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      • KCI등재

        예금주가 사망한 경우 상속예금에 대한 법률관계-공동상속인 1인이 자기 법정상속지분만큼 단독청구할 수 있는지 여부-

        김현선 한국금융법학회 2012 金融法硏究 Vol.9 No.2

        Currently, financial institution requires entire identifiable heirs should be made a claim about the deposit bequeathed when account holder died in case one of coheirs seeks a payment. At this time the financial institution's general practice is not accept the single claim without payment consent from other coheirs. There is a question whether this kind of reject the payment claim by the putting one coheir's. Because savings deposit will be succeeded separately by the share to heirs at the time bequeath started and each heirs is expects that they can be succeeded their share amount individually others with its own share. The transfer of the rights and obligation by the inheritance succeeded to the heirs at the same time the death of the predecessor and decided by the division of the estate of inheritance. However, the issue arises when the estate is not divided. To solve this issue, someone have nothing to do but set the reversion of the inheritance estate until the estate is divided from the commencement of inheritance. Korean Civil Code provided that the predecessor's rights and obligation shall be succeeded by the heritance share of the heirs (Civil Code Art. 1007), the estate must be subject to the common to the heirs until division (Civil Code Art. 1006). In addition, divisible claim within the joint estate inheritance, especially in the case of monetary claim, there is big difference between the theory of tenancy and common share regarding how the estate shall be reversed, and the academic perspectives also conflicts within the former dogma. Moreover, court holding is inconsistent in its ruling and judgment. Consequently, in this article I proposed how the financial institutions may escape their liability of default on the obligation of the return the deposit (estate inheritance) when the deposit bequeathed to coheirs while account holder died and one of coheirs seek a payment with statutory inheritance share.

      • KCI등재

        칸트에서 통각원칙의 분석성과 종합성

        김현선 서강대학교 철학연구소 2012 철학논집 Vol.29 No.-

        논문은 순수이성비판 범주의 초월적 연역에서 그 논증의 열쇠로 간주되 는 ‘초월적 통각의 통일원칙’을 다룬다. 특별히 재판 연역 내에서 통각원칙의 논리 적 측면에 주목하는 해석적 접근을 선택하고 있다. 나는 재판 연역 내에서 통각원 칙은 분석명제로 독해되어야 한다는 것을 주장한다. 그리고 이는 통각원칙이 연역 논증 전체의 전제임을 함축한다. 나는 이러한 해석이 첫째, 칸트 자신의 말을 왜곡 시키지 않으면서, 둘째, 재판 연역을 그것의 목적과 관련하여 유의미하게 독해할 수 있도록 하며, 셋째, 비판 내에서 통각 논의와 밀접히 관련된 오류추리론 텍스 트와의 정합적 독해를 제공한다는 점을 주장한다. 재판 연역에서 통각원칙은 다음 과 같이 진술될 수 있다. ‘논변적 지성의 사고활동은, 표상들의 하나의 종합적 통 일, 즉 하나의 단일한 복합적 사고를 이루는 모든 표상들 각각이 하나의 단일한 주 관에 귀속 가능할 수 있는 그런 방식으로 결합되어야 함을 요구한다.’ 이 규범적 진술은 재판 연역과 오류추리론에서의 칸트 자신의 말처럼 논변적(diskursiv) 지성 혹은 논변적 사고를 주어 개념으로 하여 그에 대한 분석으로부터 풍부한 의미의 술어 개념들이 따라 나오는 분석명제이다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 코뿔소 서식지역 축소와 멸종

        김현선 동아시아고대학회 2022 동아시아고대학 Vol.- No.68

        During the historical period, rhinoceroses were widely inhabiting across China, particularly, in central and southeastern China until 1880. However, in the mid-20th century, they completely disappeared from China. This study aims to explore the historical process of geographical change in rhino’s habitats and distributions in China. Furthermore, to explore the causes of rhinos' extinction in China, ranging from human atrocities and environmental changes. Studies of this kind, which are currently attracting attention from areas of environmental history, ecological history, and animal geography, could provide useful information for a more efficient management and protection of endangered animals and plants as well as rhinos.

      • KCI등재

        명말(明末) 양호(兩湖)지역 기후변동과 역병(疫病)

        金賢善 중국사학회 2021 中國史硏究 Vol.- No.130

        2019年12月, 湖北省武漢市發生a新型冠狀病毒肺炎, 中國當局事後緊急封鎖a病毒發源地湖北省武漢市. 但是, 新型冠狀病毒肺炎越過亞洲擴散到美國和歐洲, 感染者和死亡者正在迅速增加. 從這個角度來看, 考察湖北地區的傳染病歷史具有十分重要的意義. 因此本文對明代兩湖地區的疫病進行a調查, 並分析a時間和空間分布. 然後以自然災害為中心, 追蹤疫病流行的原因. 並探討a明末寒冷幹燥的氣候對疫病產生的影響. 明代兩湖地區疫病十分頻繁. 明代兩湖疫病的時間分布狀況與趨勢呈現出範圍廣、影響大的特點, 主要集中在1450、1580、1640. 1580年代、1640年代, 疫病主要是由於連續多年的旱災導致的. 壹遇旱災, 米麥不收, 引發饑荒, 災民難以維持生計, 四處覓食, 以草根、野菜、樹皮、樹葉勉強維持生命, 甚至出現“人相食”、“死者枕籍”的悲慘現狀. 旱災對疫病的影響作用主要是間接性的, 即通過造成“饑荒”和降低人口免疫力使得疫災更容易發生. 災民營養不良、體質羸弱、抵抗疾病能力下降, 這種情況下, 特別容易感染病毒這樣的寄生物, 可能有時會削弱人們的體力和忍耐力, 當嚴重的傷害Ⅳ災難擾亂a宿體的生理平衡時, 輕微的感染也可能引發致命的並發癥. 當時兩湖地區旱災之嚴重及疫病由旱災導致不僅僅是兩湖地區的特點. 發生全省性和大範圍的旱災, 其範圍之廣、程度之嚴重是觸目驚心的. 明萬歷十六年至十八年(1588~1590), 江淮流域發生特大旱災, 並伴生有大範圍的疫病和蝗災, 以吳、滬、浙、皖、贛、湘、鄂等七省(市)最為嚴重. 崇禎元年至崇禎十四年(1628~1641)之間, 中國西北、華北、華中、華東16個省發生特大旱災, 這是近500年來持續時間最長、範圍最廣、災情最重的壹次旱災. 此次旱災造成a“赤地千裏, 江河斷流, 井泉涸竭, 禾苗幹枯, 顆粒無收”的慘狀. 可以看出旱災與蝗災導致a嚴重的疫病. 這是因為, 明末處於“小冰期”的寒冷時段. 地球表面的平均溫度每下降3℃的話, 大氣中的水分便會減少約20%, 進而導致嚴重旱災, 明代長期寒冷的氣候對降水產生a重要的影響, 致使旱澇災害分布呈現出明顯的不平衡性, 進而引發連鎖反應, 也引起其他災害的頻繁發生. 明末兩湖地區在“小冰期”影響下, 氣候變寒冷幹燥, 旱災頻發, 從而發生嚴重疫病. 另外, 還試圖通過調查中國發生的疫病, 揭開在兩湖地區流行的疫病病種. 1640年代鼠疫(bubonic plague)猖獗於華北地區, 隨後擴散至河北、河南、山東, 甚至江南地區. 根據疫病死亡率及疫死對象、鼠群的移動及死亡、氣候與鼠蚤關系、李自成與張獻忠起義的移動徑D等來推斷, 在兩湖平丘地區流行的疫災很有可能是鼠疫. 最後本文探討a小冰期氣候對鼠疫流行的影響. 氣候變化及生態環境變化不僅影響宿主的感受, 而對媒介的生長和繁殖也非常重要. 明末寒冷幹燥的氣候誘發嚙齒類動物的移動Ⅳ為鼠蚤的產卵和繁殖提供a適宜的環境, 促進a鼠疫的流行.

      • KCI등재

        재일 밀집지역과 축제, 아이덴티티: 오사카 ‘통일마당 이쿠노’를 중심으로

        김현선 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2011 국제지역연구 Vol.20 No.1

        This This paper analyzes the adaptation strategy and the collective identities of the Zainichi through a field study of a maturi, a Japanese cultural festival. More specifically, it analyzes the ‘Tongil Madang’, a Korean national festival held at Ikuno, Osaka, which is the largest Zainichi residential area in Japan. The analysis was two-fold. I first focused on the Madang’s internal and external aspects. I also looked into the relationship between the Madang and the local community. The research found that the Madang has undergone two fundamental transformations. First, while the past Madangs have been reproductions of national cultures which were confrontational and isolationist, the new Madangs reflect a mixture of national and transnational characteristics. In essence, it has changed into a transnational, national culture. The way the Zainichi practice their culture has diversified to show inclusiveness and openness. Second, the Madang culture shows that the formerly negative image of Ikuno as a Korean ghetto has been altered. Now they are part of the minority subset’s culture in mainstream Japan. Thus, the Madang has become a venue where the past stigma of the Zainichi has been overturned to reconstruct a new second identity for the Zainichi. To conclude, the present national culture of Zainichi is now no longer a stigma but a positive factor which has produced a new national culture and a new identity. 이 논문은 재일의 차이의 적응전략 및 집합적 아이덴티티의 문제를 문화(축제)를 통해서 접근한 현지조사 연구이다. 연구대상은 재일의 최대밀집 거주지역인 오사카 이쿠노에서 개최되는 ‘통일마당 이쿠노’이며, 분석적으로는 통일마당 이쿠노의 내·외의 특성과 마당과 지역사회 관계의 크게 두 측면에서 고찰하였다. 연구결과와 함의를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 통일마당은 과거 대항적이고 고립적인 형태로 계승해 오던 민족문화의 생산방식에서 전환하여, 외형상 민족과 탈민족의 이중성이 혼재된 ‘탈민족적 민족문화’의 형태로 변용 재생산되고 있다. 이것은 문화적인 차이를 실천하는 방식이 폐쇄적인 성격과 개방적인 모습이 결합된 다변화된 형태로 변모했음을 증명한다. 둘째, 마당은 게토라는 이쿠노의 이미지를 변화시키면서 주류 일본 지역사회에서 하나의 소수자 문화로 정착하고 있다. 이로서 마당은 과거 재일의 스티그마를 역전시키면서 새롭게 ‘제2차적 아이덴티티’를 구축하는 장(場)으로 제공되고 있다. 결론적으로 마당은 스티그마에서 도피하여 주류 일본사회로 통합되어 소멸되거나 반대로 게토의 공간에 갇히는 이항대립적 방식이 아니라, 이중성이 결합한 새로운 형태로서 소수자인 재일의 차이의 집합적 아이덴티티를 재구축하는 하나의 실천이라고 말할 수 있다. 확대하면 현재 재일의 민족문화는 더 이상 대항의 수단이나 스티그마만이 아니라 민족문화와 아이덴티티를 탈민족적 관점에서 새롭게 구축하는 데 기여하는 긍정적인 요소로 역전되었다고 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        明清時代 兩湖 山岳地域 人口 移動과 疫病

        김현선 명청사학회 2019 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.52

        The Hubei and Hunan Provinces are located in the middle of Yangzi River area, where epidemics and endemics were more frequently occurred in Ming-Qing period. Despite the value and importance of their social functions, there have not yet been enough study to identify all the factors contributing to those diseases. Therefore, the aim of this article is to investigate the spacial and temporal distributions of epidemics and endemics in relation with their social, geo-environmental and demographic contexts in Mountainous areas of Hubei and Hunan Provinces during the Ming-Qing period. The literature indicates that in mountainous areas it was geographical environments and immigration that had great impacts on the wide spread of the epidemics. Southern mountains of Hunan areas experienced one of the highest epidemic rates due to its unique geographical environments. Also, the harmful air distribution was regarded as a cause of the Miasma endemic(瘴疫) in the mountainous areas. Many people migrated to Mountainous areas of Hubei and Hunan province During Ming-Qing Period. However, the migrants suffered from Miasma endemic because they were unable to adapt to poor conditions in mountainous areas. In addition, the destruction of forests brought about a change of ecological environment, which was followed by a series of endemics. However, deforestation till the end of Ming dynasty caused cold climate change and the decrease of the distribution of endemics. On the one hand, the destruction of forests and changes of ecological environment decreased the frequency of endemics such as malaria. On the other hand, they caused periodical flood disasters, which were followed by a series of epidemics. Moreover, the smallpox was quite rampant during Ming-Qing Period In the mountainous areas. Previously, their geographical remoteness and lower level of population had restrained the outbreak of the disease in those areas. During Ming-Qing Period, however, due to the growth of population, continuous immigration, and exchanges of goods with outside areas, the smallpox was introduced and spread in the mountainous areas. Particularly, once the population reached a certain level, there was a cyclic rampant of the smallpox. These factors were also contributing to the epidemic of other diseases, such as cholera, which was first introduced into China in 1820s, where it widely spread into Hunan province through the trade routes with Guangdong Province.

      • KCI등재

        明淸時代 疫病과 정부의 대응-兩湖 지역을 중심으로

        김현선 한국중국학회 2022 중국학보 Vol.101 No.-

        The epidemic not only threaten people's health and lives, but also cause great economic and social losses. In addition, it intensifies social contradictions and paralyzes urban functions, posing a great threat to the operation of the state. To keep the society running smoothly and maintain power, the government must effectively control the epidemic. In addition, the state has an obligation to protect the health and life of the people, and a failure to do so could greatly damage the government’s trust. In this regard, this study aims to investigate the control methods for epidemic adopted respectively by central governments and local authorities of Hubei and Hunan Provinces during Ming-Qing period of outbreaks and disseminations. Epidemics were sometimes regarded as god’s punishment on governments and central authorities and at other times believed to be caused by ghosts. Therefore. Governments held memorial services to the spirits. In particular, local authorities held ancestral rites to the City God (城隍神). City God (城隍神), a major deity in folk beliefs was under control of governments, and at the same time it contributed to reinforce the social orders and stabilize the local communities. However, local authorities had trouble controlling in mountainous areas due to its populace becoming more dependent on folk religions, such as witchcraft tradition(巫术), which played an important role for the suffering people. Assuming that the prevention and treatment of epidemics must have been important for Chinese governments, we found that a little attention had been paid to this matter during Ming-Qing period. Also, medical administration gradually weakened during this period due to an insufficient care resulting in a limited implementation of medical measures in capital and nearby areas by the central governments. This was to some extent compensated by local authorities who tried to control the epidemic by establishing medical offices, dispatching doctors, and providing medicine. The gentry also played an important role; particularly in times when governments were less effective in preventing the diseases, they were able to make up for it by contributing the provisions and burying the dead bodies. The local authorities also encouraged the charity work of gentry. However, these medical measures differed depending on the grain warehouse and economic situation in each region. On the contrary, the Ming-Qing governments' policy about natural disasters and famines were quite successful. The Hubei and Hunan plains were geopolitically very important for Ming-Qing Dynasties, since they were major sources of food supply. The plain foothill areas frequently suffered from many epidemics during Ming-Qing Dynasties, which usually followed some natural disasters. In cases of natural disasters, therefore, these regions received quick aids from governments, which helped with the immediate control of epidemics that follow such disasters, even though the original aim was not on epidemics. However, when the diseases occurred in the mountainous areas, which lagged behind the plain areas economically, the areas were given less concern and aid from the central government, because of their relative lack of resources. Besides, considering that the areas were infested with thieves and rebels, the governments were putting more emphasis on seeking social stability by suppressing them than to take the necessary measures against the diseases. Overall, despite some efforts by central governments and local authorities of Hubei and Hunan Provinces during Ming-Qing period, their records on the medical responses to epidemics were less than great, which might have caused a damage to their credibility, which need to be further studied.

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