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        대한민국의 안보와 자율성에 관한 미국의 인식과 행태 연구

        권영근(Kwon, Young-geun) 한국전략문제연구소 2016 전략연구 Vol.70 No.-

        한・미동맹의 역사를 연루와 방기라는 두 가지 현상을 중심으로 검토하였다. 한・미동맹은 약소국과 강대국 간에 체결된 비대칭동맹이다. 비대칭동맹에서 약소국은 안보를 얻는 반면 강대국은 자율성을 증진시킨다. 일반적으로 약소국은 방기를 우려하는 반면 강대국은 약소국의 전쟁에 연루되는 현상을 우려한다. 패권국가인 미국은 또 다른 패권국의 출현 방지를 가장 중요한 이익으로 생각한다. 한반도는 미국의 패권에 위협적인 구소련과 중국의 부상견제란 측면에서 전략적인 의미가 있는 지역이다. 이 같은 이유로 미국은 패권 유지 차원에서 미군의 한반도 주둔을 대단히 중요시 여기고 있다. 미국이 한・미 동맹을 체결했던 것은 이 같은 이유 때문이었다. 한・미상호방위조약을 체결할 당시 미국은 대한민국의 안보를 보장해주는 조건으로 한국군에 대한 작전통제권 행사를 포함한 자율성 제한을 요구했다. 이는 이승만 대통령의 북진통일 노력 등 대한민국의 전쟁에 연루되지 않기 위함이었다. 풍전등화의 상황에서 이승만 대통령은 이 같은 미국의 요구를 수용했다. 그러나 자국의 안보 능력이 증진되면 약소국은 자율성 증대를 놓고 강대국과 협상하게 된다. 미국은 한・미상호방위조약이 체결된 이래 방기 위협이 없는 한 대한민국의 전쟁에 연루되는 현상을 우려하여 한국군을 작전 통제하고자 노력했으며, 통제할 수 있었다. 민주화로 대한민국의 전쟁에 연루될 가능성이 줄어든 상황에서조차 미국은 작전통제권을 지속적으로 행사하고자 노력했다. 이는 작전통제권 전환으로 한국군의 능력이 증진되는 경우 방기될 가능성이 있었기 때문이었다. 결과적으로 미국은 한・미동맹이 유지되는 한 한국군에 대한 작전통제권을 행사하고자 지속적으로 노력해야만 하는 입장이었다. 작전통제권 행사로 방기 위협이 제기되는 경우 작전통제권 전환을 추구하지만 상황 변화로 방기 가능성이 줄어들면 전환을 유보하고자 노력했다. 한국은 향후 대미군사정책 수립 시 이런 현상에 대해 충분히 고려해야 할 것이다. In this paper, history of ROK-US alliance is reviewed in terms of entrapment and abandonment. ROK-US Alliance is an asymmetric alliance forged between a great power and a small country. Generally through an asymmetric alliance, a small country enhances its security while great power its autonomy. Small country is afraid of abandonment while great power is afraid of entrapment in a war brought about by the small country. But if small country has strategic meanings to the great power, great power could also feel abandonment. A hegemone like U.S. is considering the prevention of the emergence of another hegemone as its primary interests. Korean peninsular is the place having strategic significance to US for detering the emergence of another hegemone such as Soviet Union and China. That is the reason why U.S. agreed on signing ROK-US Alliance characterized by Mutual Defense Treaty and Agreed Minute Relating to Continued Cooperation in Economic and Military Matters in 1954. US tried to restrict the autonomy of South Korea under the condition that it would sign on the ROK-US Mutual Defense Treaty. As small nation’s national power becomes greater, it would like to renegotiate the terms for its lost autonomy. When threat of abandonment does not exist, US tried to keep operational control over South Korean military and could keep it. Even if the probability of US forces being entrapped in another Korean war diminished as the South Korean government is democratized, US tried to keep operational control over South Korean military. That is because US is afraid of being abandoned as ROK military capability become increased after the OPCON transfer. As the threat of abandonment becomes real, US would try OPCON transfer, but would try to keep OPCON when the threat becomes smaller if it does not transfer. ROK needs to consider this fact as it set up its military policy toward US.

      • A.I Fan 센서를 이용한 선풍기의 풍향 및 풍속 조절

        권영근 ( Young Geun Kwon ),최세훈 ( Sae Hoon Choi ),한영삼 ( Young Sam Han ),김명진 ( Myoung Jin Kim ),박채서 ( Chae Seo Park ),허준 ( Joon Hur ),소대화 ( Dea Wha Soh ) 한국동굴학회 2007 동굴 Vol.81 No.-

        본 논문은 초음파센서와 적외선센서를 이용하여 그 신호를 받아 주 모터를 제어한 것으로, 센서를 이용한 선풍기의 풍향 및 풍속을 제어하였다. 풍향제어는 인체감지센서와 ATmega128, DC모터를 사용하였고, 기본적으로 WmAVR과 PonyProg를 사용하여 소스코딩 및 다운로딩을 하였으며, 모터 구동드라이버는 모터제어에 범용으로 쓰이는 L298 칩을 사용하였다. 풍속제어는 초음파센서와 ATmeBa16, DC모터를 사용하여 제작하였고, 풍향제어부와 마찬가지로 WinAVR과 PonyProg 및 L298 칩을 사용하여 소스코딩 및 다운로딩을 하였다. 풍향제어는 물체가 정면에 위치하면 회전을 멈추고, 좌우로 100°반경이내에서 거리 1m내외의 물체를 감지하도록 설계하였다. 풍속제어는 물체까지의 거리를 최소 3cm 최대 3m 이내에서 물체를 감지하여 모터의 속도를 제어할 수 있도록 하였고, 모터속도는 DC모터를 PWM 방식으로 제어하여 속도를 조절하였다.

      • 콘크리트 내에 매립된 헤드철근의 인장거동에 대한 유한요소해석

        서수연 ( Seo Soo-yeon ),윤승조 ( Yoon Seung-joe ),하기주 ( Ha Gee-joo ),윤용대 ( Yoon Yong-dae ),권영근 ( Kwon Young-geun ),신금종 ( Shin Geum-jong ) 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2007 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.11 No.2

        The objective of this paper is to verify the effect of embedded depth and width of head to the tensile capacity of head reinforcement embedded in concrete. FEM(Finite Element Method) analysis is conducted by using ADINA program (version 8.4) for the embedded reinforcement. Main variables in the analysis are embedded depth and width of head. Analysis result showed that the stiffness and strength depended on the embedded depth of head reinforcement. However, the increment of stiffness and strength were not high even if the width of head increased. On the other hand, flexural deformation occurred at the head when the width of head was increased.

      • Sraffa 經濟理論의 方法論에 관한 연구

        權寧勤 건국대학교 1989 論文集 Vol.28 No.1

        Sraffa's system of economic theory achieves its perfect frame work in Production of Commodities by means of Commodities(1960). Sraffa has reached his formation of economic system through two essential studies ; critical works on the Marshallian economics which is based on the assumption of the laws of returns under competitive conditions and research works on David Ricardo's economic theory The main purpose of Sraffa's system of economic theory is to present the foundation for a critique of marginalist theory or Supply and Demand theory of value and distribution. At the same time, his theory proposes a return to views held by the classical political economist. Thus Sraffa and his followers are named Neo-Ricardian. Sraffian analysis of production prices needs no assumptions about returns to scale, and his economic system does not depend on changes in the scale of production or in the proportions of factors, In the general case where surplus goes both to the capitalist and to the laborers, the price system, P= (1+r)Ap+wL, has one degree of freedom. Given the technology of production, and the variable of distribution, the production prices are determined irrespective of demand. In this case, the aspect of distribution constitutes the linear relation between the rate of profits and the wage, r=R(1-w). Sraffa's methodology of economic theory is similar to that of philosopher, wittgenstein, L in Philosophical Investigations(1953). Sraffa had a great influence on the writings of Wittgenstein, L. ; There can not be the only kind of language and proposition for the description of the world (reality). It is in the social and historical context that language, proposition and theory have their meanings. The point of his method is that there in no general theory of language Sraffa's methodology is a fundamental critique of the neoclassical economics including the marginal theory and the goneral equilibrium theory based on the methodological individualism, the logical positivism, and the reconstituted reductionism. Hin approach to the theory of prices represents a critique of the marginal theory of value and distribution, for he shows that it is possible to determine relative prices without any reference to marginal change. His theory represente a critique of neo-classical theory based on the aggregate production function and the possibility of the reswitching of the same technique. His theory shows that either there may be a tendancy towards uniformity of wages and the rate of profit in different lines of production, or prices may be governde by supply and demand, but not both. Where supply and demand rule, there is no room for uniform levels of wages and the rate of profit. Thus, Sraffa's theory, also, includes a possibility of the critique to the genera equilibrium theory. There are fundamental differences between hrs theory and Marx's : one is their methodology, another in their purposes and objects of analysis, the other is that the labor theory of value is excluded from Sraffa's economic theory. Therefore, his theory can not be regarded as a critique on Marx's theory. His theory has brought about the capital controversy of the 1960's, through which the critique on the mainstream economics of neo-classical theory was preformed considerably. The Marxian renaissance was induced, in a lartge measure, by the formal similarity of his theory and Marx's, and the inttinsic critique on the main stream economics. Thus, since the 1970's, the theory of value has been under a active controversy from the aspect of transformation problem and theory of crisis.

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