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      • KCI등재

        계장화충격시험법에 의한 구조용강 용접부의 동적파괴인성에 관한 연구 (6) : 파괴인성평가에 미치는 균열선단의 거동에 관하여 on the Crack Tip Behaviour in Estimating Fracture toughness

        김헌주,김기철,조순형,윤의박,김창열 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 1990 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.28 No.11

        Dynamic fracture toughness of welding structural steel including it's weld zone has been estimated by employing instrumented impact testing method for small size specimens. Result showed that dynamic fracture toughness, K_(ID) was increased in the order of HAZ 4㎜, HAZ 6㎜, HAZ 1㎜, HAZ 2㎜, fusion line. Correlations between Charpy absorbed energy and critical COD have been investigated to get a useful method for the estimation of critical COD from Charpy V data. The correlations between vE(T+△T) and fe were taken into a consideration where vE(T + oT) is Charpy absorbed energy obtained by considering temperature difference between Charpy transition temperature and COD transition temperature. It was found that the correlations were establised over a wide temperature range including not only upper shelf range but also transition range.

      • KCI등재

        1907~1909년 의병의 활동과 군수물자 조달 명분

        김헌주 한국민족운동사학회 2018 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.94

        This research aimed at explaining the war supplies procurement of righteous army that rose over the nation in 1907 based on the social response. The parties who participated in the righteous army with various demand and justification requested their share, accordingly, righteous army needed to enrich the financial basis to respond to the demand. Here, righteous army adopted a method to draft war supplies or took tax payment from the regional residents. There were justification and procedure in draft, a logic of patriotism(愛國) based on the righteousness(義). In the situation where diplomatic right was deprived and the army was dispersed, even the emperor was deposed, righteous army was a group that preoccupied the justification of righteousness(義). Demand of righteous army on the assets and tax payment of the residents was proper and justifiable, and the war supplies taken by the righteous army was regulated as Righteous money(義金). Besides justification, a realistic measure was also utilized. righteous army provided Military promissory note(軍票) to the providers when seizing war supplies, later, they exchanged it with money, keeping procedural justification. Social response to such war supplies procurement process had dual significance. When the procedure of procurement process was well followed, they received respect and cooperation of the regional residents, however the war supplies procurement activity of righteous army was negatively perceived in the region where procedural justification and direct personal relationship with the righteous army were absent. This implies that the justification of Righteous money(義金) based on national justification was not unconditionally accepted by the society of that period. Support for the righteous army was closely related with the method that the righteous army had relationship with the local community and the social·economic conditions. 본 연구는 1907년 전국적으로 봉기한 의병의 군수물자 조달 활동을 사회적 대응과 결부지어 설명하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 다양한 요구와 명분을 가지고 의병에 참여한 주체들은 자신들의 몫을 요구했고 의진은 그 요구에 부응하기 위해 재정적 기반을 풍부하게 할 필요가 있었다. 이에 의진에서는 지역주민들에게 군수물자를 징발하거나 상납세전을 탈취하는 방식을 택했다. 징발에는 명분과 절차가 있었는데 그것은 義에 기반한 愛國의 논리였다. 외교권을 빼앗기고 군대가 해산당했으며 황제까지 퇴위한 현실에서 의병은 義라는 명분을 선점한 집단이었다. 의병이 지역주민의 재산과 상납세전을 요구하는 것은 명분론적으로 합당한 것이었으며, 의병이 징발한 군수물자는 곧 義金으로 규정되었던 것이다. 명분 뿐만 아니라 현실적인 방법도 사용했다. 의진에서는 군수물자 징발시 물자를 내어준 사람들에게 軍票를 나누어주고 추후 금전으로 교환해주는 방식을 취하면서 절차적 정당성을 지키고자 했다. 이러한 군수물자 조달 과정에 대한 사회적 대응은 중층적이었다. 조달 과정에서의 절차가 잘 지켜진 경우 지역주민들의 존경과 협조를 받기도 했지만, 절차적 정당성이 결여되고 의병과 직접적 인적관계가 없었던 지역에서는 의병의 군수물자 조달 활동을 부정적으로 인식하기도 했다. 이것은 민족적 대의를 앞세운 義金이라는 명분이 당대 사회에서 무조건적으로 받아들여진 것은 아님을 알게해준다. 의병에 대한 지지는 의병이 지역사회와 관계맺는 방식, 그리고 해당 지역의 사회·경제적 조건과 밀접한 관계가 있었던 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대한제국기 의병운동 참여주체의 지향 재인식

        김헌주 고려사학회 2020 한국사학보 Vol.- No.78

        This study started from the awareness of the need to reconsider the characteristics of the righteous army resistance movement during the Korean Empire and the orientation of its participants. In accordance with the recognition of above question, this study analyzed the orientations of the participants of the righteous army resistance movements, First, the Confucian scholar class initiated the righteous army basis the Neo-Confucian idea of loyalty, which is well shown in the facts that Lee In-young, the commander-in-chief of the national righteous army equated the filial piety to one’s father with the loyalty to the state, and that Yoo In-seok, a general of the righteous army, insisted on the recovery of the Sinocentrism in 1910s. However, the orientation of soldiers was different from that of Confucian leaders. Although there were similar points in it such as pursuit of the empire’s independence and resistance against Japan, their orientation included the pursuit of cultivation of modern technology in terms of how to execute it, and this purpose was expressed through the action of righteous resistance movement. Even though the orientation of the common people was based on Neo-Confucianism, too, it also embodied the ideas of citizenship, nationalism and compatriot, and those ideas were eventually converged with the righteousness. On the other hand, in spite the bandit group, another participants of the resistance movement, participated in the uprising, they were rejected by the leading group of the righteous army or were virtually alienated from the fellow righteous soldiers. There were some bandit groups who had few interest in the righteous resistance movement but falsely called themselves as the righteous army just as a way of struggle to survive. However, at the same time, there were also righteous soldiers from the bandit groups who were active in revealing their succession to Hwalbindang, the righteous outlaws, through manifestos, and by this case, we can understand the context how some bandit groups actively preoccupied righteousness movements in the period of military campaign by the righteous army. In short, the purposes and orientations of the righteous resistance movement were different by participants ; although the pattern of their struggle formed a single line before the realistic purpose of the resistance against Japan, the orientations of each individual were different. At the same time, the various orientations of the participants were converged to the single value of righteousness. The participants of the righteous army resistance movement dissolved their owns demands in the concept of righteousness, and at the same time, they devoted themselves to the righteous army resistance movement embodying the ‘righteousness' in their own way. 이 연구는 대한제국기 의병운동의 성격과 참여주체의 지향에 대한 새로운 인식을재고하기 위한 문제의식에서 출발했다. 이러한 문제의식에 따라 본 연구에서는 의병운동 참여주체들의 지향을 분석했다. 먼저 유생층은 성리학적 충의관에 입각해서 의병을일으켰는데, 그 지향은 13도 총대장 이인영이 부친에 대한 효와 국가에 대한 충을 등치시킨 것, 유인석이 1910년 단계에서도 中華의 회복을 주장한 것에서도 드러난다. 군인의병장들의 지향은 이인영 등의 유생지도부와는 차이를 보였다. 독립과 排日에서는상당부분 유사한 지점이 있었지만, 그 실행방법과 지향에서 근대적 실력양성이라는 목적이 내포되어 있었다. 이러한 목적론은 義라는 외피를 통해 표출되고 있었다. 평민층의 지향도 성리학적 의리론에 바탕하고 있지만 國民, 民族, 同胞등을 체화하는 모습도보여주고 있었으며, 同胞나 國民도 결국 義로 수렴하고 있는 모습을 보여주고 있다. 한편, 의병에 투신한 또 다른 주체인 화적집단은 봉기에 참여했지만 의병주도층에 의해배척되거나 실질적으로 의진에서 소외되게 된다. 이때 화적집단 가운데 의병활동에는관심이 거의 없고 생존투쟁의 방편으로 의병을 가칭하는 사례도 많았다. 반면에 활빈당과의 계승성을 격문을 통해 드러내면서 활동하던 의병도 있었다. 이런 사례를 통해화적집단이 의병운동기에 적극적으로 義를 전유했던 맥락을 이해할 수 있었다. 이렇듯의병 참여주체의 목적과 지향은 주체별로 각기 달랐다. 투쟁의 양상이 ‘반일’이라는 현실적 투쟁의 목적 앞에 단일한 대오를 형성했지만 각자가 생각했던 지향점은 달랐던것이다. 동시에 주체들의 다양한 지향은 義라는 가치로 수렴되었다. 의병 참여주체들은각자의 요구를 義라는 개념 속에 녹여내었고, 동시에 ‘義’를 나름의 방식으로 전유하면서 의병운동에 투신했다.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대한제국기 의병운동의 쇠퇴와 사회적 고립과정

        김헌주 한국역사연구회 2019 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.111

        This study intended to reexamine the nature of the Euibyeong movement, which had usually been suggested as a movement that served as a prelude to the Independence movement. Previous studies of the Righteous Militias movement proved that the people who led the militias since the year 1907 later moved to Manchuria as well as the Yeonhaeju region to evade Japanese imperial authorities, and eventually played an important role in the Liberation movement during the Japanese occupation period. Yet the overall narrative behind all those studies leaves something to be desired, as they somewhat mythologized the struggles of the Euibyeong militia units, and prevented other studies from analyzing them based upon the social conditions of the time. Examined in this article is the fact that popular support of the Euibyeong movement did not come automatically, and was actually formed because the militias were acknowledged for their acting upon the cause of “righteousness(Eui, 義).’ Also examined is how the movement in general was crippled and dismantled in the wake of the late 1909’s Southern Massacre, and what kind of misdemeanor led to the remaining units’ eventual isolation. This kind of approach would hopefully enable us to see through the limitations of the nationalistic narrative that has been employed in former Euibyeong studies, and help us establish new methods to analyze them within the context of the era’s very own reality.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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