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        Robotic single-port transumbilical total hysterectomy: a pilot study

        남은지,김상운,이마리아,임가원,백지흠,이산희,김성훈,김재훈,김재욱,김영태 대한부인종양학회 2011 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.22 No.2

        Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of robotic single-port transumbilical total hysterectomy using a home-made surgical glove port system. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients who underwent robotic single-port transumbilical total hysterectomy between January 2010 and July 2010. All surgical procedures were performed through a single 3-4-cm umbilical incision, with a multi-channel system consisting of a wound retractor, a surgical glove, and two 10/12-mm and two 8 mm trocars. Results: Seven patients were treated with robotic single-port transumbilical total hysterectomy. Procedures included total hysterectomy due to benign gynecological disease (n=5), extra-fascial hysterectomy due to carcinoma in situ of the cervix (n=1), and radical hysterectomy due to cervical cancer IB1 (n=1). The median total operative time was 109 minutes (range, 105 to 311 minutes), the median blood loss was 100 mL (range, 10 to 750 mL), and the median weight of the resected uteri was 200 g (range, 40 to 310 g). One benign case was converted to 3-port robotic surgery due to severe pelvic adhesions, and no post-operative complications occurred. Conclusion: Robotic single-port transumbilical total hysterectomy is technically feasible in selected patients with gynecological disease. Robotics may enhance surgical skills during single-port transumbilical hysterectomy, especially in patients with gynecologic cancers. Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of robotic single-port transumbilical total hysterectomy using a home-made surgical glove port system. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients who underwent robotic single-port transumbilical total hysterectomy between January 2010 and July 2010. All surgical procedures were performed through a single 3-4-cm umbilical incision, with a multi-channel system consisting of a wound retractor, a surgical glove, and two 10/12-mm and two 8 mm trocars. Results: Seven patients were treated with robotic single-port transumbilical total hysterectomy. Procedures included total hysterectomy due to benign gynecological disease (n=5), extra-fascial hysterectomy due to carcinoma in situ of the cervix (n=1), and radical hysterectomy due to cervical cancer IB1 (n=1). The median total operative time was 109 minutes (range, 105 to 311 minutes), the median blood loss was 100 mL (range, 10 to 750 mL), and the median weight of the resected uteri was 200 g (range, 40 to 310 g). One benign case was converted to 3-port robotic surgery due to severe pelvic adhesions, and no post-operative complications occurred. Conclusion: Robotic single-port transumbilical total hysterectomy is technically feasible in selected patients with gynecological disease. Robotics may enhance surgical skills during single-port transumbilical hysterectomy, especially in patients with gynecologic cancers.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교에서 중학교로의 전환 동안 체육교과 태도에영향을 미치는 요인

        남은지,노현호,이안수 한국초등체육학회 2013 한국초등체육학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 초등학교에서 중학교로 전환되는 과정에서 학생들의 체육교과 태도에 어떤 요인들이 영향을 주고 있는 지 알아보는 것이다. 연구 참여자들은 D광역시의 B구의 초등학교 6학년 10명(남:5, 여:6), 중학교 1학년 10명(남:5, 여:5)으로 선정하였다. 연구 참여자들은 체육수업에 직접 참여하고 있는 학생들로 체육교과에 대한 태도가 분명하고 언어 소통에 문제가 없는 학생들을 대상으로 무작위로 선정하였다. 자료수집은 반구조적 면담과 비구조적 심층면담을 통해 이루어졌고, 수집된 자료는 3단계 텍스트 분석으로 자료 분석을 실시하였다. 면담 내용의 텍스트 분석을 통한 연구 결과, 체육교과 태도와 관련된 요인은 개인적, 사회적, 조직적 요인으로 구성되었다. 개인적 차원으로는 역량, 즐거움과 재미, 체육시간마다 체육복을 갈아입어야 하는 번거로움이 있었고, 사회적 차원으로는 신체적 변화에 따른 영향과 교사의 비수용적인 태도로 나타났으며, 조직적 차원으로는 수행평가 위주의 수업방식, 불충분한 학습시간이 있었다. 이는 대부분 체육교과에 대한 부정적인 태도라고 할 수 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 전환기 학생들의 체육교과 참여를 위한 교육과정수립 및 교수학습방법을 개발하는 데 도움이 될 것이라 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교에서 중학교로의 전환에 따른 체육에 대한 태도

        남은지,이안수 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2013 교과교육학연구 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine students' attitude toward physical education in relation to the transition from elementary to middle school. The subjects consisted of total 1,225 students(male: 659, female: 566) including 663(male: 344, female: 319) students in the 6th grade from 4 elementary schools and 562 students(male: 315, female: 247) in the 7th grade from 2 middle schools located in D city. The survey instruments were based on 15 questions including 2 on personal characteristics, 11 on attitude towards physical education, and 2 on transition. For the collection of data, full explanation about the purpose of the study was given to the sampling targets after obtaining the consent of the teacher in charge of physical education. For the collected data, the content analysis was conducted using open questionnaire and frequency and percentage analysis, two-way ANOVA, and correlation analysis were conducted with SPSS 20.0. The results were as follows. First, students appeared to develop negative attitude toward physical education while undergoing transition based on the feeling towards physical education, beliefs about ability, favourite parts of physical education, ideal changes to physical education, beliefs about outcomes, beliefs about transition, and actual changes following the transition that middle school students perceive. Second, male students appeared to have more favorable feeling towards physical education than female students considering the effect of school level and sex on the attitude toward physical education and elementary school students appeared to feel more favorable toward physical education than middle school students considering the school level. Based on these results, the curriculum and teaching methods enhancing physical education participation need to be developed for students during the transition period. 본 연구는 초등학교에서 중학교로의 전환에 따른 체육에 대한 학생들의 태도를 알아보는 것이 목적이다. 연구대상은 D광역시 B구에 소재한 4개 초등학교 6학년 학생 663명(남: 344, 여: 319)과, 동일 학군의 2개 중학교에 재학 중인 1학년 학생 562명(남: 315, 여: 247)으로, 총 1225명(남: 659, 여: 566)으로 구성하였다. 측정도구는 개인적 특성 2문항, 체육에 대한 태도 11문항, 전환 2문항을 포함하여 총 15문항으로 설문지를 구성하였다. 자료수집은 각 학교의 체육담당 선생님께 동의를 구한 후 사전에 조사 지침에 대해 표집 대상자에게 연구의 목적을 충분히 설명하고 설문조사를 실시하였다. 자료분석은 개방형질문지를 통한 내용분석과 SPSS 20.0을 이용하여 빈도와 백분율, 이원변량분석, 상관분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 체육에 대한 태도는 전환에 대한 기대 및 지각의 차이를 통해 초등학교에서 중학교로 전환 시기 과정 동안 학생들이 부정적 태도가 형성되는 것을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 학교급과 성별이 체육에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향으로, 성별에서는 남학생이 여학생보다 더욱 긍정적인 태도를 지닌 것으로 나타났고, 또한 학교급에서는 초등학교가 중학교보다 더 긍정적인 태도를 지닌 것으로 나타났다. 이런 결과는 전환기 학생들의 체육 참여를 높이기 위한 교육과정 수립과 교수학습방법 개발에 활용할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 거주 노인의 연명의료 의향 및연명의료 의향 미결정 노인의 특성

        남은지 한국사회복지실천연구학회 2022 미래사회복지연구 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 지역사회 거주 노인의 연명의료 의향 유형을 알아보고, 연명의료 의향을 아직 결정하지 못한 노인의 특성을 살펴보는 것이다. 이를 위해 2018년 서울시 노인실태조사에 참여한 만 65세 이상 노인 3,034명의 연명의료 의향을 분석하였으며, 연명의료 의향과 인구사회학적요인, 건강 관련 요인, 죽음 및 고독사 관련 요인, 삶의 만족도 및 사회적 지지와의 관련성을 다항 로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용하여 살펴보았다. 연구결과, 연명의료 중단을 지지하는 노인은 68.5%, 연명의료 지속을 지지하는 노인이 3.2%로 나타났으며, 잘 모르겠다 및 생각해본 적 없다 16.5%, 자식들이 결정할 문제이다 11.8%로, 상당수의 노인이 연명의료에 대한 의향을 아직 확실히 정하지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 연명의료 의향 미결정에 연령, 생활 수준, 주관적 건강상태, 만성질환, 우울, 죽음준비 여부, 고독사 가능성, 자녀와의 관계 만족도, 친구⋅지인⋅친인척과의 관계 만족도, 사회⋅여가⋅문화 활동 만족도, 주거상태 만족도 및 기능적 지지가 관계가 있었다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 연명의료결정제도의 정착과 확산을 위한 함의를 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Endometrial Stromal Sarcomas: A Retrospective Analysis of 28 Patients, Single Center Experience for 20 Years

        남은지,김재훈,이대우,Si Young Jang,Jong Wook Hong,김영태,김성훈,김상운 대한암학회 2008 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.40 No.1

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of endometrial stromal sarcomas (ESSs) in relation to their clinical and pathogenic features, and to determine the optimal treatment strategy. Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed involving 28 patients with histologic-proven ESSs treated at our institution between 1987 and 2006. Results: The median follow-up was 54.7±63.1 months and the 5-year survival rate was 82.0%. Twenty-two (81.5%) and 5 patients (18.5%) had low- and high-grade disease, respectively. Univariate analysis revealed that the histologic grades, based on mitotic count, were associated with longer survival (p=0.004). However, among those patients with low-grade tumors, 5/20 patients (25%) had a recurrence and 2/21 patients (9.5%) had distant metastasis during the follow-up period. With the exception of 2 patients, 26 patients with ESSs underwent hysterectomy as primary treatment. Adjuvant treatment after surgery was administered to 14/26 patients (53.8%). Hormone therapy with progesterone, chemotherapy, and/or radiotherapy did not influence overall survival. However, the postoperative adjuvant therapy group, regardless of the treatment modality, was associated with relatively increased overall survival when compared to the surgery only group (p=0.054). Conclusion: The preoperative differential diagnosis of ESSs from other benign gynecologic diseases is often difficult. We recommend adjuvant therapy be administered after hysterectomy in patients with ESS to prevent recurrence or distant metastasis. (Cancer Res Treat. 2008;40:6-10)

      • GO-01 : Pancreatic adenocarcinoma up-regulated factor (PAUF) expression in ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma associated with a poor prognosis

        남은지,김상겸,송시영,조남훈,임가원,조한별,김상운,김성훈,김재훈,김영태 대한산부인과학회 2014 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.100 No.-

        목적: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma up-regulated factor (PAUF) expression has been suggested to be elevated in ovarian tumor as well as pancreatic adenocarcinoma. However, PAUF expression status in ovarian tumor according to its histologic subtypes and grades has not been investigated. 방법: In this study, we examined various clinicopathological features of 24 cases of mucinous cystadenoma (MCA), 36 cases of patients with mucinous borderline tumors (MBTs), and 46 cases of mucinous adenocarcinomas (MACs) according to PAUF expression status measured by immunohistochemistry. 결과: We could find that MAC more frequently demonstrated PAUF positivity rather than MCA and MBT (p<0.0001). Although there was no significant difference of other clinicopathologic characteristics in MACs according to PAUF expression status, there was a tendency that patients with PAUF-weakly positive and PAUF-strongly positive MACs had an inferior overall survival (OS) (p=0.1885) when we compared survival rate of MAC patients according to PAUF expression status using Kaplan-Meier survival curve. When we adjusted various clinicopathologic parameters, PAUF positivity of MACs affected a poor disease-free survival (DFS) (negative vs. weakly positive: p=0.045, Hazard ratio 57.406, 95% CI: 1.090 ? 3022.596 and negative vs. strongly positive: p= 0.034, Hazard ratio 97.890, 95% CI: 1.412 ? 6785.925). 결론: In conclusion, PAUF expression in ovarian mucinous tumor was most frequently identified in MAC with comparison of its benign and borderline counterpart tumors, and it affected poor OS and DFS in MAC patients. Therefore, we suggest that PAUF may be a practical biomarker for histopathological categorization and a prognostic marker in ovarian mucinous tumor.

      • KCI등재후보

        Expression of the p16INK4a and Ki-67 in relation to the grade of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and high-risk human papillomavirus infection

        남은지,김재욱,홍종욱,장형선,이상엽,장시영,이대우,김상운,김재훈,김영태,김성훈,김종욱 대한부인종양학회 2008 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.19 No.3

        Objective: The purposes of this study were to evaluate the expression of p16INK4a (referred as to p16) and Ki-67 in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), and the correlation between high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the above biomarkers. Methods: We analyzed 31 patients who were diagnosed with CIN at Kwandong University Myongji Hospital from October 2006 to September 2007. CIN specimens (CIN1, 12; CIN2, 6; CIN3, 13) were obtained by colposcopydirected biopsy (CDB) or loop electrical excision procedure (LEEP). The expressions of p16 and Ki-67 were evaluated by immunohistochemical methods with antibodies to p16 and Ki67. The immunohistochemical staining results were classified into four grades: 0, 1, 2 and 3. HPV genotyping or Hybrid Capture-II test was used to detect high-risk HPV. Results: The expression of p16 (p<0.001) and Ki-67 (p=0.003) were positively associated with CIN grade. p16 expressions increased significantly with high-risk HPV infection (p=0.014), especially HPV type 16 and 58. Ki-67 expression was not related with high-risk HPV. There was positive correlation between the expression of the p16 and Ki-67 (p=0.007). Conclusion: CIN grade were positively related to the expression of p16 and Ki-67. p16 expressions of high-risk HPV specimens significantly increased more than Ki-67. Therefore, in the diagnosis of CIN and high-risk HPV infection, p16 can be a useful biomarker. Objective: The purposes of this study were to evaluate the expression of p16INK4a (referred as to p16) and Ki-67 in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), and the correlation between high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the above biomarkers. Methods: We analyzed 31 patients who were diagnosed with CIN at Kwandong University Myongji Hospital from October 2006 to September 2007. CIN specimens (CIN1, 12; CIN2, 6; CIN3, 13) were obtained by colposcopydirected biopsy (CDB) or loop electrical excision procedure (LEEP). The expressions of p16 and Ki-67 were evaluated by immunohistochemical methods with antibodies to p16 and Ki67. The immunohistochemical staining results were classified into four grades: 0, 1, 2 and 3. HPV genotyping or Hybrid Capture-II test was used to detect high-risk HPV. Results: The expression of p16 (p<0.001) and Ki-67 (p=0.003) were positively associated with CIN grade. p16 expressions increased significantly with high-risk HPV infection (p=0.014), especially HPV type 16 and 58. Ki-67 expression was not related with high-risk HPV. There was positive correlation between the expression of the p16 and Ki-67 (p=0.007). Conclusion: CIN grade were positively related to the expression of p16 and Ki-67. p16 expressions of high-risk HPV specimens significantly increased more than Ki-67. Therefore, in the diagnosis of CIN and high-risk HPV infection, p16 can be a useful biomarker.

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