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        박남수 시의 디아스포라적 특성 고찰

        남기택(Nam, Gi-taek) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2014 인문학논총 Vol.34 No.-

        본고는 미주지역 재미한인문학을 한민족 디아스포라문학의 한 형태로 간주하여 접근하였다. 디아스포라문학에 대해서는 다양한 범주 설정이 가능하다. 오늘날 디아스포라의 양상 자체가 폭넓게 확산되고 있는바 미주지역 이민과 그 문화적 부산물인 재미한인문학 역시 넓은 의미에서 한민족 디아스포라의 형태로 보는 것이 타당하다. 박남수는 이주 이후에도 변함없이 생의 본질을 묻는 실존적 탐구를 지속하였다. 그 과정에서 디아스포라문학으로서의 가능성 역시 보여주었다. 재미한인문단의 실정과 그에 관계되는 박남수의 문학적 이력 자체는 박남수 시를 미주지역 디아스포라문학으로 읽는 데 있어 필수적인 전제가 된다. 이주 이후 박남수 시세계에는 인종과 공간의 다양한 경계 양상이 서로 충돌하고 있다. 이러한 다각도의 인종과 공간 지평은 결과적으로 한민족 디아스포라의 운명과 유비되면서 특유의 문학적 지평을 형성하게 된다. 무엇보다 디아스포라적 사건과 장소의 형상화 양상은 한민족 디아스포라문학의 관점에서 주요하게 조명되어야 한다. 박남수 시는 한민족 디아스포라와 이주민으로서의 정체성이 여전히 구성적인 것이라는 점을 반증하고 있다. 또한 박남수 시는 재미한인문학이 전유해야 할 문학적 주제나 정체된 문학장 메커니즘의 활성화 방안을 제공한다. 재미한인문학 연구는 국문학 연구에 있어서 중요한 시의적 의미를 지닌다. 재미한인문학장은 민족국가 단위로 설정되었던 한국문학의 외연을 확장하고, 민족공동체에 대한 탈근대적 사유를 가능케 하는 물리적 기제일 수 있다. 이처럼 박남수 시는 시인의 삶으로부터 시적 주제에 이르기까지 미주지역 디아스포라문학을 대표하는 실정적 의미를 지닌다. This paper analyzes the Park Nam-soo’s poetry in the States from the perspective of diaspora. The recent growth in the Korean literature’s publication abroad demands the perspective of diaspora in the States. This paper attempts to explore the various levels of meanings of the Park Nam-soo’s poetry published in light of the Korean diaspora. The topics of Park Nam-soo’s poetry are related to the experience of space and place, the search for the placeness. It is related to the hardship of the immigrant lives and the identity questions too. Sorrow or sadness is a key feature of the immigrant situation in which the experiences in the home countries still continue to influence the immigrants. Park Nam-soo’s poetry are related to the experience of diaspora: the hardship of the immigrant lives, the identity questions, and the search for the ethnicity. Diaspora involves not only the direct territorial immigration to another country, but also the systemic imposition of the alien’s culture. Diasporic event is a key feature of the immigrant situation in which the experiences in the ethnic ommunity still continue to influence the immigrants. Especially, LA Riots of 1992 is the main subject of this paper. Such event inevitably results from diaspora. The Korean-American poetry is characterized by the diasporic meaning of the social attitude. The Korean-American poetic literature involves the systemic imposition of the alien’s field of literature. It is characterized by the complex meaning of the space and place. Its typical examples are the poetic attributes which are the appropriate spirit of the immigrant lives and ethnic identity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        백무산 시 연구

        남기택(Nam Gi-Taek) 한국비평문학회 2007 批評文學 Vol.- No.26

        This article examines the transformational process of Back Mu-sari's poetry. His poems delineate how literature has transformed itself since the 1980s. Their literature solution originating from the 'combative realism' may be an example and his recent attempts made on the basis of traditional ideology and imagination of plant have become the conditions for the 1980s and another kind of marketability. Many have tended to reflect on the bygone era and the entire human history, as if following the fashion, and the future defined by such tendency exists in the world of Back Mu-san's poetry. His poems pursue new ontological roads or a border in-between. The 'border' in his poems creates and removes a border and is in itself a 'road' between borders. What underlies his poems are not only a recognition of human beings and capital, but also that of the limitations inherent in a modern life and the attempts to overcome such limitations. It thus appears that his 'road' points both to a political action and the location where the interior world makes itself explicit. His reflection on language can also be seen to represent a resistance on the parr of lyric poetry against the rising power of discourse. The lyricism reflected in his poems shows a variety of experimental attempts to negate ideology and power through language and nature. A more serious reflection on Baek Mu-san's poems may be closely associated with the poet's new life. His life course in which he sublated himself can be regarded as a distinctive mark left in the history of Korean poetry since the 1990s. Such a committed poetic attitude has in it a authenticity which parallels any theoretical pursuits made in the field of literary discourse. The limitations of his poems, however, can also be found in the same context. His poems may leaves theories behind, but the possibility of repetition and stagnation remains.

      • KCI등재후보

        신동엽 시의 '지역'과 '저항'

        남기택(Nam Ki-taek) 한국비평문학회 2004 批評文學 Vol.- No.18

        The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the meaning of region and resistance in Shin Dong-yeap's poems. Shin faced poetically his modern surroundings. Therefore, he can be referred to as problematic objects who shared converging and diverging points in looking into and understanding the problems of the modernity reflected in poetry. This paper tries to apply the postcolonialism in broad sense to bis poetic works based on the efforts to resist colonization in various lights.<br/> Colonialism involves not only the direct territorial occupation of another country and the ruthless exploitation of its resources, but also the systemic imposition of the colonizer's culture. If postcolonialism can be defined as an effort to overcome the continuing influence of colonialism, region and resistance is an important element the postcolonial project should handle. Shin's poems tries to show how the colonized and resistance can undermine the colonial hierarchy based on the neo-colonial power.<br/> Shin's view of poetry is characterized by regional attitude and national resistance. The meaning of region and resistance can be called the spirit of postcolonial theory, and Shin's poems are the typical showcase of it. The good examples are poetic attributes as the spirit of the undetermined native place. And his resistance based on the nationalism is a symbol of anti-imperialism. The simple formality deriving from Shin's nationalism is sometimes accompanied by the lack of aesthetic realms. Nonetheless, his spirit and works prove our neo-colonial surroundings and the typical pattern of living in unreasonable modern times by performing effects.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        윤곤강 시의 장소성 고찰

        남기택(Nam Gi taek) 어문연구학회 2016 어문연구 Vol.90 No.-

        현 단계 지역문학 담론은 작가의 지연을 넘어 텍스트의 장소성 등을 이론적으로 구명함으로써 ‘지역문학’ 범주의 실질적 가능성을 모색하고 있다. 작가의 실존적 공간이자 문학적 세계관이 형성되는 배경으로서 삶의 장소는 윤곤강 시세계에도 직간접적인 영향을 미쳤다. 계급성이 부각되는 전기 시집이나 전통의식에 주목하는 후기 시집에 걸쳐 고향에 관련된 시편들이 발견되는 것이 유력한 단서일 수 있다. 그 밖에도 다양한 길의 형상 또한 윤곤강 시세계의 주요 모티프로 실재하고 있다. 따라서 윤곤강 시세계가 한국문학이자 지역문학으로서 함의하고 있는 장소성의 양상은 무엇인지를 밝히는 것이 중요한 과제라 하겠다. 이 글은 윤곤강 시의 미학적 성취에 대한 종합적이고 학술적인 판단을 전제로, 윤곤강 시의 지역문학적 양상에 대해서 심층 분석을 시도하였다. 윤곤강 시의 장소성은 고향으로 수렴되는 일련의 과정을 거친다. 윤곤강 시의 장소는 서경적 묘사의 대상인 구체적 공간이면서 다양한 길의 상상력을 구조화하는 기제로 전유되고 있다. 길이라는 장소는 감각적 형상화의 대상이자 시인의 삶과 문학적 도리를 강제하는 수단으로 변주된다. 또한 길은 의고 취향의 미학적 태도에 대한 구상태라는 의미를 지닌다. 길의 중층성과 의고 취향은 다양한 고향의 형상으로 이어진다. 고향은 부재의 공간이면서 궁극적 지향의 장소이다. 윤곤강의 장소 소재 시편들은 오늘날 로컬리티를 재구하는 데 있어서도 하나의 시사적 의미를 부여한다. 향수의 전유 양상 역시 다층적이다. 윤곤강 시에 있어서 향수는 비애라는 통상적 감정을 환기하는 동시에 상상력의 동인이자 근대적 인식소라 할 수 있다. 또한 향수는 메타시 형태를 통해 자아의 내면을 표현하는 기제이기도 하다. 이때 고향은 내면이 물화된 객관적 상관물로 기능한다. 윤곤강 시의 로컬리티는 이처럼 중층성과 탈장소성을 포함하는 미학적 범주를 통해 전유되어야 할 것이다. Yun Gon-kang has written his poems through the reflection on placeness. This paper tries to apply the locality in broad sense to his poetic works based on the efforts to resist colonial space in various lights. His poems carry locality: they demonstrate the fact that literature mirrors human lives and places. They also seek for the aesthetic values and the meaning of road through the spatial images, which are revealed in his view of literature. The locality is especially significant as the road is a key passage between Yun Gon-kang’s poems. His poems show the various levels of the consciousness of the hometown. The hometown in his poems has the variation. This space, which is the place of his literary life and activities, forms the web of the essential meanings of his poetry. The homesickness repetitively appear as the representative spatial images. The effects of homesickness could be compared to a structured imagination. Yun Gon-kang’s view of poetry is characterized by regional attitude. However he has never sincerely acknowledged its past wrong culture. The meaning of region can be called the spirit of placeness, and Yun’s poems are the typical showcase of it. The good examples are poetic attributes as the spirit of the hometown. And his sense of hometown based on the past is a symbol of placeness. The simple formality deriving from Ynu’s lyricism is sometimes accompanied by the lack of aesthetic realms. Nonetheless, Yun Gon-kang’s spirit and works prove our surroundings and the typical pattern of the field of regional literature.

      • KCI우수등재

        가금 (家禽) 에서의 루핀 ( Lupinus Angustifolius ) 단백질의 생물학적 이용과 사료의 에너지 이용

        남기택(K . T . Nam),고태송(T . S . Koh) 한국축산학회 1991 한국축산학회지 Vol.33 No.6

        In order to investigate an utilizability of a white sweet lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) seed. day-old single comb White Leghorn male chicks were fed on a commercial chick mash for the first 10 days and on a protein-free diet for the next 6 days, and then on the protein-free diet and diets containing the graded levels (10. 20 and 30%) of the lupin seed meal(LSM) for the subsequent 6 days of experimental feeding. Biological utilization of the LSM protein and energy utilization of diets were determined. and the heat production(HP) was measured by the comparative Slaughter studies. The protein intake was increased and net protein ratio(NPR) was lowered as the LSM contents of diets increased. But diet consumption. weight gain and protein efficiency ratio(PER) of birds fed LSM 20% diet were higher than those fed LSM 30% diet. True digestibility and biological value of the protein and net protein utilization of birds fed LSM 20% diet were found an increasing tendency compared with those of 30% diet. MEn and metabolizability(MEn/GE) of diets, and HP/MEn were lowered gradually as the LSM contents of diets increased while HP of birds fed LSM 30% diet was lower than those of birds fed LSM 10 and 20% diet. The result indicated that lupin seed containal antinutritional substances which affect diet consumption. biological value of protein and energy metabolism of chicks.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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