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        예비 수요자 주택선호특성을 고려한 유형별 고령자주택 개발방안에 관한 연구

        김민창(Kim, Min-Chang),원유호(Won, You-Ho),이주형(Lee, Ju-Hyung) 한국산학기술학회 2014 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.15 No.5

        산업화와 도시화를 경험한 사회는 인구통계학적변화를 경험하고 있다.이러한 변화는 세계적으로 고령화 인구를 점차 증가시키고 있으며,이러한 현상이 세계적으로 확산되고 있다.한국도 2000년에 고령화 사회에 접어 들어들었으며,2018 년에는 고령 사회가 직면할 것으로 예상된다.따라서 이러한 현상에 대비한 고령자주택의 개발 등의 노인의 라이프 생활을 고려한 주택개발이 강조되고 있다.본 연구의 목적은 고령자 주택에 입주하기 원하는 예비 수요자의 특성에 따른 결정요인을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다.이를 바탕으로 본 연구에서는 유형별로 보다 세분화하여 이항 로지스틱 회귀분석을 통한 고령 자 주택의 선택의사에 미치는 영향요인을 세분화 하였다.이를 통해 개선방안 및 시사점을 도출하였는데 이에 대한 시사점으 로,첫째,고령자주택은 개발 유형별로 선호하는 특성이 상이하게 도출됨을 알 수 있었다.둘째,개인특성에 따른 지표가 가장 많은 부분을 차지하고 있어 고령자주택의 수요조사가 우선적으로 시도되어야 함을 알 수 있었다.셋째,도심형 고령자주택 개발 시 원활한 개발을 위해 지자체 차원의 지가를 고려한 토지확보 방안이 필요하다.넷째,교외형 고령자주택 개발 시 경기 도권에 수요층이 자연스럽게 고령자주택으로 입주하고 생활할 수 있도록 근교에 생활환경기반을 마련해야 할 것이다.마지 막으로 전원형 고령자주택 개발 시 다양한 생산,여가 등의 프로그램의 도입되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. The society experiencing the industrialization and urbanization has got over the socio-demographic change. these changes make the number of the population around the world, and this phenomenon is flowing into the whole country. Korea has became a Aging Society since 2000 and will be turned into the aged society by the 2018. therefore, the importance of preparing elderly living life such as silver town is getting emphasized. the purpose of this study is aimed at analyzing the decision elements of the preliminary demanders’ intention who selecting Elderly Housing. Based on this study, it was broken down by the type much more. Binary Logistic Regression Analysis of Factors affecting the Elderly housing choices were subdivided. Through this process, improvement and the implications of this study was derived. this study deducts 3 kinds of implications. First, the preference for the development of elderly housing are different with each type of characteristics. Second, the indicators along with the individual characteristics account for the most part of the surface. so the specific investigation for the demand must be required to check the indicators. Third, when it comes to development of urban elderly housing, it requires to have a part of a local government plans securing the land. Fourth, when it comes to development of suburb elderly housing, it is required to arrange the living environment around the suburbs to let user classes living in Gyeonggi-do flow into elderly housing and live their new-life in the suburbs. Finally, when it comes to development of rural elderly housing, a variety of production, leisure and other programs should be made and put into there.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        증거기반등급분류 적용 이후의 장애인수영 자유형 등급별 경기기록 분석: S2~S10 Class를 중심으로

        김민창(Min-Chang Kim) 한국체육측정평가학회 2021 한국체육측정평가학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구는 증거기반등급분류의 적용이 장애인수영종목의 경기기록에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위하여 2016 리우 패럴림픽대회와 2020 도쿄 패럴림픽대회의 자유형 경기에 참가한 등급별(S2~S10) 장애인수영 선수들의 기록의 변화를 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 연구에서는 첫째, 2016 리우 패럴림픽대회와 2020 도쿄 패럴림픽대회의 자유형 종목에 참가한 정상급 선수(S2~S10 등급)들의 경기기록을 비교 분석하여 경기기록에서 발생하는 차이를 확인하였다. 둘째, 2016 리우 패럴림픽대회와 2020 도쿄 패럴림픽대회의 세부종목과 입상 선수들의 스포츠등급에 어떠한 변화가 이루어졌는지 확인하고 각 대회의 등급별 경기의 1위 입상기록에 대한 추이를 분석함으로써 관련 정보를 제시하여 증거기반등급분류의 적용에 따른 영향을 파악하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 증거기반등급분류의 적용 이후 장애인수영 세부등급별 종목에서 전반적으로 기록이 단축되어 경기력 수준이 높아졌다. 둘째, 증거기반등급분류의 적용 이후 장애인수영 자유형 경기의 등급별 세부종목 중 일부가 통합되어 전체경기의 수가 줄어들었으며, 2016 리우 패럴림픽대회에서 입상한 주요 선수들의 등급이 상당수 조정되었다. 또한 등급별 세부종목의 최고기록의 추이를 분석한 결과 2016 리우 패럴림픽대회 대비 2020 도쿄 패럴림픽대회에서 스포츠등급에 따라 경기기록의 편차가 일정한 경향을 나타냈다. 본 연구의 결과는 장애인스포츠계에 발생한 주요한 변화인 증거기반등급분류의 적용 이후의 세부등급별 경기기록의 경향과 우수선수들에 대한 등급의 변화 양상을 확인할 수 있는 실질적인 정보를 제공함으로써 장애인수영 종목의 지도자와 선수 및 관련 연구자들에게 다양하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this study is to understand the change in the application of the evidence-based classification system on the performance records of the Paralympic Games for the disabled. In doing so, it examines the records of disabled swimmers by grade (S2~S10) who participated in the freestyle events of the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games and the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games. For this study, first, we analyze the differences in the competition records by comparing and analyzing the competition records of excellent athletes (class S~S10) who participated in the freestyle events of the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games and the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games. Second, we try to confirm the impact of the application of evidence-based classification by presenting relevant information through checking what changes were made and analyzing the trend of the best records for each competition in the specific events of the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games, the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games and the sports class of the best athletes. The conclusion of this study is as follows. First, after the application of the evidence-based classification system, the overall record was shortened in each sub-class of the disabled swimming, and the level of performance increased. Second, after the application of the evidence-based classification system, some of the S5, S6, S7, S8, and S9 class events were integrated among the detailed sports, by Sport class of the Paralympic Swimming Freestyle Competition, and the number of competitions decreased. Also, the Sport class of who won the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games has been adjusted. In addition, as a result of analyzing the trend of the best records in sub-events by Sport class, compared with the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games, the deviation from the record for each event of the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games showed a consistent trend. The results of this study provide practical information that can confirm the trend of game records for each detailed Sport class after the application of the evidence-based classification system, which is a major change that has occurred in sports for the disabled, and the change in classification for excellent athletes. For this reason, this study is judged that it can be used in various ways by coaches, athletes, and related researchers.

      • KCI우수등재

        지식 네트워크 분석을 활용한 패럴림픽 관련 국제 연구의 동향 분석

        김민창 ( Min-chang Kim ),홍석만 ( Suk-man Hong ) 한국체육학회 2021 한국체육학회지 Vol.60 No.5

        본 연구는 패럴림픽 관련 국제연구를 대상으로 지식네트워크분석을 사용하여 주요 키워드와 지식체계와 지식구조의 변화에 대한 정보를 시계열적 분석을 통해 제공함으로써 패럴림픽 관련 국제연구의 연구동향을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 정제과정을 거친 패럴림픽 관련 국제연구 1,019편의 2,119개의 키워드를 연구에 활용하였다. 지식네트워크 분석은 KrKwic과 NetMiner을 이용해 공출현빈도와 연결중심성을 산출하고 지식체계를 분석하였다. 공출현 빈도 5회 미만 자료는 제외하였다. 또한 연구의 동향을 파악하기 위해 2구간으로 나누어 시계열적(1구간: 2005년∼2015년, 2구간: 2016∼2020년)분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 2005년부터 2020년까지 수행된 패럴림픽 관련 국제연구는 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 추세인 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 패럴림픽 관련 국제연구는 ‘athlete(선수)’, ‘injury(상해)’, ‘physical-impairment(지체장애)’, ‘performance(경기력)’, ‘spinal-cord-injury(척수손상)’, ‘classification(등급분류)’가 주요키워드로 나타났으며, 상위 6개 핵심키워드가 주로 활용되며 지식체계를 구성하고 있었다. 마지막으로 시계열적 관점으로 연구동향을 분석한 결과에서 ‘athlete’, ‘performance’, ‘physical-impairment’, ‘injury’, ‘classification’, ‘spinal-cord-injury’키워드를 중심으로 한 지식 체계의 구성은 동일하였으나 ‘media’. ‘transport-planning’, ‘sustainability’ 키워드에서 ‘visual-impairment’, ‘social’, ‘supplement’, ‘inclusion’ 키워드로 변화된 지식체계의 흐름을 확인하였다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the research about trends of international research related to Paralympic by providing information on keywords, changes in knowledge systems and knowledge structures through time series analysis using knowledge network analysis, It aims to analyze research trends in Paralympic international research using knowledge network analysis methods. To this end, 2,119 keywords of 1,019 international studies related to the Paralympics were used in the study. Knowledge network analysis was conducted using KrKwic and NetMiner to calculate the frequency of co-occurrence and connection centrality and to analyze the knowledge system. Data with less than five co-occurrences were excluded. In addition, a time-series analysis was conducted in two sections (sections 1: 2005 to 2015, sections 2: 2016 to 2020) to identify trends in the study. The analysis results are as follows. First, international research on the Paralympics conducted from 2005 to 2020 was found to be on the rise. Second, international research on the Paralympics included ‘athlete’, ‘injury’, ‘physical-impairment’, ‘performance’, ‘spinal-cord-injury’ and ‘classification’ as the main keywords, with the top six key keywords being used and the knowledge system constructed. Finally, the analysis of research trends from a time series perspective showed the same composition of the knowledge system centered on keywords ‘athlete’, ‘performance’, ‘physical-impairment’, ‘classification’, and ‘spinal-cord-injury’, but in ‘media’, ‘transport-planning’, and ‘sustainability’ keywords. but it changes in the knowledge system from ‘media’, ‘transport-planning’, and ‘sustainability’ to ‘visual-implement’, ‘social’, ‘supplement’, and ‘inclusion’.

      • KCI등재

        체육전공자들의 장애인스포츠에 대한 인식조사

        김민창 ( Min-chang Kim ),김원경 ( Won-kyung Kim ),한민규 ( Min-kyu Han ) 한국체육대학교 체육과학연구소 2016 스포츠사이언스 Vol.33 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 체육전공자들의 장애인 스포츠 지도경험, 관련과목 수강여부, 스포츠 지도경력이 장애인스포츠에 대한 인식에 미치는 영향을 조사ㆍ분석하여 장애인체육 현장지도자의 인적자원 확보를 위한 기초자료를 제공하는데 있다. 이를 위해 서울ㆍ경기 지역의 체육전공 대학생을 연구대상으로 선정하였으며, 비확률 표본 추출법 중 유목적적표집(purposive sampling)방법을 이용하여 연구의 목적에 맞는 대상을 추출하였다. 이를 통해 표집 된 175명의 자료 중 불성실하게 작성되었거나 내용이 누락된 자료를 제외한 총 167명의 자료를 SPSS 22를 이용하여 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 장애인스포츠 지도경험의 유무에 따른 신체활동의 가치에 대한 인식을 분석한 결과 F(1,163)=4.068,p=.045.로 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 둘째, 장애인스포츠 지도경험의 유무에 따른 장애인에 대한 사회적 통합으로서 가치의 인식 변화는 F(1,163)=4.391, p=.038.로 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다, 셋째, 장애인스포츠 경력의 차이는 장애인스포츠의 신체활동으로서의 가치 인식 그리고 사회적 통합으로서의 가치에 대한 인식 모두 유의한 차이를 나타냈다, F(2,164)=21.67, p<.001. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of experiences of instructing sport for disabled, the period of teaching experience, and participation in courses related to sport for disabled on attitudes towards sport for disabled focusing on physical activities and social inclusion. This study recruited pre-service physical activity instructors around Seoul and Kyunggi-do in order to conduct survey research. To achieve the purpose of this study, two-way ANOVA was used to analyze the effect of experiences of instructing sport for disabled and participation in courses related to sport for disabled. To find the effect of he period of teaching experience, one-way ANOVA was used. Furthermore, Tukey test was also conducted for Post-hoc test. As a result of two-way ANOVA, the effect of experiences of instructing sport for disabled had a significant positive effect on attitudes towards both physical activities, F(1,163)=4.068, p=.045 and social inclusion, F(1,163)=4.391, p=.038. Furthermore, a result of one-wat ANOVA revealed that there was a significant difference in both physical activities and social inclusion depending on the period of teaching experience, F(2,164)=21.67, p<.001.

      • KCI등재

        장애인스포츠 승부조작에 관한 고찰

        김민창 ( Min-chang Kim ),한민규 ( Min-kyu Han ) 한국특수체육학회 2017 한국특수체육학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 최근 우리나라 스포츠계 전반에 걸쳐 사회적 문제가 되고 있는 승부조작이 장애인스포츠계에도 영향을 미칠 수 있는 상황이 예상됨에 따라 우리나라 장애인스포츠계에서 승부조작이 발생되는 주요 원인들에는 어떠한 이유가 있는지, 승부조작 과정이 실제 현장에서 어떻게 이루어지고, 어떠한 형태로 나타나는지에 대해 근거이론을 통해 밝히는데 있다. 이와 같은 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 연구의 참여자는 이론적으로 적합한 대상자를 인위적으로 표집하는 이론적 표본추출(theoretical sampling)을 사용하였으며, 본 연구의 주제에 관심이 많고 선수경력 및 지도경력이 7년에서 24년 까지의 국내외 주요대회의 참가 경험이 풍부한 10명을 대상으로 선정하였다. 연구의 문제를 해결하기 위한 구체적인 자료 수집 방법으로 심층면담을 이용하여 자료를 수집하였다. 자료분석은 이론적 민감성을 유지하며 Strauss와 Corbin(1998)이 제시한 근거이론방법의 분석틀에 의거하여 개방코딩, 축코딩, 선택코딩의 절차로 자료를 분석하였다. 이러한 연구과정을 통해 도출된 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 개방코딩 결과 총 48개의 개념이 구성되었고 이를 통해 19개의 하위범주와 11개의 범주가 도출되었다. 축코딩 결과에서는 `장애인스포츠의 불균형적 성장`이란 구조적 상황과 `승부조작`이라는 핵심 현상, `제반환경의 비체계화`라는 맥락적 조건과 `제도적 지원`, `문제의식 수준`이라는 중재적 조건, `대처`라는 작용/상호작용 전략으로 구조화되었으며, 결과적으로 `저항`, `주도`, `관여`, `조장`, `묵인`과 같이 다양한 승부조작의 형태로 나타난 것으로 정리되었다. 마지막으로 선택코딩 과정에서 가설적 정형화와 가설적 관계진술문을 구성하여 유형분석을 실시한 결과 장애인스포츠 승부조작의 유형은 저항형, 주도형, 조장형, 묵인형으로 상황모형이 도출되었다. The objective of this study to find the cause of the disability sports match-fixing, meaning that the outcome of the game is pre-determined. This has been a problem not only throughout the sports, but as well as the social problems in Korea. Furthermore, this implication can also target disability sports and therefore, we hope to find main causes why disability sports match-fixings are happening and how they occur and in what forms they take. We hope to find the root of the problem through basic qualitative research. To achieve our goal of the study, we have divided the problems into three details. First, what is the requirement that affects the cause of the disability sports match-fixing. Second, how is disability sports match-fixing develop. Thirdly, what different types of disability sports match-fixing are there and what are the patterns of them. These three problems we will focus on answering, which will define the success of our study and in our study we will use basic qualitative method to analyze the complicated and diverse components of the sports match-fixing in disability sports. The subjects for our study has been selected by identifying who would be theoretically ideal subjects, then by using theoretical sampling we of obtained the list of subjects. This theoretical subjects had to be someone who had 7 to 24years in either home and abroad with plenty of experiences. To solve the problem of sports match-fixing in disability sports, we have collected detailed information, through an in-depth interview with the subjects. It is important to note the importance of theoretical sensitivity the measure offered by Corbin and Strauss(1998) when using the basic qualitative method research. This idea identifies the importance within the data which then gives the significant importance to the one who is researching. Therefore, the researcher must maintain the theoretical sensitivity and base open coding, axial coding and selective coding to basic qualitative research method respectively. The result from the researching through the methods mentioned above is as follows. First, through the use of open coding, total 48concept have been constructed and thru this, 19 subcategories and 11categories have been created. In addition, the axial coding has deduced to a conclusion that in Korea`s disability sports, unbalanced growth within disability sports have given a background for sports match-fixing to happen. This phenomenon of sports match-fixing appears in uneven growth of our disability sports which is a result of unethical management, unfair competing structure in our current sports in Korea. Thereafter, for Korean sportsmen to engaged in disability sports match-fixing, to accept or deny the request depend on lack of manpower, poor training facilities, lack of professionalism, lack of communication and understanding the ethical behavior within sports community can affect the involvement of the disability sports match-fixing. These problems within the sports communities have consequently have evolved in to `Resist, Lead, Involvement, Promote and Condoning. Lastly, through the selective coding, hypothetical fixed form and hypothetical relational statement have been classified and patterns were analyzed. This method has made it possible for our research to classify the types of disability sports match-fixing. These classification are; resisting type, leading type, involvement type, promoting type and lastly condoning type. So far, our study has proven that disability sports match-fixing is created with external and internal factors of sports and derive into various types of disability sport match-fixing. This study has used basic qualitative research method to explore the steps, causes and forms of the disability sports match-fixing. This study has limitations to apply it to all the phenomena of disability sports match-fixing, however we were able to understand the environment and structures of the disability sports match-fixing through members of the para sports and their experiences.

      • KCI등재

        2021 World Para Ice Hockey Championships의 승패요인 분석: 데이터마이닝 기반 의사결정나무 분석의 적용

        김민창 ( Min-chang Kim ),최창환 ( Chang-hwan Choi ),한민수 ( Min-su Han ),김정호 ( Jung-ho Kim ),김태호 ( Tae-ho Kim ) 한국특수체육학회 2021 한국특수체육학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        본 연구는 2021 World Para Ice Hockey Championships의 공식 경기기록을 기반으로 파라아이스하키 경기에서의 승패결정요인을 탐색하는데 있다. 구체적으로 이 연구에서는 첫째, 파라아이스하키 경기에서 승리와 패배에 따른 경기기록의 차이를 검증하였다. 둘째, 데이터마이닝 기반의 의사결정나무분석을 적용하여 승패를 결정하는 경기요인을 탐색하였다. 연구목적 달성을 위하여 세계파라아이스하키(World Para Ice Hockey)연맹에서 제공하는 공식경기기록을 수집하였다. 연구 자료는 20개국이 예선부터 결선까지 수행한 경기별 52개의 경기변인을 활용하였다. 자료처리는 기술통계와 Mann-Whitney U검정, 그리고 의사결정나무분석을 수행하였다. 통계적 유의수준은 .05로 설정하였으며, IBM SPSS 24.0 ver을 활용하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전체 골 관련 변인을 제외한 승패 결정요인은 1피어리드에서 유효슈팅 수가 3.5개 이상이고 득점이 나올 경우 승리할 확률은 100%이다. 반면, 1피어리드에서 유효슈팅 수가 3.5개 이하이고, 2피어리드에서의 파워플레이 골이 1.5개 이하이면 패배할 확률이 100%수준이다. 승패결정의 중요요인으로는 1피어리드에서의 골, 유효슈팅, 세이브 순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 전체 및 피어리드별골 관련 변인을 제외한 승패결정 요인은 1피어리드에서의 Equal strength골로 1.5개 이상이면 승리할 확률이 100%수준이다. 반면 1.5개보다 작고 경기에서의 Face-offs가 40.270보다 작으면 패배할 확률이 100%수준이다. 중요 요인으로는 경기에서의 Face-offs, 1피리어드에서의 Equal strength골로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 파라아이스하키 경기에서의 승패와 관련된 변인을 이해하고 경기력 향상을 위한 다양한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이라 판단한다. The purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of victory and defeat in Para ice hockey matches for the 2021 World Para Ice Hockey Championships. Specifically, in this study, first, the difference in-game records according to victory and defeat in para ice hockey were verified. Second, data mining-based decision tree analysis was applied to explore the match factors that determine victory and defeat. To achieve the research purpose, the official match records provided by the World Para Ice Hockey Federation were collected. For the research data, 52 competition variables for each competition conducted by 20 countries from the preliminary round to the final were used. For data processing, descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U-test, and decision tree analysis were performed. The statistical significance level was set to .05, and IBM SPSS 24.0 ver was used. The research results are as follows. First, the winning or losing determinant, excluding all goal-related variables, is a 100% probability of winning if the number of effective shootings in the first period is 3.5 or more and a goal is scored. On the other hand, if the number of effects shots in the first period is 3.5 or less and the power-play goal in the second period is 1.5 or less, the probability of losing is 100%. The important factors in determining victory and defeat were goals in the first period, effective shooting, and saves in that order. Second, the win-loss determinant, excluding goal-related variables by overall and period lead, is equal strength goals in the first period, and if there are 1.5 or more goals, the probability of winning is 100%. On the other hand, if it is less than 1.5 and the face-offs in the match are less than 40.270, the probability of losing is 100%. The important factors were the face-offs in the match and equal strength goals in the first period. It is judged that the results of this study can be used as various basic data to understand the factors related to victory and defeat in para ice hockey matches and to improve performance.

      • KCI등재

        일반 논문 : 정부 R&D 자금지원과 중소기업의 성과

        김민창 ( Min Chang Kim ),성낙일 ( Nak Il Sung ) 한국중소기업학회 2012 中小企業硏究 Vol.34 No.1

        본 연구는 정부의 R&D 자금지원이 중소기업의 기술개발성과와 경영성과에 미친 영향을 규명하는 데에 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 정부의 R&D 자금지원이 기술개발성과에 직접적인 효과를 미치며, 이 효과를 매개로 경영성과에 간접적으로 영향을 미친다고 가정한다. 아울러 기술개발성과와 경영성과가 서로 결합되어 결정되는 내생변수라는 점을 고려한다. 이와 같은 모형설정을 토대로 본 연구는 「2007년 중소기업기술통계조사」 자료 중 제조업 부문 2,881개 업체에 대한 원시자료를 사용해 기술개발성과 회귀방정식과 경영성과 회귀방정식을 추정한다. 추정방법으로는 일반화적률추정법(Generalized Method of Moments)을 활용한다. 본 연구의 추정결과에 따르면, 정부의 R&D 자금지원은 중소기업의 지적재산권 건수를 증가시켰지만 중소기업의 R&D 성공건수와 사업화 성공건수에는 유의미한 영향을 미치지 못했다. 아울러 R&D 성공건수, 사업화 성공건수, 지식재산권 건수 등 중소기업의 기술개발 성과지표가 경영성과에 긍정적인 영향을 주었음도 확인했다. 이는 그간 정부의 R&D 자금지원이 지적재산권 증가를 가져와 중소기업의 경영성과를 향상시키는 긍정적 역할을 수행했음을 의미한다. 한편, 정부의 R&D 자금지원의 효과가 지적재산권과 같은 외형적인 성과 위주로 나타난 점은 향후 개선되어야할 정책과제로 판단된다. Government R&D subsidies (hereafter referred to as government subsidies) have continued to increase over time. In particular, the amount of government subsidies to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has increased from 651 billion Korean won in 2003 to 1.5 trillion Korean won in 2009. The total amount of government subsidies given to SMEs for the period between 2003 and 2009 was approximately 6.9 trillion Korean won, which was much more than that given to large companies for the same period. This huge amount of government subsidies to SMEs may be justified when the government subsidies led to better R&D and business performance of SMEs. On the basis of this observation, this study attempts to assess the effects of government subsidies on the performance of SMEs. The study supposes that government subsidies have a direct effect on the R&D activities of SMEs, which in turn affects their business performance. In particular, the study tests the following two hypotheses : H1 : Government subsidies tend to improve the R&D performance of SMEs. H2 : Better R&D performance of SMEs leads to better business performance. In the study, R&D performance is measured by three variables; the number of successful R&D activities, the number of successfully commercialized technologies, and the number of intellectual property rights, including patents, utility models and design, which are either applied for or registered. The study used three proxy variables for business performance; sales per employee, operating income per employee, and profit margin ratio which is the ratio of operating income to total sales. The first two variables for business performance measured labor productivity, while the last one measured firm profitability. The study collected cross-sectional data of 2,881 SMEs in the manufacturing sector from "Survey on the State of Technology for SMEs 2007" which was conducted by the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business. The time span encompassed by the study is the period from January 2005 to December 2006. The data utilized in the study is unique in that it provided a great deal of information on the R&D activities of SMEs, including the number of researchers, the amount of R&D expenditures, types of R&D organization, the presence of incentive scheme for R&D performance etc. Additionally, the data provided detailed information on firm and industry characteristics. <Table 4> shows the relationship between government subsidies and the R&D performance of SMEs. In <Table 4>, the average number of successful R&D activities for the SMEs which did not receive government subsidies over the sample period (Group A) was 5.09, which was greater than that for the SMEs which received government subsidies over the sample period (Group B). Difference in the average number of successful R&D activities between two groups, however, is not statistically confirmed at a 10% significance level. Second, the average number of successfully commercialized technologies for the SMES of Group A was 3.09, while that for the SMEs of Group B was 2.29. The t-test statistic indicates no difference in the average number of successfully commercialized technologies between two groups. Finally, the average number of intellectual property rights for the SMEs of Group A and Group B was 1.99 and 3.57, respectively. Additionally, difference in the average number of intellectual property rights between two groups is statistically significant at a 1% significance level. In summary, this descriptive analysis indicates that government subsidies had positive effects on the R&D performance of SMEs only in terms of the number of intellectual property rights. To test the two hypotheses, the study specifies two regression equations; one for R&D and the other for business performance. Three R&D (business) performance variables were dependent variables in the first (second) regression equation. The key policy variable in the first equation was a dummy variable for government subsidies. This dummy variable was equal to unity for the SMEs which received government subsidies; otherwise, equal to zero. In the second equation, special attention was paid to the parameter estimates of three R&D performance variables. Considering the business performance of SMEs may have an influence on their R&D activities and performance, both R&D and business performance variables are regarded as jointly determined endogenous variables in the empirical model. In this case, the application of the ordinary least squares estimation method produced biased parameter estimates. The study applied the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation method to a system of the two regression equations. It is well known that the GMM estimation method provides consistent and efficient parameter estimates. <Table 9> provided estimation results for the R&D performance model. In <Table 9>, a majority of independent variables had a statistically insignificant parameter estimate and also the value for adjusted coefficient of determination (adjusted R2) was very low. In particular, the reported parameter estimates of three business performance variables were always statistically insignificant. These findings indicate that the R&D performance of SMEs is determined mainly by unobserved random factors. One of the noticeable results in <Table 9> is that the parameter estimates of government subsidies (SUB) are positively signed in all models, and are statistically significant only when the number of intellectual property rights was used as a dependent variable. That is, government subsidies tended to increase the number of intellectual property rights, but failed to have an effect on the number of successful R&D activities and successfully commercialized technologies. Additionally, the parameter estimates of the number of researchers (NRES) are positively signed and statistically significant, indicating that more researchers produced better R&D performance. <Table 10> presents the estimation results for the business performance model. In <Table 10>, as expected, the parameter estimates of the three R&D performance variables were always positively signed. In particular, they were statistically significant when sales per employee (SPE) and operating income per employee (OIPE) were used as a dependent variable. This finding shows that better R&D performance resulted in higher labor productivity. The results, however, did not confirm the positive effect of R&D performance on profit margin ratio (PMR). Similar to the previous result, many independent variables had a statistically insignificant parameter estimate. In summary, the empirical results did not reject the two hypotheses. Government subsidies contributed to better business performance through their impact on the R&D performance, especially their impact on the number of intellectual property rights. The empirical results provided some public policy implications. First of all, the results suggested the possibility that SMEs attempted to achieve only their short-term goals such as the increased number of intellectual property rights after receiving government subsidies. Clearly, the number of intellectual property rights itself cannot be regarded as the ultimate goal for SMEs` R&D activities. Thus, this behavior by SMEs may pose a serious threat to government R&D subsidy policies. Second, the results indicate that business performance of SMEs did not affect their R&D performance, implying that SMEs with good financial performance may not be involved in active R&D activities. This lack of R&D activity may prevent sustainable growth of SMEs.

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