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        10대 카누 선수의 철분영양상태 조사

        김정수,김선효,권용헌 한국운동과학회 2002 운동과학 Vol.11 No.2

        김정수, 김선효, 권용헌. 10대 카누선수의 철분영양상태 조사. 운동과학 제11권 제2호, 535-550, 2002. 이 연구는 남녀 중·고등학교 카누선수를 preseason 중에 18명, season 중에 12명을 대상으로 식이 조사와 혈액검사를 통해 카누 선수의 스포츠 빈혈 요인을 분석하였다. Preseason과 season 중 남녀 카누 선수의 평균 연령은 15.3세, 평균신장은 173.3㎝, 평균체중은 64.9㎏이었으며, 평균체질량 지수(BMI)는 21.7로 표준 체중에 속하였다. 식이 조사는 24시간 기억법(24-hour recall method)과 CAN프로그램(computer aided nutritional analysis program; 한국영양학회개발)을 이용하여 조사된 내용을 한국인 영양 권장량(Korean RDA)과 비교하였다. 혈청 철, 혈철 페리틴, TIBC, TS, 헤마토크리트 그리고 헤모글로빈 등 철 영양상태에 대해 분석하였다. 연구결과 식이를 통한 하루 영양소 섭취량은 preseason보다 season동안에 남녀 선수 모두 높았으며, 남자선수에 비해 여자선수의 철 섭취량이 양호하였다(p<0.05). Preseason 중에 철 섭취량은 권장량의 63.7%로 낮았으며, season 중에는 권장량의 93.6%로 권장량고 거의 유사하였다(p<0.01). 끼니별 영양소 섭취 비율에서 preseason과 season 동안 아침, 점심, 저녁식사와 간식을 통한 영양소 섭취 비율은 남자선수의 경우는 양호하였으나, 여자선수의 경우 아침식사를 통한 영양소 섭취비율이 낮고 간식을 통한 영양소 섭취비율이 높아 바람직하지 못하였다. Preseason과 season 동안 동물성 식품과 식물성 식품을 통한 철의 섭취 비율은 남녀 모두 식물성 식품에서 2/3정도 섭취하고 있어, 연구대상자의 철의 주요 급원은 식물성 식품으로 나타났다. 전체 대상자의 heme 철과 nonheme 철 섭취량은 preseason 보다 season 동안이 2배정도 높았으나(p<0.05), 가상적인 철 흡수율은 season에서 낮았다. 이는 preseason에 비해 season에서 철 유용도가 낮은 식사를 하는 비율이 높았기 때문으로 생각된다. 혈청 철 농도와 transferrin 포화도는 preseason 보다 season에서 높았으나(p<0.05), ferritin을 제외한 혈청 철 영양 상태 분석 지표는 두 기간간에 차이가 없고 대부분이 정상범위에 속해 있었다. Preseason과 season에서 전체 대상자의 혈청 ferritin 농도와 혈청 중의 다른 철 영양 상태를 나타내 주는 지표들간의 상관관계는 혈청 ferritin 농도와 혈청 TS간에는 유의적인 양의 상관관계가 있었으나(p<0.05), 다른 지표간에는 유의성이 나타나지 않았다. 빈혈 발생 요인은 preseason에서 혈청 ferritin 44.4%, 철 농도 50%, TS 44.4% 그리고 Hb 13.3%, Hct 6.7%로 나타났으며, season에서는 33.3%, 25.0%, 25.0% 그리고 8.3%, 8.3%로 각각 나타났다. 연구 대상자의 식이를 통한 철 섭취량은 preseason에서는 불량하고 season에는 양호하여, 두 기간간에 차이가 있어 철 영양섭취가 평소에 고르게 이루어지지 않고 있음을 보여주었다. 그러나 season의 경우에도 철 유용도를 높일 수 있는 MPF나 비타민 C의 섭취가 적절히 이루어지지 못해, 철 흡수율을 떨어뜨릴 수 있는 등 철 섭취의 질적인 문제도 인식할 수 있었다. 따라서 preseason과 season의 구분 없이 철의 양적, 질적인 섭취를 고려한 균형 잡힌 식사와 함께, 개개인의 체력에 맞는 적절한 운동량 조절이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 또한 남녀 대상자 모두 흡수율이 낮은 nonheme 철을 주로 섭취하고 있으므로 육류의 붉은 살코기, 가금류 및 생선류 등을 주로 섭취하고 철의 흡수율을 높이는 데에 기여하는 비타민 C의 섭취도 충분히 해야할 것이다. 아울러 운동선수의 합리적인 영양관리를 위한 영양교육과 체력에 맞는 운동조절이 함께 이루어져야 카누선수들의 빈혈 발생률을 줄일 수 있을 것이다. Kim, J. S., Kim, S. H. and Kwon, Y. H. A Study on the Nutrition Status of Iron among Teenage Canoe Players in Korea Exercise Science, 11(2): 535-550, 2002. This study was carried out to compare the nutrition status of iron(Fe) among teenage canoe players in Korea between the periods of preseason and season, based upon dietary nutrient intakes and serum indices of Fe nutrition status. Subjects were composed of 18 and 12 students including male and females, in preseason and season, respectively. Blood was collected for all subjects after 15 hour fasting in preseason and in season, respectively. Serum Fe concentration, ferritin concentration, total Fe binding capacity(TIBC), transferrin saturation(TS), hematocrit(Hct) and hemoglobin(Hb) values were determined. As a result, dietary nutrient intakes were lower in preseason than in season. Daily dietary Fe intake of subjects was 63.7% during preseason, and that was 93.6% of the Korean PDA during season; thus Fe intake was significantly lower in preseason than in season (p<0.01). However, apparently absorption ratio of Fe was higher in preseason than in season as food source of iron tended to be better in preseason than did in season. Serum Fe concentration and TS were significantly lower in preseason than in season (p<0.05), other indices of serum Fe nutrition status were not different between in two periods except serum ferritin. Serum ferritin and TS had significantly positive correlation in two period (p<0.05),respectively. For the prevalence of anemia in preseason, 44.4%, 50.0%, 44.4%, 13.3% and 6.7% by determining serum ferritin concentration, Fe concentration, transferrin saturation, Hb and Hot, respectively. In case of season, the prevalence of anemia evaluated by serum ferritin, Fe concentration, transferrin saturation, Hb and Hct was 33.3%, 25.0%, 25%, 8.3% and 8.3%, respectively. As a consequence, canoe players should increase the intakes of foods containing heme-Fe such as red lean meat and also increase intake of vitamin C as an increasing factor of bioavailability of vitamin C in order to prevent the sport anemia by enhancing the nutrition status of Fe, and they should manage their meals evenly through preseason and season.

      • Emily Dickinson의 詩世界 : 散文으로 부터의 도피 An Escape from the House of Prose

        金貞洙 조선대학교 인문학연구소 1986 外國文化硏究 Vol.9 No.1

        Emily Dickinson은 21세 때 Gilbert Susan에게 보낸 편지에서 자기들 두 사람을 가리켜 「우리들만이 시인이고 다른 모든 사람들은 산문이다」(…we are the only poets, and everyone else is prose)(Letter. 56)라고 말하고 있다. 이 말에서 우리는 일찍부터 그녀에게 시인으로서의 의식이 싹트고 있었음을 알 수 있다. Dickinson은 이듬해에 역시 Susan에게 보낸 편지에서 다음과 같이 말하고 있다. …They will all go but me, to the usual meetinghouse to hear the sermon ; the inclemency of the storm so kindly detaining me; and as I sit here Susie, alone with the winds and you, I have the old king feeling even more than before, for I know not even the cracker man will invade this solitude, this sweet Sabbath of ours. (Letter. 77) 이 편지는 가족들이 모두 교회에 가고 집에 혼자 남아있을 대 쓴 것이다. 여기에서 그녀가 교회와 설교에 대해 「일상적」(“usual")이라는 말로 수식을 하고 있는 것은 교회나 설교가 아무런 감동도 없는 산문에 불과하다고 생각했기 때문이다. 이와는 반대로 혼자 완전한 고독에 잠겨 있을 때를 감미로운 안식일이라고 하고 있다. 이때의 감정을 ”king feeling“이라는 말로 표현하고 있는데, 이 말은 아마 시인인 자신만이 느낄 수 있는 더할 나위 없는 황홀한 감정을 표현한 말일 것이다. 이것은 Dickinson이 남과는 다른 그녀 특유의 독자적인 세계, 즉 산문이 아닌 시의 세계를 의식 속에 간직하고 있었음을 분명하게 보여 준다. 본고는 Dickinson의 시를 중심으로 해서 그녀가 추구하는 시의 세계가 어떠한 것인가를 밝혀 봄으로써 그녀의 시의 이해에 다소나마 도움을 주고자 하는 데 목적이 있다.

      • 改正信用狀統一規則의 運用上의 問題點에 관한 硏究 : 運送書類關聯規定을 中心으로

        朴斗學,梁暎煥,吳元奭,金正秀 東亞大學校 大學院 1987 大學院論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The U.C.P(1983 Revison) set out guidelines relating to a transport document which would enable banks to accept such a document, or compel them to reject it, regardless of what the document appers to call itself, as follows: a) The case where the credit stipulates a marine bill of lading as the required transport document(Article 26) or, b) The case where the credit stipulates dispatch of goods by post(Article 30), of which case was excluded in this thesis or, c) All other cases where the credit calls for a transport document(Article 25). The definitions of the "shipment" are of "loading on board" or "dispatch" or "taking in charge", so Article 25 which made a clear distinction betwen a marine bill of lading and other transport document, especially combined transport document, referred mainly to the combined transport document as a popular transport document into four paragraphs: Paragraph(a): "mandatory general requirement" which the transport doucument must need for tis to be acceptable under the credit: Paragraph(b): "optional extras", i.e. additional elements in the transport document which will not affect its acceptability; Paragraph(c): elements in the transport document which make its rejection mandatory such as charter-party B/L, or the document issued by sailing vessel; Paragraph(d): elements in a transport document which may cause it to be rejected, such as freight forwarder's transport document. or which may permit its acceptance, such as FIATA FBL, including the freight forwarder's transport document acting as a carrier or agent of a named carrier. In making application of this paragraph(d) in practical side, what is mattered is that the U C P (1983 revision) did not provide the definition of a "carrier" which may be a norm in deciding of acceptability of the freight forwarder's transport document. The 1980 Revision of Incoterms, appreciating that one of the basic functions of a transport document is to evidence the contract of carriage, states that "carrier" means any person by whom or in whose name a contract of carriage by road, rail, sea or a combination of modes has been made, but this definition does not have a binding force and effect on the L/C tranaction because the L/C is a separate transaction because the L/C is a separate transaction from the sales contract. Article 26 applies only when the credit calling for a transport document stipulates as such document "a marine bill of lading", and it broadly follows the structure of Article 25. A marine bill of lading in the Article, unkess otherwise stupylated in the credit must be an "on board" form. As this Article only apply to " a marine bill of lading", the document which contains the word "intended" or "issued by freight forwarder", unless it indicates that the freight forwarder is acting as a carrier or its agent, will not be acceptable. But the Paragraph(b) in this Article stipulates that banks will not reject a document which bears a title such as "Combined transport billof Lading", Combined transport doucument", "Combined transport bill of lading or port-to-port bill of lading ......, so in cases of Combined transport documents which meet the requirements of Paragraph(a) of article 26, it is very confusing to find a appropriate Article in application. thus to avoid a confusion L/C applicant showed designate Article 26 in L/C if he wants it to be applied in Combined transport document. Article 27 made the change of UCp(1974 revision) that an "on board" document should be the norm; namely "taken in charge" or "received for shipment" now because an equivalent alternative for transport documents other than marine bill of lading.

      • 關稅가 國內産業에 미치는 經濟的 效果分析 : 우리나라의 中間財産業과 消費財産業을 中心으로

        金正秀 東亞大學校 大學院 1985 大學院論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        In the process of economic development of a country, a tariff not only protects its infant industries but also help cultivate import-competing industries and enhance the level of national income. Also a tariff is an effective policy in improving the terms of trade and balance of payments of a country. Therefore, a tariff is considered to be an indispensable policy in the early stage of industrialization or in the reorganizing stage of industrial structure toward the industrialization of a country. Accordingly, the purpose of this thesis is to analyse the effects of the tariff on domestic industries of intermediate and consumption goods industrials. For these purposes the study is divided into two parts, that is, the protective effect and the economic welfare effect of the tariff on the domestic industries. Until recently policy makers and administrators considered the nominal rate of protection as a adequate indicator of the structure of protection and used it as a basis for trade negotiations However, the belief has arisen that the new concept of effective rate of protection (ERP) will serve as a better measure of this structure. Thus, ERP became one of the most important basis in determining the direction of trade policy. From the results analysed by means of ERP calculated by KDI, the tariff policy directions in future could be drawn as follows: 1. As there is a great difference in the protective degree of all the industries, the difference of ERP among industries should be adjusted to reduce it. 2. As about half of all the industries are not protected with negative ERP or are overprotected, the ERPs on these industries should become 0-80% generally known as a reasonable ERP. 3. For the desirable long-run goals of the industrial structure, the ERP of less competitive industry should be higher than that of other industries for a certain period. 4. The industrial protection policy of tariff should be adjusted and pursued in relation to other policies of industrial protection such as export subsidy, import restriction etc. On the other hand, economists are interested in the cost of tariff because the estimates of this cost can be used by policy makers to evaluate the cost and the benefits of alternative economic policies. However, the calculation of the cost of tariff has not yet been made for the Korean economy. In chapter Ⅲ the formulas for calculating the cost of tariff are derived in terms of consumer's and producer's surplus for four different models. By each model the welfare effects of tariff in intermediate goods Ⅰ, intermediate goods Ⅱ, and consumption goods were calculated for the Korean economy. The estimates of these costs were found to be dependent on the values of import and export elasticities, which in turn were influenced by the model with which production and consumption are divided between importables and exportables. In Korean economy the cost of tariff is about 1.0-2.0% of GNP except for the general equilibrium model with terms of trade effect. This is about 10-20 times compared with the cost of Japanese economy. And the order of the magnitudes of the cost is as follows: 1. Intermediate goods Ⅰ, 2. intermediate goods Ⅱ, 3. consumption goods, or 1, intermediate goods Ⅱ, 2, intermediate goods Ⅰ, consumption goods according to the different models. Therefore, in order to cut down the high cost of tariff one should not only lower the tariff rate in the greater parts of the goods, but also reduce a great gap in ERP of all the industries.

      • KCI우수등재

        신라시대 목탑의 전래에 관한 연구 : 찰주와 심초석을 중심으로

        김정수 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.7

        This study was to examine the central foundation stone of wooden pagodas in Kyongju. In order to enshrine the Sarrira of Buddha, it was used for the building the pilla at the floor of wooden pagodas in Shilla period. Therefore, the style of the major pilla was built at the floor of the wooden pagodas, this style has been changed by a central foundation stone. The wooden- frame assembled style of multi- story pagodas had been changed by the central foundation stone. As a result, it was found that the style of wooden pagodas has been changed tranditionally in Shilla period.

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