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      • 북동아시아의 대기환경 변화추세

        정용승 한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소 1993 환경연구논문집 Vol.- No.1

        반경이 6370km인 지구의 자연환경은 인간의 증대된 활동으로 변화되고 있다. 지구의 대기환경도 변동 및 변화되고 있으며, 특히 12km이하의 대류권 대기의 운동, 현상 및 성분이 점차 바뀌고 있다는 학설과 관측이 많이 발표되고 있다. 인간과 대부분의 생명체가 유지되고 있는 생물권의 대기는 지상 1km 하층의 공기로서 정의된다. 생물권 대기의 높이는 기상과 기후조건에 따라 낮과 밤에 약 500m 상하로 올라가거나 내려온다. 그러므로 지구의 중요한 대류권 공기와 생태계 유지에 필요한 생물권 대기는 지구의 1/100과 1/1000밖에 되지 않는 우리의 유한한 자원이다.

      • Interannual Variations of the Precipitation in Korea and the Comparison with Those in China and Japan

        Lu, Ri-Yu,Huang, Rong-Hui,Chung, Yong-Seung 한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소 1996 환경연구논문집 Vol.- No.3

        1960-1993년에 관측된 강수량 자료를 조사한 결과 대구의 강수량을 비교적 적으나 한국의 강수량 변동을 잘 반영하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러므로 이 연구는 대구자료를 이용하여 한국의 강수량 변동을 조사하였으며, 한국의 여름 강수량 변동은 연 강수량 변동과 일치됨이 밝혀졌다. 한국의 여름철 강수량 변동은 중국과 일본의 자료와 비교되었다. 경험적인 직교(orthogonal)함수의 분석에 의하면, 여름철에는 한국, 양자강유역, 황하계곡 및 일본의 남부지방이 모두 같은 기후계에 속한다. 한국의 여름 강수량은 중국동부의 강수량과 비교하여 동아시아와 태평양형태임이 조사되었다. 한편, 해수면 온도가 한국의 강수량에 주는 영향이 논의되었다. Examining the precipitation data collected during the period from 1960 to 1993, we found that Taegu Station represents an optimum station for explaining the interannual variations of the precipitation in Korea. Using the variations derived from Taegu, the secular trends of the precipitation in Korea have been studied. It was also found that the interannual variations of summer monsoon precipitation are consistent with those of the annual precipitation. To explore the interannual variations of the summer monsoon precipitation, comparisons of the summer precipitation in Korea with that in China and Japan were made. The results of the empirical orthogonal function analysis showed that Korea, the Yangtze River and Huaihe River valley, and the south Japan are all located in the same climate system during summer. The detailed analysis was carried out on the comparison of the summer precipitation in Korea with that in the eastern part of the mainland China. We found that the correlation pattern is similar to the East Asia/Pacific pattern. The probable effects of the sea surface temperature on the precipitation in Korea were also discussed.

      • 중국 大氣 오염물질의 한반도 유입 실태

        鄭用昇 한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소 1993 환경연구논문집 Vol.- No.1

        산업화가 진행됨에 따라 인류는 더욱 더 풍요로운 생활을 하게 되었다. 이전까지는 의식주에 주로 관심을 가졌으나 생활의 여유를 가지게 되면서 부터는 우리가 살고 있는 환경에 대해서도 새롭게 눈을 뜨게 되기에 이르렀다. 산업화는 인간의 생활을 풍요롭게 하는 반면에 부수적으로 환경오염을 발생시키며 필연적으로 자연에 대하여 부(부)적인 영향을 미친다. 선진국에서는 앞을 다투어 환경에 투자하고 있으며 환경을 보호하기 위한 여러 기구와 협의체를 구성하기에 이르렀다.

      • 環境保護 : 미래의 한국환경 개선

        정용승 한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소 1994 환경연구논문집 Vol.- No.2

        제반 환경오염은 오늘날 선진사회에서 제 ,2,3대 문제로 취급되고 있다. 후진국인 중국도 환경문제를 국가의 제4대 과제로 취급하여 국민의 협력을 강조하고 있다. 이와 같은 세계적인 문체와 추세에 따라 1992년 6월 국제 연합이 주관한 유사이래 지상 최대의 정상(100명 이상) 회담은 환경과 개발(UNCED) 회의를 개최하여 현재와 미래의 환경문제를 우려하게 되었다.

      • EXPO' 93과 미래 韓國의 環境改善

        鄭用昇 한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소 1993 환경연구논문집 Vol.- No.1

        1993년은 우리나라가 시카고박람회에 참가한지 100년째로 개발도상국에서는 처음으로 우리나라에서 세계박람회를 여는 해이다. 세계 무역이 환경과 기술의 전환기를 맞은 지금 환경문제해결은 미래경제에 이어지므로 국민총화로 극복해야 한다.


        CHUNG, Y.S.,KIM, H.S.,JUGDER, D.,NATSAGDORJ, L.,CHEN, S.J. 한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소 2004 환경연구논문집 Vol.- No.8

        Monitoring of the occurrence of sandstorms and dustfall phenomena from 1997 to 2000 was carried out. We refer to sandstorms, duststorms and blowing sand as the phenomena occurring in the source region, while significant dustfall is the phenomenon that occur in the sink area. It was noted that while the sandstorms in deserts and loess in NW-N China and Mongolia occurred any time during the year while severe sandstorms occurred frequently from March to May after the spring thaw. The wind erosion in the source region usually occurred with wind speeds greater than 8 ms^(-1). However, severe sandstorm phenomenon occurred with wind greater than 15 ms^(-1) for at least 3 hr or more. In the source regions, sandstorms occurred over 60-120 days per year. In Mongolia, the observation of the number of sandstorm days decreased due to the increase in rainy days. When a dust cloud from a desert reached the sink region, significant dustfall in the Korean Peninsula occurred due to the lack of strong winds. We defined the episode of significant dustfall (SD) with the following values: TSP≥250, PM_(10)≥190㎍m^(_3) and visibility 6.5 km or less. In Korea, 8-12 episodes of SD occurred per year with 12 to 22 SD days. The maximum concentrations of TSP recorded were 989-1396 ㎍m^(-3) with PM_(10) values of 861-996 ㎍m^(-3) and with the lowest visibility of 1.4-1.6 km.


        JIANG, XUE-GONG,SHEN, JIAN-GUO,LIU, JING-TAO,CHUNG, YONG-SEUNG 한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소 2004 환경연구논문집 Vol.- No.8

        By using observational data and MM5, an observational analysis and numerical study was conducted on the synoptic condition of a severe dust storm that was caused by a Mongolian cyclone which occurred from 6 to 8 April 2001. Results illustrated that the cyclogenesis was due to the isentropic potential voiticity (IPV) advection in the upper troposphere and the terrain modified baroclinicity in the mid-lower troposphere. The Altai-Sayan complex of mountains blocked the lower level cold air and made the isentropic surface sharply sleep. When the air slid down along the isentropic surface the increasing of baroclinicity and decreasing of stability blew up the vertical voiticity development. The formation of the dust storm was a result of a cyclonic cold front passing across the area. The occurrence of this dust storm was closely related to the strong surface wind, which was accompanied by a cold front passing, rather than the cyclogenesis, itself. Hence, the reason for the pre-front dust stonn formulation was the formation of heating convection. Reasons behind the formation of a black storm (visibility lower than 50 m), which occurred in the mid-north part of Inner Mongolia, lay in several aspects. Firstly, in this area the surface wind was strong, a direct result of the downward transport in mid-lower troposphere. Secondly, the cold front passed over the effected area near sunset so the air obtained much more surface heating to form a deeper mixed layer (ML). Thirdly, cooperation between the lower level wind and the terrain made the atmosphere in this area and acquired the maximum advective contribution necessary to form a deep post-front ML. The sensitivity experiment revealed that surface heal flux was important to the frontal lifting. In addition, the forcing of surface heating was also seen as the primary forcing mechanism of frontogenesis. Meanwhile, removal of the surface heat flux made the atmospheric stratification became stable and the pre-storm ML very shallow, which weakened the strength of the dust storm.

      • On heavy dustfall observed with explosive sandstorms in Chongwon-Chongju, Korea in 2002

        Chung, Yong-seung,Kim, Hak-sung,Dulam, Jugder,Harris, Joyce 한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소 2004 환경연구논문집 Vol.- No.8

        Continuous monitoring of sand and duststorms (SD) and associated heavy dustfall (HD) is made in Korea. In particular, accurate measurements of atmospheric dust loadings have been carried out with the tapered element oscillating microbalance method, and satellite detection of dust clouds is included in the analysis. In 2002, we found three gigantic dust clouds that moved over the Korean Peninsula, and associated HD occurred with PM10 values of 1 106-3006 ㎍m^(-3). In Beijing. China much higher concentrations were recorded, while in SW Japan measured values were up to 986 ㎍m^(-3). Two SD occurred in March and April, while the third one occurred unusually in November. During the year, there were nine cases of reddish-brown sand with 18 dusty days. The intensity of HD was extraordinary for the recent decade. It was observed that with invading SD, the higher the PM10 values the lower the PM2.5 loadings. Also, variations of visibility were more depending on PM2.5 variations than PM10 values. It is shown that satellite detection is a useful technique in monitoring SD and HD.

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