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      • 개개비사촌(Cisticola juncidis)의 분포와 생태에 관한 연구

        이종남,허위행,우용태 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1999 연구보고 Vol.7 No.1

        개개비사촌에 대하여 1988년부터 1996년까지 총 53회에 걸쳐 낙동강 하류와 기타 지역에 상당수 서식하는 것으로 확인하였다. 관찰이 되는 시기가 4~10월이고 6~8월이 번식기이므로 여름철새(Summer Visitor)라 할 수 있다. 수컷은 주로 번식기에 공중을 날면서 「삣 삣 삣 …」하는 짧고 청명한 특이한 울음소리를 내므로 쉽게 확인할 수 있다. 서식지는 습지부근의 넓은 초원으로서 주로 띠(Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii)군락이 있는 곳이고, 둥지는 지상 30~50㎝에 만드는데 띠의 줄기와 잎에 구멍을 내어 거미줄로 엮어서 만들며 호리병 모양의 둥지 속에는 띠꽃과 깃털을 깔아 놓는다. 둥지의 크기는 길이가 10.0㎝, 속 깊이가 7.0㎝, 폭이 4.0~6.5㎝이다. 한 배의 알은 보통 5~6개이고, 알의 크기는 장경 15.48±0.34㎜, 단경 11.55±0.16㎜(n=11)이며, 알색은 흰바탕에 적갈색의 작은 점무늬가 산재하며, 모양은 타원형(계란형)이다. 5개체(♂3, ♀2)의 부리는 7.62±0.39㎜이고 부척은 18.12±1.07㎜, 날개는 47.99±1.74㎜, 꼬리는 37.07±3.68㎜이다. 부척, 날개, 꼬리에서 수컷이 조금 큰 것 같으나 전반적으로 암수간에 큰차이는 없는 것 같다. A survey were carried out to investigate the distribution and ecology of the Fan-tailed Warbler between 1988 and 1996, and the results were as follows. Considerable numbers of the Fan-tailed Warbler were widely distributed at several areas of Korea, especially in Nakdong estuary. The Fan-tailed Warbler can be classified as a summer visitor because it can be found the habitat between April and October, and the breeding between June and August. Fan-tailed Warbler's male can be easily identified due to the unique, short and clear sound during its flying during the breeding season. Habitats of Fan-tailed Warblers can be usually found in broad grassland near a damp area, particularly in the areas where there are large population of Imperata cylindria var. koenigii. Fan-tailed Warblers built their nests at 30~50 cm above the ground, and they used stalks and leaves of Imperata cylindria var. koenigii and wove like as a cobweb. Inside of the ground-shaped nest, flowers of Imperata cylindria var. koenigii and feathers are laid. The size of nest is generally 10 cm in length, 7.0 cm in depth and 4.0~6.5cm in width. Clutch-size was generally 5~6 eggs, and egg length was 15.48±0.34 ㎜ (n=11) and egg breadth was 11.55±0.16 ㎜ (n=11). Eggs are white with small reddish brown spots. The shape of egg is oval. The size of bill, tarsus, wing and tail were 7.15~8.20 (average 7.62 ㎜), 16.95~20.10(average 18.12 ㎜), 46.90~49.95 (average 47.99 ㎜), and 36.20~43.85 (average 37.07 ㎜) respectively. Generally, there was no difference in the body size of males and females, although males was slightly bigger in the sizes of tarsus, wing and tail than that of females.

      • 경북 일원의 양서 . 파충류상

        우용태,이종남,허위행 慶星大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.19 No.2

        1. This is a part of the second nation-side survey of natural environment by the Ministry of Environment of Korea in 1997 and the Amphibians and Reptiles were surveyed in the area of Daegu and Dalsung. 2. The survey area was divided into 6 parts and the survey was carried out by the visiting and inquiry method. 3. The Amphibians surveyed were calssified into 2 orders, 6 families and 9 species, and Reptiles were classified into 2 orders, 6 families and 14 species, respectively. 4. Among the 23 species, 16 species, were surveyed at all the 6 parts. And among the surveyed species, 10 were rare or endangered species. 5. The result showed that several species decreased because of the destroy of habitat by the deforestation, overcatching for the materials of Korean medicine, and especially the prey by introduced foreign species-Rana catesbiana. 6. Elaphe schrenckii distributed in some areas and Gekko japonicus, having been reported extinct after 1920, distributed in Mt. Pi-suhl, Chung-ryong, and Choi-jung.

      • 철원 비무장지대 인근지역에서 두루미류의 월동생태 및 서식지 관리

        이우신,임신재,허위행,최창용,최서윤,박용수,이창배 中央大學校 食糧資源硏究所 2003 食糧資源硏究所 論文集 Vol.15 No.1

        This study was conducted to investigate wintering ecology and habitat using pattern of cranes for sound protection and management of the birds and their habitat near the Demilitarized Zone(DMZ) of Cheolwon, South Korea. Distribution of cranes seemed to be affected by road construction and human activity. Dried rice paddy was mainly habitat type of cranes in Cheolwon area. Gleaning was dominant behavior during day time. Ratio of alert was increased in afternoon. There was difference in time budget of behavior between red-crowned and white-naped cranes. For the stable wintering of cranes, minimum change of habitat, decrease of human disturbance and stable food maintenance would be needed in Cheolwon area.

      • 낙동강 하구일대에서 기록된 조류

        우용태,이종남,허위행 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1997 연구보고 Vol.6 No.1

        본 연구는 조사자가 낙동강 하구 일대에서 기록한 조류들을 정리한 것으로 총 15目 43科 209種이며, 이 중 수조류(水鳥類 Waterbirds)가 133種(63.6%)이며 명금류(鳴禽類 Oscines) 42種(20.1%), 맹금류(猛禽類 Raptores) 18種(8.6%)이다. 移動類型別로 보면 보면 텃새가 26種(12.4%)이고, 철새(候鳥 Migratory birds)는 171種(81.8%)인데 철새 중에서는 겨울새가 89種(42.6%), 나그네새가 53種(25.4%), 여름새가 29種(13.9%)이며 길잃은새(迷鳥 Vagrant)는 12種(5.7%)이다. 천연기념물로 지정된 종은 황새, 흑고니, 큰고니, 고니, 두루미, 재두루미, 노랑부리저어새, 저어새, 느시, 흑두루미, 흰꼬리수리, 참수리, 검독수리, 독수리, 새매, 잿빛개구리매, 알락개구리매, 개구리매, 매, 황조롱이, 칡부엉이, 쇠부엉이, 흑기러기, 개리, 검은머리물떼새, 원앙이로 26종이었다. IUCN의 적색자료서의 기준 및 범주에 속하는 종(원, 1994)은 황새, 가창오리, 개리, 붉은가슴흰죽기, 참수리, 두루미, 흑두루미, 재두루미, 알락뜸부기, 쇠청다리도요사촌, 검은머리갈매기로 11종이었고 준위협종(Non-threatened)은 큰덤불해오라기, 원앙이, 알락꼬리마도요, 고대갈매기, 쇠검은머리쑥새의 5종이었다. 절종된 종은 원앙사촌이었으며 저자에 의해 낙동강에서 처음으로 기록하고 한국조류목록에 등재한 종은 고대갈매기, 수리갈매기, 붉은발제비갈매기, 붉은배지느러미발도요 4종이다. This study shows the birds recorded in the Nakdong river estuary by the authors. The birds recorded in the Nakdong river estuary were 15 orders, 43 families, 209 species. Waterbirds were 133 species (63.6%), Oscines were 42 species (20.1%) and Raptors were 18 species (8.6%). Among them, resident were 26 species (12.4%) and migratory birds were 171 species (81.8%). Migratory birds include 89 species of winter visitor (42.6%), 53 species of passage migrant (25.4%) and 29 species of summer visitor (13.9%) and 12 Species of Vagrant (5.7%). The species designated as a natural monuments are 26 species: Ciconia ciconia boyciana, Cygnus olor, Cygnus cygnus, Cygnus columbianus jankowskii, Grus japonensis, Grus vipio, Platalea leucorodia leucorodia, Platalea minor, Otis tarda dybowskii, Grus monacha, Haliaeetus albicilla, Haliaeetus pelagicus pelagicus, Aquila chrysaetos japonica, Aegypius monachus, Accipiter nisus nisosimilis, Circus cyaneus cyaneus, Circus melanoleucos, Circus aeruginosus spilonotus, Falco peregrinus japonensis, Falco tinnunculus interstinctus, Asio otus otus, Asio flammeus flammeus, Branta bernicla orientalis, Anser cygnoides, Haematopus ostralegus osculans, Aix galericulata. The species listed in Red Data Book of IUCN were 15 species: Ciconia ciconia boyciana, Anas formosa, Anser cygnoides, Aythya baeri, Haliaeetus pelagicus pelagicus, Grus japonensis, Grus monacha, Grus vipio, Porzana exquisita, Tringa guttifer, Larus saundersi. Non-threatened species were 5 species: Ixobrychus eurythmus, Aix galericulata, Numenius madagascariensis, Larus relictus, Emberiza yessoensis. Extint species was Tadorna cristata. First recorded species in the Nakdong river estuary by authors were 4 species of Larus relictus, Larus glaucescens, Sterna hirundo miussensis, Phalaropus fulicarius.

      • 경북 일원의 포유류상

        우용태,이종남,허위행 慶星大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.19 No.2

        1. This is a part of the second nation-wide survey of natural environment by the Ministry of Environment of Korea in 1997 and the Mammalia were surveyed in the area of Daegu and Dalsung. 2. The survey area was divided into 6 parts and the survey was carried out by the visiting and inquiry method. 3. The Mammalia surveyed were classified into 6 orders, 12 familiesm and 27 species. 4. A total of 27 species surveyed by this survey was only 35.5% of 76 species of Mammalia (except CETACEA and PINNIPEDIA) inhabited in Korea. 5. Among the 27 species, 17 species were surveyed at all the 6 parts, 3 species were natural monuments, and 7 species were rare and endangered species. 6. The result showed that several species decreased because of the destroy of habitat by the deforestation and illegal capture.

      • KCI등재

        Preliminary Study of Population Size and Habitat Characteristics for Amur Goral in the DMZ of Gangwon Province in South Korea

        Hur, Wee-Haeng,Park, Young-Su,Lee, Woo-Shin,Choi, Chang-Young,Lee, Eun-Jae,Rhim, Shin-Jae 한국임학회 2005 한국산림과학회지 Vol.94 No.2

        This study was conducted to estimate population size and investigate habitat characteristics for the conservation and management of Amur goral Nemorhaedus caudatus raddeanus in DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) of Gangwon Province in South Korea from November 2003 to May 2004. The Amur gorals counting were carried out by assistance of military soldiers who guards the southern boundary of DMZ. Four hundred sixty individuals were estimated as total population size in DMZ of Gangwon Province. Deciduous forest, rocky area and coniferous forest were dominant land cover types in habitat of Amur goral. DMZ and its vicinity of Gangwon Province are very important areas for the conservation of this species. It is needed to establish management plan for the conservation of Amur goral and their habitats in DMZ.

      • KCI등재

        Status of Aircraft Bird Strikes at Airports in Korea

        Wee-Haeng Hur,Jin-Han Kim,Hwa-Jung Kim,Sung-Hyun Kim,Seung-Gu Kang,Myounghai Kwak,Chang Hwan Bae,Sun-Nam Park 한국조류학회II 2015 한국조류학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        This study was carried out to secure basic data for a plan to reduce bird strikes by analysing information on collisions and bird species. We received 63 unidentified bird strike samples―for example, feathers, blood and tissue―from 8 airports in Korea from August 2009 to December 2010. We considered a bird strike sample as a case of bird strike, and used information on bird species that was identified by using DNA COI segments from the samples. Information was used on collisions from reports of bird strikes from airports and additional information collected from websites of KAC. From the results, 15 bird strikes occurred in Jeju airport and 8 bird strikes occurred in Gimpo airport. The occurrence of bird strikes was related to the number of aircraft movements in airports. However, we could not confirm the major bird strike species in each airport and also could not find the trend of the relation between the size of aircraft and occurrence of bird strikes. More bird strikes occurred during landing than takeoffs and engines made up the highest proportion of bird strikes. Seasonally, the occurrence of bird strikes was higher in October, September, November and May than in other months. This trend seems related to the patterns of the seasonal migration of birds. The daily pattern of bird strikes was higher in the morning and at sunset than at other times, and nocturnal birds were also struck at night time. This trend seems related to the daily patterns of birds.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Importance of taxonomic research for biodiversity of Korea

        Hur, Wee-Haeng,Park, Chan-Ho,Min, Gi-Sik,Hyun, Chang-Woo,Bae, Eun Hee,Lee, Jeong Hyun,Jung, Eun-Hee,Yoo, Jung-Sun,Suh, Min Hwan The National Institute of Biological Resources 2016 Journal of species research Vol.5 No.3

        In 2012, the NIBR started publishing the Journal of Species Research (JSR) as an international specialized journal of biological taxonomy focusing on taxonomic research. JSR Volume 5 Number 3, to be published in October 2016, has been planned as a 'Special Edition on New and Unrecorded Species of Invertebrates in Korea', and so it consists of the reports of 149 new and unrecorded invertebrate species (including protozoa) discovered in Korea. In future, the JSR should further accelerate the use of such methods to generate valid data for new species and effectively support the compilation of 'National List of Species of Korea'. In this way, it will contribute significantly to enrich for biodiversity in Korea.

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