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      • KCI등재후보

        한국사상(韓國思想)(철학(哲學)) : 사계(沙溪) 김장생(金長生)의 경학적(經學的) 주역관(周易觀)(1) -『경서변의(經書辯疑)』의 「주역상경(周易上經)」을 중심으로-

        김익수 ( Ik Soo Kim ) 한국사상문화학회 2009 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.48 No.-

        송대의 성리학이 전래되어 16세기 중반에 이르면서 퇴계(1501-1570)와 율곡(1536-1584)에 의하여 정착되어 갔다. 17세기에 이르면서 禮學이 등장했는데 이는 필연적이다. 본래 성리학과 예학은 표리관계(表裏關係)이며, 성리학이 인간의 內面을 수양(修己)하는데 중점을 두는데 반하여 예학은 외적(外的)인 실천에 비중을 두는 治人에 있기 때문이다. 더구나 임진, 병자 양난을 격고난 뒤에 인간성과 윤리회복이 시급한 국민적 과제였기 때문에 예학은 시대가 요청하는 현실적 학문이었던 것이다. 요컨대 주자학(성리학)과 예학은 내외(內外), 체용적(體用的) 구조로 지배적 이념이 되었는데 이런 때에 소명을 다한 이는 그 시대의 거성(巨星)이었던 김장생(金長生1548-1631)이었다. 선생은 평소에 저술에는 별 의도가 없었고 경전을 읽다가 의심이 나는 곳이 있으면 적어 놓았던 것이 쌓여서 날로 학문이 깊어지고 실행이 겸해졌는데 이를 류(類) 별로 모아 묶으니 여러 책들이 나왔다. 그 중에서 성리학의 바탕이 되고 전문적인 經學 연구서인 『경서변의(經書辨疑)』가 있다. 여기에는 『小學』을 비롯해서 四書와 三經을 변석한 것이 들어 있다. 그 중에서 四書 五經의 우두머리(首)라고 할 수 있는 周易을 연구대상으로 하되 3차에 걸쳐 연구하려고 하나 우선 1차적으로 上經만을 조심스럽게 먼저 연구해 보려고 한다. 經學의 연구는 성인 (聖人)의 가르침을 제대로 배우기 위함이다. 본 연구에서는 『經書辨疑』 『周易』에서 경학사상연구를 통해서 선생의 學問觀도 배우고 人間觀도 배우려는 것이 본연구자의 의도이다. 또 하나의 의도는 인문학의 기반을 원천적으로 세워 보려고 하는 원대한 뜻도 여기에 있다. 그래서 모든 경서의 몸통(體)이 되는 『주역』을 먼저 선정하였다. 부차적으로는 오늘날 학문하는 풍토가 지식의 축적에만 급급한 느낌인데 지도자들을 변화시킬 수 있고 교육을 바로 세울 수 있는 위치에 있는 학자들부터 學行一致로 자세가 달라져야 할 것을 촉구하는 뜻도 여기에 있다. Neo-Confucianism of Sung Dynasty of China established its firm foundation in Korea by the efforts of Toegye(1501-1570) and Yulgok(1536-1584) in the middle of sixteenth century. It was inevitable that the Study of Rites appeared in the seventeenth century. Primarily Neo-Confucianism and the Study of Rites are the two sides of a coin. While Neo-Confucianism emphasizes the study of mind, the Study of Rites mainly deals with the control of behavior of a person with appearance. After the both invasions by Japanese and Manchus, The Study of Rites became the pragmatic study of the time to recover the ethics. For this reason, harmonizing the Neo-Confucianism and the Study of Rites became the major theme of the time to control the mind and behavior of people and Kim Jang-saeng was the leading scholar to create this trend. Kim Jang-saeng was not particularly interested in writing books, but he took notes while he was reading the books. While doing so, Kim understood well on these issues and he practiced what he had learned. Later, his notes became categorized and published as many books. Among them, Gyeongsoebyeonui is the most professional research on the study of Confucian classics for the Neo-Confucianism. In this book, Kim analyzes the fundamental books of Confucianism such as the Study of the Elements of Confucianism, four major books and three classics of Confucianism. This paper aims to study carefully on the first part of Kim`s analysis on the Book of Change. The aim of studying the classics of Confucianism is to learn the teachings of sages in the correct way. The foundation of Neo-Confucianism came from the classics of Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism evolved from the Book of Change. It is urgent to understand the Book of Change, the core of all Confucian classics, correctly at the time of the crisis on the tradition of the study of humanities. This research tries to provide the Kim Jang-saeng`s views on Neo-Confucian study as well as on human nature through the part of the Book of Change in his Gyeongsoebyeonui. Also, this research aims to establish the foundation for the studies of humanities. This is why the Book of Change, the core of Confucianism, is the subject of the paper. In addition, nowadays, scholars in general intend to seek for knowledge. They are the people to change the leaders of society and that`s why scholars need to demonstrate the behavior of not contradicting their knowledge and behaviors.

      • KCI등재후보

        전북 부안의 좀구굴치 ( Micropercops swinhonis ) 개체군 생태

        김익수,김병직 ( Ik Soo Kim,Byung Jik Kim ) 한국하천호수학회 1997 생태와 환경 Vol.30 No.1

        Population ecology of the freshwater goby, Micropercops swinhonis(Gu¨nther) was studied at the Ch`oˇngho reservoir of Puan-gun, Ch`oˇllabuk-do, Korea from January 1994 to July 1995. The usual habitat of this species is usually the sand and mud substrates where water plants are dense. 18 fish species in 10 families inhabit with M. swinhonis. The food items of M. swinhonis consist of copepods, cladocerans, chironomid larvae and young fishes eat also copepod larvae and rotifers. The mature group of about 30∼40 mm in total length is reached during one year. Spawning period is from April to May based on the gonadosomatic index of female and male. The number of mature ovarian eggs of an adult female is enumerated as 219∼958 and the size of ripe eggs is 0.64∼1.12mm in diameter.

      • KCI등재후보

        전주천의 (全州川) 수질오염과 어류군집의 (魚類群集) 변화에 관한 연구

        김익수,김환기 ( Ik Soo Kim,Hwan Gi Kim ) 한국하천호수학회 1975 생태와 환경 Vol.8 No.3·4

        1. The authors checked the water pollution and its effect to the fish fauna at 11 stations along the creeks of the Jeonju-cheon, the Sam-cheon, and the Mangyong River respectively from June through October 1975 (Figs. 1 and 2 ; Tables 1 and 2) 2. Oxygen deficit was found to be as an important limiting factor regulating the fish ecological distribution, certainly due to the eutriphication of wastes and city sewage from the nearly districts. 3. As the pollution intensified during the period of the survey, the total numbers of fish species decreased gradually and the abundance of the dorminant species was found more distinct in the fish composition ratio as compared to the nonpolluted water areas. 4. All fish species in this studied area could be classified into 3 kind of groups as regards the tolerance for water pollution; intolerant, tolerant and intermediate species. 5. The current code controlling merely the quality of waste water should be considered for its revision, so that it might include the checking not only the kind of matters in waste waters but also the total volume of waste waters discharged from industrial pollution sources.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        한국 동해안에서 서식하는 진주담치(Mytilus edulis)의 미토콘드리아 DNA 다형현상

        김익수,민병윤,윤명희,김도훈,Kim, Ik-Soo,Min, byung-Yoon,Yoon, Myung-Hee,Kim, Doh-Hoon 한국생명과학회 1999 생명과학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) species complex sampled from the east coast of Korean was studied using a partial sequence of COIII gene (336 bp). Samples obtained from three localities on the east coast of Korea revealed four haplotypes with two clearly differentiated mitochondrial clades (termed clades B and E), separated by 4.2% of minimum sequence divergence. This pattern indicates no difference between east and south coasts of Korea. According to population genetic theory on evolutionary characteristics of mtDNA, we concluded that mtDNA introgression from M. edulis to M. gallprovincialis might be a source for mtDNA polymorphism found in mussels on the east coast of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        복합 유전체기판상에 비대칭 결합 마이크로스트립 대역통과필터의 설계

        김익수,문승찬,Kim Ik-Soo,Moon Seung-Chan 한국통신학회 2004 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.29 No.1A

        초고주파 회로에서 광범위하게 이용되는 평행 결합 마이크로스트립 대역통과필터는 좁은 대역폭 과 2차 스프리어스 통과대역으로 필터의 응용을 제한한다. 이와 같은 문제를 해결하기 위해서 복합 유전체기판상에 비대칭 결합 마이크로스트립 선로를 이용하는 방법을 제시하였다. closed-form해석방법을 이용하여 복합 유전체기판상에 비대칭 결합 마이크로스트립 선로를 해석하고 중심주파수 9GHz 에서 정규화 대역폭 $33\%$을 갖는 필터를 제작하였다. 단층기판을 갖는 필터와 비교하면 복합 유전체기판을 이용한 필터는 스프리어스 통과대역이 약 20dB 이상 개선됨을 보였다 Parallel coupled microstrip bandpass filter is widely used in microwave circuits. But this filter limits the filter applications because of the narrow bandwidth and the spurious passband at twice the basic passband frequency. In order to solve this problem, a method of the asymmetrical coupled microstrip lines on composite dielectric substrate is presented. Closed form method is used to analyze the asymmetrical coupled microstrip lines on composite dielectric substrate. An experimental filter is fabricated over $33\%$ bandwidth centered at 9GHz. Compared with the filter on a single substrate, this filter on composite substrate shows improvement of the spurious passband.

      • KCI등재

        한국진(韓國塵) 참복아목(亞目) 어류(魚類)

        김익수,이완옥,Kim, Ik-Soo,Lee, Wan-Ok 한국어류학회 1990 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.2 No.1

        한국산(韓國産) 참복아목(亞目) 어류(魚類)를 4과(科) 10속(屬) 24종(種)으로 분류(分類)하여 과(科), 속(屬) 및 종(種) 검색표(檢索表)를 작성(作成)하고, 1986년부터 1990년 까지 채집한 17종에 대하여 계수(計數), 계측형질(計測形質), 외부형태(外部形態), 체색(體色) 그리고 채집지성(採集地成) 등을 기록하였다. 이중 Lagocephalus gloveri Abe et Tabeta 1983, 와 L. whheeleri Abe, Tabeta et Kitahama 1984, 를 한국 미기록종으로 기재(記載)하면서, 국명(國名)을 "흑밀복"과 "은빌복"으로 각각 명명한다. Takifugu chinensis(Abe)는 1949년 Abe가 부산표본을 paratype으로 사용하여 기채 보고 하였으나, 최근의 한국산 목록에 포함되어 있지 않아 본 연구에서 이 종을 추가하고, 한국명으로 "참복"으로 제안한다. 우리나라에 분포하는 참복아목(亞目)에 해당하는 종의 대부분은 일본(日本)과 중국(中國)에도 분포하고 있지만, 그 가운데 황복 T. obscurus, 황점복 T. flavidus와 바실복 T. basileusskianus 3종은 한국의 황해(黃海)와 중국의 해역(海域)에만 출현하고 있어 주목되었다. Twenty four species belonging to 10 genera and 4 families in the suborder Tetraodontoidei in Korea were reviewed and provisional keys to species, genera and families are provided. Among them available specimens of seventeen species in this taxa collected during 1986 to 1990 from Korean waters were examined and recorded on the morphometric characters, their body color and collection sites. And two species are reported for the first time to Korea with their descriptions and figures : Lagocephallus gloveri Abe et Tabeta, 1983 and L. wheeleri Abe,Tabeta et Kitahama, 1984. Taki/ugu chiηensis Abe, previously recorded from Pusan, Korea as paratype locality but not included in the list of Chyung, 1977, is listed in the present paper with the new korean name, "Chambok". Many of this taxa are also distributed throughout the waters of China and Japan. But it is found that the distribution of three species of genus Takifugu are restricted only to the west coast of Korea as well as to the adjacent waters of China in the Yellow Sea ; T. obscurus, T. flavidus and T. basilevskianus. Taxonomy and distribution of this taxa were discussed with references to the information obtained so far.

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