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        Identification of Ligustrum Seedlings Based on Sequence Analysis of an Internal Transcribed Spacer

        마상훈,Gianluca Burchi,서정근,Mark S. Roh,정영희 한국원예학회 2014 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.55 No.5

        Two-year old seedlings derived from a Ligustrum quihoui plant (NA56612.01) showed variation in leafsizes, and the leaf sizes of several L. quihoui seedlings were significantly larger than other seedlings, suggesting thatpossibility of interspecific hybridization with L. japonicum or L. foliosum which were maintained sympatrically withthe L. quihoui at the repository. However, the leaves of seedlings were smaller than those of mature L. quihoui plants,thus requiring the use of molecular markers to verify any possible hybridization. Based on the sequence analysis ofthe nuclear internal transcribed spacers 1, 2 in ribosomal RNA gene (ITS 1, 2 region), the sequence of all seedlingsshowed 100% homology and perfectly matched with the L. quihoui accession, but not with L. japonicum or L. foliosum. These data suggested that the seedlings were not resulted from interspecific hybridization, but fromintra-pollination among the L. quihoui progeny. Genetic purity of the L. quihoui can be maintained among seedlingsobtained from the mother plant. This is an important feature for ex situ germplasm conservation of L. quihoui.

      • KCI등재

        헌법개정논의의 질적 제고에 관한 연구

        마상훈,최선 서울대학교 한국정치연구소 2018 韓國 政治 硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        Since the revision of the constitution in 1987, constitutional amendment agenda has been consistently raised in political changes or politically important phases. While many discussions on the constitutional amendment focus on ‘what’ and ‘how’ to change, the purpose of this study is to examine what constitutional amendment is and what to prepare for it. At the moment of the constitutional amendment coming to constitutional politics requires a high level of political judgment, a long-term view, and civic virtue, and at the same time, there should be a society-wide consensus on the necessity and basic direction of the constitutional amendment. For this purpose, this study argues that public opinion field should be activated in normal politics and it should be stably guaranteed through constitution. Civic education through political participation in public opinion field, establish social consensus based on mutual understanding and discussion, and the process of constant deliberation and communication to agree on the basic social order and the revision direction need to be preceded by the amendment. The constitutional amendment requires a progressive and phased approach in terms of law and politics, and the urgent thing before the constitutional amendment discussion is the consolidation of democracy and the stabilization of constitutionalism in normal politics. 1987년 헌법 개정 이후 ‘개헌’ 의제는 정권이 바뀌거나 정치적으로 중요한 국면에서 지속적으로 제기되어 왔다. 개헌에 관한 많은 논의들이 ‘무엇’을 ‘어떻게’ 바꿀 것인지에 초점이 맞추어져 있었다면, 본 연구는 개헌이란 무엇이며, 이를 시행하기 위해 준비해야 할 것은 무엇인지를 살피는 데 그 목적이 있다. 입헌정치가도래하는 개헌의 순간에는 고도의 정치적 판단력과 장기적인 시야, 시민적 덕성이 요구되며, 동시에 개헌의 필요성과 기본 방향에 대한 사회 전반적인 합의가 형성되어 있어야 한다. 이를 위해서 본 연구는 일상정치에서 공론 영역이 활성화되어야 하며, 헌법을 통해 이를 안정적으로 보장해야 함을 주장한다. 공론 영역에서의 정치참여를 통한 시민교육, 상호이해와 토론을 바탕으로 한 사회적 공감대 형성, 사회 기본질서와 개헌 방향을 합의해 나가는 부단한 심의와 소통의 과정이 개헌 이전에 선행될 필요가 있는 것이다. 개헌은 법과 정치의 차원에서 점진적이고단계적으로 접근하는 것이 필요하며, 개헌 논의 이전에 시급한 것은 일상정치에서 민주주의의 공고화와 입헌주의의 안정화일 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        윤치호의 미국 유학 경험과 사회개혁사상

        마상훈(Sang Hoon Ma),최연식(Yeon Sik Choi) 연세대학교 동서문제연구원 2017 동서연구 Vol.29 No.2

        이 연구는 윤치호의 미국 유학 경험이 그의 사회개혁사상 형성에 미친 영향을 살피는데 목적이 있다. 윤치호가 유학하던 시기인 19세기 말의 미국 남부는 기독교적 이상과 사회진화론이 현실에서 충돌하는 곳이었다. 윤치호는 인종 차별과 기독교적 가치가 공존하는 미국 남부의 모순적인 상황 가운데서 조선의 독립과 개혁이라는 당면의 문제를 해결할 개혁안을 구상했다. 윤치호는 약육강식의 논리가 지배하는 국제질서 속에서 조선이 독립과 자강을 이룰 수 있는 길은 힘을 기르는 것이며, 국가의 힘의 근원은 국민에게 있다고 판단했다. 윤치호는 자신의 사회개혁안을 통해 국민들의 능력을 향상시켜서 독립과 자강을 이루고자 했으며, 개혁의 초점을 기독교 정신에 입각한 시민 교육과 실업 교육에 두었다. 이러한 윤치호의 개혁안은 국가의 외형적 독립 보다는 국민의 삶의 조건 향상과 권익 증진을 우선시하는 것이었다. 그러나 먼저 실력을 갖추어야 실질적인 독립을 달성할 수 있다는 그의 생각은 외세의 통치를 정당화 하는 논리로 활용될 수도 있었다. 이 점에서 윤치호의 사회개혁안은 근대적 시민을 형성하고 사회를 개선할 가능성을 담고 있었지만, 동시에 강자의 약자 지배를 불가피한 현실로 인정하고 독립과 자강을 위해 강자의 통치를 정당화하는 한계도 드러냈다. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of Yun Ch’i-ho’s experience of studying in America had on his social reform thought. The American South in the late 19th century, during the time he studied abroad, was a place where Christian ideals collided with social Darwinism. He formulated reform projects to solve the issues of independence and reform that Korea was faced with while he lived amidst the contradictory situation in the American South where racial discrimination and Christian values coexisted. He decided that within the international affairs dominated by the law of the jungle, the road to independence for Korea was to build strength, and that the source of strength in a country was within its people. Through his social reform projects, he aimed to achieve independence and self-strengthening by improving the ability of the people, and focused the reform on civic and industrial education based on Christian spirit. These types of reformation projects by Yun placed importance on improving living standards, and enhancing the rights and interests of the people over the outward appearance of political independence. However, his idea that actual independence can only be achieved after competence is achieved, could be used as the logical basis to justify foreign rule. In this regard, while the social reform projects proposed by Yun had the possibility to cultivate modern citizens and improve society, it also had the limitations of acknowledging rule of the strong over the weak as unavoidable reality and justifying the rule of the strong as part of achieving independence and self-strengthening.

      • KCI등재

        법과 정의의 사이: 데리다에게 있어서 헌법의 정당성

        김성호,마상훈 한국법철학회 2017 법철학연구 Vol.20 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to read Derrida’s legal philosophy from the perspective of constitutional theory in order to examine how Derrida’s legal theories overcome dilemmas inherent in modern legal/political theories and the criticisms that the postmodernist project of deconstruction faces. Through deconstruction, Derrida questions the way modern legal and political order has been legitimized and exposes the logical contradictions and hidden violences that modern legal/political theories have. To Derrida, who separates law and justice, the legitimacy of the constitution can be done only heuristically, and a constitution can be legitimized only after the establishment of the constituted powers. Derrida argued that the process of deconstruction not only had the function of exposing the blind spots and contradictions of modern legal/political theory and constitutional project, but also is a concrete and practical alternative to newly reconstruct legal and political order. That is what he meant when he declared that “deconstruction is justice.” When viewed from this deconstructive perspective, the legitimacy of the constitution can be done through justice-seeking only, and the repetition of deconstruction and processes of reconstruction that aim to realize justice. Therefore, to Derrida, the legitimacy of the constitution was not the hypothetical and political-theological event which emerges at the moment of constitutional founding, but rather something that shall come in the future, or a promise that remains as such. In the end, Derrida’s deconstruction invites critical reflections on existing legal and political orders, thereby compelling new enlightenment and civic education. Ultimately, the true meaning and value of Derrida’s deconstruction is to expose the limitations of the legitimacy of a constitution and constitutional justice and provide the motivation for actions by which to overcome the legal and political orders which have become dogmatic. 본 논문의 목적은 데리다의 법철학을 헌법이론의 관점에서 재독해하여, 근대 법/정치 이론이 봉착한 딜레마와 해체론에 제기되는 비판을 데리다의 법 이론이 어떻게 극복하는지를 살피고, 동시에 그러한 시도가 입헌민주주의에 새로운 대안을 제시해 줄 수 있는지를 모색하는 데 있다. 데리다는 해체론을 통해 지금까지 정당하다고 여겨져 온 법과 정치질서의 정당성에 물음을 던지고 근대적 법/정치 이론에 내재된 논리적 모순과 은폐된 폭력성을 폭로한다. 법과 정의를 구분하는 데리다에게 헌법의 정당성이란 하나의 해석적 모델이며, 입헌권력의 성립 이후에야 이뤄지는 사후 정당화에 불과한 것이다. 데리다는 해체적 작업이 근대적 법/정치 이론과 입헌주의적 기획의 맹점과 모순을 노정하는 기능뿐만 아니라 법과 정치 질서를 새롭게 재구축하는 구체적이고 실천적인 대안임을 주장하며, “해체가 곧 정의”임을 선언한다. 이러한 해체론의 관점에서 바라볼 때 헌법의 정당성은 정의를 통해, 그리고 정의를 실현시키고자 하는 끊임없는 해체와 재구축의 과정들의 반복을 통해 도출될 수 있다. 따라서 데리다에게 헌법의 정당성은 제헌의 순간이라는 과거의 가상적인 사건과 정치신학적 개념이 아닌 미래의 시점에 도래할 대상으로, 약속으로 남아 있게 된다. 이에 기반하여 본 논문은 데리다의 해체론이 기존의 법과 정치질서를 성찰하도록 강박하며, 이를 토대로 새로운 계몽과 시민교육의 효과를 의도하고 있음을 주장한다. 결국 데리다의 해체론이 가진 진정한 의미와 가치는 헌법의 정당성과 헌법적 정의의 한계를 노정하고 교조화된 법과 정치질서를 넘어설 수 있는 실천의 동기를 제공해 준다는 데 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Application of Solanum lycopersicum Glucose-6- phosphate Dehydrogenase to NADPH-generating System for Cytochrome P450 Reactions

        박찬미,정헌,마상훈,김현민,정영희,윤철호 한국미생물·생명공학회 2019 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.47 No.4

        Cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP) is involved in the metabolism of endogenous and exogenous compounds in most organisms. P450s have great potential as biocatalysts in the pharmaceutical and fine chemical industries because they catalyze diverse oxidative reactions using a wide range of substrates. The high-cost nicotinamide cofactor, NADPH, is essential for P450 reactions. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) has been commonly used in NADPH-generating systems (NGSs) to provide NADPH for P450 reactions. Currently, only two G6PDHs from Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be obtained commercially. To supply high-cost G6PDH cost-effectively, we cloned the cytosolic G6PDH gene of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) with 6xHis tag, expressed it in Escherichia coli, and purified the recombinant G6PDH (His-G6PDH) using affinity chromatography. In addition, enzymatic properties of His-G6PDH were investigated, and the His-G6PDH-coupled NGS was optimized for P450 reactions. His-G6PDH supported CYP102A1-catalyzed hydroxylation of omeprazole and testosterone by NADPH generation. This result suggests that tomato His-G6PDH could be a cost-effective enzyme source for NGSs for P450-catalyzed reactions as well as other NADPH-requiring reactions.

      • KCI등재

        The promoter of tomato HISTIDINE DECARBOXYLASE A is fruit-specific, and its expression is stably maintained in fruits during ripening

        김아영,김현민,마상훈,박서영,MAI THANH DAT,장규필,정영희 한국식물생명공학회 2019 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.13 No.1

        Identifying novel promoters with specific temporal and spatial expression patterns is crucial for crop biotechnology. In this study, we isolated a fruit-specific promoter in tomato, HISTIDINE DECARBOXYLASE A (SlHDC-A) promoter. Through RNA-seq and RT-PCR analysis, we found that SlHDC-A was predominantly expressed in fruits and that its expression was stable in fruits during ripening. These results suggest that the promoter of SlHDC-A might have the ability to determine fruit-specific gene expression. To test this possibility, we generated transgenic tomato transformed with SlHDC-A::GUS and 35S::GUS. Unlike 35S::GUS transgenic tomato with constitutive expression in various tissues, SlHDC-A::GUS transgenic plants showed fruit-specific expression of GUS. The intensity of GUS activity in fruits of SlHDC-A::GUS transgenic plants was approximately tenfold higher than that in fruits of 35S::GUS transgenic plants. The core region responsible for its fruit-specific expression was identified by promoter deletion analyses. Removal of the − 880 to − 577 region abolished the fruit-specific expression of SlHDC-A promoter. This suggests that the − 880 to − 577 region is the core region responsible for the fruit-specific expression of SlHDC-A. This finding was further supported by analysis of chimeric fusion promoter. Unlike 35S minimal promoter which had no activity to express GUS, the chimeric fusion promoter of the core region and 35S minimal promoter showed fruit-specific expression similar to intact SlHDC-A promoter. Collectively, these findings indicate that the promoter of SlHDC-A is fruit-specific and the − 880 to − 577 region is the core region of SlHDC-A promoter.

      • KCI등재

        Optimization of the human colorectal carcinoma antigen GA733‑2 production in tobacco plants

        박세희,지건영,김현민,마상훈,박서영,도주희,오두병,강형식,심재성,정영희 한국식물생명공학회 2021 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.15 No.1

        The colorectal carcinoma-associated protein GA733-2 is one of the representative candidate protein for the development of plant-derived colorectal cancer vaccine. Despite of its signifcant importance for colorectal vaccine development, low efciency of GA733-2 production limits its wide applications. To improve productivity of GA733-2 in plants, we here tested multiple factors that afect expression of recombinant GA733-2 (rGA733-2) and rGA733 fused to fragment crystallizable (Fc) domain (rGA733-Fc) protein. The rGA733-2 and rGA733-Fc proteins were highly expressed when the pBINPLUS vector system was used for transient expression in tobacco plants. In addition, the length of interval between rGA733-2 and left border of T-DNA afected the expression of rGA733 protein. Transient expression analysis using various combinations of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains (C58C1, LBA4404, and GV3101) and tobacco species (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi nc and Nicotiana benthamiana) revealed that higher accumulation of rGA733-2 and rGA733-Fc proteins were obtained by combination of A. tumefaciens LBA4404 and Nicotiana benthamiana. Transgenic plants generated by introduction of the rGA733-2 and rGA733-Fc expression cassettes also signifcantly accumulated corresponding recombinant proteins. Bioactivity and stability of the plant-derived rGA733 and rGA733-Fc were evaluated by further in vitro assay, western blot and N-glycosylation analysis. Collectively, we here suggest the optimal condition for efcient production of functional rGA733-2 protein in tobacco system.

      • KCI등재

        인(仁)과 우애(friendship)의 정치철학

        장동진(Jang, Dong-Jin),마상훈(Ma, Sang Hoon) 한국동양정치사상사학회 2016 한국동양정치사상사연구 Vol.15 No.1

        이 논문은 현대사회에서 나타나는 문제인 개인화와 사적 이기심의 팽배로 인한 정치공동체의 갈등과 불안정성을 극복할 방안을 공자(孔子)가 제시하는 인(仁)의 정치와 아리스토텔레스(Aristoteles)가 제시하는 우애(philia, friendship)의 정치를 통해 살펴보려한다. 이를 위해 공자의 인과 아리스토텔레스의 우애가 가진 특성이 정치공동체의 분열을 막고 사회적 화합을 이끌 수 있는지를 고찰한다. 공자와 아리스토텔레스가 제시하는 인과 우애는 공통적으로 정치공동체 안에서 친밀함과 사랑을 통한 ‘관계맺음’으로 나타난다. 공자와 아리스토텔레스는 인과 우애를 통해 나타나는 정치공동체 구성원들의 관계맺음을 통한 연대에 주목하여 관계맺음을 통해 시민적 덕을 함양하고 공동체 구성원들의 조화를 이끌어내고자 한다. 인과 우애는 현대에서 그 정치적 의미가 점차 간과되어 사적인 친교의 의미로 축소되었지만, 인과 우애는 사적 친교를 넘어서 시민적 덕을 함양하고 공동체의 공공선을 증진시키는 정치적인 개념으로 제시되었다. 공자와 아리스토텔레스가 제시한 인과 우애의 정치적 기획은 사회질서에서 개인적 자유와 권리와의 관계에서 갈등 상황을 불러 올 수 있지만, 공적 질서와 법규의 절대주의적 측면에 대한 한계를 설정함으로써, 그리고 현대 사회의 개인주의적 자유의 행사에 대한 비판적 기준을 제시함으로써, 인과 우애의 정치가 사회적 안정성과 공동선의 정치에 새로운 실현 가능성을 제시해 주는 것으로 독해 될 수 있다. 공동체의 분화, 개인의 원자화와 사적 이기심의 증대로 인한 분열과 단절 앞에서 공자가 제시한 인의 정치와 아리스토텔레스가 제시한 우애의 개념이 다시금 재정치화 되어야 함을 이 논문에서는 주장한다. This paper aims to explore the ways of maintaining social stability and harmony in a liberal democracy, which is getting more and more diversified in interests and beliefs to lose its commonality, through analyzing positively the politics of "Jen" and "Friendship"(philia) respectively addressed by Confucius and Aristotle. Contemporary liberal democracies are characterized by their expanding civic privatism and pluralism that are to undermine the grounds for social stability and common good. The paper begins with our analysis concerned with whether the characteristics of Confucius’s Jen and Aristotle’s Friendship can provide sources for preventing social divide and conflicts to lead to social unity and harmony. The developments of political ideas of Jen and friendship in Confucius and Aristotle, who were devoted to creating and maintaining a better political community, are concerned with "making relationship" through intimacy and love within political community. Confucius and Aristotle paid attention to solidarity through "making relationship" of members of political community, as appeared in the ideas of Jen and friendship. Both theorists attempted to cultivate civil virtues from intimate natural human relationships in order to derive harmony and unity among community members. Confucius’s Jen is simply "to love humans". It is the affection that we can find in the familial relations, particularly between parents and children, thus characterized by its hierarchical aspects. It begins from nearby intimate and increasingly expands to outer. Aristotle‘s friendship means emotive affection and love appearing in various kinds of human relations. Jen and friendship are developed into moral and political ideas that are to provide the sources for maintaining social harmony and stability. Confucius and Aristotle saw that the sprouts of Jen and friendship primarily in the family, specifically parents and children, husband and wife, and thought those virtues in the family may develop into civil virtues of political community. While in contemporary liberal democracy, political ideas of Jen and friendship have been gradually ignored and retreated into privately affectionate relationships, Confucius’s Jen and Aristotle’s friendship are the very sources for civic virtues that should be cultivated more positively and maximally for maintaining the stability and the common good of a society. A political project on the revitalization of Jen and Friendship may demand some limitations on exercising individual liberties and freedoms. If we accept the political values of Jen and friendship in addition to individual liberties and freedoms, we need strike a balance between the political value of commonality represented by Jen and friendship, on the one hand, and the one of individuality or identity safeguarded by individual liberties and freedoms, on the other hand, within the limitation of preserving their central range respectively. We need a cross-checking process in order to maintain a social stability and harmony that requires examining the proper exercise of individual liberties and freedoms in view of the civic virtues of Jen and Friendship while the demand and exercise of civic virtues also in view of individual liberties and freedoms. This may be a project for revitalizing the politics of humanity.

      • KCI등재

        근로 노인의 직무만족이 우울에 미치는 영향 : 자기자비의 조절효과 검증을 중심으로

        김준표(Junpyo Kim),이은진(Eunjin Lee),마상훈(Sanghoon Ma),남석인(Seok In Nam) 한국노년학회 2022 한국노년학 Vol.42 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 근로 노인을 대상으로 직무만족이 우울에 미치는 영향과 자기자비의 조절효과를 검증하는 데 있다. 전국의만 55세 이상 중·노년을 대상으로 2021년 10월 13일부터 11월 3일까지 온라인 설문조사를 진행하였으며, 612명 전체 응답자 중 현재근로 중인 362명의 자료를 분석에 활용하였다. 분석방법으로는 SPSS 25.0 프로그램을 활용하여 위계적 회귀분석을 통해 조절효과모형을 검증하였다. 본 연구의 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 근로 노인의 직무만족은 우울에 부적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로나타났다. 즉, 근로 노인의 낮은 직무만족은 우울을 높이는 위험 요인으로 작용한다. 둘째, 근로 노인의 직무만족과 우울의 관계에서자기자비는 통계적으로 유의한 조절효과를 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 자기자비의 수준에 따라 근로 노인의 직무만족이 우울에 미치는부적 영향을 조절해주는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 이에 자기자비 수준이 높을 경우 낮은 직무만족으로 인한 우울의 증가가 경감하는 것이다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 근로 노인의 직무만족을 높이고 우울을 개선하기 위한 실천적·정책적 제언과 긍정적인 심리 대처 기제로서의자기자비의 중요성을 제시하였다. This study aims to examine the effect of job satisfaction on depression and the moderation effect of self-compassion among the working elderly. An online survey was conducted from October 13 to November 3, 2021, for elderly over 55 and collected 362 data from working elderly out of 612 respondents. For analysis, hierarchical regression analysis was used to examine the moderation effect using the SPSS 25.0 program. The main results of this study are as follows. First, it was found that job satisfaction of the working elderly showed a negative effect on depression. In other words, the low job satisfaction of the working elderly leads to higher depression. Second, self-compassion showed a moderation effect in the relationship between job satisfaction and depression. It means that self-compassion regulates the negative effect of job satisfaction on depression of the working elderly. Therefore, when self-compassion is high, depression due to low job satisfaction is reduced. Based on these results, practical and policy suggestions for improving job satisfaction and depression of the working elderly and the importance of self-compassion as a positive psychological coping mechanism were suggested.

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