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      • 중추신경 흥분제가 barbiturates의 수면효과에 미치는 영향

        강숙경,강원숙,이상열,원연희 이화여자대학교 의학회 1972 梨花醫學會誌 Vol.- No.4

        The present sudies describe the effects of analeptics(caffeine, amphetamine, pent-lenetetrazol)on the duration of barbiturates were determined in rats. Sleeping time of babiturates was determined by the time elapsing between loss and return of the righting reflexes. All drugs were injected intraperitoneally. Preliminary experiments indicated that at a dose of 40 ㎎/㎏ either of the two barbiturates produced loss of the righting reflexes without death. This dose was selected for subsequent studies. Results are following: 1. Pretreatment of caffeine, amphetamine and pentylenetetrazol shortened significantly the sleeping time of thiopental sodium but the effects of pentobarbital sodium on sleeping were different according to the does of pretreated drugs(caffeine, amphetamine and pentylentetrazol). 2. The sleeping time of pentylentetrazol and thiopental sodium was most prominently shortened by the dose of caffeine 15 ㎎/㎏ in rats. 3. There was a tendency that the more dose of amphetamine was increased the shorter the duration of sleeping time became. 4. Pretreated group by 2 ㎎/㎏ pentylentetrazol didn't make significant change on the sleeping effect

      • KCI등재
      • 중추신경 흥분제가 barbiturates의 수면효과에 미치는 영향

        강숙경,강원숙,원연희,이상열 이화여자대학교 의과대학 1972 梨花醫學誌 Vol.- No.4

        The present sudies describe the effects of analeptics(caffeine, amphetamine, pent-lenetetrazol)on the duration of barbiturates were determined in rats. Sleeping time of babiturates was determined by the time elapsing between loss and return of the righting reflexes. All drugs were injected intraperitoneally. Preliminary experiments indicated that at a dose of 40 ㎎/㎏ either of the two barbiturates produced loss of the righting reflexes without death. This dose was selected for subsequent studies. Results are following: 1. Pretreatment of caffeine, amphetamine and pentylenetetrazol shortened significantly the sleeping time of thiopental sodium but the effects of pentobarbital sodium on sleeping were different according to the does of pretreated drugs(caffeine, amphetamine and pentylentetrazol). 2. The sleeping time of pentylentetrazol and thiopental sodium was most prominently shortened by the dose of caffeine 15 ㎎/㎏ in rats. 3. There was a tendency that the more dose of amphetamine was increased the shorter the duration of sleeping time became. 4. Pretreated group by 2 ㎎/㎏ pentylentetrazol didn't make significant change on the sleeping effect.

      • KCI등재
      • 일부 농촌주부들의 어린이 예방접종에 대한 지식, 태도 및 실천에 관한 조사 : 경기도 시흥군 의왕면 중심

        강숙경,구연철,최삼섭 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1979 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.2 No.2

        우리나라의 농촌지역 주부들의 어린이 예방접종에 관한 지식, 태도및 실천도를 파악하기 위하여 1978년 8월 1일부터 9월 15일까지 기간중에 경기도 시흥군의 왕면에 거주하는 6세미만 어린이를 가진 주부 250명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 조사대상주부 25~29세군이 39.2%(98명), 30~34세군이 34.8%(87명) 그리고 35세이상군이 14.4%(118명)이었다. 2)조사대상주부의 교육수준별 분포는 국졸이하가 47.2%(36명), 중졸이 35.6%(118명), 고졸이상이 17.2%(43명)이었다. 3) 디·피·티가 디프테리아, 백일해 및 파상풍을 예방하는 예방약품임을 정확히 알고 있는 주부는 250명중 10.4%(26명)였으며, 예방접종 경험주부군(192명에 있어서 13.6%(26명)%, 비경험주부군에 있어서 0.0%(10명)였다. 4) 비·씨·지가 결핵을 예방하는 예방약품임을 알고있는 주부는 전체적으로는 250명중 33.6%(84명)였으며, 예방접종경험주부군에 있어서는 39.8%(68명), 비경험주부군에 있어서는 20.3%(16명)이었다. 5) 폴리오기초기예방접종에 필요한 횟수가 3회임을 정확히 알고 있는 주부는 전체적으로 250명중 27.6%(69명)였으며, 예방접종 경험주부군에 있어서 32.8%, (60명) 비경험주부군에 있어서 13.4%(9명)이었다. 6) 연령 6세미만 어린이 250명의 예방접종 실태를 보면 디·피·티예방접종율은 76.8%(192명), 비·씨·지 예방접종율은 68.4%(171명) 그리고 폴리오예방접종율은 73.2%(183명)이었다. 7) 어린이 예방접종을 위한 의료시설벌 이용율은 주부 250명중 41.6%(104명)가 병의원시설을, 26.4%(66명)가 보건지소를, 24.8%(62명)가 병의원시설과 보건지소를 겸하여 이용하고 있었다. In order to know knowledge, attitude, and practice of rural housewives for vaccination; D.P.T., B.C.G., and Polio-Vaccine, a study was carried out from 1st of August to 15th of September, 1978 with questionaire for home visiting survey in the area of Eewang-Myun, Sihung Gun, Kzunggi Province. And the results were as follows: 1. Out of 250 housewives, 10.4% of them made correct answer that D.P.T, vaccine is effect for diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus prevention, and the correct answer rate was 13.6% in the group of experienced and 0.0% in the group of no-experienced vaccination for children. 2. Out of 250 housewives, 33.6% made correct answer that B.C.G. vaccine is effect for tuberculosis prevention. And the correct answer rate was 39.8% in the group of experienced and 20.3% in the group of no-experienced vaccination for children. 3. Out of 250 housewives, 27.6% made correct answer that the number of base vaccination for poliomyelitis prevention is 3 times. And the correct answer rate was 27.6% in the group of experienced and 13.4% in the group of no-experienced vaccination for children. 4. The vaccination rate of 250 children aged under 6 years was 76.8% in D.PT., 68.4% in B.C.G., and 73.2% in Poliovaccine. 5. Out of 250 housewives, 41.6% of them used private clinics or hospitals for vaccination, 26.4% used health subcenter only, and 24.8% used both of private clinic and health subcenter.

      • KCI등재후보

        표피박리성 수장족저 각피증 1예

        강숙경,노경현,장성은,최지호,성경제,문기찬,고재경 대한피부과학회 2002 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.40 No.4

        Palmoplantar keratodermas are divided into autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive groups by the made of transmission. The autosomal dominantly transmitted group is further divided into epidermolytic and nonepidermolytic types according to the histological findings. Hereditary epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma manifests clinically as a localized thickening of the palms and soles. Herein w report a 29-year-old woman showing the typical clinical and histologic features of epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma without family history. This case could be spontaneous notations that will later breed a true autosomal dominant trait.

      • KCI등재

        터키 샹르울파주 목화농업의 전개와 지역사회의 변화

        강숙경(Sukkyeong Kang) 대한지리학회 2013 대한지리학회지 Vol.48 No.1

        터키의 동부 지역과 서부 지역 간의 경제·문화적 지역격차는 국가균형개발을 위해 터키정부가 해결해야 할 주요 과제 중 하나이다. 남동 아나톨리아 개발계획은 티그리스강과 유프라테스강의 수자원을 이용하기 위한 수력개발에서 시작하여, 1980년대 지역균형개발과 사회통합을 목표로 하는 종합적인 지역개발계획으로 발전하였다. 본 연구는 반건조 기후 지역으로 관개용수의 공급 없이는 상품작물의 재배가 불가능한 터키의 남동부 지역이 개발계획에 의해 주요 목화생산지로 변화한 것에 주목하여, 이를 가능하게 한 남동 아나톨리아 개발계획의 배경, 과정, 내용과 그에 따른 목화 생산성의 변화 등을 살펴보았다. 또한, 남동 아나톨리아 개발계획의 중심축으로써, 정부의 집중적인 투자가 이루어지고 있는 샹르울파주를 대상으로, 목화농업의 성장배경과 전개과정을 살펴보았다. 샹르울파주는 터키 전체 목화생산량의 37.6%를 생산한다. 이는 하란평원을 중심으로 시행된 정부의 경지정리 사업, 관개용수로 사업, 도로와 농로 등 농업을 위한 기반시설 확충이 큰 역할을 담당하였다. 또한, 목화재배에 따른 보조금 지급도 목화재배가 활성화된 주요 요인 중 하나이다. 관개용수의 공급은 이 지역 인구이동에 커다란 변화를 가져왔다. 관개 이전, 계절적 노동을 위해 다른 지역으로 이주했던 심각한 인구유출 현상은 관개 이후, 관개 지역을 중심으로 한 지역 내 이동과 다른 지역으로부터의 인구 유입 형태로 그 내용이 변화하였다. 관개용수는 국가수자원 총국(DS?)으로부터 관개용수 관리·운영권을 이양받은 관개용수 조합(Sulama Birli?i)이 각 농가에 공급한다. 그러나 관개용수 조합은 부족집단(A?iret)을 기본으로 하는 전통적 봉건사회 구조하에 있으며, 이로 인해 농민을 위한 효율적 경영이 이루어지지 않고 있다. 또한, 이는 농민 자치조직의 형성에도 걸림돌로 작용하고 있다. Regional disparities between eastern and western regions is the most of serious problem for balanced regional development in Turkey. The Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) is being implemented to eliminate these regional development disparities. The work that was initially planned as predominantly for hydraulic energy production to utilize water resources of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers more effectively was later transformed into an integrated multi-sector regional development project. This study noted that this region had very limited cash crop production because of the constraints of semi-arid climate of the southeastern region, however, later, it has changed Turkey’s major cotton producing region since Southeastern Anatolia Project carried out. Therefore, this study investigated background, process, and content of the Southeastern Anatolia Project with respect to high cotton productivity in this region and examined the dynamic changes of cotton productivity in this region. In addition, Sanliurfa prefecture is one of the main development axes of the Southeastern Anatolia Project, because government investments are concentrated on this prefecture. Therefore, this study examined the background and process of cotton farming growth in this prefecture. In 2011, Sanliurfa prefecture produced 37.6% of Turkey’s total cotton production. This is mainly due to agricultural infrastructure expansion such as land consolidation, irrigation, roads and farm roads. Also, it is one of the main factor that subsidies paid to farmers for cotton cultivation. The introduction of irrigation has dramatically changed the direction of seasonal migration of this area. Prior to irrigation, this area had a serious social issue about out-migration for seasonal labor to other areas. However, the introduction of irrigation made this area that changed to in-migration and intra-migration for cotton cultivation. Irrigation water is supplied to farmers through the WUAs (Water User Associations) that handed over irrigation water management, operation from DSI (General Directorate of State of Hydraulic Works). However, the WUAs are under the influence of Ashiret, a traditional feudal social structure. Because of this reason, it does not have an efficient management for farmers. Also, it is one of the reasons that this area does not have autonomous farmer organization.

      • KCI등재

        국내 유통 한약재 중 Aristolochic Acid 분석

        강숙경(Sook-Kyung Kang),송경빈(Kyung Bin Song) 한국식품영양과학회 2003 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.32 No.7

        국내 유통 중인 한약재에 발암물질로 알려진 aristolochic acid 함유 여부를 검사하고자 방기, 목통, 목향, 마두령, 세신, 청목향 등을 대상으로 aristolochic acid 검출 유무 및 정량분석을 수행하였다. 시료에 대한 TLC와 C_(18) column을 이용한 HPLC의 aristolochic acid 최적 분석 조건을 수립하였고 aristolochic acid 정량분석 결과 방기 type II에는 3.9 mg/g, 마두령에는 2.3 mg/g이 함유되어 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그외 목향, 목통, 세신, 청목향 등 시료에서는 aristolochic acid가 검출되지 않았다. Aristolochic acid has been known to be a carcinogenic compound and to cause Chinese herbs nephrophathy (CHN). To determine the content of aristolochic acid in various medicinal herbs marketed domestically, samples of Aristolochia fangchi, Aristolochia fructus, Aristolochia radix, Asiasari radix, Saussureae radix, and Akebia caulis were analyzed using TLC and HPLC. The optimal conditions for TLC and HPLC using C18 column were established for the quantitative analysis of aristolochic acid. This study showed that Aristolochia fangchi and Aristolochia fructus examined in this study contain aristolochic acid of 3.9 and 2.3 mg/g sample, respectively. In contrast, aristolochic acid was not detected in the other samples.

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