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        王陽明의 실천론과 萬物一體 사상을 기반으로 한 武道의 道德性 탐색

        김시연,김동규 한국체육철학회 2010 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        This study is a follow-up of "An Explorative Study of Morality in Mu-do grounded in Wang, Yang-Ming's 'Ideology of Knowledge - Action Unity'(Kim, Si-yeon and Kim, Dong-kyu, 2009)." which was conducted for conceptual unification of knowledge and action. Through this research, I intend to unify knowledge and action to enhance theory of practice. For this purpose, I explored how ‘Everyday life-Training(事上磨鍊)'and 'Cut root-Hole in pond(拔本塞源)', unified action theory of Wang Yang-ming's, can be realized as 'Mu-Do'`s action theory and I tried to figure out eventual meaning of 'Mu-Do' through 'all thing as one body(萬物一體)' which is the final destination of theory of practice. As a result, I came to the conclusion as follows. First, 事上磨鍊 is reached regardless of living and breathing instances, namely time, space, form and method. Even though 'Training(磨鍊)' of 'movement time(動時)' is more important than 'no movement time(靜時)', these two cannot be divided, and should be conducted pleasantly. Second, 拔本塞源 of martial artist is to reveal innate knowledge by removing selfish interest and desire. Thus the beginning of 'Mu' is 'Do', and the completion of 'Do' is 'Mu', which can bring us 'Ideology of Knowledge - Action Unity (知行合一)' of 'Mu-Do'. This is an action to become aware of Existence, which is a training method to distinguish true and false of 'Mu-Do'. Third, 萬物一體 means that morality of 'Mu-Do' is morally connected to all the living creature in the organic network of universe for co-existence. Moreover, 萬物一體 of 'Mu-Do' means that the reason of universe circulates in the form of intangibility and form repeatedly through 'Noumenon(本體)', by which morality of 'Mu-Do' is revealed. 본 연구는 내적으로 앎과 행위의 관념적 일원화를 위해 시행되었던「王陽明의 지행합일 사상에 비춰진 무도의 도덕성 탐색(김시연·김동규, 2009)」의 후속연구로서 앎과 행위의 관계를 실천적으로 일원화하기 위해 구상되었다. 이를 위해서 王陽明의 앎과 행위에 있어서의 일원적 실천론인 ‘事上磨鍊’과 ‘拔本塞源’이 무도의 실천론으로 어떻게 구현될 수 있는지 알아보고, 실천론의 궁극적 종착점인 萬物一體사상을 통해 무도가 갖는 궁극적 의미가 무엇인지 탐색한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 무도의 사상마련은 살아 숨 쉬는 모든 순간, 즉 시간·장소·형태·방식과 무관하게 이루어진다. 또한 ‘靜時’보다는 ‘動時’의 마련이 중요하지만 이 둘은 분리될 수 없는 하나이며 항상 쾌활한 마음으로 행해야 한다. 둘째, 무도의 발본색원은 私慾과 物慾을 제거하여 良知를 발현시키는 것이며, 이로써 武의 시작이 道이며, 道의 완성이 武가 되는 무도의 지행합일이 일어나게 된다. 이는 實存의 내적 깨달음을 위한 행위로서 무도의 진위를 구별하게 하는 수양방법이 된다. 셋째, 무도의 만물일체사상은 사상마련과 발본색원을 통해서 구현된 무도의 도덕성이 우주의 모든 생명체와 유기적인 관계망 내에서 도덕적으로 연결되어 공존․공생하고 있음을 말한다. 또한 무도의 만물일체 사상은 우주의 이치가 본체를 통해 무형과 유형이 반복적으로 순환되는 것을 의미하며 이로써 무도의 도덕성이 발현하게 된다.

      • KCI등재

        Role of Design in Forming Consumer Relationship with Information on the Back Side of Package

        김시연 한국일러스아트학회 2014 조형미디어학 Vol.17 No.3

        In many areas of consumerism, design is becoming the core element that captures consumers’ attention and leads them to a product or service. Not only this, but design is also playing an important role in communicating facts and informing consumers of a specific product or service. This research proposes a harmonious and efficient way of communicating various information shown in the back of the package. Back of the package designs are usually filled with overflowing information. Main information presented in the back of the package are categorized into nutrition facts, main ingredient information and ‘how to’ information, according to how consumers recognize information. This research looks at the main information presented in the back of the package, and how and when consumers first start their relationship with these information, proposing an overall approach to consumer communication in a systematic manner.

      • KCI등재

        Effective Food Labeling and Consumer Behavior

        김시연 한국일러스아트학회 2012 조형미디어학 Vol.15 No.1

        Food labeling approaches are constantly changing. This research looks at how consumer behavior can be affected by different food labeling. As a focus on health issue arises and consumer' trends shift according to this change, the market has various labels that can lead the consumers to either informed decision making or an inappropriate choice for their diet. As a form of food labeling, nutrition label has the longest history. In this research different types of labeling are introduced, then the history and the basics of the nutrition label is explained in depth as the basis of communication in food labeling. Visual representatives of these food labels are additionally introduced, with emphasis on the front-of-package labeling. The way that information is visualized and the amount of information visualized is reviewed. With that as the basis, an alternative labeling system is presented. With the examples in other fields such as branding and marketing, the system of storytelling is proposed as a way of explaining the story and information behind the label and its meaning.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Brightness Value and Chroma Change in Brand Identity Color - Focus on Bank Identity

        김시연 한국일러스아트학회 2014 조형미디어학 Vol.17 No.1

        Among various brand identity sectors, financial corporations such as bank's identities have become visible in recent years. South Korea's major banks such as Hana Bank, Woori Bank, and international bank Citibank has all gone through brand identity renewals in the past 3 years and has made an apparent image shift in customers' and potential customers' minds. What is noticeable is that these banks' visual identity did not change drastically. Not changing the color spectrum of main identity color, they have only lowered chroma and value in color, and yet had the power to impact customers' minds on an unconscious level. Power of color, even the slightest change has a visible impact in the overall image. This research shows the impact of color by introducing bank identities that have undergone brand identity renewal with only chroma and value change. Bank identities that changed color hue and has altered their image are also dealt with focus on the power of color. Application of color considering the impact it has in the image of banks that are going through service change and expansion, is proposed for effective use.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Visual Framing in Communication

        김시연 한국일러스아트학회 2012 조형미디어학 Vol.15 No.3

        In this age of vast media coverage, consumers and users are exposed to biased views on both conscious and unconscious levels. Not only is it hard to distinguish truthful information from false ones, but it is also hard to communicate to the level where consumers and users know and comprehend the information thoroughly. Evaluating whether communication was efficient or not, should not rely on quantitative measures but on qualitative effectiveness. Framing in social science means focusing the attention of people within a field of meaning. Framing theory suggests that how something is presented (the “frame”) influences the choices people make. In this research, analogical quality of image is examined to show how visual framing work as an intermediary in communication. With examples showing how visual framing can propose an objective view, a hierarchical view or persuasive view, we can see how visual framing can effect overall communication. Expanding this area and composing a visual frame that works in various environment and situation may be the next step to be taken.

      • KCI등재

        염증코용종과 관련된 재발세균수막염

        김시연,홍준영,나상준,임수환 대한신경과학회 2022 대한신경과학회지 Vol.40 No.3

        In case of no head trauma history and intact immunity, adultonset recurrent bacterial meningitis is scarce. Parameningeal infection is the crucial latent cause of recurrent bacterial meningitis in adults. Nasal polyp can cause a variety of nasal symptoms, depending on its location and size. Chronic sinusitis with nasal polyp tends to have more severe symptoms than those without nasal polyp. We report a case of adult onset third recurrent bacterial meningitis associated with inflammatory nasal polyp.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Visual Identity System of Fluid Contents -Focusing on Cultural Place Identity

        김시연 한국일러스아트학회 2016 조형미디어학 Vol.19 No.4

        This research aims to study visual identity system of fluid contents, especially focusing on cultural place identity. Cultural places of exhibition and performance contents are making efforts to become more approachable. Visual identity plays a crucial role in communicating with the public and potential visitors. Therefore this research first shows brand identity based on the contents of the cultural act such as visual identity systems for places that hold exhibitions or show performances. Secondly, it shows brand identity based on qualities of the physical cultural place, such as places that use characteristics of their architecture in their brand identity communication. Selected places and their visual identity are analyzed to strategize visual communication in certain contents, and gain strength as well as predict success points to generalize strategic visual communication. Throughout this research it becomes clear that even in areas where cultural act seems to have high barriers, effective communication strategy of fluid visual identity can lower those barriers.

      • KCI등재

        북한 ‘구전문학’ 연구 초점의 변화와 김광조 『조선의 민속설화』

        김시연 한국고전연구학회 2022 한국고전연구 Vol.- No.58

        This article aims to trace the changes in the focus of “oral literature” research in the flow of North Korean folklore and literature, and reviews Kim Kwang-jo’s 『Oral Literatures of Joseon』(2015) as a work that shows significant changes since the 2000s. North Korea’s research on oral literature seems to have not been in full swing in the 1950s and 1960s under the background that “Joseon folklore” field was established mainly from historical and archaeological perspectives. Since then, as the distinction between the areas of “Joseon folklore” and “Joseon literature” became clear, the discussion of oral literature was transferred from folklore to literature and was mainly dealt with at the literary level until the 2000s. However, since the 2000s, especially in the 2010s, the theoretical review of oral literature has not been revealed, but only popular publications that re-write the work are found, but there is a tendency to discuss oral literature such as tales and legends as research in the folkloric field. Among them, Kim Kwang-jo’s 『Oral Literatures of Joseon』 is a new proposal by Kim Kwang-jo, a folkloric researcher, to reconsider the perspective and area of research in oral literature, showing a new trend in oral literature. As Joseon literature, it suggests the need to study the history and works of folktales in an independent way, away from the boundaries of oral literature studies. This trend shows that research on oral literature in North Korea has been called throughout the era, projecting the premise and orientation of various academic fields. Through this, it will be necessary to comprehensively review the changes in the focus and target of the study between the 1950s-60s and the late 2000s. 이 글은 북한의 민속학과 문학 연구의 흐름 속에서 ‘구전문학’ 연구 초점이 변화해온 양상을 추적하고, 2000년대 이후 두드러진 변화의 양상을 보여주는 저작으로서 김광조의 『조선의 민속설화』(2015)를 검토한다. 북한의 구전문학 연구는 1950 -60년대 ‘조선민속학’이 역사학‧고고학적 관점을 위주로 성립된 배경 아래 본격화되지 않은 상태였던 것으로 보인다. 이후 ‘조선민속학’과 ‘조선문학’의 영역 구분이 뚜렷해지면서 ‘구전문학’에 대한 논의는 민속학에서 문학으로 영역이 옮겨져 2000년대까지 문학 차원에서 주로 다뤄지게 되었다. 그런데 2000년대 이후, 특히 2010년대에 들어서는 문학 영역에서 ‘구전문학’에 대한 이론적 검토가 이루어지는 양상은 드러나지 않고 다만 작품을 리라이팅한 대중적 출판물만이 발견될 따름인데, 오히려 민속학 영역에서 새롭게 설화와 전설 등의 ‘구전문학’을 연구 대상으로 삼아 논의하는 경향이 나타난다. 그중에서도 김광조의 『조선의 민속설화』(2015)는 민속학 연구자 김광조가 구전문학의 연구 시각과 관점, 영역을 재고할 것을 새로이 제안하는 것으로 ‘구전문학’ 연구의 새로운 경향을 보여주는 저작이다. 조선문학으로서 구전문학 연구의 테두리에서 벗어나, 민속학적 측면에서 설화의 역사와 작품을 독자적인 방법으로 연구할 필요성을 제시하고 있다. 이와 같은 흐름은 북한에서 ‘구전문학’에 관한 연구가 시대를 거치며 다양한 학문 영역의 전제와 지향을 투영하며 호출되어 온 양상을 보여준다. 이를 통해 추후 1950-60년대와 2000년대 후반 사이 연구의 초점과 대상이 변화한 양상과 그 주변적 맥락을 종합적으로 검토할 필요가 있을 것이다.

      • 치매노인 부양가족을 위한 교육프로그램 개발연구

        김시연,장진경 숙명여자대학교 건강·생활과학연구소 2001 生活科學硏究誌 Vol.16 No.-

        This study is to provide the foundmentals of family life education programs to ease burden and difficulties who family members of senile dementia have commonly faced. Many of dementia families participated in the pilot study for the propose to catch their needs and to search for more stable and effective education tools auld programs for them. The necessity of some education program for senile dementia families was in detail varied by sociodemographical variables. The married was much stronger than the single in the need of medical information. For the support technique both less than the forties and the upper school career were higher. Stress Information recorded higher needs in the married people. Spouses and daughters-in-law of dementia sufferers showed much interest in the programs; and the income earners of 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 won showed the same results. In the field of social welfare information, however, daughters of the old demanded much more. The demand level of the programs by characteristics of the old dementia are as follows. The group of less serious patients required higher for medical information. Those who had no regard for dementia took much interest in stress information. There revealed no significant statistics in the large and small physical defects by demdntia. By types, however, less cognitive, emotional and behavior defects revealed higher in medial and stress information. Method of education program were also examined in the study; place was the old age welfare center, the size of participants was six to ten, frequency was six to ten times, time zone was twelve to six p.m, period was one to two hours, teaching was lecture and group discussion. In confusion, this syudy huts described a senile dementia program to ease mental burden, body pain and to help role plays of the family menbers. The program includes four sociodemographical factors of medical, stress, welfare information and support technique. Six times of curricula are to be done by contents of lecture, joint activity, group discussion and care release. Many of proving tests of the program would build up more stable program tools and method.

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