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        상호소통프로그램 도입을 위한 법적 개선방안연구 : 다문화가족지원법상 사회통합을 중심으로

        경제(Kim, Kyong Je),수동(Kim, Soo Dong) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2020 圓光法學 Vol.36 No.4

        The issue of how to manage the diversity of migrants and maintain social integration between migrants and residents at the national level is becoming an important policy task for the government with the increasing number of migrant women and foreigners every year in Korea. Currently, social integration programs based on the Multicultural Family Support Act in progress are operated only for multicultural families, new foreigners or other citizens of foreign backgrounds, and their spouses and families, and only concentrated how to live, in multicultural programs for social integration. The Program itself is designed and provided for one side which it is not truly social integration. There are few existing programs for social integration, however programs are only promoting an integration policy targeting one side, not for residents. In this regard, this specific study examined the case of social integration programs in foreign countries (Germany, France, Australia, Singapore), which have a long multicultural history. In the case of Germany, a program that allows settlers and migrants to communicate with each other through sports was operated, and in France, policies and education were implemented to treat migrants and settlers equally. In addition, Australia was running a program to find identity through museum classes, and in Singapore, a policy of social integration with migrants was implemented with an emphasis on settlers. As a result, the mutual communication program between residents and migrants are need and require for true and practical and useful social integration, as united community. Therefore, it is required to introduce a program that allows residents and migrants to work together so that Korean society can be integrated and united. In this study intends to present mutual communication programs for social integration programs required in Korea. In addition, in order to include the reciprocal communication program in the social integration program, first, The Multicultural Family Support Act, Article 5, Paragraph 1, to include the phrase “mutual communication”, and in addition to this Article 5, add Paragraph 1.2 “the nation and local governments should take necessary measures for residents to awareness improvement on multicultural families. If such amendments are made, based on this, a program for improving the awareness of residents and open communication program for migrants and residents could be included in the social integration program for united society. 한국은 매년 결혼이주여성을 비롯한 외국인의 증가로 이주민의 다양성을 어떻게 관리하고 국가차원에서 이주민과 정주민과의 사회통합을 어떻게 유지해 갈 것인가의 문제가 정부의 중요한 정책 과제가 되고 있다. 한국에서 현재 진행되고 있는 다문화가족지원법에 근거한 사회통합 프로그램들은 다문화가족 즉, 외국인이거나 외국배경의 국민, 그리고 그들의 배우자와 가족만을 중심으로 운영되고 있으며 프로그램의 내용도 이들만의 한국사회 정착을 위한 내용으로 구성되어 있다. 사회통합 프로그램이면서 통합의 한 부분만을 대상으로 통합정책을 추진하고 있는 것이다. 진정한 사회통합을 일구어내기 위해서는 사회통합을 위한 정책에 통합의 한 축인 정주민의 참여가 있어야 하고 이주민과 정주민이 함께 소통할 수 있는 상호소통 프로그램이 요구된다. 이에 본 연구는 한국사회 안에서 진정한 사회통합을 달성하기 위하여 이주민과 정주민이 함께 할 수 있는 상호소통 프로그램을 제안하고자 함에 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 상호소통 프로그램의 필요성에 관한 선행연구 자료수집과 국내와 오랜 다문화역사를 가지고 있는 외국(독일, 프랑스, 호주, 싱가포르)의 사회통합 프로그램 사례를 구체적으로 살펴보았다. 독일의 경우 스포츠를 통하여 정주민과 이주민이 상호 소통할 수 있는 프로그램을 운영하고 있었으며 프랑스의 경우 이주민과 정주민을 평등하게 대우하는 정책과 교육을 실시하고 있었다. 그리고 호주는 박물관 수업을 이용하여 정체성을 찾도록 하는 프로그램을 운영하고 있었으며 싱가포르의 경우 정주민에 주안점을 두고 이주민과의 사회통합정책을 실시하고 있었다. 본 연구에서는 한국에 필요한 사회통합 프로그램이 실현될 수 있는 구체적인 방안으로 다음과 같은 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 우선 상호소통프로그램을 사회통합프로그램에 포함시키기 위하여 다문화가족지원법 제5조 제1항에 ‘상호소통’이라는 문구를 조항에 포함시키는 개정과, 여기에 더하여 사회통합 프로그램 대상 확대를 위하여 제5조 제1항 다음에 제1-2항을 신설하여 “국가와 지방자치단체는 다문화가족에 대한 정주민의 인식개선을 위한 필요한 조치를 취해야 한다.”라는 조항을 포함시키는 개정을 제안한다. 이러한 개정이 이루어진다면 이에 근거하여 정주민 인식개선프로그램과 이주민과 정주민이 함께 하는 구체적인 상호소통프로그램이 사회통합프로그램에 포함될 수 있게 될 것이다.

      • 여름배추 貯藏時 變色, 變質原因 究明 및 防除法硏究

        金炅濟 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1979 農林科學 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        This studies were carried out to find the origin and the prevention of discoloration for chinese cabbage storage which is of controlled in the temperature and humidity, treated in the chemical of freshed shelf-life (V_2) and Fungicide (Agreptomycin). sealed polyethylene bags. stored method were selected the normal temperature storage (20~23℃), under ground closed storage (20℃), cold storage (5℃) and cold storage. (1℃). The results obtained from this work were as follows: 1. The origin of discoloration for chinese cabbage storage was intense element, the humidity 80~100 % and treated of fungicide were not relation the prevention, of discoloration origin were required the controlled atmosphere storage. 2. The effect of packaging with sealed polyethylene bags on the chinese cabbage storage were prevented th decreased head weight and the increased discoloration. 3. In the storage test at normal temperature and under ground closed of chinese cabbage, the stored chinese cabbage under 5 days was kept the shelf-life of fresh vegetables. 4. The stored chinese cabbage under 10 days in the cold storage (5℃) and the stored chinese cabbage for 30 days in the cold storage (1℃) was kept the shelf -life of fresh vegetables. 5. In the results from this experiments, the good condition of chinese cabbage storage were cold storage (1℃), humidity (80%-100%) and make use of the chemical of freshed shelf-life.

      • 葉面施肥劑處理가 배추 收量에 미치는 影響

        金炅濟 東國大學校 1976 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        The effect of Leaf-Fertilizer (Biwang, Wuxal, Campsal, Miwon liquid organic fertilizer, Urea) in increasing the quantitative characters of Chiness cabbages in Autumn Seeding was studied. 1. Biwang was increased the number of leaves, leaf length, and leaf width, but next to Wuxal, Campsal and Miwon liquid organic fertilizer. 2. Head weight, Head length and Head width treated with Biwang had leargest head size among the treatments, but next to Wuxal and Campsal. 3. Chinese cabbages treated with all leaf-feeding was significant to the check plot. 4. Yields treated with Biwang was 8,366kg per 10^a, but next to Campsal and Wuxal.

      • 新有機質肥料 및 土壤改良劑 處理가 감자 收量에 미치는 影響

        金炅濟 동국대학교 대학원 1975 大學院硏究論集-東國大學校 大學院 Vol.5 No.-

        The effect of new organic fertilizers and soil improver in increasing the quantitative characters of potatoes in before paddy-field was studied. 1. All organic fertilizers and soil improver increased the number of leaves, plant height, leaf length, and leaf width, and the effect of Miwon liquid organic fertilizer and N+P+K Compost were same characters of the plants. 2. The characters of tuber treated with Miwon liquid organic fertilizer had largest tuber size among the treatments, but next to Amino acid by product A, N+P+K+Compost, Amino acid by product B, organic manures cake, and VS_34. 3. Potatoes treated with N+P+K+Compost, Miwon liquid organic fertilizer and organic manures cake were increased yield 52.2%, and the treated plot of VS_34+compost and Amino acid by product B were increased yield 52.1% than the Check plot(N+P+K)

      • 除草劑의 種類와 製形別 施用量이 除草效果 및 배추의 收量에 미치는 영향

        金炅濟 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1980 農林科學 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        This experiment was conducted to find out the effect of meveral herbicides and their formulation quantities on weed control and Chinese cabbage yield in autumn sowing. 1) Lasso 48 emulsion treated plots were 64.6-70.6% of the germination ratio in the direct seeding cultivation. 2) Lasso 48 emulsion, Machete 6G (I.M), and Machete 6G (S.C) treated plots were few with 10% to the death percentage of leafblade. 3) The effect of weed control were not the Calystegia Japonica and Chenopodium Album, but were with 1% highly significant of the Digitaria Adscendens and portulaca oleracea. 4) The effect of weed control per weeds were Lasso 48 emulsion in the Digitaria Adscendens and portulaca oleracea, but next to Machete 6G (S.C) plots in the direct sewing and transplanting cultivation. 5) The highest yields were produced Machete 6G (I.M) 1.5kg/10^a treated plot, but next to Machete 6G(S.C) 1.5kg/10^a and Machete 300EC 300CC/10^a treated plot.

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