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      • KCI등재

        共犯限制从属形式及其理论基础: 刑事不法概念的提倡

        정군남 경희대학교 법학연구소 2013 경희법학 Vol.48 No.4

        The accomplice theory of criminal law has developed from the “Extreme Subordination Form” to the “Restrictive Subordination Form” in Germany and Japan. This is also closely associated with the illegality theory. When the “theory of subjective illegality” which has regarded a “capacity for responsibility” as an element of illegality or a logical starting point is replaced by the “theory of objective illegality”. It makes the accomplice theory of “restrictive subordination form” gain its basis of existence. Actually in China until now, the “theory of subjective illegality” is always the general theory. Meanwhile, its disadvantage and limitation of solving practical issue has been thoroughly exposed. Therefore, this article argues that China’s criminal law theory should acknowledge the concept of “criminal illegality” to distinguish itself from the concept of “criminal irregularity,” which regards the “capacity for responsibility” as one of the factors of illegality. Based upon the foregoing, we can obtain the fundamental basis to make a suggestion of the “restrictive subordination form”. 德日刑法理论中的共犯理论早已从 “极端从属性形式” 发展为 “限制从属形式”。这也与其不法理论有着紧密地联系。当把 “责任能力” 视为违法性的要件或逻辑起点的 “主观违法论” 被 “客观违法论” 所取代时, “限制从属形式” 的共犯理论才具备了其存在的基础。中国通说理论实际上到目前为止一直是 “主观违法论”, 其理论弊端和实际问题之解决的局限性也暴露无遗。因此, 本文主张中国刑法理论也应该接纳 “刑事不法” 概念, 进而与把 “责任能力” 作为要素之一的 “刑事违法” 概念相区别开来。只有这样, 才能为 “限制从属形式” 的主张提供理论基础。

      • KCI등재

        중일신용카드사기범죄의 입법동향 및 해석론상의 문제점

        정군남 성균관대학교 법학연구원 2018 성균관법학 Vol.30 No.4

        China's Criminal Law Amendment (5) in 2005 stipulates the act of stealing, buying, illegally providing credit card information and the act of holding, selling, purchasing and providing forged credit cards as independent crimes, thus forming a legislative system for preventing and combating credit card fraud. This legislative system is to upgrade the preparatory act of credit card fraud crime in the traditional sense to an independent criminal act. That is, the expansion of the scope of punishment in criminal legislation is a notable feature. Coincidentally, in 2000, Japan added three new charges in the criminal law in the form of criminal law corrections, namely "the crime of making incorrect electromagnetic records with payment cards" and "the crime of holding incorrect electromagnetic records with payment cards" and "the crime of preparing incorrect electromagnetic records with payment cards". In this regard, the Japanese criminal law theorists evaluate it as "the early protection of legal interests" and "the abstraction of protection of legal interests". Facing the expansion of the scope of punishment in criminal legislation, the idea of trying to restrict legislation with the concept of "legal interest" has been facing a theoretical crisis. The principle of proportionality, which is beyond the principle of legal interest protection, is the principle of legislative restriction that we should take seriously. 2005년 중국형법개정안(5)은 신용카드관련정보의 절취,구매,불법제공등 행위와 위조된신용카드의 소지,판매,구매,제공등 행위를 새로운 독립적인 범죄로 규정되였다.이로 말미아마 형사입법에서 신용카드사기범죄에 관한 입법체계가 형성된 셈이다. 이런 입법체계는 전통적의미에서의 신용카드사기범죄의 예비행위를 실행행위로 규정됨으로써 완성된것이다.즉 형사입법상의 처벌범위의 확장이 그의 현저한 특징이다.일본도 2000년에 형법개정안형식으로 지불용카드관련 범죄를 신설하였다,즉 “지불용카드전자기록부정작성등의 죄”, “부정전자기록카드소지죄”,“지불용카드전자기록부정작성준비죄”이다.일본이론학계에서는 이런 입법현상을 “법익보호의 조기화”,“보호법익의 추상화”라고 평가하고 있다.형사입법상 처벌범위의 확장추세와 직면하였을때 “법익”개념으로 입법을 제한하려는 이론적구상은 이미 위기에 빠진셈이다.법익보호원칙외의 “비례성원칙”이야말로 이런 확장추세하의 입법제한원칙으로 중요시 받아야 한다.

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