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      • KCI등재

        근대 문학에 나타난 유학생들의 미국 인식

        맹문재(Maeng, Mun Jae) 한국동서비교문학학회 2010 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.23

          There were two main streams in Korean students studying abroad during the colonial period by Japan. One in America, the other in Japan. As a result, there were different attitudes among students studying abroad toward accepting modern knowledge and culture. One was affected from liberalism and the other was influenced from state nationalism. Korean students studying abroad tended to accept science and pragmatism, which resembled American academic trends than that of Japan. They wanted to convey the American trends of modern knowledge to their country.   Korean student studying in America hoped to help change their country to become a modern type of nation state based on individualism with open mind and equal society. They also wanted to reform their country through liberalism of love and justice. They wanted to establish its own capitalism based on pragmatism and science. Although Korean student found out lots of faults and weaknesses in America society, they expected they were able to cure and prevent those kinds of problems in their country. They just taught the industrial progress, and insisted on the education of people. Ultimately, to liberate their country and make it a new nation state is the purpose of most of the students studying in America.   Uraki(The Rocky) was published 7 volumes from 1925 to 1936. The main host of the journal was ‘The Korean Student Federation of North America.’ Uraki(The Rocky) put Korean student’s memories on their education and experiences in America. They learned material civilization, individualism, coeducation, production system, and intellectual development, which they wanted to apply in Chosun.

      • KCI등재

        『신시론』의 작품들에 나타난 모더니즘 성격 연구

        맹문재(Maeng Mun-jae) 우리문학회 2012 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.35

        『신시론』에 수록된 작품들은 김경린의 경우를 제외하고 모두 현실 지향적인 모더니즘의 시세계를 보여주었다. 그렇지만 '신시론' 동인의 작품은 감각적이고 현대적인 시어와 이미지 등으로 사회성을 담아낸 것이어서 언어의 자각을 소홀히 하고 내용을 중요 요소로 삼은 조선문학가동맹 소속 시인들의 시세계와는 차이가 있었다. 또한 '신시론' 동인은 기존의 서정시에서 보여준 낭만성과 감상성에 맞서는 작품세계를 보여주었다. 기존의 인습화된 서정시를 부정하고 과학적이고 주지주의의 태도로 세계 문명의 도래를 그려낸 것이다. '신시론' 동인은 1930년대의 모더니즘 시 운동을 주도한 김기림의 시세계를 계승했다. 영미 계열의 주지주의를 수용한 김기림의 모더니즘 시와 시론은 일제 강점기의 상황으로 인해 제약받았지만, '신시론' 동인은 적극적으로 확대해나갔다. 비록 동인들의 모더니즘 시 운동이 진정한 민족 국가의 수립이라는 과제를 수행하는 데 정치적인 장벽으로 말미암아 한계를 보였지만, 해방기 시문학의 한 축을 새롭게 담당한 것이었다. The purpose of this study is to analyze characteristics of modernistic poetry in an epoch of emancipation through examining the poems in the Sinsiron. This anthology, published in April, 1948, was composed of 5 young poet's poems and criticisms, some of which were translated by the poets. The young poets were Kim GyungRin, Park InHwan, Im HoGwon, Kim ByungWook, and Kim GyungHee. All the writings in the anthology aimed for modernization and science of poetry by pursuing various images and poetic languages except those of Kim GyungRin, who was interested in social concerns. Looking through the Sinsiron, we are able to guess that among the poets in those days, there were lots of passion for ideology, either for the left or the right, which was the result of that period. In this respect, we are able to compare the spirit of this anthology with that of The Chungrokjib or The Chunweuishjib. The Chungrokjib was full of the right-wing ideology and devoted itself almost to nature, but the latter was full of the left-wing ideology. From the circumstances can we draw the meaning of the anthology, the Sinsiron. This anthology plays a key role to bridge the modernism in 1930's of Kim GiRim, Lee Sang and the Modernism in 1950's the Hubangee. The anthology showed the success of the early movement of modernism in 1930's laying the foundation stone of modernism in 1950's. Of course another anthology, The new city and the citizenry's chorus(1949) played the same role. Eventually we are able to conclude that The Sinsiron cherished and showed strong ideas, sharp awareness of the age, modern images and languages in the middle of the competition between the right and left-wing ideology.

      • KCI등재

        박인환의 시에 나타난 엘리엇과 스펜더의 시론 수용 양상

        맹문재(Munjae Maeng) 한국동서비교문학학회 2017 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.41

        Park Inhwan pursued modernism poetry actively accepting Eliot and Spender’s poetics. Kim Kirim had tried to reflect the modernism sprit and movement in the 1930’s to his poems but Park Inhwan felt that it was not enough to represent the new and different environment of the post-colonial situation of Korea after liberating from the Japanese oppression. Furthermore, it needed to overcome the tradition of Korean lyrical poems that was indifferent to reality and isolated from it. In this context, Eliot and Spender’s poetics became the useful foundation to overcome this limit of Korean poetry of that post-liberation period. Park Inhwan adopted Eliot’s poetics as the principle of modernism literature and regarded Spender’s poetics as a model of modernism literature in his poetic pursuit. Park agreed Eliot both on the rejecting the traditional poetry and reflecting contemporary society in the poetry through the modernism technique. Park, however, did not agree with Eliot in the idea of pursuing human salvation in the religious perspective, but follow Spender who tried to overcome it through the social perspective. As a poet, Spender typically presented a social role of poetry in Europe under the severe economic crisis and Park Inhwan agreed with his perspectives and attitudes because he were pursuing the same kind of solution in his poetry amid the confused situation of post-Japanese colonial period and Korean War. Park Inhwan, in this respect, regarded and pursued persistently modernism poetry as the proper direction of his poetry with standing fast on Spender’s belief that literature can not be separated from the time and society.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 유완희의 시 세계 고찰

        맹문재(Maeng, Mun-Jae) 우리문학회 2017 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.53

        유완희 시인은 일제의 강압적인 통치 아래에서 신음하는 조선의 민중들을 발견하고 그들과 연대하는 시 세계를 추구했다. 특히 열악한 임금 및 노동 조건과 민족적인 차별로 인해 착취 받고 있는 노동자 계급과 함께했다. 유완희 시인이 작품 활동을 활발하게 전개한 1920년대 중반부터는 노동자들이 계급성을 자각해 자연발생적이고 분산적인 이전의 노동운동보다 조직적이고 위력적인 모습을 띠었다. 이 논문에서는 그의 「거지」,「享樂市場」, 「女職工」, 「街頭의 宣言」, 「民衆의 行列」, 「우리들의 詩」 등의 시작품을 통해 일제에 대항하는 면을 살펴보았다. 그동안 제대로 조명 받지 못한 유완희의 시 세계는 복원할 가치가 분명하다. 민중 계급의 등장을 발견하고 민중과의 연대를 추구한 유완희의 작품들은 일제강점기의 시 문학사에서, 특히 1920년대의 카프 시 형성에서 주목할 만한 것이다. 3․1운동의 실패에 따른 눈물과 애수와 어둠의 세계를 노래한 병적 낭만주의 시를 민족의 모순과 계급의 모순에 대한 자각을 통해 극복하려고 등장한 카프 시의 형성에 그 나름대로 기여한 것이다. Yu Wan-hee was an important poet in the days when Korea was under the control of Japanese Imperialism. During that time, Yu Wan-hee and his works were well known, whereas, more recently it appears he has been forgotten. Therefore, this paper aims to rediscover Yu Wan-hee’s works on Japanese Imperialism. Yu Wan-hee was born in Yongin, Yeonggi-do and graduated from Gyeongseong Law College (now, Seoul National University Law College). He wrote some v ery advanced popular movement poems such as “Beggar,” “Enjoyment Market,” “Woman Factory Hand,” “Street Declaration,” “Parade of People,” and so on. Yu Wan-hee pursued resistance to Japan and pro-Japanese groups with Korean people, especially the working classes in order to gain national liberation in his poems. He realized that the liberation of Korea was possible by means of struggle against Japan and pro-Japanese groups through solidarity with Korean people. He sought for absolute freedom via the independence of Korea. That is why he actively opposed Japanese Imperialism. After the mid-1930s, the oppressive rule of the Japanese was strengthened. Japan invaded China and nations of Southeast Asia, displaying murderous and aggressive ways. During that time, Korean people"s pain, anxiety, frustration, hopelessness, sadness, anger, and difficulties increased and worsened. However, the historical consciousness of Yu Wan-hee and Korean people simultaneously increased and strengthened. Yu Wan-hee was one of the national pride and popular psychology poets of that time. This paper aims to analyze the features found in the poems of Yu Wan-hee, for he was not only a prominent fighter for independence but also a successful poet, journalist, and literary critic during the Japanese colonial days. After the 3․1 Independence Movement, Yu Wan-hee accepted the struggle of the social classes and political conflict in order to acquire the national liberation in his poems. Yu Wan-hee recognized that the liberation of Korea was possible only by means of an intensive and conjoint struggle against the Japanese.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        김명순 시의 주제 연구

        맹문재(Maeng Mun-jae) 한국언어문학회 2004 한국언어문학 Vol.53 No.-

        Modern education has a great effect on cognition of new women's poetry. Women education theory was introduced as a kind of a save-the-nation movement after 1886. As a result, women’s poetry was improved rapidly as educated women increased. Women’s magazines published in this period-- ≪Domestic Magazine家庭雜誌≫(1906.6), ≪New Family新家庭≫(1921.7), ≪Lady婦人≫(1922.6), ≪New Women新女性≫(1923.10) were a great help for the formation of cognition of new women’s poetry. These magazines contribute to extension of women’s rights and improvement of women’s household affairs including women’s love and marriage, food, sanitation, literature and arts. In 1920s, educated new women’s poet realized world cognition, though the independence movement was hidden according to Japan's subtle cultural policy. Kim Muyng Sun is a woman poet and novelist of Korean in 1920s. She goes ahead of literary circle at that times. The main subject of her's poetry are ego cognition, men and women's equality, and nation liberation. Kim Muyng Sun's poetry recognized korean women's value in 1920s.

      • KCI등재

        자유주제 : 신채호의 시작품에 나타난 아나키즘 고찰

        맹문재 ( Mun Jae Maeng ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2012 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.38

        단재 신채호는 일반적으로 독립운동가, 언론인, 역사가, 소설가 등으로 알려져 있는데, 시인으로도 관심을 가질 필요가 있다. 실제로 신채호는 어렸을 때부터 시를 지었고, 논설을 시로 쓴 경우도 있으며,「천희당시화(天喜堂詩話)」나「조선 고래(古來)의 문자와 시가의 변천」등을 통해 시의 중요성을 역설했다. 그리하여 55편이나 되는 시작품을 남겼다. 신채호는 시작품에서 아나키즘 사상을 토대로 한 민중 투쟁과 민족해방을 추구했고 그리고 이상 세계를 지향했다. 신채호가 시작품에서 아나키즘을 추구한 것은 상해 임시정부의 독립운동 방향인 준비론이나 외교론과는 달리 민중들이 일제에 직접 투쟁을 제시한 방법이었다. 아울러 해방 이후 민족 구성원들이 자유와 평등과 정의의 가치가 구현된 세상에서 살아갈 수 있기를 희망한 것이었다. 이와 같은 차원에서 보면 신채호의 민족 해방 운동은 일제 강점기 이전의 상태로 되돌아가는 것이 아니라 새로운 세계로 나아가려고 한 것이었음을 알 수 있다. 신채호가 아나키즘의 사상을 수용하고 그것을 토대로 이상 세계를 지향한 것은 궁극적으로 민족의 해방을 추구하기 위해서였다. 따라서 신채호의 시작품들은 한국 근대시사에서 민족의식을 가장 적극적으로 나타내었다고 평가할 수 있다.「칼부름」「하늘북」「한 나라 생각」「무궁화의 노래」「너의 것」「독립자유의 노래」등의 시작품들이 그 구체적인 산물이다. This study tries to analyse the features of anarchism in poetry of Shin ChaeHo. He is a prominent fighter for independence, historian, journalist, social philosopher, novelist, and poet during the period of Japanese colonial days. Danjae(丹齋) is his pen name. As Japanese imperialism began to spread all over Korea, the nation`s primary challenge is to get liberation from Japan rather than achieve modernization in Korea. After the 3·1 Independence Movement, Shin, ChaeHo took refuge in Shanghai, China and accepted anarchism. As a result of this acceptance, he changed his ideology and consciousness toward Korea independence. It was the need of armed struggle that he emphasized from this event. He criticized the provisional government in Shanghai because it didn`t try to do armed struggle against Japan. Hoping for Koreans` struggle against Japanese imperialism for the sake of national liberation, he published 『Shin Dae Han(新大韓)』and acted for the anarchists. Shin, ChaeHo wrote『Ulji moon duk(乙支文德)』,『Dream Sky(□하늘)』, and 『Great struggle between Dragons(龍과 龍의 大激戰)』, among which『Great struggle between Dragons』especially showed his anarchism. In his work, Shin, ChaeHo pursued direct revolution by Korean people in order to liberate Korea. Therefore his anarchism is not pursuit of certain individual theory or weapon but pursuit of national weapon. Shin, ChaeHo recognized that the liberation of Korea is possible only with struggle against Japanese. Shin, ChaeHo had sought absolute freedom and equality of all human-beings through the anarchism. That is why he thoroughly opposed the Japanese imperialism. He used anarchism as a means so as to attain the perfect independence of Korea from Japan. Consequently, what Shin, ChaeHo had really and primarily wanted was independence of Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        박재삼의 시에 나타난 가난 인식 고찰

        맹문재(Maeng, Mun-jae) 한국비평문학회 2013 批評文學 Vol.- No.48

        이 논문은 박재삼의 시에 나타난 가난 인식을 그의 어머니와 아버지, 형과 두 누이동생, 아내와 아이들 등의 가족을 통해 살펴본 것이다. 가족을 사회를 구성하는 기본 단위로 전제하고 그의 가난 문제를 고찰한 것이다. 지금까지 박재삼의 시 세계에 대한 지배적인 평가는 한(恨)의 정서를 바탕으로 전통적인 서정시를 계승시켰다는 것이다. 시인이 자연과 인간 세계의 면들을 아름답고도 섬세한 시어와 운율로써 그려냈다는 것이다. 그리하여 그의 시 세계에 대한 연구는 주로 작품의 운율, 이미지, 문체, 상징, 사랑, 죽음 등에 대해서였다. 그렇지만 박재삼의 시 세계를 전통 서정시의 영역으로 국한시킨 것은 바람직하지 않다. 그의 시작품 전체가 아니라 부분적인 면만을 고찰했기 때문이다. 그러므로 그의 시 세계에서 사회의식이 없다거나 심지어 반사회적이라고 평가한 것은 재고되어야 한다. 이 논문에서는 기존의 연구들을 극복하기 위해 박재삼의 전체 작품을 대상으로 삼고, 그의 시 세계에 나타난 가난의 문제를 현실 인식 차원에서 조명했다. 박재삼의 가난 인식은 격동적인 한국의 현대사가 요구한 기준에 비추어보면 다소 약하다고 볼 수 있지만, 그 나름대로 사회 인식을 갖는 것으로 새롭게 조명할 필요가 있는 것이다. Park Jae-Sam is a well known poet, but he has lived in poverty through his lifetime. This is deeply due to the situation of his hometown, Samchoenpo, where he spent his childhood. Furthermore he has suffered from severe pains and diseases because of his high blood pressure, which made him become to have a desperate and alienated character. Being written from these painful experiences, his poems are full of sorrow and sadness towards life. Nevertheless, he tries to overcome all of these pains and sadness through his will to write poems. Park Jae-Sam is valued as a poet who succeed lyricism of Korean tradition poems. But this paper aims at the studying on social consciousness of Park, Jae―Sam’s poems. In order to this purpose, this article is concentrated on analysis of poverty consciousness resulted from the poor state of family members, including his mother and father, an older brother and two sisters, and his wife and sons as well as daughters. This article considers his whole poetic books and his whole essay books from the First Poetic Book, 「Choonhyangee’s mind」 (1962) to 15th Poetic Book 「Again to yearning」(1996) including the First Essay Book, 「Beautiful tales by sadness」(1977) to the 7th Essay Book, 「A beautiful present other name」(1994). After this last book, he passed away in 1997. In 1950s, when he started his career as a poet, this nation was desolated and disordered and poor because of the Korean War. A great number of contemporary poets wrote both lyric and modernistic poems. After the 4·19 Revolution(1960) and the 5·16 Military Coup(1961) cast the nation into confusion, a lot of poets also wrote both kind of poems. But after the 1970s and 1980s, many contemporary poets wrote poems on people and labour with the hope of achieving the political democratization and economic development. Nevertheless, this poet, Park Jae-Sam, consistently had been written lyric poems. His concern for the social circumstances is expressed with his poverty consciousness.

      • KCI등재

        『학지광(學之光)』에 나타난 김여제의 시 고찰

        맹문재(Maeng Mun-jae) 한국어문학회 2008 語文學 Vol.0 No.101

        Hakjigwang was published by Korean students in Tokyo, from 1914 to 1930. This academic journal is very important in the history of modern Korean literature. In Those days, Chosun Dynasty being under the control of Japanese imperialism, the Korean students discovered aesthetic cognition under the collapsing circumstances of their society, which was, therefore, very important and valuable. Kim Yeo-jeh(1895 ∼1968) is an important poet at that time. But, until now, he has been forgotten and his life was unknown to the world. This paper aims to rediscover his works and his life. Kim Yeo-jeh graduated from Osan School and went to Japan for study. In Japan, he wrote a very advanced modern free style of verses such as ‘Manmanpapasikjuk’s weeping'. He returned home after graduating from Waseda University and took part in the ‘3ㆍ1 Independence Movement’ and then he went to Sanghai, where he participated in the Korean provisional government for his nation’s independence. While he was in Sanghai, he wrote a lot of poems published in the DokLip ShinMun. Later, finishing studying pedagogy in America, he returned home and taught at many schools. Whatever he had did he was a poet and his aesthetic interest was that of modern free verse. He suggested self-recognition is most valuable in the aesthetic aspects, and he denied public norms or morals. He used that kind of aesthetic method for Korean independence movement. Under the circumstances of colonial situation by Japan, he tried to reorganize the value of modern aesthetics and independence of his homeland.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 여자고등학생들의 학교생활 고찰

        맹문재(Maeng Mun-jae) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2008 한국학연구 Vol.29 No.-

        배화여자고등보통학교의 교지인 『배화』에 수록된 구체적인 글들을 통해 1930년대 여학생들의 교육 전반을 살펴본 결과 기능 위주로 학과목수업이 이루어졌고, 수신과 신체의 건강이 강조되었음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 수학여행, 원족, 견학, 관람 등 다양한 교외 수업이 시행되었고, 화려하고 사치스러운 면을 경계하면서도 시대의 추세에 따라 교복이 양장으로 바뀌었음을 알 수 있었다. 교우회를 비롯해 후원회 활동이 활발하였고, 여학생들의 세계관도 적극적이었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 여학생들은 일제의 식민지 교육정책이 황국신민화를 추구하는 것임을 직시하고 민족의 구성원으로서 자아를 인식했다. 그와 같은 활동의 궁극적인 목적은 당연히 민속 해방이었다. 『배화』를 간행한 배화여자고등보통학교는 1898년 경성 서부 인달방(仁達坊) 고간동(古澗洞, 현 내자동)에 캐롤라이나학당이란 교명으로 설립되었다. 학교의 설립자는 미국 남감리교회 여성 선교사인 캠블(Josephine Eaton Peel Campbell, 1853~1920)이었다. 1909년 배화여학교라고 개명하고 4년제 중학과와 4년제 소학과를 병설하였다. 1916년 고간동 요람지에서 누하동(樓下洞)으로 이전했다. 1921년 신교육령에 의해 4년제 보통과를 6년제로 개정했다. 1925년 배화여자고등보통학교로 승격되었고 1938년 교명을 배화여자고등학교로 바꾸었다. This article is to study the school life of high-school girls in 1930's through the school magazine, Baewha. This school magazine was published by Baewha girl's high school students and graduate's association in Seoul, from 1929 to 1943. This magazine is important because it is useful to reaesrch high-school girls' point of view those days. There were not so many school magazines especially women's school magazines, Cho-sun being under the control of Japan. It would be true that the school life of high-school girls in 1930's ought to follow and be effected from functionalism subjected to the school curriculum, and teaching from outside the school, the western-style of school uniform, and the stuednts had to be tied with the activities of graduate's association. Baewha, the female dominated magazine, is a good window to look into those actual state. Within this circumstance, the girl students of Baewha high-school felt their social responsibility, receiving the attitude of thrift, sincerity, self-restraint, sacrifice, etc. They also extended their knowledge and ability for the indenpendance of their country. They learned physical education, fine arts, music, english, geography, chemistry, botany, sewing, embroidery etc. as to use them for wider applications.

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