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        가르시니아 캄보지아 추출물함유 육류용 딥소스가 고지방식이 섭취 흰쥐의 지방축적 및 체중감량에 미치는 영향

        강은실,황정석,김민화,김혜정,이창권,서한극,Kang, Eun Sil,Hwang, Jung Seok,Kim, Min-Hwa,Kim, Hye Jung,Lee, Chang-Kwon,Seo, Han Geuk 한국축산식품학회 2013 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 가르시니아 캄보지아 추출물이 함유된 육류용 딥소스의 항비만 효과를 동물실험을 통하여 검증하기 위하여 고지방 식이로 유도한 비만 쥐의 체중 및 지방조직의 변화, 혈중 지질성분의 변화를 5주령 흰쥐 18마리를 정상식이에 식염수 투여군(NCD), 고지방 식이에 가르시니아 캄보지아 추출물-비함유 육류용 딥소스 투여군(HFD), 고지방 식이에 2% 가르시니아 캄보지아 추출물-함유 육류용 딥소스 투여군(HFD+GC)으로 나누어 90일 간 실시하였다. HFD군의 흰쥐에서의 체중 중가가 가장 두드러지게 나타났고, 이러한 체증증가는 HFD+GC군의 흰쥐에서 유의 있게 감소되는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 개복 후 부고환 및 신장주변 지방 조직을 적출하여 무게를 확인한 결과에서도 HFD+GC군의 흰쥐에서 지방의 무게가 유의하게 감소된 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, 혈청 중의 지질성분인 total cholesterol, triglycerol, total lipid의 함량이 다른 식이 군에 비해 유의하게 감소한 결과도 HFD+GC군에서 확인할 수 있었다. 이상의 결과들은 가르시니아 캄보지아 추출물이 비만 유도 실험 모델 쥐에서 비만과 관련된 각종 지표들을 억제함으로써 항비만 효과를 나타내고 있음을 확인할 수 있었고, 이러한 효과는 가르시니아 캄보지아 추출물이 함유된 육류용 딥소스를 비만을 유발할 수 있는 음식과 동시에 섭취하여도 효과가 있음이 시사되었다. Obesity, the leading metabolic disease, is a prevalent health problem in industrialized countries and is closely associated with coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and even cancer. In this study, we investigated the effects of dip-sauce for meat containing Garcinia cambogia extract (GC) on the lipid accumulation and body weight reduction in rats fed high-fat diet for three months. Eighteen Sprague Dawley male rats of five-week-old were randomly assigned to one of three groups; normal chew diet (NCD) group, high-fat diet plus GC-noncontaining dip-sauce (HFD) group, and HFD plus GC-containing dip-sauce (HFD+GC) group. Co-administration of GC-containing dip-sauce (5 g/kg body weight/day) with HFD significantly attenuated cumulative body weight gain, compared with NCD or HFD groups. Both epididymal and perirenal fat pad weights in the HFD plus GC group were significantly lower than those of HFD or NCD groups. Administration of GC-containing dip-sauce also resulted in significant reduction in the serum levels of total cholesterol, total lipid, and triglyceride, compared with NCD or HFD groups. Thus, GC-containing dip-sauce confers beneficial effects to pathological states associated with metabolic disorder via its anti-obesity and lipid lowering properties.

      • 청소년의 자살의도와 우울, 영적안녕과의 관계

        강은실,조향숙,송양숙,강성연 고신대학교 전인간호과학연구소 2003 전인간호과학연구 학술모음집 Vol.2 No.-

        This study was carried out to identify the relationships of suicidal ideation, depression, spiritual well-being of adolescence in Korea. Design of the study was correlational study. Objects of the study were 423 adolescences of high school students of 5 cities in Korea. Data was collected from April, 2003 to July, 2003 using structured questionnaire. Research tools of this study were SSI(Scale for Sucidal Ideation) developed by Beck(1979), BDI(Beck Depression Inventory) translated by Lee(1993), scale for spiritual well-being of Paloutzian & Ellison translated by Choi( 1990) Collected data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation with SPSS/PC 11.0 program. The results were as follow : 1. Mean value of sucidal ideation (25.93)of adolescence were moderate level, depression( 12.48) of adolescence was moderate, spiritual well-being(75.35) was high. 2. General characteristics statistically related to the suicidal ideation are sex(t-3.655, p= .05), grade(F=4.71, p= .009), department of school(t=2.98, p= .003), relationship of friends (F=13.65, p= .000), girl(boy)(F=7.80, p= .000), experience of school violence injury (t=2.23, p= .026), school records(F=-4.50, p= .001), smoking(F=19.98, p=.000), drinking(F=14.29, p=.000), trial sucide (t=9.92, p= .000), disease of physical (t=3.74, p= .000), economical levels of family (F=7.31, p= .001), marital status of parents(F=2.65, p= .048), atmosphere at home (F=8.65, p= .000), conversation with father(F=3.87, p= .009), conversation of mether( F=4.64, p= .003). 3. Relationships of the suicidal ideation, depression, spiritual well-being of adolescence. Suicidal ideation of adolescence was positive relationships with depression (r=.628, p= .000), suicidal ideation of adolescence was negative relationships with spiritual well-being(r=-.380, p= .000). In conclusion, it was found that depression of adolescence was incline to increase sucidal ideation, spiritual well-being to decrease sucidal ideation of adolescence. Therefore, development of counseling and guidance program to increase spiritual well-being of the adolescence was suggested.

      • KCI등재후보

        알콜중독자 부인의 경험에 관한 일 연구

        강은실 이화여자대학교 간호과학연구소 1995 Health & Nursing Vol.7 No.-

        본 연구는 알콜중독자 부인의 경험이 어떠한가를 알기 위해 정성적 연구방법의 하나인 근거이론 접근방법을 사용하여 간호실무에 도움이 되는 실체이론을 개발하기 위한 목적으로 시도되었다. 본 연구의 대상자는 알콜중독자 부인들로서 알콜중독으로 진단을 받은 적이 있는 남편과 결혼을했거나 현재 결혼 생활을 하는 부인 10명이다. 자료는 1993년 11월부터 1994년 8월까지 10개월간 연구자-대상자 간의 심층적인 면담과 부분적인 참여관찰을 통하여 수집하였다. 자료는 수집과 동시에 분석을 하였고 새로운 자료가 나을 때마다 계속적인 비교분석을 하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 알콜중독자 부인들의 경험은 '자녀학대', '부인학대', 의심증', '불안', '미움', '수치심', '슬픔', 재정적 궁핍', '사회적 빈곤화', '자존감의 저하', '사회적 위촉', '결단이 힘듬', 병으로 인식함', 대용전략의 실패'. '자녀에 대한 실망', '종교적 행위의 변화', '영성', 희망을 가짐', 의미를 찾음', '사랑이 생김', 죄책감의 해결', '오래참음', '가출', '자살', '입원시킴', '이혼'둥 26가지의 개념이였다. 이 26가지 개념을 보다 더 큰 상위개념으로 묶어 「가족학대」 「정서상태의 변화」 「경제상태의 변화」 「대인관계의 장애」 「영적인 변화」 「대응전략」 「절망」 「영적인 변화」등의 5가지로 범주화 하였으며, 이러한 범주들은 핵심범주인 (짐(Burden)에서 변화되는 과정)임을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구결과를 통해 간호사는 가족간호의 대상자인 알콜중독자 부인의 경험을 이해하고 그들의 경험에 맞는 필요한 예방적 가족간호 중재를 제공함으로써 알콜중독자 가족들이 질적인 삶을 영위할 수 있도록 도와주는 데 기여할 수 있으리라 본다. The purpose of this study was to construct a substantive theory about the experience of the wife with alcoholic husband through qualitive research mehtod of grounded theory approach. The interviewees were 10 wives who had or had had a husband with chronic alcoholic. Sampling was continued when data were theoretically saturated. The data were collected through in-depth interviews and partial participient observation by the investigator from November, 1993 to August, 1994(for 10 months). The data were recorded by audio tape recorder and transcribed into words. The data were analyzed by a constant comparative method as new data are emerged. The collected data are coded into concepts and categories according to Strauss & Corbin's grounded method. The 26 concepts were found from analyzing the grounded data. The result of this study are as follows : 'child abuse', `wife abuse', 'suspiciousness', `anxiety', 'hostility' 'shame' `sadness' 'financial difficulty', 'low social class', 'recognizing as disease', 'disappointment to child', `failure to coping strategy' 'changing religious practice', 'spirituality', 'having a hope', 'searching for a meaning', 'giving a love', 'resolving a guilty', `low self-esteem', `social withdrawl', 'difficulty in decision making', 'patience' 'run away', `suicide', 'making hospitalization', `divorce'. Seven categories emerged from the analysis of grounded data. They were as follow : [family abuse], [changing emotional state], [changing economic status], [difficulty in interpersonal relationship], [coping strategies], [despair], [spiritual change] These categories were synthesized into the core category <changing process from burden> The core phenomenon was burden and changing process. Contribution of this study were to understand the empirical reality about alcoholic's wife and substantive theory development in nursing theory. Implication of nursing research was contributed to advance in qualitative reseach methodology through an application of grounded theory approach. In nursing pratice, this study contributed making a community based educational nursing program for alcoholics' wives. To develop a formal theory to experience of alcoholic wife, further researches under other social contextual condition about experiences of acoholics' wife were recommended.

      • 알콜중독자 부인의 영적변화의 경험

        강은실 통합연구학회 1997 통합연구 Vol.10 No.1-2

        The main purpose of this study was to understand the spiritual change alcoholics' wives have experienced. Additional purpose were to explore factors that might contribute to wholistic healing of alcoholics' wives and establish a wholistic nursing care plan for those wives and their families. For those objectives, we used the grounded theory approach, a kind of qualitative research method. The grounded data was collected from 10 wives of chronic alcoholics through in-depth interviews, partial participant observation, and documents of the wives themselves, from November 1993 to August 1994. The data results were coded into 7 concepts and 1 category according to Strauss and Corbin's grounded method. Seven concepts about spiritual change were found as follows; "hopelessness" "changing religious practice" "searching for meaning", "discovering love" "discovering hope", "resolving quilt", and "recognizing alcoholism as a spiritual disease". In addition three strategies for spiritual changes that alcoholics' wives have resorted to were "praying", "singing hymns", and "fellowshiping with other believers in the church community". This research showed that a health care plan for alcoholics' families should began with understanding the spiritual change alcoholics' wives have experienced. Hopefully this study will be a first step in developing a community-based family nursing program for alcoholics' wives. It is suggested that additional research be done, as follows: with the alcoholics' parents, siblings and children, and on broken homes(separated or divorced) caused by alcoholism.

      • 호스피스 간호중재가 유방절제술을 받은 환자의 우울의 미치는 영향

        강은실,김미령 통합연구학회 1999 통합연구 Vol.12 No.1-2

        The aim of this study was to find out the effect of hospice care intervention on the depressions manifested by mastectomy patients. 64 patients were selected who, after admitted to General Surgery Nursing Unit, of K university hospital, undergone mastectomy after diagnosis of breast cancer, from Jan 3, 1997 to April 17, 1997. Hospice care intervention was performed after finding out the spiritual needs by measuring physical, mental and spiritual needs. The collected data was computerized by use of SPSS program. For data analysis χexp(2)-text, paired t-text and ANOVA were used. The results are as follows. 1. The hypothesis of 'the degree of depressions manifested by the group who undergone and who did not undergo hospice care intervention would be different' was supported. while experimental group showed average scores 41.6±6.1, control group showed 50.9±8.2(t=-13.1, P=0.000) 2. The hypothesis of 'the pre and post experimental depression severity according to general characteristics of the group who undergone hospice care intervention would be different' was supported. General characteristics of experimental group (age, marital status, education, family member, housing, vocation, religion, attitude could be different toward the future, the effect of religion on own life, recognition of disease, therapeutic method, pain recognition) showed statistical significance(P= 0.000). Pain degree showed partially significance(P=0.04), so the hypothesis was supported. 3. The hypothesis of 'the pre and post experimental depression severity on each items between the group who undergone hospice care intervention would be different' was partially supported. As for items 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20 showed significant differences(p=0.05). Recommendation 1. Experimental study useing hospice care intervention should be performed not only mastectomy patients but also to other cancer patients. 2. For the purpose of alleviation depressive mastectomy patients, hospice care intervention should be applied on clinical nursing practice.

      • 병동형 호스피스 대상자를 위한 전인적 호스피스 간호중재 프로그램의 개발

        강은실,최성은,강성년,Kang, Eun-Sil,Choi, Sung-Eun,Kang, Sung-Nyun 한국호스피스협회 2007 호스피스 학술지 Vol.7 No.1

        People in the end of life and their families suffer in their physical disease and other aspects as a whole person. They need hospice care to palliate their total suffering in physical, emotional, social and also spiritual aspect through professional hospice team. To care their whole personal needs, hospice team must be a multi-discipline team which consists of medical doctors, nurses, social workers, pastors and volunteers. Recently those who die in hospice palliative care unit have trend to increase more than in home year by year. So it is necessary to develop the nursing intervention program to be performed by multi-discipline team approach for in-patient of hospice palliative care unit. The purposes of this study were to develop of wholistic hospice nursing intervention program for inpatient of hospice palliative care unit. The subjects of study were collected from 30 patients those who were over 18 years old and admitted in hospice palliative care unit of S hospital in P city with agreement in hospice palliative care in their terminal disease. The period of data collection was from December 15, 2003 to March 15, 2004. The result were as follows : 1. The result of Wholistic Hospice Nursing Program's development was as follow : A Wholistic Hospice Nursing Program was developed by me in this study is one of the service program for hospice palliative care unit. It was named as ‘Rainbow Program’ to be approached easily by hospice patients. The purposes of it are to improve the quality of life of the terminal patients with their dignity, to help them live in abundant and meaningful in their lives, to care them in peaceful in dying process with understanding them in whole personal, and also to palliate the grief and suffering of the bereaved. It was provided by hospice professionals(nurses, medical doctors, social worker, pastors, art therapists) and volunteers those who were educated in hospice for multi-diciplinary team approach to collaborate with each role play I 20-30 minuters of each through visiting their rooms individually and a place of hospice palliative care unit of S hospital in P city. The subjects of it were the terminal patients those who admitted hospice palliative care unit and their familes. with agreement in hospice palliative care in their terminal disease. The characteristics of it were multi-disciplinary team approach, whole personal care, individual care and total care according to their needs in their condition. The contents of it were pain control, symptom control, counseling patient, counseling family, hair cutting, hair shampooing, bed bath, recreation, taking a walk, event of culture(screen, recital, festival of praises, exhibition and so on), pastoral counseling, ritual service in bed, praying, service in bed, sing a worship praise, listening to the music, sharing remembrance of life, individual visiting music service(sing and praying), meditation Bible, art therapies(dance and drawing), social worker's counselling, confessing and sharing love and thanksgiving. The experimental group subjects participated in Wholistic Hospice Nursing Program which takes 120 minutes per session, total 10 sessions(total 1,200 minutes) altogether. In conclusion, this Wholistic Hospice Nursing Intervention can be used actively for whole personal well-being of the patients in hospice palliative in hospice palliative care unit and also applied in hospice practice as an useful model of multi-disciplinary team approach by hospice professionals.

      • 암환자의 영적간호 요구에 관한 연구

        강은실 高神大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        The major purpose of this study was to identify the spiritual nursing care needs of cancer inpatients. Additional objectives were to determine the degree of expected spiritual nursing care, actual spiritual nursing care being received by nurses and the relationships between expected, received spiritual unrsing care and general characteristics(demographic & religious variables ) Data was collected on Jan., 1990 using a strutured questionnaire developed by Delphi technique (Choi, 1987). The collected data was analyzed using SPSS PC(+) package The results of this study were as follows; 1. Out of items which were designed to show spiritual needs of inpatients, "want nurses to introduce chaplain or pastor in local church" "want nurses to sing a hymn or use a tape recorder when I want it" "want nurses to read a Bible for me when I want it" were relatively highscored items. 2. Out of items which were designed to show the degree of satisfaction on spiritual needs, "want nurses to read a Bible for me when I want it" "want nurses to introduce chaplain or pastor in local church" "want nurses to sing a hymn or use tape recorder when I want it" "want nurses to pray for me or with me" were relatively high-scored items 3. Significant differences were find to show between spiritual needs and religion, religious career, experience of born again, hope to resureaction. 4. There was no significant relationship between the degree of satisfaction on spiritual care needs and the general characteristics of the subjects. 5. There were positive correlations between the degree of spiritual nursing care needs, the degree of satisfaction of spiritual care needs and degree of satisfaction of general nursing care.

      • 가족폭력에 대한 이론적 고찰 : 가족폭력에 관한 연구 Ⅰ

        강은실 고신대학교 의학부 1991 高神大學校 醫學部 論文集 Vol.7 No.1

        Family violence was hidden crime or underreported crime in our society. Battering tends to increase and become more violent overtime . Social violence was deeply related to family violence. Many batterers learned violent behavior growing up in an abusive family. In our country, family violence tends to become public, social problems. Recently, some papers about abusive family were reported. Battering may lead to secondary social problem. Therefore, the preventive intervention and strategy about family violence were needed. The purpose of this paper was to contribute to establish the theoretical bases related future empirical study. The contents of this literal review about family violence were the exents of family violence, special causes, conceptual definition, cycles, types, theories of interpersonal violence applied to the family violence, prevention and strategy about family violence.

      • 공기 처리용 구리 나노입자 코팅 섬유 필터를 사용한 병원균 및 PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> 초미세먼지 포집 및 제거

        강은실,Van Cam Thi Le,이우형,김승도 한국대기환경학회 2021 한국대기환경학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.10

        최근 호흡기 전염병인 코로나19가 전 세계적으로 대유행하고 있으며, 이로 인해 코로나19의 원인 병원체인 코로나바이러스와 같은 각종 균주 및 바이러스를 공기 중에서 제거하는데 관심이 높아지고 있다. 하지만 현재 공기청정기는 실내 공기 중의 미세먼지 제거에 초점을 맞추고 있어 항균 · 항바이러스 처리가 가능한 필터 또는 장치의 개발이 절실하다. 본 연구에서는 PM2.5 초미세먼지 포집과 동시에 항병원체 비활성화가 가능한 고효율의 에어필터를 소개한다. 우리는 Non-woven fiber (NWF) 필터와 멜트블로운 방식으로 제조된 HEPA fiber 필터에 in situ growth dip-coating 방식을 사용하여 구리 나노입자(Cu-NPs)의 손쉬운 녹색 합성법을 제시한다. 또한 대기오염 처리에서 두 필터의 다기능 잠재력을 평가한다. PM 포집 테스트에서 Cu-NPs/HEPA 필터는 압력강하 없이 대전된 섬유 사이의 정전기 상호 작용을 통해 높은 효율(~99.99%)을 보인다. 반면 Cu-NPs/NWF 필터의 경우 보통의 경우 낮은 포집 효율을 보였지만 필터에 (+)전하를 가해주었을 때 효율이 가장 큰 폭으로 증가한다. 추가로 항병원체 비활성화 테스트에서 9.89wt%의 Cu-NPs로 코팅된 필터는 5분 이내로 대장균(E. coli)을 모두 사멸시킨다. 결과적으로 Cu-NPs 코팅 필터는 실내 환경에 적합한 강력하고 효율적인 포집 및 제거 시스템에 활용될 수 있는 큰 잠재력을 보여준다.

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