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        나트륨 저감화에 따른 된장의 품질 특성

        김미연,김민아,황지홍,김선화,정용진,Kim, Mi-Yeon,Kim, Mina,Hwang, Ji Hong,Kim, SunHwa,Jeong, Yong-Jin 한국식품저장유통학회 2017 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        된장은 대두를 주원료로 하는 한국의 대표적인 전통발효 식품임이나, 국민건강영양조사에서 고나트륨을 가지는 식품군에 분류되었다. 각종 질병의 원인이 될 수 있는 나트륨 과다섭취에 대한 저나트륨 된장의 개발이 필요한 실정으로, 품질에 크게 영향이 없이도 나트륨 함량이 적은 장류의 개발은 지속적으로 연구되어야 하는 과제이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 나트륨 함량을 12.5%-45%까지 저감하도록 실험을 설계하여 적용하여 된장 담금을 진행하였으며, 그 품질적 특성을 분석하고자 하였다. 나트륨의 저감화가 된장의 관능적 품질에 영향을 미치는지 pH, 염도 및 수분, 나트륨함량, 색도, 아미노산성 질소함량, 유리아미노산, 구성아미노산조성을 평가하여, 그 특성을 비교 분석하였다. 나트륨의 저감화는 pH와 수분, 염도에 크게 영향을 미치지 않았으며, 대조구와 같은 범위에서의 품질을 유지하였다. 나트륨함량은 실제로 비례적으로 감소되었으며, 아미노산성 질소는 500 mg%수준이었다. 대량으로 된장업체에서 제조한 25% 저염된 된장의 대체소재를 사용하는 것은 최종 된장의 나트륨함량을 줄이면서도 된장의 품질에 큰 영향을 미치지 않을 것으로 사료된다. Although Doenjang is a representative traditional fermented food in Korea, made mainly from soybeans, it has been classified into a food group identified as having high sodium in the National Health and Nutrition Examination. It is necessary to develop a low sodium Doenjang to prevent the excessive sodium intake which may cause various diseases. However, the development of Doenjang with low sodium, without significant changes on quality, is an ongoing challenge. Therefore, the experiment was designed to reduce the salt content of the soaking water to 12.5-45%. The pH, saltiness. moisture, sodium, color, amino-type nitrogen, free amino acids and constituent amino acids composition of Doenjang were investigated to determine the effect of this salt reduction on the sensory quality of Doenjang. The reduction of sodium did not affect the pH, moisture and saltiness, and this changed maintained the same range as the control. The sodium content was reduced proportionally, and the amino acid nitrogen level was 500 mg%. Therefore, this study considered that a reduction of 25% of salt in the soaking water does not affect the quality of the Doenjang while reducing the sodium content of the final Doenjang.

      • KCI등재

        유비쿼터스 도시계획에 있어서 주거계획 문제에 관한 고찰

        김미연,박남희,최진원,Kim, Mi-Yun,Park, Nam-Hee,Choi, Jin-Won 한국주거학회 2009 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.20 No.5

        Ever-developing information and communications technology has changed the ways of life from that of industrial society to the information-oriented community, and is widely used in a variety of social and economic contexts. Besides, urban problems in today's society are intricately involved so that the possibility of any reliable breakthrough may not to be likely. To work out these complicated problems as well as to understand the crux of the matter more comprehensively, ubiquitous urban planning has been laid out, and as a result attempts to reflect this system are cautiously made in metropolitan areas. However, most u-City planning, integrating uibiquitous technology, has focused on creating urban infrastructure and its services, therefore neglecting the importance of housing in urban space. Consequently, thorough u-City planning has yet to be defined in relation with urban space, and housing planning, established on the basis of the user-oriented housing environment, needs to be urgently made. Centering on the importance of housing in the construction of an improved future urban environment, this study aims to discuss the role of urban environment planning where metropolutan residents can enjoy a comfortable and convenient life. As well, this research paper seeks to focus attention on the consideration for users that is often disregarded but requires reflecting in the u-City planning.

      • 비전문가를 위한 실내 공간 음향설계 도구 개발에 관한 연구

        김미연(Mi-Yeon Kim1),이윤길(Yun-Gil Lee) 호서대학교 공업기술연구소 2011 공업기술연구 논문집 Vol.30 No.1

        본 연구는 건축 공간의 실내음향 설계에 있어 보다 효율적이고 비전문가도 쉽게 활용할 수 있는 실내 음향 공간 모델링 및 음향분석 시뮬레이션 시스템을 개발하고 이를 활용한 새로운 음향 분석 절차의 제안 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 이러한 시스템의 개발은 기존의 선형적인 실내 음향 공간 디자인의 문제점을 극복하고 건축음향 공간의 최적화를 위한 나선형 건축음향 모델링 및 분석 체계를 이루는 기반이 된다. Recently, the social desire in Cultural liiew is increased according to the wide-spread or Well-being Culture . In this manner, the necessity of good acoustic design of enclosed spaces is raised. In order to satisfy the citizen with cultural desire, the government has planed to create the recreation spaces such as auditoriums and theatres. Those spaces where sound quality is usually low are reproduced because of an inadequate acoustic design. Therefore, the development of a powerful acoustic design tool for public spaces is needed Nowadays, most of the existing acoustic simulation tools are always expensive and hard to use. As the result, our development in acoustic simulation tools aims on creating a local and user-friendly tool ^lich everyone can use. In tins manner, we suggest new acoustic design process using a expert design system using material styles and the space model library fra* the nonprofessional designer.

      • KCI등재

        공간지능화서비스 구현을 위한 공공데이터 분석

        김미연,서동조,Kim, Mi-Yun,Seo, Dong-Jo 한국디지털정책학회 2014 디지털융복합연구 Vol.12 No.12

        In current society, the digital era that makes enormous amount of data, and the diversified city, the smart space, which has characteristics of creating, collecting and representing data, is appeared. After 2012, in the social media environment called hyper-connected society with wide-spread smart phone, people started to get interested in public data and big data by generalized mobile device and SNS. At first, development of forming platform of data was focused, but now, many different idea from diverse area have been suggested about data analysis and usage to visualize the space intellectualization service. To focus on the visualization process to increase the usage of this public data for ordinary people more than specialized people, this research grasps the present condition of open data and public data service from the current public data portal and considers the applicability of them. As the result of research, the analysis and application of data to ordinary people decrease the use of paper documents, and this research will help to develop the application which is fast and accurate about individual behavior and demand to utilize public data service in intellectual space. 현대 사회는 엄청난 양의 데이터를 만들어내는 디지털 시대에 접어들었고, 다변화되는 도시에서는 정보의 생성, 수집, 표현을 특징으로 하는 스마트 공간이 등장하고 있다. 2012년 이후 스마트기기의 확산과 초연결사회로 불리우는 소셜미디어 환경에서 공공데이터에 대한 관심이 더욱 고조되고, 보편화된 모바일 기기 사용 및 SNS 이용 확산에 따라 빅 데이터에 대한 이슈에 주목하고 있다. 초기에는 데이터의 플랫폼 구성에 연구개발이 집중되었으나 최근에는 공간지능화 서비스 구현을 위한 데이터의 분석과 활용방안에 대한 여러 분야의 아이디어가 제안되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 공공데이터의 활용성 측면에서 전문가보다는 일반인의 사용성 증대를 위한 시각화 과정에 집중하고자 기존의 공공데이터포털에서 제공하는 공개데이터 및 공공데이터 서비스 현황을 파악하여 그 활용가능성을 고찰하고자 한다. 연구의 결과로 일반 시민들에게 있어서 데이터의 분석 및 응용은 현재 종이문서의 이용을 감소시키고, 지능형 공간에서 공공정보서비스에 대한 개개인의 요구 및 행동에 맞추어 빠르고 신속한 대응할 수 있는 어플리케이션 개발에 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        간호사 감정노동의 선행 및 결과 요인을 포함한 모형구축

        김미연,최희정,Kim, Miyeon,Choi, Heejung 한국데이터정보과학회 2016 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        본 연구는 Morris과 Feldman (1997)의 모형을 기반으로 선행요인과 결과를 포괄하는 감정노동 모형을 구축하고 간호사를 대상으로 이를 검증하였다. 자가보고식 설문지를 이용한 조사연구로서 상급종합병원 또는 종합병원에 근무하는 247명의 간호사를 대상으로 자료를 수집하였다. 모형 적합성 분석 결과 표준카이자승치 2.31, 표준적합지수.94, 비교적합지수.97, 근사원소평균자승잔차.07 등으로 나타나 설정한 모형이 간호사의 감정노동을 설명하는데 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 구조모형의 경로분석 결과, 직무자율성과 조직지원은 감정노동에 유의한 영향을 미쳤고, 감정노동은 감정적 소진에는 유의한 정적 영향을, 직무만족과 조직몰입에는 유의한 부적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 간호사의 직무특성과 조직의 지원은 감정노동을 매개로 하여 결과변수인 감정적 소진과 직무만족, 그리고 조직몰입에 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있었다. This study was designed to construct and test structural equation modeling on nurses' emotional labor including antecedents and consequences based on the model of Morris and Feldman (1997). A total of 247 nurses working at secondary and tertiary hospitals in three provinces responded the questionnaires. Emotional labor was measured by frequency of emotional labor, attentiveness of required display rules and emotional dissonance. Routineness of job, job autotomy and organizational support were measured as antecedents; and emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction and organizational commitment were included as the consequences of nurses' emotional labor. Data were analyzed by SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. The model fitness indices for the hypothetical model showed NFI=.94, CFI=.97, and RMSEA=.07. Job autonomy and perceived organizational support had significant effects on emotional labor. The emotional labor influenced positively emotional exhaustion and negatively job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Nurses' emotional labor mediates between job characteristics and nurses' psychologic results indicating more autonomy and support can reduce nurses' emotional labor and then increase their satisfaction and organizational commitment, and decrease emotional exhaustion.

      • KCI등재

        휴대전화기 평가 사례를 통한 유니버설디자인 평가 도구 개발 프로세스

        김미연,정의승,박성준,Kim, Mi-Yeon,Jung, Eui-S.,Park, Sung-Joon 대한인간공학회 2006 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.25 No.4

        The concept of universal design has recently emerged as an important aspect of product design. Universal design is considerably analogous to ergonomic design in a way that it takes the capabilities and limitations of users into consideration during the product development process. However, relatively few studies have been devoted to reflect the practical use of ergonomic principles on universal design. This research attempts to develop a universal design index for mobile phone design to quantify how well a product complies with principles of universal design. The research also emphasizes on ergonomic principles as a basis of evaluation. A generation of the evaluation items was done by cross-checking among the personal, activity and product components. Personal components consist of human characteristics including age, physique, perceptual capacity, life-style, etc. Activity components were derived from those scenarios of mobile phone use while product components were composed of the parts to which a user interacts. Further analysis systematically generated a universal index from relationship matrices among the three components. The index was then used to test its suitability by applying to the evaluation of mobile phones currently on the market. This study demonstrates a development process through which evaluations can be made possible for universal design. The research suggests an improved approach to the appraisal of how well mobile phones are universally designed based on ergonomic principles.

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