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      • 科學的 因果性의 現代的 意味에 關한 硏究

        金俊燮 서울대학교 1966 서울대학교 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The concept of causality is one of great complexity, with many different meanings. It occurs frequenty in popular thought, and constantly arises in the fields of science, philosophy, and religion. The varous senses of the word may be grouped under three main headings: the commonsense view, the scientific meaning, and the metaphysical meaning. Here I treat of the scientific aspect of causality as being both more objective and more nearly universal than either of the others. Tracing the historical development of this concept I have made a logical analysis showing what is meant by scientific causality. This concept of scientific causality first appeared in the field of classical physics as the relation of functional dependence. As a result of the development of Quantum Mechanics early in the 20th century, this classical definition of causality proved no longer valid and was replaced by that of statistical regularities. The purpose of this essay is to clarify the scientific definition of causality in order to facilitate the correct use of the term not only in scientific studies but also in daily life. Ⅰ. The Concept of Cause and Effect In commonsense experience causal relation means the relation existing between two successive events. In the sciences, however, it implies a functional relation in quantitative determination. Science therefore customarily speaks of condition rather than cause. Russell, defining cause, distinguished between the primitive concept and the scientific concept, and gave three main meanings of the term scientific causality, namely, the Newtonian sense; that of quasi-permanence, and that of staticatl regularity. Hume had insisted on 8 conditions as necessary for the practical determination of causal relations, though in fact conditions are sufficient to detrmine them. By applying the theories of Hume, Russell and Reichenbach to the various interpretations of the cause and effect concept, I attempt to establish the scientific meaning of the term. Ⅱ. Causal Laws Introducing Nagel's four types of causal laws I discuss them in both their broad and their narrow meaning. I then establish a comparison between causal laws in their classical form and the same laws in the forms in which they apply in field theory. The latter being vaguer, their non-factual content is of course greater. As causal laws are not concerned with logic, and relate to factual events, they are themselves factual and based on probability. Numerous theories have been put forward to explain theem, but I maintain that they are hypothetical and are in fact laws of probability. Ⅲ. Principle of Causality For the purposes of this study I have availed myself of the theories of Hume, Kant, J.S.Mill, Clark Maxwell, Reichenbach, and Werkmeister, and I conclude that the principle of causality is a hypothetical principle for unifying our experiences, and that inasmuch as it relates to these experiences it has the character of probability. Classical (Newtonian) physicists took the principle of causality as axiomatic, but, modern physists replace it by the principle of probability. The theories put forward to explain the princiqle of causality are very numerous; they speak of axiom, definition, convention, belief, hypothesis, and hope, I uphold the theory of hypothesis. Ⅳ. Causality and Probability Causality was the basic idea in determinism, and classical mechanics constituted its theory. The development of Quantum Mechamcs, however, has ousted causality in favour of probability. Analysing the probability-theories of Reichenbach, Carnap, and Ph. Frannk, I discuss the relation between causality and probability, and conclude that though the concept of probability is necessary and adequate for the investigation of all empirical facts, the concept of causality is still useful and convenient in the field of Newtonian physics. Although all observable phenomena can be dealt with in accordance with the principle of probability, that of causality still holds good for practical purposes in daily life. Causality is the probability that allows limits, The Two concepts, of causality and probability, are thus shown to be closely related, and it is therefore possible for the former to be substituted for the latter. Conclusion From the line of thought outlined above I draw following conclusions: 1. The necessary and deterministic concept of causality which was employed in classical physics had to be replcaced by that of statistical regularities in modern physics. 2. By giving the concept of causality this new significance, we simply change the causal laws from the old formula "If ...... then slways ......" to the formula "If ...... then in a certain percentage......". Therefore current causal laws are statistical. 3. As a result of this change of causal laws to statistical laws, the principle of causality becomes the principle of indeterminacy. 4. The relation between causality and probability is of great importance and there are a number of confliction views. My conclusion agrees with that of Reichenbach, i.e. that the concept of causality may be replaced by that of probability.

      • KCI등재

        일본국헌법 9조 개정 논의에 관한 연구 - 아베 수상의 ‘5.3제언’을 중심으로 -

        김준섭 한국일본학회 2019 日本學報 Vol.0 No.121

        Clause 2 of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution states the prohibition of holding war potential. Prime Minister Abe argued that in Article 9 of the new constitution, the above-mentioned sentence should be deleted. However, the Komeito Party, the LDP's coalition government partner, insisted on leaving the clause intact and describing additional Self-Defense Forces. On the Constitution Day, May 3, 2017, Abe changed his position on Article 9 of the Constitution through a video message, making the same argument as the Komeito Party. Such a change in the position reflected Abe's intention to win the approval of the Komeito Party in the constitutional revision. However, the Liberal Democratic Party's amendment of Article 9 of the Constitution, which was drawn up on Abe's claim, was quite different from the Komeito Party's claim. This is because the Komeito Party's claim was based on the official position of the Japanese government regarding the SDF's armed activities. Unlike the Japanese government's official position on the SDF's military activities, the phrase “action for necessary self-defense” will be inserted, which will transform the self-defense force into an ordinary army. Revision of Article 9 can be considered as Abe's lifework. Therefore, Abe will do his best to revise the constitution during his term. 아베 수상은 2017년 5월 3일 그 때까지 헌법9조에 대해서 주장해 왔던 9조 2항 삭제론을 포기하고, 9조 2항을 유지한채로 자위대를 헌법에 명기하자고 주장했다. 이 ‘5.3제언’은 외면적인 모습에 있어서는 자민당과 연립정권을 구성하고 있는 공명당의 ‘가헌론’에 근접한 것으로서, 헌법개정을 위해서는 반드시 필요한 공명당의 협력을 얻기 위하여 타협안으로서 제시된 것이라고 할 수 있다. 그런데 이것은 현재의 자위대를 전제로 한 공명당의 ‘가헌론’과는 전혀 다른 것이다. 즉 지금까지 자위대의 무력행사에 대한 일본정부의 공식입장으로 표명되어 온 ‘필요최소한도의 자위의 조치’가 아니라, ‘필요한 자위의 조치’라는 문구가 명기됨으로써, 자위대는 ‘보통 군대’로 변모하게 되는 것이다. 예를 들어 신안보법제하에서 허용되는 집단적 자위권의 행사에는 이 ‘필요최소한도의 자위의 조치’라는 제약이 있지만, 이제 이 새로운 헌법9조가 탄생하게 된다면 그와 같은 제약이 사라지게 되며 완전한 집단적 자위권을 행사할 수 있게 될 것이다. 아베는 현재는 헌법9조가 개정되어도 자위대에 대한 위헌논란이 사라질 뿐이라고 주장하고 있지만, 실제로 개헌안이 성립된다면 ‘법률론’을 앞세우며 자위대를 ‘보통 군대’로 탈바꿈시킬 것이다. 헌법9조의 개정은 기시 노부스케의 유지를 이어받아 ‘전후체제로부터의 탈각’을 외치는 아베 수상의 필생의 과업이라고 할 수 있어, 그는 이 문제를 쉽사리 포기하지 않을 것이다. 따라서 향후 1년간 개헌을 둘러싸고 일본정치는 크게 요동칠 것임에 틀림없다.

      • KCI등재

        해면버섯균(Phaeolus schweinitzii) 과 꽃송이버섯균(Sparassis crispa) 에 의한 낙엽송생입목(落葉松生立木)의 심재부후피해(心材腐朽被害)

        김준섭,이창근,김현중 한국임학회 1989 한국산림과학회지 Vol.78 No.1

        落葉松壯齡林分(1925年 植栽)에서 腐朽菌의 字實體가 發生된 被害木을 伐採하여 心材腐朽被害를 調査하였다. 腐朽는 뿌리와 뿌리목에서 始發되었으며, 伐根斷面上에 髓를 中心하여 나타난 腐朽斷面積率은 19.2∼74.4%, 腐朽높이는 樹高 1.2∼5.5m, 腐朽材積率은 2.2∼13.4% 範圍였고, 兩菌種間의 被害部 크기를 比較한 結果에서는 S. crispa에 依한 被害가 P, schweinitzii에 依한 被害보다 越等히 크게 나타났다. 또한 樹幹析解로서 被害木과 健全木의 胸高直徑과 材積生長推移를 比較한 바, S. crispa 菌被害木은 植栽 8年後와 12年後, 그리게 P. schweinitzii 菌 被害木은 植栽 14年後와 21年後부터 直徑과 材積生長量이 健全木에 뒤떨어지는 것으로 나타나, 感染은 그 以前에 일어난 것으로 推定되었다. 한편 利用價値가 없는 腐朽材의 壓縮强度(52∼77kg/㎠)와 比重(0.40∼0.47)은 健全木에 比하여 最高 77% 및 39%가 減少한 것으로 나타났고, 腐朽部가 있는 높이까지의 肉眼變色材의 强度와 比重도 健全木에 比하여 最高 42% 및 26%가 減少하여 利用價値가 크게 低下된 것으로 나탄나 이 높이까리를 損失量으로 보면 全體材積의 27.2%(13.1∼37.1%)가 被害받은 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        미래 전술통신체계의 발전 방안

        김준섭,박상준,차진호,김용철 중소기업융합학회 2021 융합정보논문지 Vol.11 No.6

        육군은 4차 산업혁명과 관련된 기술들을 국방분야에 접목시켜 전투력을 증대시키기 위한 노력을 하고 있다. 초지능, 초연결 기동화 부대 양성을 목표로 Army TIGER 4.0 체계 구축을 추진하고 있으며, 육군비전 2050에서는 인공지능 기반의 미래 지휘통제체계 및 감시정찰체계 운용 개념을 제시하였다. 이러한 기술들을 활용하기 위해서는 지휘통제체계 및 무기체계간 데이터를 유기적으로 송수신할 수 있도록 하는 군의 전술통신체계를 발전시켜나가야 한다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 해외의 전술통 신체계를 분석하고 현재 군에서 운용하고 있는 전술통신체계의 제한사항을 도출하여 우리 군의 미래 전술통신체계에 접목시킬 수 있는 요소들을 제시한다. 이를 토대로 위성 중심의 다계층 통합운용 구조 및 소규모 부대에 기동간통신을 제공하기 위한 방안 들에 대해 살펴보고, 미래에 활용될 무기체계들로부터 발생될 데이터의 양을 예측하여 대용량 전송능력이 확보되어야 하는 필요 성을 제시하며 지능형네트워크 기술을 활용하여 네트워크를 효율적으로 관리하는 방안을 제시하고자 한다. The Army is making efforts to increase combat power by incorporating technologies related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution into the field of defense. In order to utilize these technologies, it is necessary to develop a military tactical communication system that enables transmission and reception of data between command and control system and weapon systems. Therefore, in this paper, we analyze the tactical communication systems of the other countries, derive the limitations of the tactical communication system currently operating in the military. And, a multi-layered integrated operation structure centered on satellites and plans to provide communication on the move to small units are reviewed. Then, we present the necessity of a large-capacity transmission speed by predicting the amount of data that will be generated from weapon systems of the future, and a plan to efficiently manage the network using intelligent network technology.

      • KCI등재

        산림토양 분류에 관한 연구

        김준섭,김태훈,이충화,정진현,구교상 한국임학회 1987 한국산림과학회지 Vol.76 No.3

        韓國의 山林土壤을 分類, 定立하기 위하여 全國을 對象으로 母岩別(火成岩, 變成岩, 堆積岩)으로 區分, 調査하였으며 調査된 土壤을 土壤分顯 基準에 依據 8個 土壤群, 8個 土壤亞群, 19個 土壤型으로 分類하였다. 또한 土壤型과 林木生長과의 關係를 地位指數分類曲線에 代入하여 分析하였다. - 분류된 토양형 갈색산림토양군(Brown forest Soils group) 4유형 (B₁, B₂, B₃, B₄) 적황색산림토양군(Red Yellow forest Soils group) 3유형 (R₁, R₂, R₃) 암적색산림토양군(Dart Red forest Soils group) 3유형 (DR₁, DR₂, DRb) 회갈색산림토양군(Gray Brown forest Soils group) 1유형 (GrB) 화산회산림토양군(Volcanic ash forest Soils group) 2유형 (Va₁, Va₂) 침식토양군(Eroded Soils group) 2유형 (Er₁, Er₂) 미숙토양군(Immature Soils group) 1유형 (1m) 임쇄토양군(Lithosols) 1유형 (Li)의 19개 토양형이며, - 분류된 토양군별 임목생장의 경향치(중부지방소나무 기준)는 갈색산림토양군>암적색산림토양군>적황색산림토양군>회갈색산림토양군의 순으로 나타나고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        대식세포의 혈청으로 식균된 자이모잔의 탐식능에 대한 삼잎국화 추출물의 효과

        김준섭,Kim, Jun-Sub 한국식품영양학회 2016 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.29 No.3

        Phagocytosis is a primary and an essential step of host defense, and is triggered by the interaction of particles with specific receptor of macrophages. In this study, we investigated the effect of extracts of Rudbeckia laciniata (RLE) on the phagocytic activity of macrophage, by monitoring the phagocytosis-associated signal transduction. RLE markedly increased phagocytosis of serum-opsonized zymosan particles (SOZ), while phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized zymosan particles (IOZ) or none-opsonized zymosan particles (NOZ) remained unaffected. However, RLE did not affect the binding of opsonized zymosan particles (OZ) with the cell surface of macrophage. This suggests that RLE may regulate SOZ-induced intracellular signaling during phagocytosis of macrophage. To confirm this hypothesis, we investigated whether RLE was involved in the RhoA-mediated signal transduction during phagocytosis of SOZ. Inhibitors of the RhoA-mediated signaling pathway, such as Y-27632 (for ROCK), ML-7 (for MLCK), and Tat-C3 (for RhoA), totally blocked phagocytosis of SOZ enhanced by RLE, as well as phagocytosis of SOZ. Additionally, RhoA activity was markedly increased when cells were treated with RLE, suggesting that RLE could increase the phagocytic activity of macrophage via RhoA-ROCK/MLCK signal pathway. Thus, RLE may be used to develop functional foods for immunity.

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