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        Antecedents of Sustainable Competitive Advantages: A Case Study of Palm Oil Industries in Indonesia

        HERIYANTO, Meyzi,FEBRIAN, Achmad Fajri,ANDINI, Frini Karina,HANDOKO, Tito,SURYANA, Dodi Korea Distribution Science Association 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.2

        Indonesian oil palm plantation industry has chance to increase a sustainable competitive advantage. The creation of a sustainable competitive advantage is determined by the ability of the palm oil industry to utilize limited resources and capabilities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants of the creation of sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) in the palm oil industry in Riau, Indonesia. The model framework uses organizational-level SCA dimensions. Four dimensions are used to measure SCA in the palm oil industry in Riau, namely value, scarce resource, inability to replicate, irreplaceable. Questionnaires were distributed to oil palm industry players in Riau with 81 respondents. The analysis technique uses Structural Equation Model with Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results showed that the SCA in the palm oil industry in Riau was at a moderate level. Although the competitive advantage of being sustainable in the palm oil industry in Riau is in the medium category, test results on SCA dimensions found that each latent variable forms a significant SCA framework with a reflective constructive relationship model. The three dominant and recommended dimensions that shape the construction of SCA in the palm oil industry are value, scarce resource, and irreplaceable.

      • KCI등재

        Measurement of Sustainable Competitive Advantages Through Digital Capability and Innovation Strategy

        Okta KARNELI,Meyzi HERIYANTO,Achmad Fajri FEBRIAN,Ngatno NGATNO,Margo PURNOMO,Rulinawaty RULINAWATY 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.6

        The study finds out how digital capability adoption has the influence to increase sustainable competitive advantage through the innovation strategy of the small food business in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. This study is based on resources that cannot be directly converted into the sustainable competitive advantage of companies but must go through an entrepreneurial process and offer new insights into the use of digital technology innovation as valuable corporate resources. This is quantitative research and the research population is 36 small food businesses in Pekanbaru Indonesia. The sample was taken using random sampling. The data is processed with the Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Squares approach. The results show that digital capability has a significant effect on sustainable competitive advantage, the digital capability has also a significant effect on innovation strategy. Then, innovation strategy has no significant effect on sustainable competitive advantage. This indicates that digital capability in small food businesses can be directly converted into a competitive advantage through innovation strategy. To develop an innovative strategy, small food businesses must improve their digital capabilities, especially their digital technology infrastructure.

      • KCI등재

        Factors associated with side effects of COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia

        Johan Wibowo,Rivaldo Steven Heriyanto,Felix Wijovi,Devina Adella Halim,Claudia Claudia,Elizabeth Marcella,Billy Susanto,Michele Indrawan,Nadia Khoirunnisa Heryadi,Michelle Imanuelly,Jonathan Juniard A 대한백신학회 2022 Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research Vol.11 No.1

        Purpose: As coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to spread rapidly causing approximately 186 million confirmed cases around the world, the urgency to reach herd immunity through vaccination is increasing. However, vaccine safety is a top priority to limit the occurrence of adverse events. Henceforth, this study aims to recognize and perceive COVID-19 vaccine safety in Indonesia during the pandemic. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study and was conducted in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic using an online survey of demographic information and a qualitative questionnaire. Responses were recorded and the association between demographic characteristics from survey questions was tested using chi-square with a risk estimate and 95% confidence interval. Results: A total of 311 participants from 33 out of 34 provinces in Indonesia participated in this study. Recorded responses showed multiple side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine both shortand long-term experienced by the participants. Significant associations were found between demographic factors and COVID-19 vaccine side effects such as female gender with shortterm puncture site (odds ratio [OR], 0.463; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.263–0.816) and shortterm other reactions (OR, 0.463; 95% CI, 0.263–0.816), domicile outside Java island with longterm puncture site (OR, 4.219; 95% CI, 1.401–12.701) and immune reactions (OR, 3.375; 95% CI, 1.356–8.398), also between married marital status and long-term vagal reaction (OR, 4.655; 95% CI, 1.321–16.409). Conclusion: Gender, domicile and marital status factors were associated with COVID-19 vaccine side effects in Indonesian people.

      • KCI등재

        영국 데이터보호법상 출입국목적 면제조항과 개인정보보호

        박지현,Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2022 홍익법학 Vol.23 No.3

        In 2021, the United Kingdom’s Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the plaintiff saying that there was an unlawful incompatibility between provisions in the U.K. Data Protection Act of 2018 (DPA) Schedule 2 Part 1, paragraph 4 and Article 23(2) and UK GEPR which is the implementatin of the European Unions’ General Data Protection Regulation of 2016 (GDPR) Article 23(2) due to lack of legislative measure required by UK GDPR 23(2). EU GDPR covers principles and exemptions of personal information protection and it was enforced since 2018 to EU member states. This case occurred in the middle of the Brexit process. After Brexit, the judgement came out and the UK paliament remanded the 1998 data protection law which went into effect on January 1, 2021. Among the changes that resulted were modifications to personal data protection. In the court case, the plaintiff claimed that the Schedule 2 part 1 paragraph 4 did not provide predictability with clear and precise phrases when it applies exemption to the protection given to the data subject. In addition, the plaintiff provided evidence that the degree of administrative error of the Immigration office operating the migrant service was as high as 10% even with the current easy excess of the documents. The Court of Appeals ordered the amendment of the article to comply with a legislative measure to accord to Article 23(2). After the court decision, Parliament revised the DPA immigration provision providing additional safeguards with clear authority in place. However, opinions are divided on whether a safeguard given by the amendment is sufficient. Some lawyers and legal activists are still not satisfied with the revision. They claim the revisions still lack appropriate safeguards which are considered to be the part and parcel of the court’s decision to fix since the Immigration Exemption Policy Document (IEPD) provides guideline and judgment source which is not legally enforceable. This precedent served as an opportunity to think about appropriate legislative measures to take with the immigration exemption clause in terms of subjective and procedural measures and great implications for other countries as well. Even with important stake such as public safety and maintaining effective immigration control, it is necessary to clearly and transparently establish and maintain the subjective and procedural standards of the protection net for personal information protection. 2021년 5월 영국항소법원은 2018년 개정 영국 데이터보호법(DPA) 별첨에 편재되어 있는 면제조항 내용 중 출입국면제조항이 EU GDPR 데이터보호의 일반원칙에 대한 면제사항을 규정한 제23조 제2항과 이를 영국국내법화한 영국 GDPR 제23조 제2항의 구체적인내용을 반영하지 못하며, 적정한 입법적 조치없이 현재처럼 제2항 적용시 법에 반한다고주장한 원고의 손을 들어주었다. EU GDPR은 데이터주체에게 주어지는 보호의 원칙과 예외에 대한 내용을 다루고 있으며, 2018년부터 유럽연합국가들에 적용되었다. 영국이 Brexit 로 유럽연합에서 탈퇴하면서 국내법개정이 다수 있었고, 이 과정에서 과거에 있었던 1998 데이터보호법도 개정이 되었는데 EU GDPR, UK GDPR, UK DPA을 통한 개인정보보호의최소기준이 새로운 시대적 과제에 맞추어 실질적인 이슈가 된 것으로 보인다. 원고가 주장한 내용은 데이터주체에게 주어지는 보호를 면제함에 있어서는 명확하고 정확하게 (clear and precise) 예측가능성이 기대되어야 하는데 그렇지 못하며, 현재의 명확하지도 정확하지 않은 조항을 근거로 운영의 자율성을 최대한 부여받아서 면제조항을 이용하면서 이민청의 행정오류의 정도가 10%나 되었다는 증거를 제출하였다. 1심법원의 결정을 뒤집은 항소법원은 제23조 제2항에서 요구하는 보호장치(safe guard)를 마련하여 법령에 도입하라고명령하였다. 2022년 1월 상하원의 승인으로 통과된 개정조항에 대하여도 데이터주체를 보호하기 위한 장치가 충분한지 여부에 대하여는 여전히 의견이 나뉘는데 그 이유는 면제의조건을 정하는 보호장치는 법의 본질적인 부분(part and parcel)으로 규정하여야 하는데 법적인 강제력이 없는 장관의 정책문서(policy document)를 가이드라인과 판단 출처로 규정한 것은 적절하지 않다는 것이다. 해당 판례는 출입국면제조항을 화두로 하여 어떠한 입법적 조치를 취하는 것이 데이터보호법과 개인정보보호에 합당한 내용적, 절차적 조치인지생각해보게하는 계기가 되었으며 이 판례가 다른 나라에 시사하는 바도 크다고 본다. 공공안전이라는 중요한 이해관계가 관계되어 있다하더라도 명확하고 투명하게 개인정보보호에 대한 보호망의 내용적, 절차적 기준을 제정하고 유지해야 할 것으로 본다.

      • Rare Helicobacter pylori Infection May Explain Low Stomach Cancer Incidence: Ecological Observations in Bali, Indonesia

        Tanaka, Tsutomu,Mulyadi, I Ketut,Moestikaningsih, Moestikaningsih,Oka, Tjok Gede,Soeripto, Soeripto,Triningsih, FX Ediati,Triyono, Teguh,Heriyanto, Didik Setyo,Hosono, Akihiro,Suzuki, Sadao,Tokudome, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2016 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.17 No.3

        The incidence rate of stomach cancer in Bali, Indonesia, is estimated to be strikingly lower than that in Japan. We conducted an on-site ecological study to investigate the association between the stomach cancer incidence and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. Recruiting 291 healthy persons (136 men and 155 women) from the general population in Bali, Indonesia, we conducted a urea breath test (UBT) to examine H. pylori infection, along with a pepsinogen test to detect chronic atrophic gastritis and urine analysis to estimate sodium and potassium excretion. UBT positivities were 9% (2-15, 95% confidence interval) for men and 7% (1-12) for women, and positive cases for H. pylori IgG antibodies were 1% (0-3) for men and 3% (0-5) for women, significantly lower than the respective values in Japan. Positive pepsinogen tests in Bali were 0% (0-0) for men and 1% (0-4) for women, also significantly lower than the Japanese figures. Computed values for daily salt excretion were $13.3{\pm}4.1g$ (mean${\pm}$SD) for men and $11.1{\pm}3.1g$ for women, as high as corresponding Japanese consumption values. Moreover, the estimated potassium excretion was $3.2{\pm}0.7g$ for men and $2.8{\pm}0.6g$ for women in Bali, significantly higher than the figures in Japan. There were no associations across genetic polymorphisms of IL-beta, TNF-alpha, and PTPN11 with UBT positivity. The low incidence of stomach cancer in Bali may thus mainly be due to the rare H. pylori infection. Namely, the bacterium infection seems to be a critical factor for gastric cancer rather than host or other environmental factors.

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