since the end of 1980's. During these days, the evaluation system was changed partially but, the mainstream was not changed at all. Recently, Shin(2001) raised some critiques on the evaluation system. In this study, we analyzed the Shin(2001)'s critiques on the current evaluation system, and the focus of analyzing was the matters connected with the selection and weighting of evaluating indicators within the evaluation system. The major findings of this study were as follows. First, the weight of public contributing indicators within the evaluation system was low(21%) but, their explanatory power of the difference on total evaluation score between high and low grade groups was 29.2%. Therefore, in spite of their low weights within the evaluation system, the discriminating power of public contributing indicators may not be low. Second, having regard for the role of LGMC as public hospitals, we did sensitivity analysis that the LGMC's rank within the evaluation system was significantly changed if the weight of public contributing indicators was increased to 30% or 40%. We found that the rank was significantly changed in both cases. Third, to evaluate the critique that most of the current evaluation indicators are unstable ones because of using achievement indicators(actual/target performance), we did sensitivity analysis that the LGMC's rank was changed if the target values were increased(decreased) to 10% over(under) those of current system. We found that the rank was significantly changed in both cases as well. Finally, to investigate the combined effects that the weight of public contributing indicators and the target values were simultaneously adjusted, we did sensitivity analysis that the LGMC's rank was changed if the target values were increased(decreased) to 10% over(under) those of current system, under the condition of increasing the weight of public contributing indicators to 40%. We found that the rank was significantly changed in both cases and much more changed in the 10% decreasing case. We proposed that participative budgeting and truth inducing pay scheme be introduced within the current performance evaluation process. They will somewhat mitigate the critique of current indicator's unstability, and contribute to achieve the goal of LGMC's performance evaluation. Because, if they are introduced within the current evaluation process, the members of individual medical centers will set up the self-setting budget(goal) as high as possible, and make effort to achieve the budget. 과거 10여년 동안 지방공사의료원의 경영실적 평가를 위한 세부평가지표의 구성항목 및 이들의 가중치에는 큰 변화가 없었다. 이것은 의료원의 경영실적 평가를 위한 세부평가지표의 구성항목 및 이들의 가중치 부여와 관련하여 구성원들간에는 어느 정도 합의가 이루어졌다고 본다 . 그러나, 공공병원으로서 지방공사의료원의 역할 즉, 공공성 기능의 강화는 현재 우리 나라 공공의료의 취약성에 비추어 볼 때 앞으로도 더욱 강화되어야 할 것이며, 이것이 의료원의 현행 경영실적 평가방법 내에도 반영될 필요가 있다고 본다.현행 지방공사의료원의 경영실적평가와 관련하여 여러 가지 문제점이 제기되어 왔다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 비판들 중 경영실적 평가지표와 관련된 문제(공공성 기여도의 가중치와 관련된 문제, '실적/목표'라는 달성도 지표를 사용하는 것으로 인한 평가지표의 불안정성 문제)에 대한 검토를 하였으며, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.우선, 공공성 기여도 지표의 가중치가 낮고 또한 공공성 기여도 지표의 의료원간 변이는 낮다는 비판에 대한 검토 결과, 공공성 기여도 관련 지표가 총점에서 차지하는 비중은 21%(21점)였다. 우리나라 공공의료의 취약성, 공공병원으로서 지방공사의료원이 가지는 역할, 환자 및 지역주민들을 대상으로 한 바람직한 의료원상에 대한 조사결과(이동구 2001) 등에 비추어 보면 공공성 기여도 지표의 비중을 높여 나가는 것이 바람직할 것으로 보인다. 그러나, 공공성 기여도 관련지표의 의료원간 변이는 상당히 큰 것으로 나타났다. 2000년도 경영실적 평가결과를 기초로 의료원을 상·하 집단으로 구분하였을 경우 두 집단간 총점 평균 차이(8.156점)의 29.2%는 공공성 기여도 지표의 차이에 기인한 것으로 나타났기 때문이다.둘째, 공공병원으로서 지방공사의료원에 요구되는 역할 즉, 공공성 기여도의 가중치를 현행 평가체계 내에서 증가시키게 될 경우 의료원의 경영실적 평가결과가 어떻게 달라지는 지에 대한 민감도 분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과, 공공성 기여도 관련지표의 배점 비중을 현행 21%에서 30% 및 40%로 상향 조정할 경우, 상·중·하로 구분된 의료원들의 분류변경율은 두 가지 상황에서 모두 18.2%(6/33)로써 분류변경율 자체는 그렇게 높은 편이 아니지만, 각 등급내 의료원들의 순위에는 상당히 많은 변화가 있는 것으로 확인되었다.셋째, '실적/목표'라는 달성도 지표를 사용함으로써 각 평가지표별 경영실적 평가결과가 의료원연합회의 경영평가단에서 제시하는 목표치의 수준에 따라 달라지는 불안정한 지표라는 문제를 검토하기 위하여 목표치를 10% 상향 혹은 하향 조정하였을 경우의 민감도 분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과, 상·중·하로 구분된 의료원들의 분류변경율은 10% 상향 조정하였을 경우 6.1%(2/33), 10% 하향 조정하였을 경우 12.1%(4/33)로써 공공성 기여도 가중치 조정과 비교하면 상대적으로 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 그러나, 공공성 기여도 가중치 조정시와 마찬가지로 각 등급내 의료원들의 순위에는 상당히 많은 변화가 있는 것으로 확인되어 달성도 지표를 사용하는 현행 평가지표가 불안정한 지표라는 비판을 피하기는 어려울 것으로 보인다.마지막으로 공공성 기여도 지표의 상향 조정과 목표치의 조정이 결합하여 의료원의 경영실적 평가에 미치는 결합효과에 대한 민감도 분석을 실시하였다. 공공성 기여도 지표를 40%로 상향조정...

      • 사각 연소실 내의 2상유동에 관한 실험적 연구

        박상규 여수대학교 1997 論文集 Vol.11 No.2

        In this study, the mixing process of two-phase flow which mades two jets existing velocity difference are analyzed. The primary jet is jetted on the condition of the state mixed pulverized solid pariticle with air, and the vector in the secondary jet is changed into three kinds velocities(0.60,75㎧). The velocity vector field, concentration field and turbulent properties of solid particles are meawured by using 3-Dimensional Particle Dynamics Analyzer. As the velocity of secondary jet increases, the solid particle recirculation zone gets larges. Also, solid particle concentration gets dense due to velocity decrement of particles.

      • 써블리메이션/디써블리메이션 : Hegel's Aesthetics and Roland Barthes 헤겔 미학과 바르트

        박상규 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 1999 東西文化硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        As one of the most influential treatises on aesthetics in the Western heritage Hegel's Lectures on Aesthetics bears the stamp of what we might call his double aesthetic allegiance, for Hegel refuses to opt between the perfections of the classical and the seductions of the Modern ; and, further, between the assertion that art is dead and the rival claim that "the wide Pantheon of art is rising." This double split is what leads many Hegel students to qualify them as a puzzle. It, nonetheless, may well be said that the discourse on the detail -ausfu¨hrlichen- as aesthetic category undergirds the entire edifice of his 'Aesthetics'. Roland Barthes' 'Mythologies', now understood as the aesthetic of everyday life, shows a series of differences from Hegel's 'Aesthetics', but the present writers' enterprise is aiming to discovering some secret affinities between them. Sublimation versus desublimation as ascribed respectively to aesthetics by Hegel and by Barthes merely goes along with their different interests and conceptions in the art of their time.

      • KCI등재

        고추냉이 정단배양에 있어서 BA 농도 및 배양방법에 따른 기내증식 효과

        박상규,박윤영,조문수,이영득,정종배,박신,정병룡 한국식물생명공학회 2007 JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY Vol.34 No.1

        Effect of BA concentrations and culture methods on in vitro plant multiplication from shoot-tip cultures of Wasabia japonica was studied. Shoot-tips with leaf primordia and apical meristem were cultured on MS basal medium for all the experiments. Liquid medium for 2 weeks followed by semi-solid medium for 4 weeks containing 1.0 mg/L BA was the best to number of shoots (22.8) and shoot length (3.5 cm). Shoots proliferated could be divided into ca. 5 to 11 of cultures for the multiplication of plantlets. Divided plantlets showed root formation (90%) well onto MS basal medium without growth regulators like IBA and NAA. After rooting, all the plantlets transferred into the pots containing composed soil (bio-media Co., peatmoss 8~10%, coir dust 66~70%, zeolite 13~17%, vermiculite 3~7%, perlite 2~4%) and grown well into whole plants with multiple shoots.

      • KCI등재

        First Report of Botryosphaeria parva Causing Stem Blight on Rubus crataegifolius in Korea

        박상규,김승한,백창기,이승열,강인규,정희영 한국식물병리학회 2016 식물병연구 Vol.22 No.2

        In 2015, stem blight of Rubus crataegifolius was observed in Pohang, Korea. The symptoms began as dark red spots in the stem, which led to stem blight, then leaf blight, and eventually resulted in death. A fungal isolate was obtained from a symptomatic stem and incubated on a potato dextrose agar plate. The isolated fungus produced white, cloudy mycelia turned black in 3 days. Based on the morphological characteristics, the causal fungus was assumed to be Botryosphaeria sp. A pathogenicity test was conducted according to Koch’s postulates. To identify the causal agent, the combined sequence of the internal transcribed spacer, β-tubulin, and translation elongation factor 1α genes were used for phylogenetic analysis. Approximately 1,200 bp of the combined sequence clearly suggested that the isolated pathogen was Botryosphaeria parva. This is the ἀrst report on stem blight in R. crataegifolius caused by B. parva in Korea.

      • 우리나라 中等敎育에 關한 硏究 : 史的 背景을 中心으로

        朴相珪 진주교육대학교 1967 論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        I. Introduction This study is attempted: 1. Te study the Secondary Education of Korea through a historical method. 2. To understand and evaluate the conditions and trends of Secondary Education of Korea as they are, 3, Te suggest new directions to imporve some problems of Korean Secondary Education II. Main Subject 1. Historical Background in the Secondary Education Developments of our national Secondary Education could be accomplished, since the establishment of Pai Chai Institute, first educational organization in Korea, in the end of 19 century. Taking this opportunity, secondary schools have been rapidly established with the modern form. In the problem of curriculum, traditional method of teaching could alto hate been changed into the way of living. And now, new ideal of education is steadily realized. 2. Essential Inquiry on the Secondary Education With the purpose of extention, supplement and completion on Primary Education, Secondary Education is defined to attain advanced and professional educations. And the opportunities for learning are equally given to anybody else. 3. In the Field of System Since the liberation in 1945, democratic system in the educational field was adopted immediately as well as in any other social organizations. Through such educational environment, population of students having great earnestness have been increased progressively. At the same time, the tasks related to training teachers, constructing school buildings, setting provisions as well as institutions of entrance examination and financial problems are remained, In the point of above mentioned survey, characteristics in the Secondary Education are; (1) Purpose Democratic citizenship through general Secondary education in middle school, and advanced or vocational education in high school (2) Curriculum a) To be built by Ministers of Education b) Stress on anti-communism and ethics (3) Teaching Method a) It developed from the teacher-centered to the pupil·centered, but old teaching method remains. b) Stress on extra curricula activities (4) System of Entrance Examination The direction to be decided at the age of 14; liberal or vocational (5) Type of School a) Two types; libel·al and vocational school b) Middle and high schools are seperated III. Recommendation 1. To integrate the middle and high school so as to intensify vocational education 2. To establish the curriculum in conformity to local characteristics 3. To set up a coherent system of entrance examination

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