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        Analysis of stress distribution around tunnels by hybridized FSM and DDM considering the influences of joints parameters

        Nikadat, Nooraddin,Marji, Mohammad Fatehi Techno-Press 2016 Geomechanics & engineering Vol.11 No.2

        The jointed rock mass behavior often plays a major role in the design of underground excavation, and their failures during excavation and in operation, are usually closely related to joints. This research attempts to evaluate the effects of two basic geometric factors influencing tunnel behavior in a jointed rock mass; joints spacing and joints orientation. A hybridized indirect boundary element code known as TFSDDM (Two-dimensional Fictitious Stress Displacement Discontinuity Method) is used to study the stress distribution around the tunnels excavated in jointed rock masses. This numerical analysis revealed that both the dip angle and spacing of joints have important influences on stress distribution on tunnel walls. For example the tensile and compressive tangential stresses at the boundary of the circular tunnel increase by reduction in the joint spacing, and by increase the dip joint angle the tensile stress in the tunnel roof decreases.

      • Mechanism of failure in the Semi-Circular Bend (SCB) specimen of gypsum-concrete with an edge notch

        Jinwei Fu,Vahab Sarfarazi,Mohammad Fatehi Marji,Mengdi Guo 국제구조공학회 2022 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.81 No.1

        The effects of interaction between concrete-gypsum interface and edge crack on the failure behavior of the specimens in senicircular bend (SCB) test were studied in the laboratory and also simulated numerically using the discrete element method. Some quarter circular specimens of gypsum and concrete with 5 cm radii and hieghts were separately prepared. Then the semicircular testing specimens were made by attaching one gypsum and one concrete sample to one another using a special glue and one edge crack is produced (in the interface) by do not using the glue in that part of the interface. The tensile strengths of concrete and gypsum samples were separately measured as 2.2 MPa and 1.3 MPa, respectively. during all testing performances a constant loading rate of 0.005 mm/s were stablished. The proposed testing method showed that the mechanism of failure and fracture in the brittle materials were mostly governed by the dimensions and number of discontinuities. The fracture toughnesses of the SCB samples were related to the fracture patterns during the failure processes of these specimens. The tensile behaviour of edge notch was related to the number of induced tensile cracks which were increased by decreasing the joint length. The fracture toughness of samples was constant by increasing the joint length. The failure process and fracture pattern in the notched semi-circular bending specimens were similar for both methods used in this study (i.e., the laboratory tests and the simulation procedure using the particle flow code (PFC2D)).

      • KCI등재

        Numerical simulation of the effect of bedding layer on the tensile failure mechanism of rock using PFC2D

        Vahab Sarfarazi,Hadi Haeri,Mohammad Fatehi Marji 국제구조공학회 2019 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.69 No.1

        In this research, the effect of bedding layer on the tensile failure mechanism of rocks has been investigated using PFC2D. For this purpose, firstly calibration of PFC2d was performed using Brazilian tensile strength. Secondly Brazilian test was performed on the bedding layer. Thickness of layers were 5 mm, 10 mm and 20 mm. in each thickness layer, layer angles changes from 0° to 90° with increment of 15°. Totally, 21 model were simulated and tested by loading rate of 0.016 mm/s. The results show that when layer angle is less than 15, tensile cracks initiates between the layers and propagate till coalesce with model boundary. Its trace is too high. With increasing the layer angle, less layer mobilizes in failure process. Also, the failure trace is very short. It’s to be noted that number of cracks decrease with increasing the layer thickness. Also, Brazilian tensile strength is minimum when bedding layer angle is between 45° and 75°. The maximum one is related to layer angle of 90°.

      • KCI등재

        Numerical simulation of the effect of confining pressure and tunnel depth on the vertical settlement using particle flow code (with direct tensile strength calibration in PFC Modeling)

        Hadi Haeri,Vahab Sarfarazi,Mohammad Fatehi Marji 국제구조공학회 2020 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.25 No.4

        In this paper the effect of confining pressure and tunnel depth on the ground vertical settlement has been investigated using particle flow code (PFC2D). For this perpuse firstly calibration of PFC2D was performed using both of tensile test and triaxial test. Then a model with dimention of 100 m × 100 m was built. Acircular tunnel with diameter of 20 m was drillled in the middle of the model. Also, a rectangular tunnel with wide of 10 m and length of 20 m was drilled in the model. The center of tunnel was situated 15 m, 20 m, 25 m, 30 m, 35 m, 40 m, 45 m, 50 m, 55 m and 60 m below the ground surface. these models are under confining pressure of 0.001 GPa, 0.005 GPa, 0.01 GPa, 0.03 GPa, 0.05 GPa and 0.07 GPa. The results show that the volume of colapce zone is constant by increasing the distance between ground surface and tunnel position. Also, the volume of colapce zone was increased by decreasing of confining pressure. The maximum of settlement occurs at the top of the tunnel roof. The maximum of settlement occurs when center of tunnel was situated 15 m below the ground surface. The settlement decreases by increasing the distance between tunnel center line and measuring circles in the ground surface. The minimum of settlement occurs when center of circular tunnel was situated 60 m below the surface ground. Its to be note that the settlement increase by decreasing the confining pressure.

      • KCI등재

        Simulating the influence of pore shape on the Brazilian tensile strength of concrete specimens using PFC2D

        Hadi Haeri,Vahab Sarfarazi,Zheming Zhu,Mohammad Fatehi Marji 사단법인 한국계산역학회 2018 Computers and Concrete, An International Journal Vol.22 No.5

        The Brazilian tensile strength of concrete samples is a key parameter in fracture mechanics since it may significantly change the quality of concrete materials and their mechanical behaviors. It is well known that porosity is one of the most often used physical indices to predict concrete mechanical properties. In the present work the influence of porosity shape on concrete tensile strength characteristics is studied, using a bonded particle model. Firstly numerical model was calibrated by Brazilian experimental results and uniaxial test out puts. Secondly, Brazilian models consisting various pore shapes were simulated and numerically tested at a constant speed of 0.016 mm/s. The results show that pore shape has important effects on the failure pattern. It is shown that the pore shape may play an important role in the cracks initiation and propagation during the loading process which in turn influence on the tensile strength of the concrete samples. It has also been shown that the pore size mainly affects the ratio of uniaxial compressive strength to that of the tensile one in the simulated material samples.

      • KCI등재

        Numerical simulation of compressive to tensile load conversion for determining the tensile strength of ultra-high performance concrete

        Hadi Haeri,Nader Mirshekari,Vahab Sarfarazi,Mohammad Fatehi Marji 국제구조공학회 2020 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.26 No.5

        In this study, the experimental tests for the direct tensile strength measurement of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) were numerically modeled by using the discrete element method (circle type element) and Finite Element Method (FEM). The experimental tests used for the laboratory tensile strength measurement is the Compressive-to-Tensile Load Conversion (CTLC) device. In this paper, the failure process including the cracks initiation, propagation and coalescence studied and then the direct tensile strength of the UHPC specimens measured by the novel apparatus i.e., CTLC device. For this purpose, the UHPC member (each containing a central hole) prepared, and situated in the CTLC device which in turn placed in the universal testing machine. The direct tensile strength of the member is measured due to the direct tensile stress which is applied to this specimen by the CTLC device. This novel device transferring the applied compressive load to that of the tensile during the testing process. The UHPC beam specimen of size 150 × 60 × 190 mm and internal hole of 75 × 60 mm was used in this study. The rate of the applied compressive load to CTLC device through the universal testing machine was 0.02 MPa/s. The direct tensile strength of UHPC was found using a new formula based on the present analyses. The numerical simulation given in this study gives the tensile strength and failure behavior of the UHPC very close to those obtained experimentally by the CTLC device implemented in the universal testing machine. The percent variation between experimental results and numerical results was found as nearly 2%. PFC2D simulations of the direct tensile strength measuring specimen and ABAQUS simulation of the tested CTLC specimens both demonstrate the validity and capability of the proposed testing procedure for the direct tensile strength measurement of UHPC specimens.

      • Study of cracks in compressed concrete specimens with a notch and two neighboring holes

        Vahab, Sarfarazi,Kaveh, Asgari,Shirin, Jahanmiri,Mohammad Fatehi, Marji,Alireza Mohammadi, Khachakini Techno-Press 2022 Advances in concrete construction Vol.14 No.5

        This paper investigated computationally and experimentally the interaction here between a notch as well as a micropore under uniaxial compression. Brazilian tensile strength, uniaxial tensile strength, as well as biaxial tensile strength are used to calibrate PFC2d at first. Then, uniaxial compression test was conducted which they included internal notch and micro pore. Experimental and numerical building of 9 models including notch and micro pore were conducted. Model dimensions of models are 10 cm × 10 cm × 5 cm. Joint length was 2 cm. Joints angles were 30°, 45° and 60°. The position of micro pore for all joint angles was 2cm upper than top of the joint, 2 cm upper than middle of joint and 2 cm upper than the joint lower tip, discreetly. The numerical model's dimensions were 5.4 cm × 10.8 cm. The fractures were 2 cm in length and had angularities of 30, 45, and 60 degrees. The pore had a diameter of 1 cm and was located at the top of the notch, 2 cm above the top, 2 cm above the middle, and 2 cm above the bottom tip of the joint. The uniaxial compression strength of the model material was 10 MPa. The local damping ratio was 0.7. At 0.016 mm per second, it loaded. The results show that failure pattern affects uniaxial compressive strength whereas notch orientation and pore condition impact failure pattern. From the notch tips, a two-wing fracture spreads almost parallel to the usual load until it unites with the sample edge. Additionally, two wing fractures start at the hole. Both of these cracks join the sample edge and one of them joins the notch. The number of wing cracks increased as the joint angle rose. There aren't many AE effects in the early phases of loading, but they quickly build up until the applied stress reaches its maximum. Each stress decrease was also followed by several AE effects. By raising the joint angularities from 30° to 60°, uniaxial strength was reduced. The failure strengths in both the numerical simulation and the actual test are quite similar.


        Simulation of the tensile failure behaviour of transversally bedding layers using PFC2D

        Haeri, Hadi,Sarfarazi, Vahab,Zhu, Zheming,Marji, Mohammad Fatehi Techno-Press 2018 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.67 No.5

        In this paper, the tensile failure behaviour of transversally bedding layers was numerically simulated by using particle flow code in two dimensions. Firstly, numerical model was calibrated by uniaxial, Brazilian and triaxial experimental results to ensure the conformity of the simulated numerical model's response. Secondly, 21 circular models with diameter of 54 mm were built. Each model contains two transversely bedding layers. The first bedding layer has low mechanical properties, less than mechanical properties of intact material, and second bedding layer has high mechanical properties, more than mechanical properties of intact material. The angle of first bedding layer, with weak mechanical properties, related to loading direction was $0^{\circ}$, $15^{\circ}$, $30^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, $60^{\circ}$, $75^{\circ}$ and $90^{\circ}$ while the angle of second layer, with high mechanical properties, related to loading direction was $90^{\circ}$, $105^{\circ}$, $120^{\circ}$, $135^{\circ}$, $150^{\circ}$, $160^{\circ}$ and $180^{\circ}$. Is to be note that the angle between bedding layer was $90^{\circ}$ in all bedding configurations. Also, three different pairs of the thickness was chosen in models; i.e., 5 mm/10 mm, 10 mm/10 mm and 20 mm/10 mm. The result shows that In all configurations, shear cracks develop between the weaker bedding layers. Shear cracks angel related to normal load change from $0^{\circ}$ to $90^{\circ}$ with increment of $15^{\circ}$. Numbers of shear cracks are constant by increasing the bedding thickness. It's to be note that in some configuration, tensile cracks develop through the intact area of material model. There is not any failure in direction of bedding plane interface with higher strength.

      • KCI등재

        Numerical simulation of the effect of bedding layer geometrical properties on the shear failure mechanism using PFC3D

        Hadi Haeri,Vahab Sarfarazi,Zheming Zhu,Mohammad Fatehi Marji 국제구조공학회 2018 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.22 No.5

        In this research the effect of bedding layer angle and bedding layer thickness on the shear failure mechanism of concrete has been investigated using PFC3D. For this purpose, firstly calibration of PFC3d was performed using Brazilian tensile strength. Secondly shear test was performed on the bedding layer. Thickness of layers were 5 mm, 10 mm and 20 mm. in each thickness layer, layer angles changes from 0° to 90° with increment of 25°. Totally 15 model were simulated and tested by loading rate of 0.016 mm/s. The results shows that when layer angle is less than 50°, tensile cracks initiates between the layers and propagate till coalesce with model boundary. Its trace is too high. With increasing the layer angle, less layer mobilize in failure process. Also the failure trace is very short. It’s to be note that number of cracks decrease with increasing the layer thickness. The minimum shear test strength was occurred when layer angle is more than 50°. The maximum value occurred in 0°. Also, the shear test tensile strength was increased by increasing the layer thickness.


        Numerical simulation of the effect of bedding layer geometrical properties on the shear failure mechanism using PFC3D

        Haeri, Hadi,Sarfarazi, Vahab,Zhu, Zheming,Marji, Mohammad Fatehi Techno-Press 2018 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.22 No.5

        In this research the effect of bedding layer angle and bedding layer thickness on the shear failure mechanism of concrete has been investigated using PFC3D. For this purpose, firstly calibration of PFC3d was performed using Brazilian tensile strength. Secondly shear test was performed on the bedding layer. Thickness of layers were 5 mm, 10 mm and 20 mm. in each thickness layer, layer angles changes from $0^{\circ}$ to $90^{\circ}$ with increment of $25^{\circ}$. Totally 15 model were simulated and tested by loading rate of 0.016 mm/s. The results shows that when layer angle is less than $50^{\circ}$, tensile cracks initiates between the layers and propagate till coalesce with model boundary. Its trace is too high. With increasing the layer angle, less layer mobilize in failure process. Also the failure trace is very short. It's to be note that number of cracks decrease with increasing the layer thickness. The minimum shear test strength was occurred when layer angle is more than $50^{\circ}$. The maximum value occurred in $0^{\circ}$. Also, the shear test tensile strength was increased by increasing the layer thickness.

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