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      • KCI등재

        이긍익 소작 <죽창곡(竹牕曲)>의 특징과 연군의 문맥 고찰

        남정희 동양고전학회 2020 東洋古典硏究 Vol.0 No.79

        This study attempted to reconstruct the situation of creation for <Jukchanggok> that Lee Geung-ik wrote, and examine the inner structural characteristics of the work and the context of Yeongun consciousness. Inferring the context in which the writer produced this work, there is a different point from the usual exile Gasa, and that is, he experienced exile as an accompanying person, not as an exile person. His father Lee Gwang-sa was implicated when his elder uncle Lee Jin-yu, who was already deceased, was again involved in the issue of punishing treason, and had to be exiled from 1755 to 1777 when he (Lee Gwang-sa) died. <Jukchanggok> is based on the Shinjidoisland exile around 1763, when Lee Geung-ik accompanied his father's exile. In the work, the speaker speaks with the voice of a woman and describes the relationship with Nim as fate. In the prologue, he pointed out that the relationship with Nim had not been made, and went into the main discourse, and the earnest desire for Nim's indebtedness continued. And the main semantic framework that creates the structure of this yearning for royal favor (干恩) in the course of the narrative is the trial of the speaker and Nim's indebtedness to overcome it. Through the development of this poetic sentiment, the sigh of the speaker, which was caused by failing to meet Nim, ultimately turns into satisfaction by Nim's act of giving king's virtue. The reality faced by Lee Geung-ik as an exile accompanying person was relentless and impossible to make a rise socially in the world. Under the existential conditions of such a clumsy clan, the author did not defend the position of his own father, or through it, did not reveal the voice of criticism toward the world. Rather, he emphasized that the simple life of his father's exile life was due to the indebtedness of the wise king, and he hoped for a world in which the virtues of the king would be given to him and his father without discrimination. 이 글에서는 이긍익이 창작한 <죽창곡>을 대상으로 하여 창작의 상황을 재구성하고 작품 내부의 구조적인 특징과 연군의식의 문맥을 고찰해 보았다. 작자가 이 작품을 생산한 맥락을 추론해 보면 일반적인 유배가사와는 다른 지점이 있는데, 그것은 그가 배행자로서 유배를 경험했다는 것이다. 친부인 이광사는 이미 고인이 된 백부 이진유가 다시 역률에 추시되자 연좌되어서 1755년부터 임종 시인 1777년까지 유배형을 치러야 했다. <죽창곡>은 이긍익이 아버지의 유배를 배행했던 1763년 무렵의 신지도 유배를 그 배경으로 하고 있다. 작품 속에서 화자는 여성의 목소리로 발화하며 님과의 인연을 운명으로 서술하고 있다. 서사에서는 님과의 인연이 이루어지지 않았음을 지적하고 본사에서는 님의 은혜에 대한 간구가 연속되었다. 서술의 과정에서 이 간은(干恩)의 구조를 만들어내는 주요한 의미적인 틀은 화자의시련과 그것을 극복하게 하는 님의 은혜이다. 화자의 탄식은 결론적으로는 성덕을 베푼 님의 행위에 의해서 충족감으로 바뀐다. 배행자로서이긍익이 마주 한 현실은 냉혹하고 스스로 입신양명의 사회적 출세가불가능하였다. 이러한 불온한 가문이라는 실존적인 조건 속에서 작자는연좌된 친부의 처지를 옹호하거나 그것을 통해서 세상을 향한 비판의목소리를 드러내지 않았다. 그보다는 오히려 아비가 영위하는 유배생활의 소박한 삶이 성군(聖君)의 은혜 덕분임을 강조하면서 왕의 덕이 자신과 친부에게 차별없이 베풀어지는 세상을 소망했다.

      • KCI등재

        『청구영언』 편찬을 전후 한 18세기 전반 京華士族의 시조 향유 양상

        남정희 한국고전연구학회 2002 한국고전연구 Vol.8 No.-

        18세기는 다양한 문화 현상들이 서로 착종되며 더불어 사회 구조도 급격하게 변한 시기였다. 본고에서는 이러한 사회적 배경을 고려하면서 청구영언의 편찬을 전후한 18세기 전반에 나타나는 경화 사족의 시조 향유의 실상을 밝히는 데 그 목적이 있다. 역사적으로 경화 사족들은 17세기 후반기에 나타나 18세기에는 그 계층적 정체성을 획득하는 부류였다. 서울에서 누대로 세거하면서 별열로서의 지위를 누렸고 당색으로는 노론에 해당하였다. 이들은 서로 학통과 학연, 혈연으로 묶여서 교류하였으며 지리적으로도 가까운 거리에 살면서 자연스럽게 시가를 향유하였다. 그리고 이러한 향유 과정에서 시가만이 아니라 시·서·화를 아우르는 고상하고 심미적인 사대부 문화를 발전시켰다. 18세기 전반기에는 시조를 노래하는 공간에서 새로운 악곡이 나타났다. 이 악곡은 전대의 노래와는 차별적인 것이었다. 이것은 금조인 삭대엽으로 빠른 리듬감과 슬픈 느낌을 준다는 특성이 있었다. 경화 사족들은 이 삭대엽을 수용하였고, 가객들이 창작하는 새로운 신번에 대해서도 관용적인 태도를 취하고 있었다. 경화 사족들과 가객들은 서로 교유하고 있었고 이 과정에서 경화 사족들은 청구영언의 편찬에 이론적인 배경을 제공하였다. 이 시기 경화 사족들은 시조를 예술 작품으로서 인정하고 진지한 태도로 감상하였다. 그 결과 서로 취향을 공유하는 사족들이 모여서 예술 동호인적인 모임을 가지기도 하였다. 이들은 시조를 창작하는 과정에서 개인의 주관적 정서를 드러냈으며 격조 있는 마감을 추구하였다. 결과적으로 이 시기의 경화 사족의 시조는 이념성이 약화되고 있었고 사족 시조 속에서는 윤리적이고 형이상학적인 모범이 제시되지 않았다. In the 18th century, the cultural conditions which were various in shape becoming complicated, the social constructional drawing was suddenly changed. This thesis reveals and investigates the real aspects of enjoyment of the Sijo acted by Kyung Hwa Sa Jok(京華士族)-privilege rank that monopolized a honor and an official post in the 18th in Korean governing class. The specific aims of this thesis are to analyze the situation in which they were active in creating and appreciating the Sijo mainly in the first half of the 18th century. Kyung Hwa Sa Jok appeared in the latter halves of the 17th century, when it came to the 18th century, they acquired the true identity of class characteristic. They as poets who had written the Sijo were belonged to the No-lon(老論) party politically. They dwelled in Seoul and tied a relationship with academic circles and had family connection among them. The poets lived even in geography near distance and they naturally enjoyed a poem and a song. They developed a noble and aesthetic culture which contains a poem, calligraphy, and picture. In the first half of the 18th century the new musical piece related to sijosong appeared. It was a completely different song to compare with the song which had become popular to past in Seoul. The new musical piece(今調의 數大葉) with quick rhythm gave people the sad impression. Kyung Hwa Sa Jok accommodated this musical piece and also they were tolerant of the new song(新飜) that the middle-class singers created. They and the singers interchanging with each other, in this process, they provided the theoretical base for the compilation of Chung Gu Young En(靑丘永言). They in this time re-cognized Sijo(時調) as the art work and seriously appreciated it. The people, specially nobles and scholars, who shared the same art taste in Sijo were gathered and they made a kind of the art association in Seoul. The subjective emotion of the individual was disclosed in their Sijo in which they pursued the sense of beauty that is noble and elegant, and highly sophisticated. In result. the ideological tendency of Sijo being weakened, the poets of this time did not present an ethical and metaphysical model in their work.

      • 형성평가에 대한 과학교사들의 인식 및 실태

        南貞姬,成乙善,飮在鎬,金慶姬,崔秉舜 한국교원대학교 과학교육연구소 1999 청람과학교육연구논총 Vol.9 No.1

        전국의 초, 중, 고등학교 과학교사 197명을 대상으로 과학교육에서 형성평가에 대한 인식 및 이에 대한 실태를 질문지를 이용하여 조사하였다. 교사들은 학교교육에서 평가의 가장 중요한 목적이 학습목표의 성취를 확인하기 위한 것이라고 생각하고 있었으며, 가장 적절한 평가방법은 형성평가라고 생각하고 있었다. 따라서 형성평가는 수업 후반부에 학습내용의 성취정도를 확인하는 평가라고 인식하고 있었다. 대부분의 교사들이 형성평가가 매우 필요하다고 인식하고 있었고, 그 이유로 학습목표 달성 정도의 확인을 들었다. 그러나 과학 수업 중 수시로 이루어지는 형성평가는 적었다. 형성평가의 실시를 어렵게 만드는 원인으로 학생 수 과다, 시간 부족, 준비의 어려움을 들었으며, 형성평가로부터 얻은 정보는 학생들의 성취수준을 판단하는데 이용한다고 응답하였다. The science teachers' perceptions and the status of formative assessment in science teaching were identified through a questionnaire. The majority of teachers thought that the most important goal of assessment in education was to identify to what extent pupils achieved learning objectives. They suggested that formative assessment was the most appropriate method regardless of the purposes of assessment. They thought that formative assessment was an assessment carried out at the end of lesson to identify to what extent pupils achieved learning objectives. The teachers stressed the need for formative assessment to identify what pupils achieved. But they carried out formative assessment about once a week and there were very few teachers carrying out formative assessment during the lesson. They responded that it was difficult to carry out formative assessment because of large class size, lack of time and difficulty in preparation. And they used the information from formative assessment to judge the level of attainment.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        중학교 학생들의 보상문제해결 과정에 대한 분석

        남정희,윤경림,이상권,한인식,Nam, Jeong Hui,Yun, Gyeong Rim,Lee, Sang Gwon,Han, In Sik 대한화학회 2002 대한화학회지 Vol.46 No.6

        이 연구에서는 중학교 학생들의 보상논리 문제해결 과정을 알아보았다. 이 연구를 위해 서울 소재 남녀공학 중학교 3개반 5개조 21명을 대상으로 하였으며, 보상논리를 주제로 한 활동의 수업내용을 참여 관찰하였고, 그 내용을 녹음하여 조사${\cdot}$분석하였다. 학생들의 보상논리 형성과정을 분석한 결과 학생들은 개인마다 각기 다른 유형의 형성과정을 나타내었다. 수학적 연산력이 뛰어나난 학생들은 비례식에 의해 보상논리를 설명하고 반비례관계와 보상논리는 같은 개념이라고 생각하는 경향이 강했고, 보존논리가 잘 발달되지 않는 학생들은 보상논리 형성과정에서 평형을 유지하려는 힘은 보존된다는 생각과 두 변인의 관계를 연관지어 생각하지 못하였다. 보상논리 형성에 성공한 학생들은 다른 학생들에 비해서 보존개념 형성정도가 높았다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the problem-solving process of student's compensation con-cept.For this purpose, verbal interactions during activities were audio-taped, transcribed, and analyzed. And classroom observation and interview with students were carried out. Students who were superior in mathematical operations tended to explain compensation concept using proportionality. On the other hand, students who had low level of conservation concept can not connect 'relation of two variables' with 'conservation of equilibrium' at the formation process of com-pensation concept. Students who succeed in the formation of compensation concept showed high level of conservation concept. To promote the formation of compensation concept, it is necessary that how to develop proportional concept and conservation concept as closely related with compensation concept should be studied.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 시조 문맥에서 경화사족의 위치

        남정희 국문학회 2010 국문학연구 Vol.0 No.21

        In this study, the author led the discussion with the object of exploring the position of Kyunghwa-Sajok-rich noble families living in Seoul- in the context of sijo history during the 18th century. For an vivid understanding of spaces for Kyunghwa-Sajok to enjoy sijos, this study attempted to explain the introduction of new music for sijo singing and the character of enjoyment gathering. During this period, sakdaeyeop appeared as vocal music for singing sijos. Although jungdaeyeop, which had been sung since the 17th century, and sakdaeyeop coexisted, sakdaeyeop became dominant over time. As this music was high‐toned and fast, it was far from chidojieum-the music for cultivating people's mind and harmonizing the law of nature- of traditional music for literati. There was a conflict over the introduction of sakdaeyeop inside the class enjoying sijos, but as many of Kyunghwa-Sajok and singers enjoyed geumjo sakdaeyeop, sijo singing made progress. Kyunghwa-Sajok enjoyed sijos(songs) actively as art lovers, performance sponsors, and patrons. While the former were appreciators with high‐level musical sense and created the culture of enjoying songs among colleague literati, the latter associated with singers actively and led larger scale performances. In the course of enjoyment, Kyunghwa-Sajok played the role of the base for creating and communicating works in the spaces for enjoying sijos, and contributed to the spread of songs and the culture in Seoul.

      • KCI등재

        전기저항식 변형률 게이지를 이용한 콘크리트의 열팽창계수 측정법

        남정희,안덕순,김연복 한국도로학회 2013 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.15 No.6

        PURPOSES: The purpose of this study is to provide the method of how to measure the coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete using temperature compensation principle of electrical resistance strain gauge. METHODS : The gauge factor compensation method and thermal output(temperature-induced apparent strain) correction method of selftemperature compensation gauge were investigated. From the literature review, coefficient of thermal expansion measurement method based on the thermal output differential comparison between reference material(invar) and unknown material(concrete) was suggested. RESULTS: Thermal output is caused by two reasons; first the electrical resistivity of the grid conductor is changed by temperature variation and the second contribution is due to the differential thermal expansion between gauge and the test material. Invar was selected as a reference material and it、s coefficient of thermal expansion was measured as 2.12×10-6m/m/℃. by KS M ISO 11359-2. The reliability of the suggested measurement method was evaluated by the thermal output measurement of invar and mild steel. Finally coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete material for pavement was successfully measured as 15.45×10-6m/m/℃. CONCLUSIONS: The coefficient of thermal expansion measurement method using thermal output differential between invar and unknown concrete material was evaluated by theoretical and experimental aspects. Based on the test results, the proposed method is considered to be reasonable to apply for coefficient of thermal expansion measurement.

      • KCI등재

        연속철근콘크리트(CRCP) 종방향 철근의 초기거동 분석

        남정희,전성일 한국도로학회 2014 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.16 No.6

        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to analyse the longitudinal steel strain and stress of continuously reinforced concretepavement(CRCP) with longitudinal and transverse direction at early age using stress dependent strain analysis method. METHODS : To measure the longitudinal steel strain, 9-electrical resistance and self-temperature compensation gauges were installed toCRCP test section (thickness = 250mm, steel ratio = 0.7%) and continuously measured 10min. intervals during 30days. In order to properlyanalyze the steel stress first, temperature compensation process has been conducted. Secondly, measured steel strains were divided into stressdependent strain (elastic strain) and stress independent strain (thermal strain) and then stress dependent strain was applied to stress calculationof longitudinal steels. RESULTS: Steel strains were successfully measured during 30days. To verify the accuracy of temperature compensation process, measuredcoefficient of thermal expansion(COTE,11.46×10-6m/m/℃) of longitudinal steel before paving was compared with that of unrestrained steel. Max. steel stress in the transverse direction shows about 266MPa at 23days after placement. CONCLUSIONS: Steel stresses in the longitudinal and transverse direction have been evaluated. In longitudinal direction, steel stress fromthe crack was rapidly reduced from 183MPa at crack to 18MPa from 600mm apart the crack. From this observation, stress effective length canbe identified as within 600mm apart from the crack. In transverse direction, max. stress point was located near the center of pavement widthand stress level(266MPa) is about 66% of yield stress of steel

      • KCI등재

        노후화된 무근콘크리트줄눈포장(JPCP) 절삭덧씌우기 구간 장기공용성 평가

        남정희,전성일,안지환 한국도로학회 2018 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.20 No.6

        PURPOSES: The purpose of this study is to determine the effective maintenance method for a deteriorated jointed plain concrete pavement by evaluating the long-term performance of the repaired concrete overlay sections. METHODS: Long-term performance evaluation was conducted for the test section at the intersection between SeoPa and IlDong in National Road No. 37. Firstly, the distress conditions of the concrete pavement, which was constructed in December 2003, were evaluated by referring to the existing report. Secondly, the results of pretreatment, material properties, and initial performance evaluation were analyzed for the overlay test conducted in 2011. Finally, a field survey was carried out using visual inspection and nondestructive testing with a FWD in August 2018, and long-term performance evaluation was conducted for about seven years after maintenance. RESULTS: Visual inspection of the old concrete pavement showed severe damage such as joint spalling and asphalt patching. The cores taken from the old concrete had indirect tensile strength of 2.6-3.8 MPa. It is difficult to determine the freeze-thaw resistance because the average amount of air was only 1.6-2.2%, and spacing factor values were over 400㎛ regardless of location. During maintenance, overlay and partial depth repair were performed by applying three types of overlay materials which are typical in Korea. On the material side, high compressive strength (over 40 MPa) and chlorine ion penetration resistance (less than 1,000 coulomb) at 56 days were achieved. In August 2018, seven years after maintenance, visual inspection and nondestructive testing using FWD were conducted for long-term performance evaluation. Regardless of the maintenance materials, surface deficiencies such as spalling and map cracking occurred extensively near the joint. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, if the strength and durability index of aged concrete pavement is low, then it was determined that partial depth repair at the joint is not an effective maintenance alternative. In the case of overlay, the durability of the overlay material is considered the most important factor. In the absence of adequate reinforcement at the joint of the distressed concrete pavement, freeze-thaw damage caused by moisture penetration through the joint and failure of the old concrete are repeated, making it difficult to ensure long-term durability.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 절도 유배가사에 나타난 풍속을 바라보는 두 시선과 그 의미 : 이진유와 이방익의 소작을 중심으로

        남정희 이화어문학회 2021 이화어문논집 Vol.54 No.-

        본고에서는 18세기 사대부인 이진유와 이방익의 가사를 대상으로 작품속에 나타난 풍속을 바라보는 화자의 시선을 고찰하였다. 그 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 두 작자는 남해의 극변이었던 추자도와 신지도에서 유배 생활을 하였고, 그 경험을 바탕으로 이진유는 1727년에 「속사미인곡」을 지었고 이방익은 1783년에 「홍리가」를 창작하였다. 이들은 사대부로서 기존의 왕조 중심의 영토 관념 하에서 유배지 섬을 교화가 이루어지지 않은 땅으로 인식하고 있었다. 그러나 유배의 시간이 흐르면서, 두 작자가 가진 섬의 백성과 풍속을 바라보는 시선은 서로 달라졌다. 이진유는 전통적인 사대부의 관점으로 변방인 절도를 중앙과는 대립되는 곳으로 파악했다. 반면에 이방익은 이러한 관점을 유지하면서도 절도의 상황을 독자적 현실에서 파악하는 태도를 보여준다. 이방익은 이들에게 생존을 의탁할 수밖에 없는 현실을 인정했고, 결과적으로 신지도의 풍속과 사람은 그것만의 독자성을 지닌 채 작품 속에 그려졌다. 이러한 시선은 경계인이었던 이들의 처지와 관련되어 있다고 보았다. 이들은 본국에서 배제되어서 유배지로 왔지만, 본국에도 갈 수 없고 변방의 유배지에도 완전히 동화되지 못했다. 이 상황에서 이진유는 유배사회로부터 분리되었다면, 이방익은 유배사회와의 공존을 선택한 것이다. 후자의 유배가사 속에서 주관의 정서에만 매몰되지 않고 절도 주민들의 삶에 공감하는 사회적인 시선을 보여 주었다. 그리고 이것은 사대부 유배가사 내부에서의 변화를 보여 주는 의미 있는 국면이라고 볼 수 있었다. This study examined the speaker's gaze looking at the custom appearing in the works of Lee Jin-yu and Lee Bang-ik's Gasa who were Sadaebu (persons of good ancestry and noble family) in the 18th century. The two authors lived an exile life in Chuja-island and Shinji-island, which were very remote areas of the South Sea, and based on that experience, Lee Jin-yu wrote <Sok-samiingok> in 1727, and Lee Bang-ik created <Hongriga> in 1783. As Sadaebu, they recognized the exile place island as a land that had not been reformed under the existing dynasty-centered territorial conception. However, as the time of exile passed, the two authors’ gaze at the island people and the custom became different from each other. Lee Jin-yu viewed the separated-island, an outskirt, as opposed to the center, from the traditional Sadaebu perspective. On the other hand, Lee Bang-ik maintained this point of view and showed the attitude of grasping the situation of separated-island as an independent reality. Lee Bang ik acknowledged the reality of relying on them to survive, and as a result, Shinji-island's custom and people are depicted in the work with their own uniqueness. This gaze was considered to be related to the situation of those who were on the borderline. They were excluded from their home country and came to an exile place, but they could not go back to their home country and were not fully assimilated into the exile place in the outskirts. In this situation, if Lee Jin-yu was separated from the exile society, Lee Bang-ik chose to coexist with the exile society. In the exile Gasa of the latter author, he showed a social gaze that empathizes with the lives of separated-island residents, rather than being immersed in subjective emotions. And it could be seen as a meaningful phase showing the change within Sadaebu exile Gasa.

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