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      • 원불교성가 형성사의 연구

        김찬기 圓光大學校 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        성가는 원불교음악을 상징하는 용어이다. 교조 少太山大宗師(朴重彬, 1891- 1943)의 대각에서 비롯된 교의사상을 음악이라는 장르를 빌어 예술화 사회화하는 작업의 결과이다. 따라서 그것은 원불교 문화예술의 중요한 분야의 하나를 이루며, 교의사상의 대중화에 있어서 빼놓을 수 없는 사항이다. 소태산은 1916년(원기 원년) 대각을 이루고 1943년(원기 28) 열반에 이르도록까지 교화활동의 전 기간이 일제치하였다. 이 시기를 음악과 관련시켜 보면, 학교교육제도가 정착하면서 음악이 교과목으로 편제되고, 전통사회의 가사문학이 계승, 창작되면서 사회일반에 유행하였으며, 기독교가 전래, 토착하면서 교회음악인 찬송가가 일반민중에게 알려지게 되었다. 원불교의 성가형성도 이러한 시대적 상황과 무관하지 않다. 오늘날 원불교성가는 9종교서의 하나인 이른바『성가』로 편수, 간행되어 있다. 소의경전으로 숭앙되고 있는 것이다. 鼎山宗師(宋奎, 1900-1962)가「성가를 노래로만 알지 말고, 그 속에 진리가 담겨 있음을 알라.」고 설한 것이 성가의 위의를 말해준다. 그렇다면 성가의 최초 형태는 어떠하며, 어떤 과정을 거쳐 오늘에 이르게 되었는가, 그 가사와 곡은 어떻게 이루어졌으며, 그 음악성은 어떠한가? 본 연구는 이러한 문제의식을 담고 있다. 본 논문에서 다룬 내용을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 성가의 기원은『법의대전』에 수록된 가사들이며, 최초의 성가는 1933년의〈회가〉이다. 교단 최초의 성가집은 1953년에 간행되었으며, 1962년의『원불교성가집』제1집(49곡)과 1968년의『성가』(126곡)를 거쳐 1990년에 현재의『성가』(162곡)를 간행하였다. 그동안 네 번의 가사 수정과 두 번의 악보 수정이 진행되었다. 이는 원불교성가의 대중성과 보편성, 예술성 확보를 위한 노력이었다. 동서양의 사상과 형식의 수용, 교리사상의 반영, 종교음악사상 최초의 편차 사용, 교단적인 ‘禮․樂의 생활화’ 운동이 기반이 된 점 등이 성가 형성과정의 특징이다. 둘째, 성가에 나타난 불교․유교․도교 등 제 종교사상은 소태산의 회통사상에서 비롯되었다. 가사의 내용과 사용된 용어를 분석하여 성가의 교의적 성격은 주로 가사에 있음을 밝혔다. 악보의 형식과 구조, 그 전개 방법에서는 기독교의 영향을 받았으며, 작곡가들의 종교 성향에 의해 찬송가와 유사한 형태로 정착되었다. 셋째, 교리사상은 가사 형식을 통해 문학적 성과를 이루었고, 음악 형식을 통해 예술적 승화를 이루었다. 소태산의 개혁사상과 정산의 교화사상은 성가를 통해 그 사회적 실천을 이루어가고 있었다. 초기 성가를『악전』이라 한 것은 경전의 의미가 담겨 있다. 이를 근거로 성가는 유․불․선의 음악사상을 수용하여 원불교만의 독특한 ‘풍류사상’을 형성하였고, 마침내 세계평화를 지향하는 세계주의에 바탕한 ‘和經’ 즉, 和의 經典을 이루어냈다. 넷째, 성가는 화성․조성․박자․리듬․형식의 분석을 통해 보편적이고 대중적인 성격을 지녔음을 확인하였다. 이 연구의 결과 가사의 신앙성과 선율의 대중성, 그리고 교육과정에서 문제점이 발견되었다. 그 해결 방법으로 가사의 수정과 음악전문가 양성, 현실적인 성가 교육 방법 등을 제안하였다. 다섯째, 이 연구를 통해 원불교성가는 원불교음악의 대명사이며, 교리사상의 寶庫임을 확인하였다. 성가는 경전의 성격이 강하기 때문에, 성가의 형성과정과 그 교리사상에 대한 연구는 성가의 가치에 대한 재발견이라는 의미를 갖는다. 아울러 원불교학의 지평이 음악에까지 확대될 가능성에 대한 연구라는 의미도 있다. 성가는 원불교의 성업을 찬미하고 신앙과 수행의 법열을 노래하며, 원불교의 교리와 사상을 찬송하는 교화도구이다.『성가』(1968)의 편차를 새 회상․찬송․교단․법회․의식․교리․신조․수행․일과․낙도․무궁한 성업의 11부로 제정한 이후 1990년에 편수된 제12부「교화」편을 합하면 이러한 성격이 분명해진다. Sacred songs in Won-buddhism is called Sung-ga. It is founded on the enlightment of Sotaesan-Daejongsa(Park Joong Bin, 1916-1943), the founder of Won-buddhism and an effort to transform doctrine of thought into an art form. Sung-ga finds an important place in Won-buddhism for popularizing doctrine of thought. Daejongsa's ministry was when Korea was under Japanese rule. It is when education system was formulated offering music in separate class, when korean traditional verse literature(an old form of Korean verse literature) was created, succeeded and became popular, and when Christianity was introduced and accepted so that people was exposed to Hymns. Sunga-ga is also linked to this trend. As we can see that the Sung-ga is edited and published as one of the 9 classes, it is respected as Won-buddhism's sutra. Jungsanjongsa(Song Gyu, 1900-1962) also said "Be aware that Sung-ga is not mearly songs. You will find truth in them". Then one can inquire the origin of Sung-ga, how it was formed, and how the lyrics and scores are composed. The study answers these questions. It is summarized in five main points. First, the origin of Sung-ga is『Pup Eai Tae Chun(The Great Collection of Dharma Words)』and the very first song is ‘Song for Buddha Dharma Studies’ made in 1933. The first collection of Sung-ga is published in 1953. The second edition was『Sacred Songs in Won-Buddhism』(49 songs) published in 1962 and the third edition,『Sung-ga』(126 songs) was published in 1968 followed by current『Sung-ga』(162 songs) in 1990. In order to secure generality and artistry there were 4 revisions in lyrics and 2 revisions in scores. Formation of Sung-ga is characterised by considering idea and formality of the East and the West, reflecting doctrine of thought, first attempt to use compilation order in religious music, and movement of adopting courtesy and music in daily life. Second, ‘philosophy of Hoytong’ of Daejongsa blends the three religious ideas; buddhism, confucianism, and taoism in Sung-ga. The style and structure of music is influenced by Christian Hymns to which some of them are very similar depending on the composer. Third, doctrine of thought made an achievement in literature through lyrics and in art through music. Reformation of Daejongsa and edification of Jungsanjongsa was completed in practice by Sung-ga. The early days of Sung-ga was called「The Music Scripture」because it contained the meaning of scriptures. Sung-ga accepted the idea of buddhism, confucianism, and taoism to form music of its own. Finally Sung-ga accomplished scriptures of harmony based on cosmopolitanism of world peace. Fourth, the analysis on harmony, composition, rhythm, and measure confirmed that Sung-ga contained generality and popularity. Also the research criticizes the problems of lyrics, music, and Sung-ga instruction. The solutions suggest more revision of lyrics, training music professionals, and more practical Sung-ga instruction. Fifth, the study assures that Sung-ga is the pronoun of music in Won-buddhism and a treasure house of doctrine of thought. Sung-ga is heavily based on scriptures so its research on formation and doctrine of thought not only rediscover the value of Sung-ga but also expand the horizon of Won-buddhism to music. Sung-ga praises the sacred work of Won-buddism and religious exultation of faith and training. It is the edifying mechanism that worships the doctrine and ideology of Won-buddhism. This can be clear from that fact that Sung-ga(1968) has 11 chapters of New Order․Praise․Order․Dharma Meeting․Ceremony․Doctrine․A Credos․Practice․Daily Work․Enjoying in Paradise․Endless Sacred Work and edition in 1990 included the 12th chapter「Missionry」.

      • 비선형 비정규분포의 동시 위치인식 및 지도작성을 위한 강인하고 효율적인 라오블랙웰라이즈드파티클필터 해법 : A Robust and Efficient Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter for Nonlinear and Nongaussian SLAM Problem

        김찬기 포항공과대학교 대학원 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Intelligent mobility is a fundamental requirement of autonomous robots. To achieve this, mobile robots should learn the model of environments while estimating their poses. Thus, the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) has been a major topic in the robotics application over the last decades. Most of researches presented so far in the SLAM field use laser range finders or vision sensors. The fundamental reason of this is that performance of the SLAM algorithm depends on the sensor performance in principle. A main goal of this thesis is to develop an efficient and robust SLAM algorithm that can be used in a practical application for personal service robots. A consistent SLAM algorithm is usually computationally heavy. On the other hand, the map learning using the noisy and short-range sensor is more difficult than the high performance sensors and it increases the computational cost in general to maintain the filter consistency with estimation accuracy. So, this thesis proposes algorithms to improve both the computational efficiency and the filter consistency, based on the RBPF framework. In advance, this thesis contributes to solve the SLAM problem that specifically addresses the noisy sonar sensor in the RBPF framework that can handle a multi-hypotheses tracking with non-Gaussianity. We first present the straightforward approach to improve a robustness and efficiency of the RBPF framework. To estimate the uncertainty in both the robot's pose and the map precisely, our approach introduces the scaled unscented transformation technique, which is able to estimate the mean and the covariance to a higher order of accuracy than the linearized techniques. Thus, even if there is a large bearing uncertainty, higher order information about the state distribution can be represented well, and this benefit produces the robustness to the sensor noise. On the other hand, since the filter inconsistency of the RBPF based SLAM algorithm due to a lack of hypotheses is the issue, we propose a novel approach considering a loop closing event in the resampling process of the particle filter after defining the problem thoroughly. We also propose an algorithm for speeding up RBPF that uses an optimal proposal distribution. This algorithm can significantly improve the computational efficiency while maintaining a performance of the standard algorithm due to an assistance of the Gaussian mixture filter in the proposal computation. The optimal proposal of RBPF is still widely spread because of the large sensor noise and intermittent nature of the sonar feature. This increases a required number of particles for learning the consistent map. To solve the problem, we incorporate prior information of structured environments so that the feature is constrained. Finally we present a RBPF-SLAM solution based on the ceiling mosaic approach using a single web-cam. The most attractive factor of this approach is its practicability in typical indoors, because the sensor reading from the ceiling is not influenced by moving objects on the ground. Aforementioned our approaches allow a robot to build a consistent map with estimating its pose accurately, even though a low resolution, short-range noisy sensor is used with less number of particles.

      • 창의성 훈련 프로그램이 과학탐구능력에 미치는 영향

        김찬기 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        창의성 훈련 프로그램이 과학탐구능력에 미치는 영향

      • 존 웨슬리의 교회갱신에 관한 연구

        김찬기 협성대학교 신학대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        오늘날 한국교회가 안고 있는 많은 문제들을 해결하는데 웨슬리의 교회론은 이론적 근거뿐만 아니라 실천적 대안을 제시해 줄 수 있다고 생각한다. 본 논문은 영국 교회를 변화시키고, 나아가 영국 사회를 변화시켰던 웨슬리의 교회론을 살펴보고, 그러한 웨슬리의 교회 갱신의 핵심적 요소들을 정리해 봄으로 현대 교회의 문제점에 대하여 그 대안을 제시해 보고자 한다. The Purpose of this is to study of Wesley′s doctrine of church. And I study how Wesley renewed church. Wesley was trying hard to know real church. Thus he could renovate the church. This had tremendous impact on the church. So to study Wesley′s doctrine of church is helpful to establish Biblical doctrine of church and device of church renewal. In the eight century, England experienced the shift of human maind resulted by the Industrial Revolution that makes it possible for the people to get more material. Under these circumstances, the relationship between the Anglcan church and education Wesley received in his home had a remarkable influence of forming Wesley′s theology. In addition, another factor that influenced Wesley′s theology was his faithfulness to the Kingdom of God and his pious faith in God. He experienced conversion on May 24, 1738, at the meeting on Aldersgate Street. Henceforth, his professed objective was to promote as far as he was able vital, practical religion and by the grace of God. His loyalty to the Kingdom of God led him to organize a church which was oriented toward the world.Futhermore, he had a profound religious experience in the Moravian colony his view of the church was influenced by Puritanism and Idealism and even by Traditionalism. He recognized that Anglican church is not always Biblical. At this point Wesley advocated a pratical view of church on the basis that the church is not an institution or form but a function, namely, an instrumant for evangelizing the world. The Anglican church considers its to be the Bible, reason, and tradition. And wesley added to experience. In this sense, he understood that church is a community of the people of God. Belivers that the church forms the body of Christ throughout all age and places.Wesley′s view of the church greatly influenced the church in the modern world. In the 21th century, we also have a similar experience of the rapid change as a result of the information revolution like the people of John Wesley′s time. He stressed the church renewal that is primarily based on the Biblical teaching and church should return to the Bible.Church should learn the important lesson of Wesley′s church renewal that oroginally comes from the Bible. Christians need to realize that the church is not just a building but a community within which the belivers share their the life of faith. In conclusion, this thesis gives a contribution for the church renewal in connection with the practicing and returning church to the biblical teaching.

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