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      • KCI등재

        企業家型 經營者의 企業家 活動(entrepreneurship)

        Young Rai Kim(金榮來) 한국경영사학회 2000 經營史學 Vol.24 No.-

        As regarded in economics or business administration, entrepreneurs are not homogeneous. They conduct various entrepreneurial activities being influenced by their own social and cultural environments. When we consider the form of business organization, this era can be summarized as the era of managerial enterprises rather than family-style enterprises. According to the managerial enterprise system, salaried managers who manage companies by receiving management authority from owners of the companies are prevalent. However. many problems has been caused by salaried managers from 70’s in America and 90’s in Japan. Thus, this era needs salaried managers with entrepreneurship not only to conduct simple traditional manager’s business such as combining physical and human resources but also to conduct entrepreneurial activities such as risk-taking, innovation. competition. This study Investigates the Mr. Yoon, Yoon Soo’s case, who is the president of Fila Korea Ltd. with the model of entrepreneurial manager, and concludes that Mr. Yoon is regarded as an entrepreneurial manager.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        글로벌 기업 삼성 이건희 회장의 앙트러프러너십 연구

        김영래(Young-Rai Kim) 한국경영사학회 2010 經營史學 Vol.55 No.-

        경제학과 경영학 이론 중에는 기업가(경영자)는 항상 합리적이고 이상적인 사고와 행동만을 한다는 것을 전제로 하는 이론들이 많다. 그러나 이것은 기업가의 역할을 간과한 것이다. 본 논문에서 앙트러프러너십은 기업가가 늘 위기감을 갖고 불확실성하에서 위험을 무릅쓰고(Risk Taking) 도전(Challenge)하며 창조적이고 경쟁력 있는 혁신(Change/Innovation)을 통하여 기회(Chance)를 선점하여 고객의 가치를 창출함으로써 지속적인 발전을 가져오는 기업가의 실천(Practice)이다. 이를 삼성 이건희 회장의 사례를 통해 구명하고자 한다. 삼성 이건희 회장은 선발자(First Mover)로서 늘 삼성이 5~10년 후에 먹고 살 수종과 토양을 개발해야 한다는 위기(Crisis)의식을 불어 넣으며 수 조원의 위험을 무릅쓰고 반도체 개발방식을 선택하고 비메모리생산에 도전하여 오늘날 세계제일의 반도체 생산 기업이 되도록 하였다. 그리고 외환위기 때에는 선택과 집중이 아닌 사업의 다각화로 미디어컨버전스(융합)에 도전하여 성공을 거둠으로써 세계 최고의 글로벌 IT기업을 탄생시켰다. 또한 3Ps혁신의 실천은 1993년 이후 소위 삼성헌법(인간미, 도덕성, 예의범절, 에티켓) 및 7·4출퇴근제를 통한 라이프사이클 변화를 통해 의식개혁인 ‘퍼스널 이노베이션’을 실천하였다. 또한 정보화를 통한 ‘프로세스 이노베이션’으로서 My Single이라는 통신시스템을 구축하여 확장형 ERP(SCM, PDM, CRM)를 비롯한 모든 정보시스템과 연결시켜 정보의 공유체제를 확립함으로써 업무의 생산성을 향상시켰다. 그리고 1987년 취임후부터 줄곧 준비한 설계와 개발을 위한 PDM시스템의 구축은 정보의 일원화를 도모해 프로세스를 효율화하고 기간을 단축할 수 있게 하였다. 나아가 ECIM시스템을 통해 그룹 각 사가 기술정보를 공유하여 그룹전체의 프로세스 이노베이션을 실천할 수 있게 되어 삼성이 자랑하는 스피드경영의 원천이 되었다. 마지막으로 프로세스 이노베이션을 통한 제품품질혁신이 이루어지게 되자 제품디자인 분야의 본사 통합으로 오리지널 제품 개발이 가능하게 되었고, 제품브랜드 가치 제고로 월드베스트 제품전략을 수행할 수 있게 됨으로써 ‘프로덕트 이노베이션’을 실천할 수 있게 되었다. 이러한 혁신이 성공할수 있었던 배경에는 1997년 외환위기 당시의 위기감을 기반으로 모든 개혁을 저항 없이 실행할 수 있었기 때문이다. 이렇게 이건희 회장의 앙트러프러너십은 도전, 혁신·변화, 기회선점의 실천이었으며, 그 성과로 1987년 국내에서 3위에 불과했던 삼성이 20년 후 세계 유수의 글로벌기업의 대열에 서게 되었다. 끝으로 이 논문은 지금까지와 다른 새로운 앙트러프러너십 연구모형을 제시하고자 했다는 점과 향후 한국 기업가(경영자)들에게 기업가의 ‘역할’이 무엇인가를 자각하게 한다는 점에서 일조 할 것이다. Contemporary economic theories are mostly predicated on the premise that entrepreneurs think and behave rationally. This premise, however, overlooks the real significance of their social role. This article therefore defines the concept of entrepreneurship as an entrepreneur’s practice that can bring sustainable development by taking risks, facing challenges, seizing opportunities for early dominance through aggressive innovations, and finally creating consumer values. This paper attempts to shed light on such a form of entrepreneurship through the example of Samsung Group chairman, Kun-Hee Lee. Kun-Hee Lee, who has always been the first mover imbued with a sense of crisis, argued that Samsung should develop its products with an outlook for living on five to ten years later. This is why he ventured into non-memory products, taking the risk of trillions of Won deficit, eventually to make Samsung Electronics the world’s leading producer of semiconductors. Also, during the Asian currency crisis, he achieved success at media convergence by diversifying business rather than focusing on a few selected items; consequently, Samsung was ranked as the top global brand in electronics. Kun-Hee Lee’s strong determination to change is shown in his plan for 3P Innovations: Personal Innovation, Process Innovation, and Product Innovation. First, the “Personal Innovation” means a radical reconstruction of his employees’ life cycle and consciousness through the so-called Samsung Constitution, which prescribes codes of conduct such as humanity, morality, and etiquette, and through his adoption of working hours from 7 am to 4 pm. Second, the “Process Innovation” signifies his plan to improve work productivity by establishing Samsung’s unique intranet such as My Single and by providing its overarching information sharing system through extended ERP functionality, including SCM, PDM, and CRM. Moreover, since his appointment as CEO of Samsung, he had put a great deal of effort into building the SPDM (Samsung Product Data Management) system, thereby unifying information to enhance process efficiency and save time. He also designed the ECIM system to enable each subsidiary of Samsung to share technology information, thereby contributing to Process Innovation of the whole Samsung Group. The ECIM was a major factor enabling the “Speed Management” which Samsung is proud of. Finally, the “Product Innovation” is a corollary of the aforesaid Process Innovation: the latter made possible the former. In particular, in 1994 Samsung’s design center was incorporated into the group’s headquarters in Seoul; this event ultimately enabled Samsung to manufacture original and competitive products well suited to execute its “World’s best” strategy. All the innovations were also possible because the sense of crisis following the 1997 currency crisis fostered a reform-friendly business environment. In this way, Kun-Hee Lee’s entrepreneurship can be summarized as challenge, innovation(change), and seizure of opportunities for early market dominance. His successful entrepreneurship was one crucial factor that made Samsung one of the top global brands just in 20 years, whereas it had been ranked merely as the third-largest conglomerate within the Korean business world in 1987. Through the example of Kun-Hee Lee, this paper thus demonstrates a research model for a new type of entrepreneurship and also leads Korean entrepreneurs to be well aware of the significance of their social role.

      • KCI등재

        앙트러프러너십(Entrepreneurship)과 이노베이션(Innovation)에 관한 고찰

        김영래(Young-Rai Kim) 韓國經營史學會 2014 經營史學 Vol.72 No.-

        J. A. Schumpeter justifies Entrepreneurship as creative destruction, proceeding from equilibrium to disequilibrium. On the other hand, I. M. Kirsner explains Entrepreneurship as innovative activity through recovery derived from disequilibrium to equilibrium. He maintains that enterprises make profit from disequilibrium. There are four kinds of Innovation; products innovation, process innovation, revolutionary innovation, and incremental innovation. New products are produced on the basis of research work through product innovation while existing products with new technology are produced through process innovation. Revolutionary innovation represents the remarkable reform from which new products are produced with new paradigm and technology. Abernathys classifies innovation into four types such as architectural innovation, regular innovation, niche creation innovation, and revolutionary innovation. Architectural innovation is innovation which brings about the remarkable technology changes and new demand creation. Regular innovation enables inexpensive and excellent goods to be produced through technology improvement, which is incremental innovation focusing on improvement of routine work. Niche creation innovation is innovation from which new market and new products are created with existing technology. Revolutionary innovation means to renovate technology paradigm fundamentally and negate the existing technology. According to Abernathy s classification of innovation, entrepreneur can be divided into four types; entrepreneurial entrepreneur, technological entrepreneur, market-oriented entrepreneur, and managerial entrepreneur. In conclusion, An Entrepreneur in these days is the man who exercises the entrepreneurship, which is risk-taking, innovation and investment for the innovation to create his customers value and finally satisfy them.

      • KCI등재

        효성그룹 창업자 만우 조홍제 선생의 경영이념과 기업가 정신

        김영래(Young Rai Kim) 한국경영사학회 2005 經營史學 Vol.39 No.-

        Hong Jai Cho, who was born in a family which worshiped confucianism, graduating university at the age of 30, beginning business at the age of 40, established his own business at the age of 56. He founded Samsungm Corporation(Samsungmulsan) in partnership with Byung Chull Lee, and developed CJ:Cheiljaedang and Cheil Industries Inc(Cheil-mojik) to companies which produced import substitution products in the 1950s, contributing to have Samsung become the top Chaebul in Korea. He overtook Chosun-jebun , an insolvent company, Daejeon-pihyuk , and Hankooktire after leaving Samsung at his age of 56. He developed Chosun-jebun to the second top flour mill company, Daejeon-pihyuk , a footwear factory, to a general leather company, and Hankooktire to the top company in the exportation of tire. He truly was a man who had Midas hands. His entrepreneurship was at peak at his age of 60 when he founded Tongyang Nylon Company , producing nylon fiber for clothes and industrial fiber which were import substitution products, became the major export company under the leadership of Cho. Especially, PET tire cords which were produced in a systematic way take the top market share in the world both in production and sales. Two companies he founded were listed in the 500 world largest companies (excluding US companies). He took long time to make a decision, however, executed very quickly, once making a decision. He made his companies contribute to society by practicing quality-priority, technological independency, and security of competitiveness, emphasizing integrity, endeavor, and responsibility according to his management philosophy of humanism and righteous profit seeking. He was an entrepreneurial entrepreneur who set up a foundation for Hyosung to meet the appraisal standard in economical, legal, ethical and charitable side and to keep sustainable management. S. R. Cho, who succeeds the management Philosophy of Hong Jai Cho, developing Hyosung to a global group with global renovation and global management, elevates Hyosung on the top in the market share of tire cord and on the second place in the market share of spandex in the global market.

      • KCI등재

        한국기업의 생성과 발전

        김영래(Young Rai Kim) 한국경영사학회 2005 經營史學 Vol.36 No.-

        This research studies in terms of business history how Korean corporations were born and developed for 100 years after Korea had opened its port to foreign trade. Korean entrepreneurs and corporations significantly contributed to forming the current state of Korean economy which ranks the 11th largest economy in the world. This research aims to examine the course of development of Korean corporations since the Liberation, thereby to illuminate the present economic situation of Korea, and ultimately to contribute to creating its new economic future. My analysis divides Korean business history into three crucial periods: first, generation of Korean corporations (1876-1945); second, their renaissance (1945-61); and lastly, their development (1962-79). According to this analysis, first, Korean corporations were developed through international trade (import and export). Second, they showed a high degree of dependence on foreign countries in their management elements, such as capital and technology. Third, commercial capital transformed itself to industrial capital in Korean corporations in the late 1950s; and the industrial structure of Korean corporations transferred from light industry to heavy and chemical industry in 1973. Fourth, Korean corporations were characterized by family corporate governance. Fifth, major birthplaces of Korean entrepreneurs moved from Seoul and Kaesung, through Honam (Southwestern part of Korea), to North Korea, and then to Youngnam (Southeastern part of Korea). Sixth, stations of birth of Korean entrepreneurs changed from bureaucrats and great landowners, through landowners and common merchants, to common merchants and industrialists. Seventh, Korean corporations were formed, developed, and showed entrepreneurship in their active response to governmental policies of the government-oriented economic system right after the Liberation. Lastly, the life cycle of Korean corporations is estimated at about thirty years.

      • KCI등재

        삼성그룹 창업자 이병철 경영(학)의 연구

        김영래(Young-Rai Kim) 한국경영사학회 2011 經營史學 Vol.57 No.-

        Lee Byung-Chull (1938~1987), a Korean entrepreneur, created corporations in almost 30 different industries throughout the period of 50 years, developing several of them into market leaders at both local and international levels. How could such a remarkable case in business history happen? The present paper seeks to answer the question by examining his value system, business ideology, and business management style. Lee’s value system was deeply rooted in Confucianism; he often mentioned that The Analects of Confucius had formed his character. Also, his business ideology included principles such as “economic contribution to the country”, “priority to human resources development”, and “pursuit of rationality”, The first principle of economic contribution to the country developed into the company’s ultimate goal of “benefiting mankind” in the spirit of coexistence and co-prosperity. The other two principles served as means to achieve the end : he promoted talent-driven management under his unique “tree philosophy”, one that likens human resources development to the nurturing of trees; he simultaneously pursued reasonable management. Lee once recalled that he spent “80 percent of his life in searching for and training talented people”. To promote talent-driven management, he adopted an open recruitment system for the first time in Korean history. He also established world-class training centers and programs thoroughly designed for and catering to the needs of employees at all levels, including new recruits, managers, and executives. The company’s human resources were managed by the following three rules : the merit-based system, putting the right man for the right job, and unfailing dispensation of justice to performance. Samsung thereby began to be called a rich reservoir of human resources. Lee, hence, asked his trained talents to execute the principles of reasonable management within the organizational structure of Samsung, which embodied the principles, rules, and systems of business rationalization-a core philosophy of management Lee once had taken the lead in practicing. In particular, he empowered the CEO of each of the 30 Samsung subsidiaries to put into practice responsible (empowerment)management. Lee simultaneously ensured that he, chairman of the group, closely communicated with the subsidiary CEOs ; that is, he supported, directed, and assessed them through his own secretariat-the control tower for the entire group. This corporate system comprising chairman, subsidiary CEOs, and the secretariat decisively contributed to enhancing the competitive power of Samsung. Finally, these three business factors-the principles, rules, and systems of business rationalization, responsible(empowerment)management of each subsidiary, and the secretariat for the group chairman-constituted the basic framework of Lee s reasonable management. Samsung consequently earned the nickname : “Samsung for Management”. In conclusion, Lee’s unique business ideology materialized, first, into “talent-driven management” for recruiting and training talented employees and, second, into the corporate structure of “reasonable management” to enable its CEOs to manage subsidiaries effectively. Third, it thereby aimed to serve mankind. An examination of Samsung’s half-century history through Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.’s concept of “organizational capabilities” leads us to find that the Samsung Group has achieved a sustainable growth and competitive advantages by acquiring its own unique organizational capabilities. Indeed, Samsung has vigorously thrived for 72 years as a representative conglomerate of Korea. Its founder Lee’s business ideology, which made this economic feat possible, should therefore be highly appreciated. By attempting to illuminate it, the present research contributes to tracing the root and prototype of the Korean business management style. 기업가 이병철은 50년(1938~987)에 걸쳐 30여 개의 각기 다른 업종의 기업들을 창업 하거나 설립하였다. 그리고 그 기업들은 모두 국내는 물론이고 그 중 몇몇 기업은 세계의 유수 기업으로 성장시켰다. 이것은 세계 기업사에도 찾기 어려운 드문 예이다. 이 같은 결과를 가져올 수 있었던 원인은 무엇일까? 본 논문은 이것을 구명하기 위하여 이병철의 가치체계, 경영이념, 그리고 그가 실천했던 “경영”의 실체를 찾고자 했다. 이병철은 ‘논어’가 자신의 인격을 형성시켰다고 할 정도로 유교적 가치체계를 지니고 ‘사업보국’과 ‘인재제일’, ‘합리추구’를 경영이념으로 하였다. 그 중 사업보국은 더 발전하여 공존공영정신 더 나아가 “인류에의 봉사”를 최종 기업의 사명으로 삼고 그것을 실행하기 위한 수단으로 특유의 ‘나무철학’에 입각하여 인재제일의 ‘인재경영’과 합리추구의 ‘합리경영’을 실천하였다. 인재경영은 그가 “내 일생의 80%를 인재를 모으고 기르는데 세월을 보냈다.”고 술회 한 바와 같이 한국 최초로 공개채용에 의해 사원을 뽑고, 다양하고 수준 높은 연수교육 프로그램과 세계수준의 연수시설을 건립, 신입사원, 중견사원, 경영자 별로 철저히 인재 교육을 시켰다. 그리고 그 인재를 능력주의, 적재적소, 신상필벌의 인사 3원칙에 의해 관리했다. 이로서 삼성은 세간에서 “인재의 삼성”으로 부르게 되었다. 이와 같이 길러진 인재들을, 이병철이 솔선수범으로 체험한 ‘경영의 합리화’ 원칙과 룰, 그리고 제도로 만들어진 조직 속에서 합리경영을 실행하도록 하였다. 특히 30여개 계열 각사의 사장들에게 ‘책임경영제’하의 사업부 조직 속에서 책임경영을 하도록 하였고, 회장과 각 계열사 사장들을 연결하고 계열사를 지원, 지도, 진단하며 회장의 이상을 구현하는 사령탑으로써 ‘회장 비서실’을 두었다. 회장, 각 계열사 사장단, 비서실로 구성 되는 삼각편대는 삼성의 경쟁력이 되었다. 이렇게 경영 합리화의 원칙과 룰, 제도, 그리 고 책임경영제하의 사업부제, 그리고 회장 비서실은 이병철 합리경영의 기본 골격이다. 이것을 철저히 실천하는 삼성을 세간에서는 “관리의 삼성”이라 부른다. 결론적으로 이병철 경영(학)은 인재경영에 의한 질 높은 인재들을 합리경영이라는 틀 속에서 효과적이고 효율적으로 경영할 수 있게 하는 경영시스템이다. 이병철 경영시스템에 의한 삼성그룹의 50년 간 경영을 챈들러의 조직능력 모델을 적용하여 검증해 본 결과, 삼성그룹은 조직능력을 형성, 경쟁우위를 갖게 됨으로써 지속가능한 성장을 할 수 있었다. 이병철의 삼성그룹은 통상 기업의 수명주기가 30년이라는 오늘날 한국을 대표하는 그룹으로서 72년 간 지속성장을 해왔다는 그 사실 자체만으로도 높이 평가받을 수 있고, 이러한 성과를 뒷받침한 “이병철 경영(학)” 또한 평가를 받아 마땅하다고 생각한다. 그리고 이와 같은 연구 결과는 결국 한국형 경영의 뿌리를 찾는 시발점이 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        SPC초당 허창성 선생과 허영인 회장의 경영이념과 기업가 정신

        김영래(Young Rai Kim) 한국경영사학회 2005 經營史學 Vol.37 No.-

        Chang Sung Hur, the founder of Samrip food company and Young In Hur, the second son of Chang Sung Hur, establish SPC group as devoting themselves in a bakery business for 60 years generation after generation. Chang Sung Hur who makes the best way and the life of conscience a motto emphasizes public service and welfare of the people as a duty of an entrepreneur. Therefore, he tries to gain confidence from customers with quality-priority management and field-oriented management. He, as a founder of Samlip, wields entrepreneurship in many ways. He invents smokeless coal oven which reduces the cost of fuel reduced to a tenth. Samlip sweeps bakery market by cost reduction owing to invention of Smokeless Fuel Oven . He makes Samlip listed in 100 Largest company by developing Creambang . He also introduces Hobang a bread for winter and Icha a ice bar for summer which make Samlip a leading company in bakery industry. Young In Hur, the second son of Chang Sung Hur, undertakes Sungnam factory of Samlip and begins his own business in the name of Shany. Shany takes the first place in bakery industry in thirteen years, leaving out Samlip, a mother company. He cultivates the core capacity as an entrepreneur and establishes BR Korea in cooperating with global company, opening Baskin Rabbins as franchised shop. He also franchises Dunkin Donuts through technical cooperation with another global company. Furthermore, He creates native franchise, Paris Crossant and Paris Baquette known as brand of European stylish bread. All of business take first place among bakery industry. He undertakes Samlip, a mother company, when Samlip is under legal management as an insolvent enterprise and establishes SPC group. Young In Hur inherits management philosophy of Chang Sung Hur, his father, and establishes global management through System Management and Global SPC Belt project. Young In Hur and Chang Sung Hur are entrepreneurial entrepreneur who accomplish entrepreneurship successfully as J.A. Schumpeter, A.D. Chandler, M.E. Porter and W.J. Abernathy suggest for the ideal enterpriser.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        토요다家 앙트러프러너십의 계승과 발전

        김영래(Young Rai Kim) 한국경영사학회 2008 經營史學 Vol.48 No.-

        본 논문은 2007년 말 기준 자동차기업으로서 생산, 판매, 순이익부문에서 세계1위를 한, 토요다(Toyoda)家가 창업 이래 3대에 걸친 기업가들의 앙트러프러너십의 특성이 무엇이며 어떻게 轉移되어 오늘에 이르게 되었나를 경영사학의 전통적인 연구방법인 사례연구를 통하여 구명(究明)하고자 했으며, 여기서 앙트러프러너십의 의미는 위험을 무릅쓰고(risk taking), 혁신(innovation)을 수행하고, 그에 투자(investment)하여 성공적인 기업 활동을 함으로써 고객의 가치를 창조하는 기업가활동을 의미한다. 연구결과는, 토요타방직을 창업한 創祖 토요다사키치(豊田佐吉)는 발명가이자 기업가로 자동방직기를 발명하였고, 이론보다는 경험을 중시하는 사고방식을 아들 토요다키이치로(豊田喜一郞)에게 전승했다. 그의 이같은 사고방식은 실지제일주의, 즉 오늘날 現地現物(Genji Genbutsu)로 승화하여 토요타의 행동패턴이자 기업문화가 되었다. 한편 부친의 자동직기를 뛰어넘는 G형자동직기를 발명한 키이치로는 토요타자동차를 창시하였고, 포드(Ford)의 생산방식에 필적할 JIT(Just in Time)이라는 낭비를 없애는 생산방식을 창조하였다. 그의 사촌동생 토요다에이지(豊田英二)는 형으로부터 JIT를, 큰아버지 사키치로부터 자동화(自動化)를, 그리고 자신의 지휘아래 만들어진 간판방식을 결합하여 토요타생산방식(TPS)을 정립하였을 뿐만 아니라 QC활동을 진작시켰다. 3대째인 키이치로의 장남 토요다쇼이치로(豊田章一郞)는 선대의 앙트러프러너십에서 얻어진 성과인 토요타생산방식(TPS)을 글로벌화하여 글로벌 스탠더드가 되도록 하였고, 오늘날 선진국 대부분의 자동차 공장에서 토요타생산방식(TPS)을 채택하고 있다. 또한 쇼이치로는 에이지의 QC를 전사적으로 톱 매니지먼트로부터 종업원에 이르기까지 함께 전개하는 TQC로 발전시켰다. 이와 같이 3代에 걸친 토요다家 앙트러프러너십의 轉移는 現地現物(Genji Genbutsu)라는 토요타 고유의 기업문화 속에 사람 키우기 와 매뉴얼 만들기 로 전승되었고, 세계의 글로벌 스탠더드가 된 토요타생산방식(TPS)을 창조하였는데, 이 방식은 Kaizen(改善)이라는 일본형 혁신의 대명사가 되어 20세기 후반부터 오늘에 이르기까지 자동차 생산 효율성에 지대한 기여를 하고 있다. Today, Toyota ranks first around the globe in automobile production, sales, and profits. In the present article, I contend that the main factor behind this worldwide success lies in the Toyoda family s entrepreneurship. The origins of Toyota Industries Corp. are as follows. First, Sakichi Toyoda, the inventor of the automatic power loom, established Toyota Spinning and Weaving Co., Ltd. in 1917. Second, Kiichiro Toyoda, his eldest son and an engineer, invented the Toyota automatic loom (type G) and founded Toyota Automatic Loom Works, Ltd. for its mass production. The automobile division of this company eventually grew into Toyota Motor Corp., which Kiichiro Toyoda established in 1937. Sakichi and Kiichiro Toyoda shared and formulated Toyota s corporate culture and discipline go and see for yourself, which has been transformed into the idea of Genji Genbutsu. In fact, this principle governs all member companies of the Toyota Group even today. Kiichiro Toyoda had a corporate vision: We make good, cheap cars with our own hands. In order to realize this vision, he revolutionized the company s manufacturing system, called Just in Time(JIT), which aimed at producing the right material, at the right time, at the right place, and in the exact amount. Eiji Toyoda, his cousin, perfected the Toyota Production System(TPS) by combining Sakichi Toyoda s automation, Kiichiro Toyoda s JIT, and the Kanban(billboard)-card system. In addition, Shoichiro Toyoda, his nephew and Kiichiro Toyoda s eldest son, brought about processing innovation called Kaizen(improvement) by implementing quality control(QC) and total quality control(TQC). Moreover, he developed the TPS into the global standard in automobile manufacturing by experimenting with and confirming the internationalization of the system at the New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc.(NUMMI) plant, a joint venture with General Motors Corp.(GM). The entrepreneurship of four members of the Toyoda family has thus transformed Fordism, the mass production method that dominated the automotive industry throughout the early 20th century, into the TPS of the late 20th century.

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