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        배정환,조상민,조경엽 에너지경제연구원 2006 연구보고서 Vol.2006 No.12

        1. 연구 배경 및 목적 지난 2005년에 ‘수소경제 국가비전 및 실행계획 수립 연구’를 통해 수소에너지가 향후 2040년까지 어떤 경로로 보급될 것인지에 대한 로드맵이 수립되었다. 이 연구결과에 의하면 최종에너지 수요 대비 수소에너지의 비중을 2040년까지 15%로 늘리기 위해서는 총 207조원의 투자가 필요할 것으로 추정되었다. 이에 따라 연관산업에 미치는 파급효과를 투입산출모형을 이용하여 분석하였으나, 투입산출모형은 투입산출계수에 기초한 경제적 파급효과만 분석할 뿐 기회비용, 최적화 행위, 부문간 균형조건 등을 고려하지 못하여 파급효과를 과다추정하는 경향이 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 산업연관분석기법의 한계를 극복하고자 동태 CGE(Computable General Equilibrium) 모형을 개발하여 2040년까지 수소에너지 보급에 따른 거시경제적 파급효과를 분석하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 수소기술의 차별적인 특성들을 모형에 자세히 반영하기 위해 수소 및 연료전지 기술이 프런티어 기술로서 갖는 특성들인 학습효과 (learning effect)와 에너지원간 상보성(complementarity)을 고려하였고, ‘수소경제실현을 위한 수소수요량의 산정 및 공급방안’(에너지경제연구원, 2006)에서 제시된 수소기술의 기준안상의 보급경로를 감안하였다. 또한 수소기술의 영향을 가장 많이 받는 수송부문 및 발전부문을 부각시키고자 이들 부문을 모형 내 생산함수에서 분리하여 수소, 화석에너지 및 신재생에너지원간 대체관계를 설정하였다. 또한 수소부문을 신재생에너지 부문과 별도 부문으로 취급하여 분석하였고, 에너지경제연구원에서 최종에너지 수요를 2040년까지 예측한 자료를 기준안으로 하였다. 이러한 특성들을 반영한 모형을 통해 수소기술 보급에 따라 에너지 부문 및 비에너지부문의 산출, 소비, 투자, 수출입, GNP 등에 어떤 영향을 미칠 것인지 분석하였다. 2. 주요 연구내용 프런티어 기술로서 수소생산 및 연료전지기술의 주요 경제적 특성으로는 학습효과와 에너지원간 상보성이 거론되었다. 이러한 학습효과와 상보성은 에너지 믹스 및 에너지 빈티지(공급기간) 설정에 주요한 역할을 하는 것으로, 본 연구의 주요 방법론인 동태 CGE 모형의 주요 가정으로 설정되었다. 신기술이 갖는 학습효과 및 상보성에 관한 이론적, 경험적 선행연구 결과에 따르면, 학습효과로 인해 신기술의 생산비용은 체감하지만 이러한 긍정적 외부효과(positive externality)를 향유하기 위한 목적으로 타 기업들이 무임승차(free-riding)하려는 경향으로 인해 사회 전체적으로 바람직한 수준의 신기술 보급이 이루어지지 않는다는 문제가 제기되었다. 이에 Rivers and Jaccard(2006)는 학습효과가 갖는 긍정적 외부효과를 제어하고자 정부가 개입될 필요가 있고, 가장 효과적인 개입수단이 무엇인지 연구하였다. 이들의 연구결과에 따르면 경제적 유인정책이 규제정책보다 항상 우월한 것으로 나타났으나, 재생가능의무할당제(Renewable Portfolio Standard: RPS)와 같이 경제적 유인과 규제정책이 혼합된 정책이 더 효과적일 수 있으며, 효율성 측면이 아닌 정치적 수용성과 같은 기준에 의하면 양 정책의 효과에 근소한 차이가 있는 한 오히려 규제정책이 선호될 수 있음을 주장하였다. 한편 Mulder et a1.(2003)은 신기술의 효율성이 높음에도 불구하고 기업이 도입을 지연시키고 효율성이 낮은 기존기술을 고수하는 이른바 ‘에너지효율의 역설’ 현상을 설명하기 위해 과도한 초기투자비용이 주요 요인이라는 Jaffe and Stavins (1994) 및 Jaffe et a1.(1999)의 연구에 대해 상보성과 학습효과를 주요인으로 꼽았다. 즉 기업은 다양한 빈티지를 갖는 에너지 기술을 적정하게 믹스함으로써 외부환경에 보다 유연하게 대처할 수 있다는 것이다. 또한 기술 교체로 인해 기존기술이 갖고 있던 학습효과가 상쇄됨으로 인한 생산성 저하문제를 해결하기 위해 신기술도입이 점진적으로 일어난다는 것이다. Isoar 1. Background and objective of this study In 2005, a 'study on a national vision of the hydrogen economy and the action plan' was conducted to set a roadmap on how hydrogen economy can be realized in Korea by 2040. According to the study, 207 trillion won should be invested to increase the portion of hydrogen energy in the final energy demand upto 15% by 2040. Based on the investment demand, the study analyzed the economic impact of the increase of hydrogen energy using input-output analysis. However, input-output analysis is based on simple assumptions which do not consider opportunity costs of investment, optimization behavior, or inter-sectoral equilibrium conditions. Therefore, input-output analysis is inclined to over-estimate the expected benefit from the investment on hydrogen technology. The purpose of this study is to estimate the economic impact of hydrogen economy by 2040 using a dynamic CGE (Computable General Equilibrium) model. The dynamic CGE model is expected to overcome the limit of input-output analysis, and reflect specific features of hydrogen technology such as learning effect, economy of scale (imperfect competition), and complementarity of various energy sources. Aggregation of industry in the model considers to split the industry into transportation, power generation, and all other industries, since hydrogen economy would affect transportation and power generation sectors through the application of HFCV(hydrogen fuel cell vehicle) and fuel cell for the power generation of household, commercial, and industry. As major features of this model, final energy consumption estimated by KEEI(Korea Energy Economics Institute) was applied and hydrogen supply predicted by the same approach was used as baseline scenario. Hydrogen was separated from new and renewable energy sectors in the production function, and hydrogen was assumed as substitute for fossil and new and renewable fuels in the transportation and power generation sectors. Based on the above assumption, the impact of hydrogen economy on the energy mix, energy supply and demand, household consumption, investment, GNP, and output of transportation and other industries. 2. Major Results Main economic features of hydrogen technology as a frontier technology are learning effect, energy complementarity, and economy of scale. Learning effect is observed in the introduction of new technology, which means that each stage of production including R&D, labor, capital, management has improvement through the accumulation of experience. Energy complementarity implies that a firm prefers to mix a spectrum of technology to prepare for future risk. Economy of scale occurs in the monopoly or imperfect competition. These factors are considered in the model. According to previous studies on the learning effect and complementarity between energy sources, learning effect reduces production cost of new technology, but the positive externality spreads over other companies without charge. Therefore it is not possible to obtain socially optimal level of promotion of new technology. Rivers and Jaccard (2006) claimed that government should intervene in the penetration of new technology to internalize the positive externality generated from learning effect. Their results show that economic incentive policy is always dominant, but RPS(Renewable Portfolio Standard) could be more effective. In addition, political acceptability and other principle might be more important than efficiency, which leads to make command and control policy more attractive in promoting new technology. Mulder et al. (2003) proposed 'complementarity' between energy sources and learning effect as major factors of 'paradox of energy efficiency'. More specifically, they argue that firms prefer diversified energy mix to monotonous one in order to hedge external shock. Also, firms introduce a new technology gradually for the purpose of minimizing low productivity due to the offset of learnin

      • KCI등재

        관세철폐가 친환경연료 산엄에 미치는 일반균형적 파급 효과

        배정환 한국환경경제학회 2009 자원·환경경제연구 Vol.18 No.1

        This research aims at quantifying economic impacts of free trading policy on environment-friendly fuel industry applying a static general equilibrium(CGE) model for Korea. Theoretically, ‘polluters haven’ hypothesis had been debated as major issue on the environmental effects of trade liberalization during 1970s and 1980s but recent literature emphasizes that production, scale, structural, and regulatory effects may derive rapid diffusion of environment friendly technologies. In this study, trade liberalization policy affects output of agricultural sectors negatively while that of biodiesel as environment-friendly technology positively. The rise in the output of biodiesel is derived from the reduction in import prices of agricultural products due to the abolishment of tariff. The policy implication from the analysis is that feedstock for producing biodiesel should be exploited in the foreign countries where productivity of agriculture is quite predominant compared to Korean agriculture. 본 연구는 우리나라가 자유무역정책을 실시할 경우 경제 전반과 친환경연료인 바이오디젤 산업에 미치는 영향을 정태적 연산가능일반균형모형(CGE)을 이용하여 분석하였다. 이론적으로 자유무역과 환경 간의 관계에 대해서는 ‘공해안식처 가설’이 1970~1980년대를 풍미하였으나, 1990년대 이후 Townsend and Ratnayakee 등은 자유무역이 생산효과, 규모효과, 구조효과, 규제효과를 통해 친환경기술 도입을 촉진하는 기능이 있음을 역설한 바 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 측면에서 과연 무역자유화의 효과로서 관세철폐가 우리나라 바이오디젤 산업에 어떤 영향을 미칠 수 있는지를 정량적으로 분석했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 연구 결과 관세가 철폐되면 농업부문 산출은 전반적으로 감소하는 반면, 바이오디젤 산업은 팽창하며, GDP와 소비자 후생이 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 바이오디젤 산업이 팽창하는 것은 원료인 대두유가 해외에서 수입됨에 따라 관세를 철폐할 경우 원료 수입가격이 하락하기 때문이다. 즉, 토지 생산성 측면에서 우리나라에서 생산되는 원료를 바이오디젤 원료로 이용하기보다는 동남아나 북․중남미 등에서 원료를 개척하여 수입하는 것이 경제적 이익을 극대화할 수 있고, 자유무역은 이를 더욱 가속화시킬 수 있다는 것이다.

      • 직렬형 PWM 인버터를 이용한 동적전압보상기에 관한 연구

        배정환,한병문,한경희,김희중 명지대학교 대학원 1997 대학원논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        This paper presents a novel compensation method for the voltage sag problem for a critical load. This method is able to restore the supply voltage to the original magnitude and shape by injecting the vector diffence between the desired voltage and the actual voltage. The proposed system consists of a dc energy storage device, dc-ac converter, and a coupling transformer to inject the output of the inverter in series with the line. It can make up for the weakness of UPS and SPS. The operation of this system is verified by the computer simulation with EMTP code and experimental work with a scaled model. The advantages of this new system over the existing system are the fast reaction time and the low compensation energy in operation.

      • 이온삼투요법의 한방임상응용을 위한 한약제재의 농도별 전기영동분석 및 피부 투과성에 관한 연구

        송동석,신현택,신현대,오재근,배정환 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 1999 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.1999 No.-

        Intophoresis is the process whereby electrically charged drugs are transfered through skin via electrical potential which is nontraumatic and painless. It is possible to medicate electrically any surface tissue with drugs having a positive or negative charge. We are interested in applying pygmy-drug to a new method of treatment in musculoskeleta1 inflammatory conditions instead of western medicine. It is necessary to study on the passage through skin of herb-drug before application of iontophoresis clinically. Extract Solutions of Corydalis Tuber, Cnidii Rhizome and Carthami Flos were selected and studied. The results mere following. 1. In detecting electrophoretic mobility, Spots of all herb-drugs did migrate toward the cathode. 2. It was proved Extract Solutions of Corydalis Tubar, Cnidii Rhizoma and Carthami Flos are absorbed through skin by intophoresis. 3. In the case of Corydalis Tubar Extract. Solution, the absorption increased more in impregnating positive electrode, and there was statistical significance as compared with impregnating on negative electrode in 400g concentration. 4. In the case of Cnidii Bhizoma Extract Solution, the absorption also increased more in impregnating on positive electrode, and there was statistical significance as compared with impregnating on negative electrode in 400g concentration. 5. In the case of Carthamus Flos Extract Solution, the absorption increased more in impregnating on positive electrode, but there was not statistical significance as compared with impregnating on negative electrode in both concentration. 6. In all group, there were no significant changes in the absorption during the expreimental period.

      • KCI등재

        Valuation on Attributes of Milk Produced under Farm Animal Welfare

        배정환 한국농업경제학회 2013 農業經濟硏究 Vol.54 No.5

        A choice experiment (CE) has been popularly applied to various fields, including environmental economics and agricultural economics. Concerning farm animal welfare (FAW), there have been several valuation studies, yet, the CE has rarely been employed to estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) for individual attributes of FAW. This study attempts to apply the CE in order to estimate WTP for FAW, which uses a mixed logit model, allowing for correlations among random coefficients of attributes of FAW. A panel logit and rank ordered logit models were employed to compare the estimates with those based on the mixed logit model. The estimation results show that mixed logit with allowing for correlations among random parameters is best fitted based on the AIC test and direct use value (banning usage of hormone) was evaluated more highly than indirect use value (providing balanced feed or humane breeding space) associated with the attributes of FAW. Furthermore, positive correlations exist among the random coefficients of the attributes.

      • KCI등재

        Supply Portfolio of Bioethanol in the Republic of Korea

        배정환 한국경제학회 2014 The Korean Economic Review Vol.30 No.1

        Despite the co-benefits of bioethanol, such as energy security, environmentalimprovement, CO2 emission reduction and development of associated industry, bioethanolblendedgasoline without subsidy is more expensive than pure gasoline in Korea. Therenewable fuel standard (RFS) can contribute to the development of a bioethanol market. However, without controlling the portions of domestic bioethanol, it is highly plausible thata new bioethanol market will be filled with imported bioethanol. If the entire supply ofbioethanol is imported, Korea can no longer expect those co-benefits. This study aims atsimulating the desirable ratios of domestic versus imported bioethanol as well as domesticversus imported feedstock for producing bioethanol in Korea by combining the marginalsocial benefit (MSB) with the marginal social cost (MSC) for bioethanol supply. MSB isderived from a choice experiment and the MSC is derived from the differences in thebioethanol production costs and the petroleum price. The simulation results show thatconsiderable portions of bioethanol should be produced domestically under the conditionthat MSB is equivalent to MSC in bioethanol production. Thus, the upcoming RFS policyshould allow for some quota on behalf of domestic bioethanol with domestic feedstock ormore credit should be given to the petroleum companies that use domestic bioethanol withdomestic feedstock.

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