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        방조제 해측피복석의 마모특성분석 -새만금방조제를 중심으로-

        고남영,김학원,최진규,장태일,손재권,Goh, Nam Young,Kim, Hak Won,Choi, Jin Kyu,Jang, Tae Il,Son, Jae Gwon 한국농공학회 2015 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.57 No.5

        The results of Saemangeum seadike field inspection and material testing of armor stones in order to analyze causes of abrasion according to material characteristics of seaside armor stones in Saemangeum seadike are in the following: 1. The armor stones in Saemangeum seadike have been constructed by using internal stones (mainly, sinsi stones) and external stones, which had less strength (77.3 %) and more abrasion rate (133.3 %) compared with sinsi stones. 2. The compressive strength and abrasion rate were compared between ordinary wave section and high wave section for the purpose of analyzing the influence of waves. In compressive strength, sinsi stones were 4.0 % stronger and external stones were 0.6 % stronger in ordinary wave section than those of high wave section in average. In the case of abrasion rate, sinsi stones were 3.0 % higher and external stones were 8.2 % higher in the high wave section than those in the ordinary section. 3. The result of comparing compressive strength according to a zone is that the compressive strength in the Intertidal area was less strong in most of the zones. 4. Considering that deviated stones are moving around over the surface of armor stones in situ, it is important to compare material characteristics. So the comparison test about this factor showed that deviated sinsi stones were stronger than armor stones in situ in terms of compressive strength and resistance to abrasion. Based on these results, abraded armor stones may have resulted from their durability. Therefore it is assumed that armor stones are likely to be abraded when deviated stones which are more durable are moving around over armor stones which are less durable.

      • 한계평형법에 의한 연약지반 보강성토의 안정해석

        고남영 ( Goh Nam Young ),고홍석 ( Goh Hong Seok ) 한국농공학회 1995 韓國農工學會誌 : 전원과 자원 Vol.37 No.5

        The use of geotextile as reinforced materials in Soil structures has become widespread throughout the world. Geotextile reinforcement has been used in retaining walls, slope of embankment and especially soft foundation, etc. In the past, however, its design and construction have been performed empirically. In this study, to investigate of the effect of geotextiles reinforced slope of the embankment on a very soft foundation, a limit equilibrium analysis program calculating the safety factor of embankment on very soft foundation was developed. The study was focussed on such factors as type of geotextile, tensile strength, amount of reinforcement, and inclination of embankment. And the 4imit equilibrium analysis program was written on the basis of Low's slope stability theory with some modification. The following conclusions were drawn from this study. (1) The orientation of reinforcement can be assumed either horizontal or tangential to the slip circle. The factor of safety with tangential reinforcement is larger than that with the horizontal reinforcement. (2) In general, the factor of safety increases, as the slope reduces. However, it is preferable to use geotextiles with higher tensile strength rather than to reduce the slope of the embankment, because it is difficult to adjust the slope as desired. (3) The factor of safety obtained by numerical computation is affected only by the tensile strength, but not by the type of the geotextile.

      • 새만금 방조제 해측피복석의 압축강도 특성

        고남영 ( Nam Young Goh ),고홍석 ( Hong Seok Goh ),손재권 ( Jae Gwon Son ),정한수 ( Han Su Jung ),이소열 ( So Yeal Lee ) 한국농공학회 2010 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2010 No.-

        국토의 대부분이 산간지로 이루어져 있는 우리나라는 급속한 경제발전과 더불어 토지수요가 급격히 증가함에 따라 간척과 같은 국토창출사업의 필요성이 강조되어 왔으며 지형적으로 간척에 적합한 서해안을 중심으로 많은 간척공사가 진행되었다. 우리나라의 간척사업은 1960년대 동진강 간척사업을 기점으로 본격적으로 시작되었으며 남양, 아산, 삽교천, 영산강, 대호, 금강, 영암, 시화방조제 등이 축조되었으며 2010년에는 세계에서 가장 긴 새만금방조제가 준공되었다. 새만금간척사업은 개발면적이 40,100ha로서 여의도의 140배 규모이며 방조제의 길이가 33.9㎞로 기네스월드레코드에 세계 최장 방조제로 등재되었고 제체구조는 자연재료인 석재와 준설해사를 이용한 제체에 돌붙임식 피복공이 시공되어 있다. 이와 같이 장기간에 걸쳐 대규모 자본이 투자된 방조제는 국가 주요시설물로서 파랑과 해일 등에 의하여 붕괴될 경우 그 피해는 막대하므로 방조제 완공이후에도 지속적인 유지관리의 중요성이 대두되고 있다. 특히 해측에 시공된 피복석은 외해에서 작용하는 강력한 파랑과 쇄파의 충격하중에 지속적으로 저항하고 성토재의 흡출을 방지하는 중요한 재료임에도 불구하고 시공이후의 내구성변화에 대한 연구는 미비한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 새만금 방조제 해측피복석을 대상으로 시공이후의 내구특성을 분석하기 위하여 자료조사 및 재료시험을 실시하여 해측 피복석의 피해원인 연구와 보수·보강 시에 필요한 자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 시험방법은 피복석품질기준 및 실내시험에 의한 암분류방법에서 적용하고 있는 비중, 흡수율, 압축강도시험을 실시하였으며 그 결과를 시공자료와 함께 분석하였다. 1. 해측피복석에 사용된 석재원 분포는 1공구에 해창지역석재, 2, 3, 4공구에 신시지역석재 그리고 4공구의 일부에 시공된 외부석재가 주를 이루고 있다. 이외에도 비응, 가력, 고흥지역 등에서 채취된 석재가 사용되었으며 시공기간은 1993년-2006년으로 조사 되었다. 2. 시공이후 최대 18년이 경과한 해측피복석은 모두 실내시험에 의한 암분류에서 경암(AIa, BIa)이상의 등급을 유지하고 있으며 피복석 품질기준을 만족하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 3. 동일한 석재로 시공된 구간에서 조위에 영향을 받는 조간대영역과 영향을 받지 않는 소단영역의 압축강도 분포를 비교한 결과, 서로 다른 압축강도 특성을 나타냈다.

      • 새만금 방조제 해측피복석의 마모특성

        고남영 ( Nam Young Goh ),고홍석 ( Hong Seok Goh ),손재권 ( Jae Gwon Son ),정한수 ( Han Su Jung ),손태호 ( Tae Ho Son ) 한국농공학회 2011 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2011 No.-

        새만금 간척사업은 새만금 방조제를 건설함으로서 40,100ha에 달하는 국토를 확장하여 28,300ha의 다목적 농지와 3억5천만 톤의 수자원을 확보하는 대단위 국토개발사업이다. 연장이 33.9㎞로 세계에서 가장 긴 새만금 방조제는 부안군 대항리에서 가력도, 신시도, 야미도, 비응도를 연결하는 심해간척시설로 강풍, 강우, 강설 등의 기상작용에 지속적인 영향을 받고 있다. 또한 외해에 직면하고 있어 강풍에 의한 파랑 및 조파의 충격하중에 저항하는 주요 구조물이므로 지속적인 관리가 요구되고 있다. 이러한 외력에 저항하기 위하여 시공된 해측 피복석은 파랑과 쇄파의 영향을 받을 뿐만 아니라 해수와 함께 유동하는 모래나 사석에 의하여 지속적인 마모가 발생하고 있다. 피복석이 장기간 마모되면 피복석의 형태와 시공간격이 변화하게 되어 채움사석 및 피복석의 안정에 악영향을 끼치게 됨에도 불구하고 이에 대한 연구는 미미한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 새만금 방조제 해측피복석의 마모특성을 분석하기 위하여 자료조사 및 마모시험을 실시하여 해측 피복석의 마모원인 연구와 보수ㆍ보강 시에 필요한 자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 시험방법은 피복석품질기준 및 실내시험에 의한 암분류방법에서 적용하고 있는 비중, 흡수율, 마모시험을 실시하였으며 그 결과를 시공자료와 함께 분석하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 새만금 해측피복석에 사용된 석재원은 해창석재, 신시석재, 외부석재가 주로 사용 되었으며 해창석재의 마모성이 가장 약한 것으로 나타났다. 2. 신시석재와 외부석재로 조합시공된 4호 방조제에서는 신시석재에 비하여 외부석재의 마모성이 작은 것으로 나타났다. 3. 동일한 석재원으로 시공된 구간에서 영역별 마모율 변화는 특별한 경향을 보이지 않았다. 4. 유동석의 재료특성을 분석한 결과에서도 신시석재가 외부석재보다 마모율이 적은 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        고파랑이 내습하는 방조제 피복석의 안정성 평가 - 새만금방조제를 중심으로 -

        손재권,고남영,김덕구,박설화,Son, Jae Gwon,Goh, Nam Young,Kim, Duk Gu,Park, Seol Hwa 한국농공학회 2016 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.58 No.4

        This study is on the stability re-evaluation of armor stones in saemangum seadike according to recently increased sea-level and frequent high wave incoming and the results are in the following. The field inspection of armor stones in the seadike revealed that damages of armor stones have been caused by higher waves than designed waves and that the reconstruction of armor stones and concrete grouting method have been used as the reinforcement work. The result of numerical simulation of wave channel conducted to estimate the safety weight of armor stones influenced by flows revealed that the safety weight of armor stones in the seadike No.4 was estimated as 5.47 tons by using the Isbash method, which is about 122 % more than 4.49 tons estimated by using Van der Meer method. Therefore, in designing armor stones which can be influenced by high waves such as the case of Saemangum seadike, it is necessary to apply the safety weight method of armor stones, based on the Isbash method, which produced the significant figures among the safety weight methods using flows as well as the safety weight method using high waves based on the Hudson method.

      • 흙-토목섬유(土木纖維) Interface 특성(特性)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        고홍석 ( Goh Hong Seok ),고남영 ( Goh Nam Young ),홍순영 ( Hong Soon Young ) 한국농공학회 1991 韓國農工學會誌 : 전원과 자원 Vol.33 No.2

        The objective of this paper is to show that the soil-geotextile interaction needs to be addressed in addition to the usual tensile and modulus properties when the geotextile is being designed for a specific application. The soil-geotextile interaction can be directly assessed by standard direct shear test. The data presented here show that the shear strength paramaters describing the soil-geotextile interface can he greatly influenced by the type of the geotextile. In this investigation, we examined nine different geotextiles of varying construction and surface textures with two standard soil, under five loading conditions, and compared the shear strength and the frictional resistance with the corresponding values of soil itself. The following conclusions were drawned from this study. 1. The shear stress-strain curve shows that there are the residual shear stresses at the soil-geotextile interface. Because of the hydraulic gradient between the soil and the geotextile, the excessive pore water can migrate into the geotextile and among the filaments and dissipate through the soil-geotextile interface. 2. The shear strength of the soil-geotextile interface is affected by the moisture content of the soil. At moisture content lower than the optimum water content of the Proctor compaction test, the shear strength of the soil-geotextile interface is greater. 3. The type and surface roughness of the geotextile have the greatest influence on the interface friction angle between the soil and the geotextile. 4. The maximum internal friction angle mobilized between the soil and the geotextile is on the average 82% of that of the soil itself. 5. The maximum adhesion mobilized between the soil and the geotextile is on the average 67% of that of the soil itself,

      • KCI등재

        새만금방조제 해측피복석의 변형유형에 따른 마모원인분석

        손재권,고남영,최진규,김학원,Son, Jae Gwon,Goh, Nam Young,Choi, Jin Kyu,Kim, Hak Won 한국농공학회 2013 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.55 No.6

        This study is focused on analyzing the deformation types of seaside armor stones based of field survey in order to establish the cause of abrasion following the deformation of seaside armor stones. 1. The deformation of seaside armor stone in saemangeum sea dike was classified as three different types: floating, deviation, and abrasion. 2. It was discovered that the stones floated to the extent of maximum 50 m, as the result of inspecting floating stones which were situated on different ten places. 3. The average number of deviation in the high ocean wave section was four times more than that in the ordinary ocean wave section, as a result of comparing the deviation number of the ordinary ocean wave section and that of the high ocean wave section for the purpose of inspecting the relation between the deviation of armor stones and the effects of ocean wave. 4. The angular shape of armor stones seen in the initial construction period has been abraded smoothly, as result of comparing of the shape change of armor stones for the purpose of inspecting abrasion state of seaside armor stones. 5. It was discovered that the abrasion of armor stone was severe in the section of many floating stones, as a result of analyzing the levels of abrasion and the cumulative sections of floating stones for the purpose of investigating the cause of abrasion.

      • 토목섬유(土木纖維)로 보강(補强)한 軟弱地盤의 안정도(安定度) 해석(解析) : 모형실험(模型實驗)과 유한요소해석(有限要素解析)

        고홍석 ( Goh Hong Seok ),고남영 ( Goh Nam Young ) 한국농공학회 1994 韓國農工學會誌 : 전원과 자원 Vol.36 No.1

        To investigate the behaviour of the embankment on very soft foundation reinforced geotextiles, the laboratory model test in order to analyze the elementary effects of geotextile reinforcement and the finite element program analyzing the stresses and deformations characteristics was carried out. A two-dimensional nonlinear finite element program called GEOTEXT(a modification of ISBILD) for the static analysis of embankment on very soft foundation reinforced geotextiles has been developed. Both linear and nonlinear hyperbolic stress-strain soil models are included, and incremental and stage construction can be simulated. However, the program GEOTEXT is not developed herein as an adaptable design tool for practicing engineer. It was found that the geotextile reinforcement significantly reduced the shear stresses in the foundation and decreased the vertical differential settlements at the top of the embankment. This influence was more pronounced as the tensile strength of the geotextile was increased.

      • 농업수리시설물 관리를 위한 정보시스템 개발

        고홍석 ( Goh Hong Seok ),최진규 ( Choi Jin Kyu ),고남영 ( Goh Nam Young ),이주승 ( Lee Ju Seung ) 한국농공학회 1999 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.1999 No.-

        The management method of the irrigation facilities are different with management agency, type, user, purpose of use, and the accuracy of data applied for the grasp of present situation and maintenance is of a low grade. Therefore the information management system is needed to classify and systematize the data. The purpose of this study is to prepare the digital map of Chonbuk FLIA district, to construct the database of the irrigation facilities, to develop the information system for the management using World Wide Web, to supply and be able to use easily to whomever needs it.

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