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      • KCI등재

        ‘병자호란’의 기억과 ‘남사고 예언’

        김신회 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2020 한국문화 Vol.0 No.92

        This study attempts to explore how the experience of the Pyŏngja horan played a role in the formation of the Namsago prophecy in the late Chosŏn(朝鮮) Dynasty. Namsago was a figure that people in the late Chosŏn Dynasty recognized as the speaker of a prophecy related to the Sipsŭngji(十勝地, Ten Excellent Sites) or as a prophet who knew the future. The purpose of this study is to clarify the text that was the original prophecy of Namsago. To this end, I present the Namsago-related records in the Chŏnggamnok(『鄭鑑錄』) of Hosoi Hajime(細井肇, 1886-1934), compiled in 1923, as the latest case. At the same time, I review the Namhanilgi(南漢日記) from Jangseogak(藏書閣) as the earliest case of the Namsago prophecy. By cross-examining these texts and the Namsago’s prophecy mentioned in the historical record of 1733, it is possible to reveal the true nature of this prophecy. I insist that the record recognized by the people in the late Chosŏn Dynasty as the Namsago prophecy begins with the memory of Pyŏngja horan. .

      • KCI등재

        ‘남사고 예언서’의 성립과 확산

        김신회 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2021 한국문화 Vol.- No.94

        This study attempts to explore how the Namsago Prophecy was formed and spread from the late 17th to early 20th centuries in Korea. The Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) which was published in 1923 in modern printing by Hosoi Hajime(1886-1934) has been recognized as the original copy to people. The Chŏnggamnok published by Hosoi contains three separate titles that are closely related to the original form of the Namsago Prophecy which appeared in the late 17th century. This study examine the origins of these three records and the changing patterns over time. Then printing which was reinvented by Johannes Gutenberg in the fifteenth was important in increasing the spread and accuracy of knowledge in world history. Prior to the introduction of Western printing, writing was a major means of conveying knowledge and information in the late Chosŏn(朝鮮) Dynasty. Manuscripts of prophecy were conveyed to the descendants like this. In this process, someone was able to edit the prophecy into a new form. In this study, I describe how knowledge was conveyed, transformed, and made into new knowledge by copying books by hand in the pre-modern Korea society. .

      • KCI등재

        「십승비기」와 ‘남사고 예언’-김선(1615~1670)의 『여온일기』를 중심으로-

        김신회 조선시대사학회 2023 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.- No.106

        본고는 17세기 전ㆍ중반 활동했던 경상도 사족 김선, 그의 일기에 포함된 「십승비기」를 검토했다. 이를 통해 「십승비기」는 ‘남사고 예언’과 관련하여 역사적으로 어떠한 위치를 차지하는지 검토했다. 김선은 저명한 사족을 배경으로 삼은 인물이었다. 전근대 사회에서 읽고 쓰는 능력은 이를 소유한 이들에게 상류층의 지위와 특권을 안겨 주었다. 이를 고려할 때 그의 일기는 예언을 향유한 주체는 당대 권력층이자 식자층인 사족을 포함했음을 알려 준다. 본고는 ‘십승’에 기반한 ‘남사고 예언’과 관련하여 「십승비기」의 역사적 위치를 가늠해 보고자 세 가지 텍스트를 선정해 비교했다. 「십승비기」는 내용상 ‘몸을 보존할 공간’과 ‘몸을 감출 산맥’의 두 부분으로 구성되어 있었다. 이들 부분은 장서각 소장 『남한일기』내의 「십승 보신지지」(1672)에서도 확인된다. 이는 1923년 출간된 호소이 본 『정감록』내의 ‘남사고 예언’으로 설정된 「남격암 산수십승 보길지지」에서도 재확인된다. 필자는 이들 텍스트를 비교ㆍ검토함으로써 「십승비기」는 해당 유형의 예언 기록들 가운데 가장 앞선 시기의 형태라는 점을 확인했다. This study attempts to explore the meaning of the Sipsŭngbigi(十勝秘記) included in the diary recorded by Kim Sŭn. He was a descendant of a great lineage, the yangban class, in Kyŏngsang province. Literacy defined elite status and conveyed enormous prestige to those who possessed it. Because it can be learned, writing also provided a means for some commoners to join the charmed circle of the literate in the early modern world. The diary of Kim Sŭn suggests that those who enjoyed the prophecy included the aristocratic class, the powerful and intellectual class of the time. The purpose of this study is to clarify the text that was the original prophecy of Namsago. To this end, I present the ten excellent sites for protection and good luck(南格庵山水十勝保吉之地) in the Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) of Hosoi Hajime(細井肇; 1886~1934), compiled in 1923. At the same time, I review the Namhanilgi(南漢日記), and the Sipsŭngbigi of Kim Sŭn. By cross-examining these texts, I confirm that the Sipsŭngbigi was the original form among them.

      • KCI등재

        동사 ‘가다’의 통사·의미부 대응에 관한 연구

        김신회 국어학회 2009 국어학 Vol.0 No.54

        이 연구는 ‘가다’의 다의성과 보조동사로서의 쓰임을, Culicover & Jackendoff(2005)의 논의를 바탕으로 단일한 체계 안에서 설명하고자 한다. 일반동사 ‘가다’의 의미구조는 존재와 추상화된 경로를 포함하는 상황의 도식과 다양한 화맥적 의미의 의미장 자질이 결합된 함수이다. 보조동사 ‘가다’의 의미는 의미장 자질을 갖추지 않은 일반동사 ‘가다’ 구문의 의미함수와 같다. 구문의 통사 구조는 의미부와의 계층적 사상 관계를 유지하고 발화된 문장의 어순 제약을 충족하는 최소한의 것으로 상정된다. 보조동사 ‘가다’와 본동사의 통사적 결합은 연결어미 ‘-어’가 핵어이고 본동사구와 보조동사가 논항인 ConjP의 통사적 지위를 가진다. 또, 보조동사 ‘가다’는 선행 요소에 통사적으로 의존적인 자질을 갖는다.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 조선의 400년 위기설: ‘이지서 사건(1748)’을 중심으로

        김신회 한국사학회 2022 史學硏究 Vol.- No.145

        This study attempts to explore how a certain Toson pigi was appeared in the middle of 18th century in Korea Ch‘ungch’ŏng Province and how it had something to do with a person named Yi Chisŏ who put up a poster. The poster, which was put up in the town of Muńŭi, was based in part on the aforementioned Toson pigi. It had some sentences that were quoted from it. For example, “‘Dragon head and snake tail.’ Dragon head is the mu-chin (year); Snake tail is the last month of the ki-sa (year)” Another sentence quoted went, “Like Wae and not Wae, they come from the south. neither mountain nor water, the benefit is in kung-kung.” For this study, I compared Toson pigi(1748) of Yi Chisŏ with Toson pimun published by Ahn Chungeun(1926-1993) in 1981. This attempt confirms the prophecy record under the title of Toson that contained what content and format in the mid-18th century of the Chosŏn Dynasty. The mu-sin rebellion of 1728 was an event in which the confrontation and conflict of Factionalism among the yangban officials erupted in society as an armed conflict. Yi Chisŏ had distant links with it. He was dissatisfied with the dynasty and the king Yŏngjo(1724-1776) because of his situation of being alienated from political power and his unfortunate economic status. And he took an active interest to the politics of the capital. Yi Chisŏ experienced alienation and poverty, and tried to believe in the end of the real world and the emergence of a new world by relying on prophecy under the name of a person surnamed Chŏng. 본고는 18세기 중반 조선의 충청도를 공간 배경으로 등장했던 「도선비기」와, 당해 지역의 이지서를 중심으로 한 관련자들이 뒤엉켜 발생한 사건의 배경과 원인을 고찰했다. 구체적으로 필자는 예언의 언설과 비기 내용이 당대 사회에서 회자된 현상에 주목함으로써 그와 같은 언사들이 예언이라는 형식의 외피를 뒤집어쓰고 사회에 출현한 배경을 탐구했다. 연구 목적을 위해 필자는 ‘이지서 사건’(1748)에서 등장한 「도선비기」와 안춘근 본 정감록집성 (1981) 내의 「도선비문」을 대조함으로써 충청도에서 등장했던 ‘도선의 예언서’에 관한 특징을 알아보았다. 이는 출현 시점과 공간이 비교적 확실하며 ‘도선’을 내세웠던 예언 기록은 여하한 내용과 외형으로 구성됐는지를 확인시켜 준다. ‘무신란’(1728)은 붕당의 대립과 격화가 무력 충돌의 형태로 사회에서 분출한 사건이었다. 이지서는 정치권력에서 소외된 자신의 처지와 불우한 경제적 지위로 일상에서 존재하던 조선 왕조에 불만을 쌓았던 인물이다. 그는 정치적 소외와 경제적 빈곤을 경험하며 현실 세계의 종말과 새로운 세상의 도래를 예언이라는 형식에 의지하여 믿고자 했다. 이지서가 소리친 목소리의 의의는 미약한 개인의 힘으로나마 당대의 사회 모순이었던 부의 편중과 붕당 격화에 따른 기회의 차별 및 정치적 불평등, 소외의 근본 원인으로서의 국왕의 책임을 지적했다는 것이다. 결국 ‘이지서 사건’은 당대 사회에서 소외되고 있었던 계층의 욕구불만을 해소하지 못하던 기성 사회의 무기력을 배경으로 하고 있었다. 이때 이지서는 「도선비기」라는 예언 기록을 동원하여 개인적 차원의 불평을 주변 인사들에게 표출했다. 그는 소외된 가장자리 인생들에게 새로운 사회 도래의 당위성을 예언에 기대어 정당화하며 그것의 실행자로 정씨진인을 호출했던 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Experimental study of material behavior of AP-HTPB base composite solid propellant

        김신회,임용택 대한기계학회 2019 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.33 No.7

        In the present study, to characterize material behavior of an ammonium perchlorate - hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (AP-HTPB) base composite solid propellant, tension tests were performed with various temperatures and strain rates. Stress relaxation tests were also carried out at various temperatures to determine the tensile modulus of the material. In addition to these tests, three types of cyclic tests and dilatation test were carried out to identify the effect of internal damage evolution to the material response. From the results of three cyclic tests, Mullins effect was observed, and from the dilatation test, volumetric damage incurred by de-bonding between the filler and matrix material was observed as well. Based on such findings, a viscoelastic constitutive modeling with the Mullins effect and damage is proposed. Numerical simulations with the newly proposed damage model reproduced the experimental findings at various test conditions fairly well. It was found out that the proposed viscoelastic constitutive model could be used to efficiently characterize the material response of the solid propellant depending on various strain rates and temperatures according to the present study.

      • KCI등재

        ‘정감록’ 기억의 형성과 예언서 출현: 1739년 李濱 사건을 중심으로

        김신회 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2018 한국문화 Vol.0 No.84

        The purpose of this study is to examine what constituted Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄), a book of prophecy, and the background of its appearance which began to appear in the records of the Chosŏn(朝鮮) Dynasty since 1739. In doing so, I tried to describe the history by focusing on the creation, the transformation, and the reconstruction of human memory. It has been the work of describing the ways in which the memories of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) appeared in Chosŏn(朝鮮) society, declined in the course of collisions and conflicts, and then re-emerged and expanded. I tried to make use my interest that lies in the phenomenon in which memory is transformed into a record by examining the Chosŏn(朝鮮) society where the memories of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) appeared in the name of a book of prophecy. It aimed to understand the structure of formation of a record from fragments of memories that have lasted for a long period of time. Through the series of political events since the beginning of the Chosŏn(朝鮮) Dynasty, the elements embedded as the memories of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) were Kyeryongsan(鶏龍山), Chŏngssi(鄭氏), and Chinin(眞人). They were closely related with the Chŏngyŏrip(鄭汝立) incident in the late 16th century. At that time, Chŏngyŏrip(鄭汝立) spread various prophecies that were threatening to the Chosŏn(朝鮮) Dynasty. Chŏngyŏrip(鄭汝立) made use of Kyeryongsan(鶏龍山) and Chŏngssi(鄭氏) as he appointed his own surname Chŏngssi(鄭氏) to be the replacement of the Chosŏn(朝鮮) dynasty with the transfer of the capital to Kyeryongsan(鶏龍山). In so doing, he superimposed the expressions such as ‘early in the Chosŏn(朝鮮) Dynasty’ and ‘a hundred years earlier’ to add mystery and justify the prophecy. Chŏngyŏrip(鄭汝立) was able to make and spread the prophecy because of the prevalent dissatisfaction among people following the collapse of the peasant class. The elements of prophecy that Chŏngyŏrip(鄭汝立) spread left various traces in the society later. There are two typical examples. First, Kyeryongsan(鶏龍山) had been recognized firmly as the capital of Chŏngssi(鄭氏) dynasty, and Second, Chŏngssi(鄭氏) as Chinin(眞人)’s surname. It can be argued from this that the elements constituting Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) as a book of prophecy were not products of a certain period. The fragments of memories of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) had survived for a long time and attracted people, in the course of which they were transformed and appropriated to be passed down to the next generation. The Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) as memories turned into a record at a certain point of time while attracting people and being chosen by them. I would like to conceptualize the emergence of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) as a book of prophecy as the crystallization of this process. I have examined the Lee Bin(李濱) incident in 1739 through which memories of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) had been transformed into a record. I was able to find out that the peoples’ desire for utopia was the background of the appearance of the book of prophecy. The utopia was the place with a certain size of cultivatable fields from which one could subsist without worries. In addition, I found out that Lee Bin(李濱) was closely related with the rumor of utopia which was popular in Hamgyong(咸鏡) Province at that time. The prophecy of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) also originated from him. This was significant in that it transformed the memories epitomized by ‘the fall of Lee(李氏) Dynasty and the prosperity of the Chŏng(鄭氏) Dynasty’ into a literature. What is more, the contents of this prophecy in the 18th century were different from what Koreans know in the 21st century.

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